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Abstract: The principal constituent of amyloid plaques found in the brains of individuals with Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a 39–42-amino-acid protein, amyloid β protein (Aβ). This study examined whether the measurement of Aβ levels in CSF has diagnostic value. There were 108 subjects enrolled in this prospective study: AD (n = 39), non-AD controls (dementing diseases/syndromes; n = 20), and other (n = 49). CSF was obtained by lumbar puncture, and Aβ concentrations were determined using a dual monoclonal antibody immunoradiometric sandwich assay. The mean Aβ value for the AD group (15.9 ± 6.8 ng/ml) was not significantly different from that for the non-AD control group (13.0 ± 7.1 ng/ml; p = 0.07), and substantial overlap in results were observed. Aβ values did not correlate with age ( r = −0.05, p = 0.59), severity of cognitive impairment ( r = 0.22, p = 0.21), or duration of AD symptoms ( r = 0.14, p = 0.45). These findings are in conflict with other reports in the literature; discrepant results could be due to the instability of Aβ in CSF. Aβ immunoreactivity decays rapidly under certain conditions, particularly multiple freeze/thaw cycles. Use of a stabilizing sample treatment buffer at the time of lumbar puncture allows storage of CSF without loss of Aβ reactivity. In conclusion, the total CSF Aβ level is not a useful marker for current diagnosis of AD.  相似文献   
We have investigated the effects of magnetic fields on the formation and decay of excited states in the photochemical reaction centers of Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides. In chemically reduced reaction centers, a magnetic field decreases the fraction of the transient state PF that decays by way of the bacteriochlorophyll triplet state PR. At room temperature, a 2-kG field decreases the quantum yield of PR by about 40%. In carotenoid-containing reaction centers, the yield of the carotenoid triplet state which forms via PR is reduced similarly. The effect of the field depends monotonically on field-strength, saturating at about 1 kG. The effect decreases at lower temperatures, when the yield of PR is higher. Magnetic fields do not significantly affect the formation of the triplet state of bacteriochlorophyll in vitro, the photooxidation of P-870 in reaction centers at moderate redox potential, or the decay kinetics of states PF and PR.The effects of magnetic fields support the view that state PF is a radical pair which is born in a singlet state but undergoes a rapid transformation into a mixture of singlet and triplet states. A simple kinetic model can account for the effects of the field and relate them to the temperature dependence of the yield of PR.  相似文献   
Picosecond and nanosecond spectroscopic techniques have been used to study the primary electron transfer processes in reaction centers isolated from the photosynthetic bacterium Rhodopseudomonas viridis. Following flash excitation, the first excited singlet state (P1) of the bacteriochlorophyll complex (P) transfers an electron to an intermediate acceptor (I) in less than 20 ps. The radical pair state (P+I?) subsequently transfers an electron to another acceptor (X) in about 230 ps. There is an additional step of unknown significance exhibiting 35 ps kinetics. P+ subsequently extracts an electron from a cytochrome, with a time constant of about 270 ns. At low redox potential (X reduced before the flash), the state P+I? (or PF) lives approx. 15 ns. It decays, in part, into a longer lived state (PR), which appears to be a triplet state. State PR decays with an exponential time of approx. 55 μs. After continuous illumination at low redox potential (I and X both reduced), excitation with an 8-ps flash produces absorption changes reflecting the formation of the first excited singlet state, P1. Most of P1 then decays with a time constant of 20 ps. The spectra of the absorbance changes associated with the conversion of P to P1 or P+ support the view that P involves two or more interacting bacteriochlorophylls. The absorbance changes associated with the reduction of I to I? suggest that I is a bacteriopheophytin interacting strongly with one or more bacteriochlorophylls in the reaction center.  相似文献   
