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Detailed molecular analysis of three wild-derived MHC haplotypes provided evidence for an important role of the E beta recombinational hot spot in the recent evolution of the mouse I region. Examination of RFLP and restriction maps of cloned DNA permitted the mapping of the natural cross-over events in the haplotypes carried by strains B10.GAA37 (w21) and B10.KPB128 (w19) to a fragment of DNA not exceeding 4.1 kb, which lies almost entirely within the intron separating the beta 1 and beta 2 exons of the E beta gene. In the w14 haplotype (strain B10.STC77), which appears to be a natural recombinant between a p-like parental haplotype and another wild-derived haplotype, the site of crossing over can be mapped to a segment between the beta 2 exon of the E beta gene (left border) and the E beta 2 gene (right border). This segment containing the cross-over site in the w14 haplotype includes the E beta hot spot. In addition, the w14 haplotype as well as the standard p haplotype contain a deletion of approximately 1.0 kb in the second intron of the E beta gene, which may represent the product of an unequal cross-over event in a E beta recombinational hot spot.  相似文献   
During 1988 and 1989, 409 specimens of southern African Anura comprising 50 species in 9 families were checked for opalinids in the cloaca. Cepedea acuta n. sp. was found in six of 19 Tomopterna cryptotis and four of seven T. krugerensis (Ranidae); C. affinis (Nazaretskaja, 1992) in two of four Afrixalus aureus, two of four Hyperolius horstocki, 23 of 42 H. marmoratus, one of seven H. pusillus, two of six H. semidiscus, and eight of 12 H. tuberilinguis (Hyperoliidae); C. magna Metcalf, 1923 in one of 20 Bufo garmani, eight of 33 B. gutturalis and two of nine B. rangeri (all Bufonidae), one of two Heleophryne natalensis (juveniles) (Heleophrynidae), four of six Kassina maculata, three of seven K. senegalensis and two of six Semnodactylus wealii (all Hyperoliidae), three of five Phrynomerus bifasciatus (Microhylidae), three of 12 Phrynobatrachus natalensis, 11 of 19 Tomopterna cryptotis, 13 of 14 T. delalandii, one of seven T. krugerensis and one of six T. natalensis (all Ranidae), and four of five Chiromantis xerampelina (Rhacophoridae); Cepedea vanniekerkae n. sp. in one of 19 Tomopterna cryptotis. It is suggested that the Ranidae (in particular the genus Tomopterna) and the Hyperoliidae (in particular the genus Hyperolius) are among the major carriers of Cepedea in the Afrotropical Region.  相似文献   
Summary A detailed study was conducted of the three-dimensional accuracy of phonotaxis by femaleHyperolius marmoratus. This analysis involved videotape recordings of phonotactic approaches to an elevated loudspeaker through a three-dimensional grid. Females readily resolved the sound source elevation, but the jump error angles describing the precision of approach were considerably greater in this three-dimensional analysis than in the more conventional two-dimensional ground approach analysis. Extensive use was made of visual cues in elevated phonotactic approach and lateral head scanning prior to jumps, often accompanied by vertical changes in head orientation, was frequent. The ability of such small anurans to localize a sound source in both the horizontal and vertical plane is remarkable.On leave from the Section of Neurobiology and Behavior, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York 14853, USA  相似文献   
Neonatal mouse heart fragments were grafted under the ear skin of adult recipients. Cardiac allograft survival was evaluated by visual observation of pulsation, electrocardiography, and histology. Employing a series of congenic resistant strains differing from C57BL/10Sn at theH-1, H-3,H-4, H-7, H-8, H-9, H-10, H-11, andH-12 loci, the median survival times of the heart grafts to and from C57BL/10Sn were obtained. The various interallelic combinations resulted in a wide variation of graft survival. Reciprocal transplants frequently showed different survival times.H-1 c grafts were rejected by B10.129(5M)/nSn female mice with a median survival time of 90 days.H-1 b grafts were not rejected by C57BL/10Sn mice for the experiment's duration of 200 days. The weaker the histocompatibility barrier, the more variable the survival times and the smaller the ratio of rejected to total grafted heart fragments. Female recipients were observed to reject their grafts more rapidly and to reject a higher proportion than males of the same strain. Although the strength of the different non-H-2 barriers generally paralleled that determined by skin transplants, the rankings of the strongest minor barriers were not the same for both tissues.  相似文献   
