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The field of biochemistry is currently faced with the enormous challenge of assigning functional significance to more than thirty thousand predicted protein products encoded by the human genome. In order to accomplish this daunting task, methods will be required that facilitate the global analysis of proteins in complex biological systems. Recently, methods have been described for simultaneously monitoring the activity of multiple enzymes in crude proteomes based on their reactivity with tagged chemical probes. These activity based probes (ABPs) have used either radiochemical or biotin/avidin-based detection methods to allow consolidated visualization of numerous enzyme activities. Here we report the synthesis and evaluation of fluorescent activity based probes for the serine hydrolase super-family of enzymes. The fluorescent methods detailed herein provide superior throughput, sensitivity, and quantitative accuracy when compared to previously described ABPs, and provide a straight-forward platform for high-throughput proteome analysis.  相似文献   
Many protein activities are driven by ATP binding and hydrolysis. Here, we explore the ATP binding proteome of the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana using acyl-ATP (AcATP)1 probes. These probes target ATP binding sites and covalently label lysine residues in the ATP binding pocket. Gel-based profiling using biotinylated AcATP showed that labeling is dependent on pH and divalent ions and can be competed by nucleotides. The vast majority of these AcATP-labeled proteins are known ATP binding proteins. Our search for labeled peptides upon in-gel digest led to the discovery that the biotin moiety of the labeled peptides is oxidized. The in-gel analysis displayed kinase domains of two receptor-like kinases (RLKs) at a lower than expected molecular weight, indicating that these RLKs lost the extracellular domain, possibly as a result of receptor shedding. Analysis of modified peptides using a gel-free platform identified 242 different labeling sites for AcATP in the Arabidopsis proteome. Examination of each individual labeling site revealed a preference of labeling in ATP binding pockets for a broad diversity of ATP binding proteins. Of these, 24 labeled peptides were from a diverse range of protein kinases, including RLKs, mitogen-activated protein kinases, and calcium-dependent kinases. A significant portion of the labeling sites could not be assigned to known nucleotide binding sites. However, the fact that labeling could be competed with ATP indicates that these labeling sites might represent previously uncharacterized nucleotide binding sites. A plot of spectral counts against expression levels illustrates the high specificity of AcATP probes for protein kinases and known ATP binding proteins. This work introduces profiling of ATP binding activities of a large diversity of proteins in plant proteomes. The data have been deposited in ProteomeXchange with the identifier PXD000188.ATP binding and hydrolysis are the driving processes in all living organisms. Hundreds of cellular proteins are able to bind and hydrolyze ATP to unfold proteins, transport molecules over membranes, or phosphorylate small molecules or proteins. Proteins with very different structures are able to bind ATP. A large and important class of ATP binding proteins is that of the kinases, which transfer the gamma phosphate from ATP to substrates. Kinases, and particularly protein kinases, play pivotal roles in signaling and protein regulation.The genome of the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana encodes for over 1099 protein kinases and hundreds of other ATP binding proteins (1, 2). Protein kinases are involved in nearly all signaling cascades and regulate processes ranging from cell cycle to flowering and from immunity to germination. Many protein kinases in plants are receptor-like kinases (RLKs), often carrying extracellular leucine-rich repeats (LRRs). The RLK class contains at least 610 members (3), including famous examples such as receptors involved in development (e.g. BRI1, ER, CLV1) and immunity (e.g. FLS2, EFR). Other important classes are mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinases (MPKs) (20 different members), MPK kinase kinase kinases (MAP3Ks) (60 different members (4)), and calcium-dependent protein kinases (CPKs) (34 different members (5)). Because of their diverse and important roles, protein kinases have been intensively studied in plant science. The current approach is to study protein kinases individually—a daunting task, considering the remaining hundreds of uncharacterized protein kinases. New approaches are necessary in order to study protein kinases and other ATP binding proteins globally rather than individually.ATP binding activities of protein kinases and other proteins can be detected globally by acyl-ATP (AcATP) probes (6, 7) (Fig. 1A). AcATP binds to the ATP pocket of ATP binding proteins and