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The first direct sexual hybrids between diploid nontuber-bearing species and diploid potato breeding lines are reported here. Three nontuberous species of Solanum, S. brevidens, S. etuberosum, and S. fernandezianum, were used for sexual crosses, achieved by a combination of rescue pollinations and embryo rescue. Initial hybrid selection was made using an embryo spot marker, followed by the evaluation of morphological and reproductive traits. Putative hybrids were first tested for resistance to potato leaf roll virus derived from the wild species, and then were tested with molecular markers using species-specific DNA probes. Finally, the tuberization of several 2x hybrids was tested for actual potato germplasm enhancement. These hybrids are unique in terms of their potential to enhance recombination between chromosomes of wild species and those of cultivated potatoes in germplasm utilization, and to exploit the genetic nature of tuber formation. The finding that nontuber-bearing Solanum spp. can be directly crossed with tuber-bearing species also has important implications for the regulatory aspects of the use of genetically modified organisms.  相似文献   
Summary Asymmetric somatic hybrids were obtained by fusion of Solanum tuberosum (PDH40) protoplasts with 300- or 500-Gy irradiated protoplasts of S. brevidens. These radiation doses were sufficient to prevent the growth of the S. brevidens protoplasts. Putative hybrids were selected on the basis of phenotype from regenerated shoots and identified with a S. brevidens-specific probe. From these, 31 asymmetric hybrids were confirmed by morphological characteristics, isoenzyme patterns and RFLP analysis. The morphology of the asymmetric hybrids was intermediate between that of S. tuberosum and symmetric hybrids of both species (obtained without irradiation treatment). Chromosome counts from 17 asymmetric hybrids showed that the chromosome number of the hybrids ranged from 31 to 64. The asymmetric hybrids probably had one or two genome complements (i.e. either 24 or 48 chromosomes) from S. tuberosum and 7–22 chromosomes from S. brevidens. There was no clear correlation between the radiation dose and the degree of elimination of the S. brevidens genome.  相似文献   
The feasibility of grouping anther-derived plants of Solarium phureja according to ploidy based on their morphological characteristics was studied. Canonical discriminant analysis identified four characteristics (anther length, number of chloroplasts per pair of guard cells, leaf width, corolla width at widest diam) of nine measured as the most effective combination for diagnosing ploidy. Data for these characteristics from two sets of plants were subjected to two clustering techniques, one using the average linkage clustering (UPGMA of the NT-SYS programs) and the other using centroid sorting (SAS-Fastclus). Screening of anther-derived plants by cluster analysis proved to be an efficient means of separating monoploids from the other ploidy levels.  相似文献   
Air-dried flower heads of 20 Finnish tansy genotypes were extracted with petroleum ether and analyzed using GC-MS. A total of 55 volatile compounds were detected, and 53 were identified. Of the tansy genotypes studied, 15 were well defined and five were mixed chemotypes. Complete linkage analysis differentiated the populations into six clusters. The most frequently found monoterpene was camphor with or without several satellite compounds such as camphene, 1,8-cineole, pinocamphone, chrysanthenyl acetate, bornyl acetate and isobornyl acetate. In 13 genotypes, camphor concentration exceeded 18.5% and in seven genotypes, camphor was less than 7.2%. Other chemotypes rich in trans thujone, artemisia ketone, 1,8-cineole, or davadone-D were also identified. Davadone-D and a mixed chemotype, containing tricyclene and myrcene, were identified from a Finnish tansy for the first time. Geographically, most chemotypes containing camphor originated from Central Finland, whereas chemotypes without camphor such as artemisia ketone, davadone D and myrcene-tricyclene originated from South or Southwest Finland. Morphologically, the 20 tansy chemotypes based on the groups formed from complete linkage cluster analysis, were compared. The group containing the highest concentration of camphor chemotypes had the tallest shoots. The groups consisting from chemotypes containing davadone-D or artemisia ketone, which originated from Southwest Finland, produced the highest number of flower heads, had the tallest corymb, and were last to flower. Also, the group consisting from chemotypes with a high concentration of camphor and originated from South Finland started to flower late. The correlation between the genetic distance matrices based on RAPD patterns reported previously (Keskitalo et al., 1998. Theo. Appl. Genet. 96, 1141-1150.) and the chemical distance matrices of the present study of the same tansy genotypes was highly significant (0.41, P<0.0001).  相似文献   