Analysis of photosynthetic reaction centers from Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides strains 2.4.1 and Ga shows that each contains approx. 1 mol of a specific carotenoid per mol of reaction center. In strain 2.4.1. the carotenoid is spheroidene (1-methoxy-3,4-didehydro-1,2,7',8',-tetrahydro-psi,psi-carotene); in strain Ga, it is chloroxanthin (1-hydroxy-1, 2, 7', 8'-tetrahydro-psi,psi-carotene). The carotenoid is bound to the same pair of proteins as are the bacteriochlorophylls and bacteriopheophytins of the reaction center. This binding induces strong circular dichroism in the absorption bands of the carotenoid. The carotenoid is close enough to the other pigments of the reaction center so that light energy transfers efficiently from the carotenoid to the bacteriochlorophyll, sensitizing bacteriochlorophyll fluorescence. The fluorescence polarization spectrum of the reaction centers shows that the transition vectors for the visible absorption bands of the carotenoid lie approximately parallel to the 600 nm (Qx) transition of the bacteriochlorophyll complex.  相似文献   
Delayed fluorescence from Rhodopseudomonas viridis membrane fragments has been studied using a phosphoroscope employing single, short actinic flashes, under conditions of controlled redox potential and temperature. The emission spectrum shows that delayed fluorescence is emitted by the bulk, antenna bacteriochlorophyll. The energy for delayed fluorescence, however, must be stored in a reaction-center complex including the photooxidized form (P+) of the primary electron-donor (P) and the photoreduced form (X?) of the primary electron-acceptor. This is shown by the following observations: (1) Delayed luminescence is quenched (a) at low redox potentials which allow cytochromes to reduce P+ rapidly after the flash, (b) at higher redox potentials which, by oxidizing P chemically, prevent the photochemical formation of P+X?, and (c) upon transfer of an electron from X? to a secondary acceptor, Y. (2) Under conditions that prevent the reduction of P+ by cytochromes and the oxidation of X? by Y, the decay kinetics of delayed fluorescence are identical with those of P+X?, as measured from optical absorbance changes.The main decay route for P+X? under these conditions has a rate-constant of approximately 103 s?1. In contrast, a comparison of the intensities of delayed and prompt fluorescence indicates that the process in which P+X? returns energy to the bulk bacteriochlorophyll has a rate-constant of 3.7 s?1, at 295 °K and pH 7.8. The decay kinetics of P+X? and delayed fluorescence change little with temperature, whereas the intensity of delayed fluorescence increases with increasing temperature, having an activation energy of 12.5 kcal · mol?1. We conclude that the main decay route involves tunneling of an electron from X? to P+, without the promotion of P to an excited state. Delayed fluorescence requires such a promotion, followed by transfer of energy to the bulk bacteriochlorophyll, and this combination of events is rare. The activation energy, taken with potentiometric data, indicates that the photochemical conversion of PX to P+X? results in increases of both the energy and the entropy of the system, by 16.6 kcal · mol?1 and 8.8 cal · mol?1 · deg?1. The intensity of delayed fluorescence depends strongly on the pH; the origin of this effect remains unclear.  相似文献   
Originally resident in southeastern Europe, the codling moth (Cydia pomonella L.) (Tortricidae) has achieved a nearly global distribution, being one of the most successful pest insect species known today. As shown in our accompanying study, mitochondrial genetic markers suggest a Pleistocenic splitting of Cydia pomonella into two refugial clades which came into secondary contact after de-glaciation. The actual distribution pattern shows, however, that Central European codling moths have experienced a geographic splitting into many strains and locally adapted populations, which is not reflected by their mitochondrial haplotype distribution. We therefore have applied, in addition to mitochondrial markers, an approach with a higher resolution potential at the population level, based on the analysis of amplification fragment length polymorphisms (AFLPs). As shown in the present study, AFLP markers elucidate the genetic structure of codling moth strains and populations from different Central European apple orchard sites. While individual genetic diversity within codling moth strains and populations was small, a high degree of genetic differentiation was observed between the analyzed strains and populations, even at a small geographic scale. One of the main factors contributing to local differentiation may be limited gene flow among adjacent codling moth populations. In addition, microclimatic, ecological, and geographic constraints also may favour the splitting of Cydia pomonella into many local populations. Lastly, codling moths in Central European fruit orchards may experience considerable selective pressure due to pest control activities. As a consequence of all these selective forces, today in Central Europe we see a patchy distribution of many locally adapted codling moth populations, each of them having its own genetic fingerprint. Because