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Regulation and distribution of MAdCAM-1 in endothelial cells in vitro   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Mucosal addressin cell adhesion molecule-1(MAdCAM-1) is a 60-kDa endothelial cell adhesion glycoprotein thatregulates lymphocyte trafficking to Peyer's patches and lymph nodes.Although it is widely agreed that MAdCAM-1 induction is involved inchronic gut inflammation, few studies have investigated regulation ofMAdCAM-1 expression. We used two endothelial lines [bEND.3 (brain) and SVEC (high endothelium)] to study the signal paths that regulate MAdCAM-1 expression in response to tumor necrosis factor (TNF)- using RT-PCR, blotting, adhesion, and immunofluorescence. TNF- induced both MAdCAM-1 mRNA and protein in a dose- and time-dependent manner. This induction was tyrosine kinase (TK), p42/44, p38mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK), and nuclear factor(NF)-B/poly-ADP ribose polymerase (PARP) dependent. Because MAdCAM-1is regulated via MAPKs, we examined mitogen/extracellularsignal-regulated kinase (MEK)-1/2 activation in SVEC. We found thatMEK-1/2 is activated by TNF- within minutes and is dependent on TKand p42/44 MAPKs. Similarly, TNF- activated NF-B through TK,p42/44, p38 MAPKs, and PARP pathways in SVEC cells. MAdCAM-1 was alsoshown to be frequently distributed to endothelial junctions both invitro and in vivo. Cytokines like TNF- stimulate MAdCAM-1 inhigh endothelium via TK, p38, p42/22 MAPKs, and NF-B/PARP.MAdCAM-1 expression requires NF-B translocation through both directp42/44 and indirect p38 MAPK pathways in high endothelial cells.