During the late stages of the HIV-1 replication cycle, the viral polyprotein Pr55Gag is recruited to the plasma membrane (PM), where it binds phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate (PI(4,5)P2) and directs HIV-1 assembly. We show that Rab27a controls the trafficking of late endosomes carrying phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase type 2 α (PI4KIIα) toward the PM of CD4+ T cells. Hence, Rab27a promotes high levels of PM phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate and the localized production of PI(4,5)P2, therefore controlling Pr55Gag membrane association. Rab27a also controls PI(4,5)P2 levels at the virus-containing compartments of macrophages. By screening Rab27a effectors, we identified that Slp2a, Slp3, and Slac2b are required for the association of Pr55Gag with the PM and that Slp2a cooperates with Rab27a in the recruitment of PI4KIIα to the PM. We conclude that by directing the trafficking of PI4KIIα-positive endosomes toward the PM, Rab27a controls PI(4,5)P2 production and, consequently, HIV-1 replication.  相似文献   
The chromosomal location of the major gene Ry adg controlling extreme resistance to potato virus Y (PVY) in Solanum tuberosum subsp. andigena was identified by RFLP analysis of a diploid potato population. A total of 64 tomato and potato RFLP markers were screened with the bulked segregant analysis (BSA) on segregants extremely resistant, hypersensitive or susceptible to PVY. Four markers TG508, GP125, CD17 and CT168 at the proximal end of chromosome XI showed close linkage with extremely resistant phenotypes. TG508 was identified as the closest marker linked with the Ry adg locus with the maximum map distance estimated as 2.0 cM. The 4 markers linked with the Ry adg locus were tested on independent tetraploid and diploid potato clones and were subsequently found useful for marker-assisted selection for plants containing Ry adg . Received: 5 July 1996 / Accepted: 19 July 1996  相似文献   
Tanacetum vulgare (Tansy) was established in vitro on Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium supplemented with naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) and 6-benzylaminopurine (BAP) using shoot tips and embryos. From petiole expiants 93% formed callus, and 27% produced shoots on MS medium containing 4.5 mg l-1 NAA and BAP. NAA alone induced root formation from leaf expiants. Up to 7 ×106 viable protoplasts were obtained by macerating 1 g of leaves in 0.5 % Macerozyme R-10, 1.0% Cellulase R10, and 1.0% Cellulysin. Cell division was observed 3–4 days after protoplast isolation at the optimum plating density of 0.2-0.4×106 cells ml-1. A total of 350 protoplast-derived calluses were produced on which nodules with meristematic zones developed. Roots regenerated on MS medium supplemented with BAP 3.0 mg 1-1, NAA 2.0 mg l-1, and 250 mg l-1 casein hydrolysate, however no shoots have been obtained yet.Abbreviations BAP 6-benzylaminopurine - CH casein enzymatic hydrolysate - 2.4 D dichlorophenoxyacetic acid - FDA fluorescein diacetate - GA3 gibberellic acid - IBA indole butyric acid - IPA 6-dimethylallylamino purine - KIN Kinetin - MS Murashige and Skoog medium - NAA -naphthaleneacetic acid  相似文献   
Solanum acaule Bitt. is a disomic tetraploid (4x) wild potato species which is resistant to several potato diseases. Introgression of disease resistance and abiotic stress tolerance to the tetrasomic tetraploid (4x) cultivated potato (S. tuberosum L.) gene pool via crossing has been limited due to the difference in the endosperm balance number. In the present study, protoplast fusion was applied to produce hexaploid (6x) somatic hybrids between the parental lines, tetraploid (4x) S. acaule and two anther-derived dihaploid (2x) lines of S. tuberosum cv. White Lady. One callus (0.4%) of a total of 229 calli obtained regenerated into shoots in the fusion combination S. acaule (+) White Lady 15.dh.8.2.2. All the regenerated shoots were confirmed to be interspecific somatic hybrids using species-specific RAPD markers. In another fusion combination, S. acaule (+) White Lady 7.dh.23.1.1, fifteen calli (5%) regenerated into a total of sixteen shoots from 289 calli. All the analysed somatic hybrids between S. acaule and S. tuberosum were hexaploid. The mean DNA content (2C value) of the combination S. acaule (+) White Lady 15.dh.8.2.2 somatic hybrids (4.55 pg), was approximately the sum (4.69 pg) of the DNA contents of the parental lines, S. acaule (2.95 pg) and S. tuberosum (1.74 pg). In the greenhouse, the two somatic hybrids analysed were normal in their morphological characteristics and more vigorous than their parental lines. Most of the morphological characteristics were closer to the tetraploid S. acaule than to the dihaploid S. tuberosum. The interspecific somatic hybrids are currently being tested for frost tolerance and glycoalkaloid composition. Received: 19 January 1998 / Revision received: 27 March 1998 / Accepted: 20 April 1998  相似文献   
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