of the complete absence of any correlation between insecticide resistance and geographic or genetic distances among populations, AFLP markers do not have a prognostic value for predicting an outbreak of pesticide resistance in the field. By combining mitochondrial genetic data and AFLP analysis it was possible, however, to track the recent evolutionary history of Cydia pomonella on three different time scales: from population splitting in Pleistocene, to interbreeding of mitochondrial haplotypes in Holocene, to human-aided complete intermixing and splitting into many locally adapted populations in very recent times. The case of Cydia pomonella is reminiscent of examples of sympatric speciation and another example of a human-induced globally successful pest species.  相似文献   
We have designed and constructed an electroporation device capable of efficient transfer of DNA into both plant cell protoplasts and cultured murine lymphocytes. The electroporator design allows various combinations of voltage and capacitance to be used to optimize the electric pulse. Switching of large voltages and currents is accomplished with a silicon-controlled rectifier, yielding excellent reproducibility and long component life. A safety switch is provided to permit complete discharge of the device. Conditions suitable for high levels of transient expression and high frequencies of stable transformation for both plant and animal cell systems have been found.  相似文献   
Androgenetic alopecia, known in men as male pattern baldness (MPB), is a very conspicuous condition that is particularly frequent among European men and thus contributes markedly to variation in physical appearance traits amongst Europeans. Recent studies have revealed multiple genes and polymorphisms to be associated with susceptibility to MPB. In this study, 50 candidate SNPs for androgenetic alopecia were analyzed in order to verify their potential to predict MPB. Significant associations were confirmed for 29 SNPs from chromosomes X, 1, 5, 7, 18 and 20. A simple 5-SNP prediction model and an extended 20-SNP model were developed based on a discovery panel of 305 males from various European populations fitting one of two distinct phenotype categories. The first category consisted of men below 50 years of age with significant baldness and the second; men aged 50 years or older lacking baldness. The simple model comprised the five best predictors: rs5919324 near AR, rs1998076 in the 20p11 region, rs929626 in EBF1, rs12565727 in TARDBP and rs756853 in HDAC9. The extended prediction model added 15 SNPs from five genomic regions that improved overall prevalence-adjusted predictive accuracy measured by area under the receiver characteristic operating curve (AUC). Both models were evaluated for predictive accuracy using a test set of 300 males reflecting the general European population. Applying a 65% probability threshold, high prediction sensitivity of 87.1% but low specificity of 42.4% was obtained in men aged <50 years. In men aged ≥50, prediction sensitivity was slightly lower at 67.7% while specificity reached 90%. Overall, the AUC=0.761 calculated for men at or above 50 years of age indicates these SNPs offer considerable potential for the application of genetic tests to predict MPB patterns, adding a highly informative predictive system to the emerging field of forensic analysis of externally visible characteristics.  相似文献   
G.D. Case  W.W. Parson 《BBA》1973,325(3):441-453
Shifts in the absorption bands of bacteriochlorophyll and carotenoids in Chromatium vinosum chromatophores were measured after short actinic flashes, under various conditions. The amplitude of the bacteriochlorophyll band shift correlated well with the amount of cytochrome c-555 that was oxidized by P870+ after a flash. No bacteriochlorophyll band shift appeared to accompany the photooxidation of P870 itself, nor the oxidation of cytochrome c-552 by P870+. The carotenoid band shift also correlated with cytochrome c-555 photooxidation, although a comparatively small carotenoid shift did occur at high redox potentials that permitted only P870 oxidation.

The results explain earlier observations on infrared absorbance changes that had suggested the existence of two different photochemical systems in Chromatium. A single photochemical system accounts for all of the absorbance changes.

Previous work has shown that the photooxidations of P870 and cytochrome c-555 cause similar changes in the electrical charge on the chromatophore membrane. The specific association of the band shifts with cytochrome c-555 photooxidation therefore argues against interpretations of the band shifts based on a light-induced membrane potential.  相似文献   

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