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The inositol phospholipids phosphatidylinositol, phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate (PIP), and phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate (PIP2) comprise 14.8, 1.2, and 0.3 mol %, respectively, of Dunaliella salina phospholipids. In isolated plasma membrane fractions, PIP and PIP2 are highly concentrated, together comprising 9.5 mol % of plasmalemma phospholipids. The metabolism of these inositol phospholipids and phosphatidic acid (PA) is very rapid under normal growth conditions. Within 5 min after introduction of 32Pi into the growth medium, over 75% of lipid-bound label was found in these quantitatively minor phospholipids. Within 2 min after a sudden hypoosmotic shock, the levels of PIP2 and PIP dropped to 65 and 79%, respectively, of controls. Within the same time frame, PA rose to 141% of control values. These data suggest that a rapid breakdown of the polyphosphoinositides may mediate the profound morphological and physiological changes which allow this organism to survive drastic hypoosmotic stress. In contrast to hypoosmotic shock, hyperosmotic shock induced a rise in PIP2 levels to 131% of control values, whereas the level of PA dropped to 56% of controls after 4 min. These two different types of osmotic stress affect inositol phospholipid metabolism in a fundamentally opposite manner, with only hypoosmotic shock inducing a net decrease in polyphosphoinositides.  相似文献   
Vitamin C is one of the most abundant exogenous antioxidants in the cell, and it is of the utmost importance to elucidate its mechanism of action against radicals. In this study, the reactivity of vitamin C toward OH and \( {HO}_2/{O}_2^{-} \) radicals in aqueous medium was analyzed by ab initio molecular dynamics using CPMD code. The simulations led to results similar to those of static studies or experiments for the pair of \( {HO}_2/{O}_2^{-} \) radicals but bring new insights for the reactivity with hydroxyl radical: the reaction takes place before the formation of an adduct and consists of two steps: first an electron is transferred to hydroxyl radical and then the ascorbyl radical loses a proton.
Graphical Abstract Reactivity of vitamin C toward hydroxyl and \( {HO}_2/{O}_2^{-} \) radicals
Bacteriological Survey of the Blue Crab Industry   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4  
During sanitation inspections of 46 crabmeat processing plants on the Atlantic and Gulf Coasts, 487 samples of whole crabs immediately after cooking, cooked crabs after cooling, backed or washed (or both) crab bodies and whole crab claws, as well as 1,506 retail units of finished product were collected and analyzed bacteriologically. The 1,506 retail units (1-lb [373.24-g] cans) included 518 cans of regular (special) meat, 487 cans of claw meat, and 501 cans of lump meat. Statistical analyses showed that crabmeat from plants in Mississippi, Louisiana, and Texas had higher counts in 19 of 24 cases for the four bacteriological indices than crabmeat from plants located along the Atlantic Coast and the Gulf Coast of Florida. Aerobic plate counts of retail units collected from a previous day's production were significantly higher than those collected on the day of inspection. Regular crabmeat had consistently higher aerobic plate counts than claw or lump meat. When the product was handled expeditiously under good sanitary conditions, the bacteriological results were significantly better than the results from plants operating under poor sanitary conditions. Crabmeat produced in plants operating under good sanitary conditions had the following bacteriological content: (i) coliform organisms average most-probable-number values (geometric) of less than 20 per g; (ii) no Escherichia coli; (iii) coagulase-positive staphylococci average most-probable-number values (geometric) of less than 30 per g in 93% of the plants; (iv) aerobic plate count average values (geometric) of less than 100,000 per g in 93% of the plants, with the counts from 85% of these plants below 50,000 per g.  相似文献   
Oyster and seawater samples were collected seasonally from May 1984 through April 1985 from shellfish-growing areas in Washington, California, Texas, Louisiana, Alabama, Florida, South Carolina, Virginia, and Rhode Island which had been designated as approved or prohibited by the National Shellfish Sanitation Program. Fecal coliforms counts, aerobic plate counts, and Vibrio parahaemolyticus densities were determined for the samples. Mean V. parahaemolyticus density was more than 100 times greater in oysters than in water, whereas density of fecal coliforms was approximately 10 times higher in oysters. Seasonal and geographical distributions of V. parahaemolyticus were related to water temperature, with highest densities in samples collected in the spring and the summer along the Gulf coast. The synthetic DNA probe for thermostable direct hemolysin hybridized with 2 of 50 isolates, 1 of which was positive by the Kanagawa test.  相似文献   
Wnt proteins and their receptors, members of the frizzled protein family, play a key role in regulating a wide range of developmental processes. Recently, putative regulators of Wnt signaling known as secreted frizzled-related proteins (SFRPs) have been identified in several vertebrates. Here, we describe the cloning of a novel SFRP (suSFRP1) from the sea urchin, Strongylocentrotus purpuratus. SuSFRP1 contains a putative signal sequence, four cysteine-rich domains and a single Ig domain. The developmental expression of suSFRP1 mRNA is highly dynamic and can be separated into three phases: (1) abrupt accumulation in most or all cells of the embryo at the early blastula stage; (2) restriction of expression to the prospective endoderm and animal pole region of the gastrula; and (3) expression in prospective muscle cells of the coelomic pouches during late embryogenesis.  相似文献   
The endoskeleton of the sea urchin larva is a network of calcareous rods secreted by primary mesenchyme cells (PMCs). In this study, we identified seven new biomineralization-related proteins through an analysis of a large database of gene products expressed by PMCs. The proteins include three new spicule matrix proteins (SpSM29, SpSM32, and SpC-lectin), two proteins related to the PMC-specific cell surface glycoprotein MSP130 (MSP130-related-1 and -2), and two novel proteins (SpP16 and SpP19). The genes encoding these proteins are expressed specifically by cells of the large micromere-PMC lineage and are activated zygotically beginning at the blastula stage, prior to PMC ingression. Several of the mRNAs show regulated patterns of expression within the PMC syncytium that correlate with the pattern of skeletal rod growth. This work identifies new proteins that may regulate the process of biomineralization in this tractable model system.  相似文献   