The β clamp is an essential replication sliding clamp required for processive DNA synthesis. The β clamp is also critical for several additional aspects of DNA metabolism, including DNA mismatch repair (MMR). The dnaN5 allele of Bacillus subtilis encodes a mutant form of β clamp containing the G73R substitution. Cells with the dnaN5 allele are temperature sensitive for growth due to a defect in DNA replication at 49°C, and they show an increase in mutation frequency caused by a partial defect in MMR at permissive temperatures. We selected for intragenic suppressors of dnaN5 that rescued viability at 49°C to determine if the DNA replication defect could be separated from the MMR defect. We isolated three intragenic suppressors of dnaN5 that restored growth at the nonpermissive temperature while maintaining an increase in mutation frequency. All three dnaN alleles encoded the G73R substitution along with one of three novel missense mutations. The missense mutations isolated were S22P, S181G, and E346K. Of these, S181G and E346K are located near the hydrophobic cleft of the β clamp, a common site occupied by proteins that bind the β clamp. Using several methods, we show that the increase in mutation frequency resulting from each dnaN allele is linked to a defect in MMR. Moreover, we found that S181G and E346K allowed growth at elevated temperatures and did not have an appreciable effect on mutation frequency when separated from G73R. Thus, we found that specific residue changes in the B. subtilis β clamp separate the role of the β clamp in DNA replication from its role in MMR.Replication sliding clamps are essential cellular proteins imparting a spectacular degree of processivity to DNA polymerases during genome replication (24, 39-41). Encoded by the dnaN gene, the β clamp is a highly conserved bacterial sliding clamp found in virtually all eubacterial species (reviewed in reference 7). The β clamp is a head-to-tail, ring-shaped homodimer that encircles double-stranded DNA (1, 39). In eukaryotes and archaea, the analog of the β clamp is proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) (15, 28, 40, 41). Eukaryotic PCNA is a ring-shaped homotrimer that also acts to encircle DNA, increasing the processivity of the replicative DNA polymerases (40, 41). Although the primary structures of the β clamp and PCNA are not conserved, the tertiary structures of these proteins are very similar, demonstrating structural conservation among bacterial, archaeal, and eukaryotic replication sliding clamps (28, 39-41; reviewed in reference 6).The function of the β clamp is not limited to its well-defined role in genome replication. The Escherichia coli β clamp binds Hda, which also binds the replication initiation protein DnaA, regulating the active form of DnaA complexed with ATP (19, 37, 43). This allows the β clamp to regulate replication initiation through the amount of available DnaA-ATP. In Bacillus subtilis, the β clamp binds YabA, a negative regulator of DNA replication initiation (12, 29, 52). It has also been suggested that the B. subtilis β clamp sequesters DnaA from the replication origin during the cell cycle through the binding of DnaA to YabA and the binding of YabA to the β clamp (70). Thus, it is hypothesized that in E. coli and B. subtilis, the β clamp influences the frequency of replication initiation through interactions with Hda and YabA, respectively.The E. coli and B. subtilis β clamp has an important role in translesion DNA synthesis during the replicative bypass of noncoding bases by specialized DNA polymerases belonging to the Y family (20, 33). The roles of the E. coli β clamp in translesion synthesis are well established (5, 8, 30, 31). Binding sites on the E. coli β clamp that accommodate translesion polymerases pol IV (DinB) and pol V (UmuD2′C) have been identified, and the consequence of disrupting their association with the β clamp has illustrated the critical importance of the β clamp to the activity of both of these polymerases (4, 5, 8, 26, 30, 31, 48, 49).In addition to the involvement of the β clamp in replication initiation, DNA replication, and translesion synthesis, the E. coli and B. subtilis β clamp also functions in DNA mismatch repair (MMR) (45, 46, 64). The MMR pathway recognizes and repairs DNA polymerase errors, contributing to the overall fidelity of the DNA replication pathway (reviewed in references 42 and 60). In both E. coli and B. subtilis, deletion of the genes mutS and mutL increases the spontaneous mutation frequency several hundredfold (13, 25, 63). In E. coli, MutS recognizes and binds mismatches, while MutL functions as a “matchmaker,” coordinating the actions of other proteins in the MMR pathway, allowing the removal of the mismatch and resynthesis of the resulting gap (reviewed in references 42 and 60). MutS and MutL of E. coli and B. subtilis physically interact with the β clamp (45, 46, 51, 64). Interaction between the B. subtilis β clamp and MutS is important for efficient MMR and organization of MutS-green fluorescent protein (GFP) into foci in response to replication errors, while the function of MutL binding to the β clamp is unknown (64).These studies show that the β clamp is critical for several aspects of DNA metabolism in E. coli and B. subtilis. In E. coli, many dnaN alleles have been examined and used to define the mechanistic roles of the β clamp in vivo (5, 18, 24, 30, 31, 48, 49, 73). A limitation in studying the mechanistic roles of the B. subtilis β clamp is that only two dnaN alleles (β clamp) are available, dnaN5 and dnaN34 (36) (www.bgsc.org/), and both of these alleles do not support growth at temperatures above 49°C, suggesting that they may cause similar defects (36) (www.bgsc.org/). Of these two dnaN alleles, only dnaN5 has been investigated in any detail (36, 53, 64). The mutant β clamp encoded by dnaN5 contains a G73R substitution [dnaN5(G73R)] in a surface-exposed residue located on the outside rim of the β clamp (53, 64). Our previous studies with this allele showed that dnaN5(G73R) confers an increase in mutation frequency at 30°C and 37°C (64). Further characterization of dnaN5(G73R) showed that the increased mutation frequency is caused by a partial defect