places the acyl group in close proximity to conserved lysine residues in the ATP binding pocket. The acyl phosphonate moiety serves as an electrophilic warhead that can be nucleophilically attacked by the amino group of the lysine, resulting in a covalent attachment of the acyl reporter of the AcATP probe on the lysine and a concomitant release of ATP. The reporter tag is usually a biotin to capture and identify the labeled proteins. Labeled proteins can be displayed on protein blots using streptavidin-HRP. However, because AcATP labels many ATP binding proteins and protein kinases are of relatively low abundance, mass spectrometry is more often used to identify and quantify labeling with AcATP probes. The analysis is preferably done using Xsite, a procedure that involves trypsination of the entire labeled proteome, followed by analysis of the biotinylated peptides rather than the biotinylated proteins (8). This “KiNativ ” approach provides enough depth and resolving power to monitor ∼160 protein kinases in a crude mammalian proteome (7). Of the 518 human protein kinases (9), 394 (76%) have been detected via AcATP labeling (6).Open in a separate windowFig. 1.Structure and mechanism of labeling with BHAcATP. A, BHAcATP contains ATP, an acyl phosphate reactive group, and a biotin tag. When BHAcATP binds to the ATP binding pocket of a protein, the amino group of the nearby lysine reacts with the carbonyl carbon, which results in the covalent binding of the biotin tag to the protein while ATP is released. B, typical BHAcATP labeling profile of Arabidopsis leaf proteome. Arabidopsis leaf extracts were labeled with BHAcATP and the biotinylated proteins were detected on protein blots using streptavidin-HRP. Coomassie Brilliant Blue staining indicates equal loading. Asterisks indicate endogenously biotinylated proteins MCCA and BCCP. White, black, and gray arrowheads indicate bands containing ATBP+RBCL, PGK1, and a mix of ATP binding proteins, respectively. Abbreviations: MCCA, 3-methylcrotonyl-CoA carboxylase; BCCP, biotin carboxyl carrier protein; ATPB, chloroplastic ATPase; RBCL, ribulose-bisphosphate carboxylase; PGK1, phosphoglycerate kinase-1.KiNativ has mostly been used to validate targets of human drugs that target protein kinases using competitive labeling experiments. This approach has been used to identify selective inhibitors of, for example, Parkinson''s disease protein kinase LRRK2 (10), the BMK1 and JNK MAP kinases (11, 12), and the mTOR kinase (13). Importantly, the correlation of the biological activity of protein-kinase-inhibiting drugs with inhibitor affinity detected using KiNativ is better than that achieved when affinities are determined by assays using heterologously expressed protein kinases (7). This improved correlation illustrates that assays in the native environment provide a more realistic measure of protein kinase function.In addition to characterizing inhibitors selectively, AcATP probes can also display differential ATP binding activities of protein kinases. For example, labeling with AcATP probes during infection with dengue virus displayed a 2- to 8-fold activation of a DNA-dependent protein kinase (14) Similarly, AcATP labeling revealed an unexpected Raf kinase activation in extracts upon protein kinase inhibitor treatment (7). In conclusion, profiling with AcATP probes is a powerful approach for monitoring protein kinases and offers unprecedented opportunities to identify selective protein kinase inhibitors and discover protein kinases with differential ATP binding activities.In this work, we introduce AcATP profiling of plant proteomes. In addition to the analysis of labeled peptides, we characterized labeling using gel-based approaches and discovered that biotin is often oxidized in this procedure. We also performed an in-depth analysis of labeling sites in proteins other than protein kinases, which had not been done before. We discuss labeling outside known nucleotide binding pockets and investigate the correlation of labeling sites with protein abundance. We describe 63 labeling sites of known nucleotide binding pockets, of which 24 represent a remarkable diversity of protein kinases, including several LRR-RLKs. This work launches a new approach to study ATP binding proteins in plant science.  相似文献   
Patricelli MP  Cravatt BF 《Biochemistry》2001,40(20):6107-6115
