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Regulation of many cell systems has been shown to be mediated by Inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate which causes a release of calcium from intracellular sites. We have shown that release of Ca2+ from sarcoplasmic reticulum microsomes was not stimulated by IP3. The phorbol ester, TPA, also had no effect on Ca2+ release or Ca2+ ATPase activity. Thus, it is unlikely that the breakdown of polyphosphatidylinositides serves as a second messenger to mediate release of Ca2+ in skeletal muscle.  相似文献   
The measles virus (MV) accessory proteins V and C play important roles in MV replication and pathogenesis. Infection with recombinant MV lacking either V or C causes more cell death than infection with the parental vaccine-equivalent virus (MVvac), and C-deficient virus grows poorly relative to the parental virus. Here, we show that a major effector of the C phenotype is the RNA-dependent protein kinase PKR. Using human HeLa cells stably deficient in PKR as a result of RNA interference-mediated knockdown (PKRkd cells), we demonstrated that a reduction in PKR partially rescued the growth defect of C knockout (Cko) virus but had no effect on the growth of either wild-type (WT) or V knockout (Vko) virus. Increased growth of the Cko virus in PKRkd cells correlated with increased viral protein expression, while defective growth and decreased protein expression in PKR-sufficient cells correlated with increased phosphorylation of PKR and the α subunit of eukaryotic initiation factor 2. Furthermore, infection with WT, Vko, or especially Cko virus caused significantly less apoptosis in PKRkd cells than in PKR-sufficient cells. Although apoptosis induced by Cko virus infection in PKR-sufficient cells was blocked by a caspase antagonist, the growth of Cko virus was not restored to the WT level by treatment with this pharmacologic inhibitor. Taken together, these results indicate that PKR plays an important antiviral role during MV infection but that the virus growth restriction by PKR is not dependent upon the induction of apoptosis. Furthermore, the results establish that a principal function of the MV C protein is to antagonize the proapoptotic and antiviral activities of PKR.  相似文献   
Verapamil is a calcium-channel blocking agent, commonly used for chronic treatment of heart conditions. We have previously demonstrated that verapamil acts as a co-mutagen in a bacterial mutagenicity test for some experimental anilinoacridine antitumour drugs. Within the anilinoacridines series there are several compounds which are apparently non-mutagenic (or very weak mutagens) in the absence of verapamil, but strong mutagens in its presence. We have now tested a wider range of materials for verapamil enhancement of mutagenicity, to include some of those to which persons on verapamil therapy might be exposed through life-style or occupation. Some verapamil enhancement of mutagenicity was seen with most mutagenic compounds including anticancer drugs, antiparasitic agents, one biological stain and one hair dye. A number of tricyclic antidepressants and biological stains were tested and found to be non-mutagenic. If these results extrapolate to mammalian cells, long-term verapamil therapy could potentially increase the effects of certain environmental mutagens.  相似文献   
Nitracrine is used clinically as an antitumour agent, and analogues are actively being developed in some laboratories. The mutagenic activity of 9-[(3-dimethylaminopropyl)amino]-acridine and its 1-nitro (nitracrine), 2-, 3- and 4-nitro derivatives was evaluated at the 6-thioguanine and ouabain resistance loci in cultured Chinese hamster fibroblasts (V79-171b cell line). The des-nitro, 2- and 3-nitro caused no statistically significant mutagenic activity at either locus. Each of these 3 compounds weakly increased (approximately 2-fold) the incidence of micronuclei in the same cell line when tested at cytotoxic doses. Both the 1- and 4-nitro compounds increased the incidence of 6-thioguanine resistant cells from around 1 in 10(-6) to approximately 1 in 10(-4). The former compound significantly increased the frequency of ouabain-resistant cells. Both of these compounds were potent inducers of micronuclei in V79-171b cells, indicating high clastogenic activity. It would appear prudent to regard both of these compounds as potential human carcinogens.  相似文献   
The content of the diterpene Marrubiin was assessed by GC-FID in leaves of Marrubium vulgare plants along their ontogeny. Maximum accumulation occurred just before flowering time and in fully expanded leaves. After feeding the plants with radio labeled [3H]-geranyl geranyl diphosphate, up to 70% of the radioactivity was recovered in HPLC-Rt coincidental with authentic Marrubiin, which was also characterized by GC-EIMS, thus confirming that the biosynthesis of Marrubiin proceeds through the 1-deoxy-D-xylulose-5-phosphate pathway. The major accumulation of radioactivity occurred in glandular trichome cells, and the product remained stable throughout.  相似文献   
Patricia Huston 《CMAJ》1994,150(9):1375
A simple modification of nuclear staining after acid hydrolysis has been made which provides easy identification of quail nuclear markings in a chick-quail chimera. This method also improves the histologic detail normally seen with hematoxylin and eosin when compared to the more commonly used Feulgen reaction. Embryonic tissues can be fixed in Zenker's or Helly's solution and the sections obtained are hydrolyzed in acid (3.5 N HCl at 37 C for 40-50 min). After acid hydrolysis the sections are stained with hematoxylin and eosin rather than Schiff reagent and fast green. The interphase nuclei of chick cells show homogeneous or mottled purplish blue staining, while quail nuclei contain a dark blue spot. This staining corresponds to the reddish purple staining of the quail's heterochromatin seen adjacent to the nucleolus in the standard Feulgen stain. This new technique facilitates identification of quail cell types in the chick host and provides superior histology of the chick tissues by demonstrating cytoplasmic detail.  相似文献   
'15N signatures of fossil peat were used to interpret past ecosystem processes on tectonically active subantarctic Macquarie Island. By comparing past vegetation reconstructed from the fossil record with present-day vegetation analogues, our evidence strongly suggests that changes in the '15N signatures of fossil peat at this location reflect mainly past changes in the proportion of plant nitrogen derived from animal sources. Associated with uplift above sea level over the past 8,500 years, fossil records in two peat deposits on the island chronicle a change from coastal vegetation with fur and elephant seal disturbance to the existing inland herbfield. Coupled with this change are synchronous changes in the '15N signatures of peat layers. At two sites 15N-enriched peat '15N signatures of up to +17‰ were associated with a high abundance of pollen of the nitrophile Callitriche antarctica (Callitrichaceae). At one site fossil seal hair was also associated with enriched peat '15N. Less 15N enriched '15N signatures (e.g. -1.9‰ to +3.9‰) were measured in peat layers which lacked animal associated C. antarctica and Acaena spp. Interpretation of a third peat profile indicates continual occupation of a ridge site by burrowing petrels for most of the Holocene. We suggest that 15N signatures of fossil peat remained relatively stable with time once deposited, providing a significant new tool for interpreting the palaeoecology.  相似文献   
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