in MMR (64). Additionally, dnaN5(G73R)-containing cells have a reduced ability to support MutS-GFP focus formation in response to mismatches (64). These results support the hypothesis that G73R in the β clamp causes a defect in DNA replication at 49°C (36) and impaired MMR manifested by a defect in establishing the assembly of MutS-GFP foci in response to replication errors (64).To understand the roles of the B. subtilis β clamp in MMR and DNA replication, we examined the dnaN5 and dnaN34 alleles. We found that the nucleotide sequences of dnaN5 and dnaN34 and the phenotypes they produce were identical, both producing the G73R missense mutation. We analyzed in vivo β clampG73R protein levels and found that the β clampG73R protein accumulated to wild-type levels at elevated temperatures. To identify amino acid residues that would restore DNA replication at elevated temperatures, we isolated three intragenic suppressors of dnaN5(G73R) that conferred growth of B. subtilis cells at 49°C. Epistasis analysis and determination of the mutation spectrum showed that each dnaN allele isolated in this study caused an MMR-dependent increase in mutation frequency. Additionally, we found that the β clamp binding protein YabA can reduce the efficiency of MMR in vivo when yabA expression is induced. Thus, we have identified residues in the β clamp that are critical for DNA replication and MMR in B. subtilis. We also found that a β clamp binding protein, YabA, can reduce the efficiency of MMR in vivo.  相似文献   
The objective of this study was to assess the role of inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) in ischemia- and reperfusion (I/R)-induced liver injury. We found that partial hepatic ischemia involving 70% of the liver resulted in a time-dependent increase in serum alanine aminotransferase (ALT) levels at 1-6 h following reperfusion. Liver injury at 1, 3, and 6 h post-ischemia was not due to the infiltration of neutrophils as assessed by tissue myeloperoxidase (MPO) activity and histopathology. iNOS-deficient mice subjected to the same duration of ischemia and reperfusion showed dramatic and significant increases in liver injury at 3 but not 6 h following reperfusion compared to their wild type controls. Paradoxically, iNOS mRNA expression was not detected in the livers of wild type mice at any point during the reperfusion period and pharmacological inhibition of iNOS using L-N(6)(iminoethyl)-lysine (L-NIL) did not exacerbate post-ischemic liver injury at any time post-reperfusion. These data suggest that iNOS deficiency produces unanticipated genetic alterations that renders these mice more sensitive to liver I/R-induced injury.  相似文献   
Clark's nutcrackers ( Nucifraga columbiana ) hide thousands of seeds in subterranean caches that they later recover using spatial information about cache location. In two experiments, we tested whether nutcrackers also remember another type of information regarding their caches – the size of the seeds in each cache. We videotaped birds during cache recovery and then measured their bill gape during probing behaviour as captured on the videotape. In experiment one, six birds each experienced two treatments: one that allowed them to cache and then recover large seeds, and the other, an identical treatment using small seeds. During this experiment, all six birds used a wider gape when attempting to recover seeds during the large-seed treatment than during the small-seed treatment, and gape width was significantly correlated with seed size. During experiment two, we presented birds with both large and small seeds within the same caching session. We also increased the retention interval between caching and recovery. These modifications increased the difficulty of the task. Six of the seven birds used a wider gape during seed recovery when digging for caches that contained large seeds than they did when searching for small seeds. The ability to remember the size of seeds placed within caches may serve to increase the likelihood of speedy and successful recovery. It also allows the birds another level of organization of their food supply. These are the first experiments to suggest that Clark's nutcrackers remember more about their caches than location alone.  相似文献   
Disturbance is a key factor shaping species abundance and diversity in plant communities. Here, we use a mechanistic model of vegetation diversity to show that different strengths of r- and K-selection result in different disturbance-diversity relationships. R- and K-selection constrain the range of viable species through the colonization-competition tradeoff, with strong r-selection favoring colonizers and strong K-selection favoring competitors, but the level of disturbance also affects the success of species. This interplay among r- and K-selection and disturbance results in different shapes of disturbance-diversity relationships, with little variation of diversity with no r- and no K-selection, a decrease in diversity with r-selection with disturbance rate, an increase in diversity with K-selection, and a peak at intermediate values with strong r- and K-selection. We conclude that different disturbance-diversity relationships found in observations may reflect different intensities of r- and K-selection within communities, which should be inferable from broader observations of community composition and their ecophysiological trait ranges.  相似文献   
Naive CD4+ T cells use L-selectin (CD62L) expression to facilitate immune surveillance. However, the reasons for its expression on a subset of memory CD4+ T cells are unknown. We show that memory CD4+ T cells expressing CD62L were smaller, proliferated well in response to tetanus toxoid, had longer telomeres, and expressed genes and proteins consistent with immune surveillance function. Conversely, memory CD4+ T cells lacking CD62L expression were larger, proliferated poorly in response to tetanus toxoid, had shorter telomeres, and expressed genes and proteins consistent with effector function. These findings suggest that CD62L expression facilitates immune surveillance by programming CD4+ T cell blood and lymph node recirculation, irrespective of naive or memory CD4+ T cell phenotype.  相似文献   