Fatty acid amide hydrolase (FAAH) is a mammalian integral membrane enzyme that catabolizes several neuromodulatory fatty acid amides, including the endogenous cannabinoid anandamide and the sleep-inducing lipid oleamide. FAAH belongs to a large group of hydrolytic enzymes termed the amidase signature (AS) family that is defined by a conserved, linear AS sequence of approximately 130 amino acids. Members of the AS family display strikingly different substrate selectivities, yet the primary structural regions responsible for defining substrate recognition in these enzymes remain unknown. In this study, a series of unbranched p-nitroanilide (pNA) substrates ranging from 6 to 20 carbons in length was used to probe the acyl chain binding specificity of FAAH, revealing that this enzyme exhibits a strong preference for acyl chains 9 carbons in length or longer. A fluorophosphonate inhibitor of FAAH containing a photoactivatable benzophenone group was synthesized and used to locate a region of the enzyme implicated in substrate binding. Protease digestion and mass spectrometry analysis of FAAH-inhibitor conjugates identified the major site of cross-linking as residues 487-493. Site-directed mutagenesis revealed that a single residue in this region, I491, strongly influenced substrate specificity of FAAH. For example, an I491A mutant displayed a greatly reduced binding affinity for medium-chain pNA substrates (7-12 carbons) but maintained nearly wild-type binding and catalytic constants for longer chain substrates (14-20 carbons). Mutation of I491 to aromatic or more polar residues generated enzymes with relative hydrolytic efficiencies for medium- versus long-chain pNAs that varied up to 90-fold. Collectively, these studies indicate that I491 participates in hydrophobic binding interactions with medium-chain FAAH substrates. Additionally, the significant changes in substrate selectivity achieved by single amino acid changes suggest that FAAH possesses a rather malleable substrate binding domain and may serve, along with other AS enzymes, as a template for the engineering of amidases with novel and/or tailored specificities.  相似文献   
Variation in mate choice among females can have important consequences for the operation of sexual selection, and can result from differences in the way females search for mates. Our previous work indicates that female satin bowerbirds Ptilonorhynchus violaceus alter their mate-searching patterns according to long-term experience. Females which mate with very attractive males mate with the same males in the following year, thereby reducing their search. In contrast, females which fail to encounter very attractive males typically reject their previous mates and search for more attractive males in the following year, thereby increasing their search. Here we report results from a natural experiment consistent with these observations. Five males, including the most attractive male of 1997, failed to re-establish display sites in 1998, most probably dying over winter. We monitored the mate-searching behaviour of females which mated with these males in 1997 to determine how the loss of attractive mates affects subsequent mate-searching patterns. Females which lost their mates sampled more males compared with their own search patterns in 1997 and with faithful females in 1998. Results from this natural experiment indicate that the loss of attractive and preferred mates forces females to increase their search and provide evidence that long-term experience with males shapes mate-searching behaviour.  相似文献   
Females can maximize the benefits of mate choice by finding high-quality mates while using search tactics that limit the costs of searching for mates. Mate-searching models indicate that specific search tactics would best optimize this trade-off under different conditions. These models do not, however, consider that females may use information from previous years to improve mate searching and reduce search costs in subsequent years. We followed female satin bowerbirds Ptilonorhynchus violaceus during mate searching and reconstructed their search patterns. We found that females who chose very attractive males typically mated with the same male in the following year, resulting in these females sampling fewer males than those who switched mates. In contrast, females who mated with less attractive males typically rejected their previous mates and searched longer for more attractive mates in the following mating season. A potential cost to mate searching is suggested by the observed increase in the likelihood of force-copulation attempts from marauding males with increased searching. Our results suggest that by using past experiences to adjust their search tactics, females may obtain high-quality mates while limiting search costs. These results emphasize the need to consider historical effects in studies of sexual selection, especially for long-lived species with stable display sites.  相似文献   
We describe the characterization of an interstitial duplication of 12p, dup(12)(p11.21p13.31), by array-CGH and FISH in a patient with mental retardation and dysmorphic features. The sequence analysis of the breakpoints revealed the presence of homologous low copy repeats (LCRs) flanking the duplication region, thus suggesting that they have mediated the rearrangement. Pip-maker analysis showed that a third cluster of homologous LCRs lie distally to the two mediating the 12p duplication. We hypothesize that this duplication might be a new recurrent rearrangement and that, thanks to the different orientations of the homologous regions lying within each cluster, the three clusters are responsible for at least some of the several 12p aneuploidies reported in the literature such as direct and inverted duplications, deletions and supernumerary analphoid chromosomes. Moreover, we excluded that polymorphic inversions between these three clusters are present in the normal population.Manuela De Gregori, Tiziano Pramparo contributed equally to this paper.  相似文献   