To evaluate the functional role of the N-linked oligosaccharides of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II molecules, affinity-purified murine IAs class II molecules were deglycosylated in the presence of asparagine amidase enzyme. The deglycosylated IAs molecules were characterized by 12% SDS-polyacrylamide gel analysis under reduced and native conditions and the complete enzymatic removal of all three N-linked sugar components from the alpha/beta heterodimer was confirmed by lectin-link Western blot analysis. Like the native IAs molecules, the deglycosylated IAs molecules were fully capable of binding an antigenic peptide from myelin basic protein MBP(89-101). The kinetics of dissociation of preformed complexes of IAs.MBP(89-101) and deglycosylated IAs.MBP(89-101) were compared at 4 and at 37 degrees C. Both complexes were equally stable at 4 degrees C; however, at 37 degrees C the deglycosylated IAs.MBP(89-101) complexes showed an increased rate of dissociation as compared with the native IAs.MBP(89-101) complexes. When tested for their ability to recognize the T cell receptor on T cells, both complexes bound to cloned HS-1 T cells that recognize and respond to IAs.MBP(89-101). Finally, the complexes of deglycosylated IAs.MBP(89-101) were tested for the induction of in vitro nonresponsiveness and compared with native IAs.MBP(89-101) complexes. Both complexes were capable of inducing 95-100% nonresponsiveness in a proliferation assay. These results suggest that the N-linked oligosaccharide of MHC class II molecules may not be essential for either antigenic peptide binding or T cell recognition. In addition results obtained here provide evidence that the carbohydrate moities of MHC class II molecules may not be involved in induction of T cell clonal anergy.  相似文献   
Uncialamycin analogs were evaluated as potential cytotoxic agents in an antibody-drug conjugate (ADC) approach to treating human cancer. These analogs were synthesized using Hauser annulations of substituted phthalides as a key step. A highly potent uncialamycin analog 3c with a valine-citrulline dipeptide linker was conjugated to an anti-mesothelin monoclonal antibody (mAb) through lysines to generate a meso-13 conjugate. This conjugate demonstrated subnanomolar potency (IC50?=?0.88?nM, H226 cell line) in in vitro cytotoxicity experiments with good immunological specificity to mesothelin-positive lung cancer cell lines. The potency and mechanism of action of this uncialamycin class of enediyne antitumor antibiotics make them attractive payloads in ADC-based cancer therapy.  相似文献   
The opportunistic pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa commonly causes chronic and ultimately deadly lung infections in individuals with the genetic disease cystic fibrosis (CF). P. aeruginosa is metabolically diverse; it displays a remarkable ability to adapt to and successfully occupy almost any niche, including the ecologically complex CF lung. These P. aeruginosa lung infections are a fascinating example of microbial evolution within a “natural” ecosystem. Initially, P. aeruginosa shares the lung niche with a plethora of other microorganisms and is vulnerable to antibiotic challenges. Over time, adaptive evolution leads to certain commonly-observed phenotypic changes within the P. aeruginosa population, some of which render it resistant to antibiotics and apparently help it to out-compete the other species that co-habit the airways. Improving genomics techniques continue to elucidate the evolutionary mechanisms of P. aeruginosa within the CF lung and will hopefully identify new vulnerabilities in this robust and versatile pathogen.  相似文献   
Transitioning from high school to university can prove to be a for midable challenge for many first-year students, with many experiencing home sickness. Given that students who experience homesickness are more likely than their non-homesick cohorts to drop out of university, universities have a vested interest in supporting students during their first-year transition. Programs that provide opportunities for human–animal interactions on campus are gaining popularity as one way of increasing students’ wellbeing. The current study examined the effects of an 8-week animal-assisted therapy (AAT) program on first-year university students’ wellbeing. An initial feasibility study (n = 86) was conducted that provided opportunities for students to interact, in small groups, with trained therapy dogs and their volunteer handlers. Results indicated that this program reduced participants’ levels of homesickness and increased their satisfaction with life. An experimental study was then conducted utilizing a similar 8-week group AAT program. Participants (n = 44) were assigned to either a treatment condition (i.e., the AAT program) or to a no-treatment condition (akin to a wait-list control). At the end of the eight weeks, participants in the AAT program reported greater reductions in homesickness and greater increases in satisfaction with life than did those in the no-treatment condition. From beginning to end of the program, participants in the treatment group evidenced reductions in homesickness and increases in satisfaction with life and connectedness to campus, while participants in the no-treatment condition evidenced an increase in homesickness and no changes in satisfaction with life and connectedness to campus. Results of both the feasibility study and the experimental study support the use of AAT programs to increase the wellbeing of first-year university students experiencing homesickness.  相似文献   
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