This retrospective study was undertaken to determine if the plasma circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) level and tumor biological features in patients with advanced solid tumors affected the detection of genomic alterations (GAs) by a plasma ctDNA assay.


Cell-free DNA (cfDNA) extracted from frozen plasma (N?=?35) or fresh whole blood (N?=?90) samples were subjected to a 62-gene hybrid capture-based next-generation sequencing assay FoundationACT. Concordance was analyzed for 51 matched FoundationACT and FoundationOne (tissue) cases. The maximum somatic allele frequency (MSAF) was used to estimate the amount of tumor fraction of cfDNA in each sample. The detection of GAs was correlated with the amount of cfDNA, MSAF, total tumor anatomic burden (dimensional sum), and total tumor metabolic burden (SUVmax sum) of the largest ten tumor lesions on PET/CT scans.


FoundationACT detected GAs in 69 of 81 (85%) cases with MSAF >?0. Forty-two of 51 (82%) cases had ≥?1 concordance GAs matched with FoundationOne, and 22 (52%) matched to the National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN)-recommended molecular targets. FoundationACT also detected 8 unique molecular targets, which changed the therapy in 7 (88%) patients who did not have tumor rebiopsy or sufficient tumor DNA for genomic profiling assay. In all samples (N?=?81), GAs were detected in plasma cfDNA from cancer patients with high MSAF quantity (P?=?0.0006) or high tumor metabolic burden (P?=?0.0006) regardless of cfDNA quantity (P?=?0.2362).


This study supports the utility of using plasma-based genomic assays in cancer patients with high plasma MSAF level or high tumor metabolic burden.
The present study was designed to assess the role of endothelial cell and inducible nitric oxide synthase (eNOS, iNOS)-derived NO in ischemia/reperfusion (I/R)-induced pro-inflammatory cytokine expression and tissue injury in a murine model of hepatic I/R. Forty-five min of partial hepatic ischemia and 3 h of reperfusion resulted in a significant increase in liver injury as assessed by serum alanine aminotransferase and histopathology which occurred in the absence of neutrophil infiltration. Both iNOS and eNOS deficient mice exhibited enhanced liver injury when compared to their wild type (wt) controls again in the absence of neutrophil infiltration. Interestingly, message expression for both tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) and interleukin 12 (IL-12) were enhanced in eNOS, but not iNOS-deficient mice at 1 h post-ischemia when compared to their wt controls. In addition, eNOS message expression appeared to be up-regulated between 1 and 3 h ofreperfusion in wt mice while iNOS deficient mice exhibited substantial increases at I but not 3 h. Taken together, these data demonstrate the ability of eNOS and iNOS to protect the post-ischemic liver, however their mechanisms of action may be very different.  相似文献   


Ixabepilone (BMS-247550), an epothilone B analog, is a microtubule stabilizing agent which has shown activity in several different tumor types and preclinical models in melanoma. In an open label, one-arm, multi-center phase II trial the efficacy and toxicity of this epothilone was investigated in two different cohorts: chemotherapy-naïve (previously untreated) and previously treated patients with metastatic melanoma.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Eligible patients had histologically-confirmed stage IV melanoma, with an ECOG performance status of 0 to 2. Ixabepilone was administered at a dose of 20 mg/m2 on days 1, 8, and 15 during each 28-day cycle. The primary endpoint was response rate (RR); secondary endpoints were time to progression (TTP) and toxicity. Twenty-four patients were enrolled and 23 were evaluable for response. Initial serum lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) levels were elevated in 6/11 (55%) of the previously treated and in 5/13 (38%) of the previously untreated patients. No complete or partial responses were seen in either cohort. One patient in the previously treated group developed neutropenia and fatal septic shock. Seventeen patients (8 in the previously untreated group and 9 in the previously treated group) progressed after 2 cycles, whereas six patients (3 in each group) had stable disease after 2–6 cycles. Median TTP was 1.74 months in the previously untreated group (95% CI = 1.51 months, upper limit not estimated) and 1.54 months in the previously treated group (95% CI = 1.15 months, 2.72 months). Grade 3 and/or 4 toxicities occurred in 5/11 (45%) of previously untreated and in 5/13 (38%) of previously treated patients and included neutropenia, peripheral neuropathy, fatigue, diarrhea, and dyspnea.


Ixabepilone has no meaningful activity in either chemotherapy-naïve (previously untreated) or previously treated patients with metastatic melanoma. Further investigation with ixabepilone as single agent in the treatment of melanoma is not warranted.

Trial registration

Clinical Trials.gov NCT00036764  相似文献   
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