Cortical granules, which are specialized secretory organelles found in ova of many organisms, have been isolated from the eggs of the sea urchins Arbacia punctulata and Strongylocentrtus pupuratus by a simple, rapid procedure. Electron micropscope examination of cortical granules prepared by this procedure reveals that they are tightly attached to large segments of the plasma membrane and its associated vitelline layer. Further evidence that he cortical granules were associated with these cell surface layers was obtained by (125)I-labeling techniques. The cortical granule preparations were found to be rich in proteoesterase, which was purified 32-fold over that detected in a crude homogenate. Similarly, the specific radioactivity of a (125)I-labeled, surface glycoprotein was increased 40-fold. These facts, coupled with electron microscope observations, indicate the isolation procedure yields a preparation in which both the cortical granules and the plasma membrane-vitelline layer are purified to the same extent. Gel electrophoresis of the membrane-associated cortical granule preparation reveals the presence of at least eight polypeptides. The major polypeptide, which is a glycotprotein of apparent mol wt of 100,000, contains most of the radioactivity introduced by (125)I-labeling of the intact eggs. Lysis of the cortical granules is observed under hypotonic conditions, or under isotonic conditions if Ca(2+) ion is present. When lysis is under isotonic conditions is induced by addition of Ca(2+) ion, the electron-dense contents of the granules remain insoluble. In contrast, hypotonic lysis results in release of the contents of the granule in a soluble form. However, in both cases the (125)I-labeled glycoprotein remains insoluble, presumably because it is a component of either the plasma membrane or the vitelline layer. All these findings indicate that, using this purified preparation, it should be possible to carry out in vitro studies to better define some of the initial, surface-related events observed in vivo upon fertilization.  相似文献   
Modifications in rabbit sperm plasma membranes during epididymal passage and after ejaculation were investigated by used of three lectins: concanavalin A (Con A); Ricinus communis I (RCA(I)); and wheat germ agglutinin (WGA). During sperm passage from caput to cauda epididymis, agglutination by WGA drastically decreased, and agglutination by RCA(I) slightly decreased, although agglutination by Con A remained approximately unchanged. After ejaculation, spermatozoa were agglutinated to a similar degree or slightly less by Con A, WGA, and RCA(I), compared to cauda epididymal spermatozoa. Ultrastructural examination of sperm lectin-binding sites with ferritin- lectin conjugates revealed differences in the densities of lectin receptors in various sperm regions, and changes in the same regions during epididymal passage and after ejaculation. Ferritin-RCA(I) showed abrupt changes in lectin site densities between acrosomal and postacrosomal regions of sperm heads. The relative amounts of ferritin-RCA(I) bound to heads of caput epididymal or ejaculated spermatozoa. Tail regions were labeled by ferritin RCA(I) almost equally on caput and cauda epididymal spermatozoa, but the middle-piece region of ejaculated spermatozoa was slightly more densely labeled than the principal-piece region, and these two regions on ejaculated spermatozoa were labeled less than on caput and cuada epididymal spermatozoa. Ferritin-WGA densely labeled the acrosomal region of caput epididymal spermatozoa, although labeling of cauda epidiymal spermatozoa was relatively sparse except in the apical area of the acrosomal region. Ejaculated spermatozoa bound only a few molecules of ferritin-WGA, even at the highest conjugate concentrations used. Caput epididymal, but not cauda epididymal or ejaculated spermatozoa, bound ferritin-WGA in the tail regions. Dramatic differences in labeling densities during epididymal passage and after ejaculation were not found with ferritin-Con A.  相似文献   
Mutations in leucine-rich repeat kinase 2 (LRRK2) are strongly associated with late-onset autosomal dominant Parkinson's disease. We employed a new, parallel, compound-centric approach to identify a potent and selective LRRK2 inhibitor, LRRK2-IN-1, and demonstrated that inhibition of LRRK2 induces dephosphorylation of Ser910 and Ser935 and accumulation of LRRK2 within aggregate structures. LRRK2-IN-1 will serve as a versatile tool to pharmacologically interrogate LRRK2 biology and study its role in Parkinson's disease.  相似文献   
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