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Identifying the main determinants of tropical marine biodiversity is essential for devising appropriate conservation measures mitigating the ongoing degradation of coral reef habitats. Based on a gridded distribution database and phylogenetic information, we compared the phylogenetic structure of assemblages for three tropical reef fish families (Labridae: wrasses, Pomacentridae: damselfishes and Chaetodontidae: butterflyfishes) using the net relatedness (NRI) and nearest taxon (NTI) indices. We then related these indices to contemporary and historical environmental conditions of coral reefs using spatial regression analyses. Higher levels of phylogenetic clustering were found for fish assemblages in the Indo‐Australian Archipelago (IAA), and more particularly when considering the NTI index. The phylogenetic structure of the Pomacentridae, and to a lower extent of the Chaeotodontidae and Labridae, was primarily associated with the location of refugia during the Quaternary period. Phylogenetic clustering in the IAA may partly result from vicariance events associated with coral reef fragmentation during the glacial periods of the Quaternary. Variation in the patterns among fish families further suggest that dispersal abilities may have interacted with past habitat availability in shaping the phylogenetic structure of tropical reef fish assemblages.  相似文献   
Coral reefs provide a range of important services to humanity, which are underpinned by community‐level ecological processes such as coral calcification. Estimating these processes relies on our knowledge of individual physiological rates and species‐specific abundances in the field. For colonial animals such as reef‐building corals, abundance is frequently expressed as the relative surface cover of coral colonies, a metric that does not account for demographic parameters such as coral size. This may be problematic because many physiological rates are directly related to organism size, and failure to account for linear scaling patterns may skew estimates of ecosystem functioning. In the present study, we characterize the scaling of three physiological rates — calcification, respiration, and photosynthesis — considering the colony size for six prominent, reef‐building coral taxa in Mo''orea, French Polynesia. After a seven‐day acclimation period in the laboratory, we quantified coral physiological rates for three hours during daylight (i.e., calcification and gross photosynthesis) and one hour during night light conditions (i.e., dark respiration). Our results indicate that area‐specific calcification rates are higher for smaller colonies across all taxa. However, photosynthesis and respiration rates remain constant over the colony‐size gradient. Furthermore, we revealed a correlation between the demographic dynamics of coral genera and the ratio between net primary production and calcification rates. Therefore, intraspecific scaling of reef‐building coral physiology not only improves our understanding of community‐level coral reef functioning but it may also explain species‐specific responses to disturbances.  相似文献   

We propose a novel technique to measure the small-scale three-dimensional features of a shallow-water coral reef using a small drone equipped with a consumer-grade camera, a handheld GPS and structure from motion (SfM) algorithms. We used a GoPro HERO4 with a modified lens mounted on a DJI Phantom 2 drone (maximum total take-off weight <2 kg) to perform a 10 min flight and collect 306 aerial images with an overlap equal or greater than 90%. We mapped an area of 8380 m2, obtaining as output an ortho-rectified aerial photomosaic and a bathymetric digital elevation model (DEM) with a resolution of 0.78 and 1.56 cm pixel−1, respectively. Through comparison with airborne LiDAR data for the same area, we verified that the location of the ortho-rectified aerial photomosaic is accurate within ~1.4 m. The bathymetric difference between our DEM and the LiDAR dataset is −0.016 ± 0.45 m (1σ). Our results show that it is possible, in conditions of calm waters, low winds and minimal sun glint, to deploy consumer-grade drones as a relatively low-cost and rapid survey technique to produce multispectral and bathymetric data on shallow-water coral reefs. We discuss the utility of such data to monitor temporal changes in topographic complexity of reefs and associated biological processes.

The impact of anthropogenic activity on ecosystems has highlighted the need to move beyond the biogeographical delineation of species richness patterns to understanding the vulnerability of species assemblages, including the functional components that are linked to the processes they support. We developed a decision theory framework to quantitatively assess the global taxonomic and functional vulnerability of fish assemblages on tropical reefs using a combination of sensitivity to species loss, exposure to threats and extent of protection. Fish assemblages with high taxonomic and functional sensitivity are often exposed to threats but are largely missed by the global network of marine protected areas. We found that areas of high species richness spatially mismatch areas of high taxonomic and functional vulnerability. Nevertheless, there is strong spatial match between taxonomic and functional vulnerabilities suggesting a potential win–win conservation‐ecosystem service strategy if more protection is set in these locations.  相似文献   
The classical risk factors for acute myocardial infarction (AMI) fail to explain all the epidemiological variations of the disease. Among the risk factors recently reported, several infectious agents appear to increase the risk of AMI. Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) infection, a bacterium involved in duodenal and gastric ulcer, gastric cancer and MALT-lymphoma, seems to be strongly associated with AMI. More virulent (anti-CagA positive) strains of the bacterium are almost exclusively the causative agents of such diseases. To determine the prevalence of H. pylori infection and of virulent strains, a case-control study was conducted in a group of male patients with AMI. A group of patients consecutively admitted to the Emergency Care Unit served as controls. We studied 223 consecutive male patients, mean age 60.2 (range 40-79) years, admitted for AMI to the Coronary Care Units at Hospitals in two towns of Northern Italy, 223 age matched male patients (mean age 61.8, range 40-79 years) admitted to the Emergency Care Unit, served as control. H. pylori seroprevalence was assessed by presence of antibodies (IgG) against H. pylori and anti-CagA in circulation. Among the patients we investigated the presence of hypertension, levels of cholesterol and glucose in serum, fibrinogen in plasma and smoking habits. H. pylori infection was present in 189/223 (84.7%) of the patients and in 138/223 (61.8%) of the control population (p < 0.0001 OR 3.42 [IC 95% 2.12-5.54]). The anti-CagA antibodies were detected in 33.8% of infected patients with AMI (64/189) versus 26.8% in the control subjects (37/138) (p:0.17, OR 1.40 [IC 95% 0.84-2.33]). Classical risk factors for AMI did not differ among patients with and without H. pylori infection. Patients admitted to the Coronary Care Unit for acute myocardial infarction had a notably higher prevalence of anti-H. pylori not restricted to virulent strains, when compared to a population of patients referred to the Emergency Care Unit. The classical risk factors for coronary disease were present in the patients with AMI irrespective of H. pylori status.  相似文献   
Taxonomic nestedness, the degree to which the taxonomic composition of species‐poor assemblages represents a subset of richer sites, commonly occurs in habitat fragments and islands differing in size and isolation from a source pool. However, species are not ecologically equivalent and the extent to which nestedness is observed in terms of functional trait composition of assemblages still remains poorly known. Here, using an extensive database on the functional traits and the distributions of 6316 tropical reef fish species across 169 sites, we assessed the levels of taxonomical vs functional nestedness of reef fish assemblages at the global scale. Functional nestedness was considerably more common than taxonomic nestedness, and generally associated with geographical isolation, where nested subsets are gradually more isolated from surrounding reef areas and from the center of biodiversity. Because a nested pattern in functional composition implies that certain combinations of traits may be represented by few species, we identified these groups of low redundancy that include large herbivore‐detritivores and omnivores, small piscivores, and macro‐algal herbivores. The identified patterns of nestedness may be an outcome of the interaction between species dispersal capabilities, resource requirements, and gradients of isolation among habitats. The importance of isolation in generating the observed pattern of functional nestedness within biogeographic regions may indicate that disturbance in depauperate and isolated sites can have disproportionate effects on the functional structure of their reef fish assemblages.  相似文献   
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