Although sea urchin gastrulation is well described at the cellular level, our understanding of the molecular changes that trigger the coordinated cell movements involved is not complete. Jun N‐terminal kinase (JNK) is a component of the planar cell polarity pathway and is required for cell movements during embryonic development in several animal species. To study the role of JNK in sea urchin gastrulation, embryos were treated with JNK inhibitor SP600125 just prior to gastrulation. The inhibitor had a limited and specific effect, blocking invagination of the archenteron. Embryos treated with 2 μM SP600125 formed normal vegetal plates, but did not undergo invagination to form an archenteron. Other types of cell movements, specifically ingression of the skeletogenic mesenchyme, were not affected, although the development and pattern of the skeleton was abnormal in treated embryos. Pigment cells, derived from nonskeletogenic mesenchyme, were also present in SP600125‐treated embryos. Despite the lack of a visible archenteron in treated embryos, cells at the original vegetal plate expressed several molecular markers for endoderm differentiation. These results demonstrate that JNK activity is required for invagination of the archenteron but not its differentiation, indicating that in this case, morphogenesis and differentiation are under separate regulation. genesis 53:762–769, 2015. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
Seafood is a highly traded food commodity. Farmed and captured crustaceans contribute a significant proportion with annual production exceeding 10 M metric tonnes with first sale value of $40bn. The sector is dominated by farmed tropical marine shrimp, the fastest growing sector of the global aquaculture industry. It is significant in supporting rural livelihoods and alleviating poverty in producing nations within Asia and Latin America while forming an increasing contribution to aquatic food supply in more developed countries. Nations with marine borders often also support important marine fisheries for crustaceans that are regionally traded as live animals and commodity products. A general separation of net producing and net consuming nations for crustacean seafood has created a truly globalised food industry. Projections for increasing global demand for seafood in the face of level or declining fisheries requires continued expansion and intensification of aquaculture while ensuring best utilisation of captured stocks. Furthermore, continued pressure from consuming nations to ensure safe products for human consumption are being augmented by additional legislative requirements for animals (and their products) to be of low disease status. As a consequence, increasing emphasis is being placed on enforcement of regulations and better governance of the sector; currently this is a challenge in light of a fragmented industry and less stringent regulations associated with animal disease within producer nations. Current estimates predict that up to 40% of tropical shrimp production (>$3bn) is lost annually, mainly due to viral pathogens for which standard preventative measures (e.g. such as vaccination) are not feasible. In light of this problem, new approaches are urgently required to enhance yield by improving broodstock and larval sourcing, promoting best management practices by farmer outreach and supporting cutting-edge research that aims to harness the natural abilities of invertebrates to mitigate assault from pathogens (e.g. the use of RNA interference therapeutics). In terms of fisheries losses associated with disease, key issues are centred on mortality and quality degradation in the post-capture phase, largely due to poor grading and handling by fishers and the industry chain. Occurrence of disease in wild crustaceans is also widely reported, with some indications that climatic changes may be increasing susceptibility to important pathogens (e.g. the parasite Hematodinium). However, despite improvements in field and laboratory diagnostics, defining population-level effects of disease in these fisheries remains elusive. Coordination of disease specialists with fisheries scientists will be required to understand current and future impacts of existing and emergent diseases on wild stocks. Overall, the increasing demand for crustacean seafood in light of these issues signals a clear warning for the future sustainability of this global industry. The linking together of global experts in the culture, capture and trading of crustaceans with pathologists, epidemiologists, ecologists, therapeutics specialists and policy makers in the field of food security will allow these issues to be better identified and addressed.  相似文献   
The effect of chilling temperatures (5°C) on chlorophyll fluorescence transients was used to study chilling-induced inhibition of photosynthesis in plant species with differing chilling sensitivities. A Brancker SF-20 fluorometer was used to measure induced fluorescence transients from both attached and detached leaves of chilling-sensitive cucumber (Cucumis sativus L. cv Ashley) and chilling-resistant pea (Pisum sativum L. cv Alaska). The rate of reappearance of the variable component of fluorescence (Fv), following a period of illumination at 25°C, was dependent on the temperature at which the leaf was allowed to dark adapt in chilling-sensitive cucumber, but not in chilling-resistant pea. In cucumber, dark adaptation at 25°C following illumination resulted in a much faster return of Fv than dark adaptation at 5°C following illumination. However, Fv reappearance during the dark adaptation period in chilling-resistant pea was temperature independent. The difference in the temperature response of Fv following illumination correlated with temperature sensitivity of these two species. The process responsible for the difference in Fv may represent a site of chilling sensitivity in the photosynthetic apparatus.  相似文献   
The process of infection during an epidemic can be envisaged as being transmitted via a network of routes represented by a contact network. Most differential equation models of epidemics are mean-field models. These contain none of the underlying spatial structure of the contact network. By extending the mean-field models to pair-level, some of the spatial structure can be contained in the model. Some networks of transmission such as river or transportation networks are clearly asymmetric, whereas others such as airborne infection can be regarded as symmetric. Pair-level models have been developed to describe symmetric contact networks. Here we report on work to develop a pair-level model that is also applicable to asymmetric contact networks. The procedure for closing the model at the level of pairs is discussed in detail. The model is compared against stochastic simulations of epidemics on asymmetric contact networks and against the predictions of the symmetric model on the same networks. DEFRA funded project FC1153  相似文献   
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