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Decades of research have established that the most effective treatment for sickle cell disease (SCD) is increased fetal hemoglobin (HbF). Identification of a drug specific for inducing γ-globin expression in pediatric and adult patients, with minimal off-target effects, continues to be an elusive goal. One hurdle has been an assay amenable to a high-throughput screen (HTS) of chemicals that displays a robust γ-globin off-on switch to identify potential lead compounds. Assay systems developed in our labs to understand the mechanisms underlying the γ- to β-globin gene expression switch during development has allowed us to generate a cell-based assay that was adapted for a HTS of 121,035 compounds. Using chemical inducer of dimerization (CID)-dependent bone marrow cells (BMCs) derived from human γ-globin promoter-firefly luciferase β-globin promoter-Renilla luciferase β-globin yeast artificial chromosome (γ-luc β-luc β-YAC) transgenic mice, we were able to identify 232 lead chemical compounds that induced γ-globin 2-fold or higher, with minimal or no β-globin induction, minimal cytotoxicity and that did not directly influence the luciferase enzyme. Secondary assays in CID-dependent wild-type β-YAC BMCs and human primary erythroid progenitor cells confirmed the induction profiles of seven of the 232 hits that were cherry-picked for further analysis.  相似文献   
Antibody-drug conjugates (ADCs) are of great interest as targeted cancer therapeutics. Preparation of ADCs for early stage screening is constrained by purification and biochemical analysis techniques that necessitate burdensome quantities of antibody. Here we describe a method, developed for the maytansinoid class of ADCs, enabling parallel conjugation of antibodies in 96-well format. The method utilizes ~100 µg of antibody per well and requires <5 µg of ADC for characterization. We demonstrate the capabilities of this system using model antibodies. We also provide multiple examples applying this method to early-stage screening of maytansinoid ADCs. The method can greatly increase the throughput with which candidate ADCs can be screened in cell-based assays, and may be more generally applicable to high-throughput preparation and screening of different types of protein conjugates.  相似文献   
Cellular ion homeostasis through osmotic adjustment and efficient free radical scavenging ability are considered as fundamental salt tolerance determinants of plants. Increased salinity (~30 ppt) in Indian Sundarbans has incurred detrimental impact on vegetation pattern, and leading to the precarious existence of some taxa. A comparative account on some physiological and biochemical determinants towards salt stress were assayed in order to focus on the extent of adaptability among the three true mangroves. An in vitro experiment was carried out with mangrove seedlings of Avicennia marina, Bruguiera gymnorrhiza and Heritiera fomes in differential NaCl treatments. Among the five sets of treatment (0, 100, 200, 300 and 400 mM), leaf osmotic potential (ψ) shows consistent hike in A. marina and B. gymnorrhiza along the salinity gradient, at least up to 300 mM (77 and 58 % respectively over control) and comparatively poor in 400 mM. On the other hand, H. fomes reaches its maximum OP value in 200 mM NaCl treatment (64 % increment from control). Thin layer Chromatography was employed for assessing seven free amino acids and spectrophotometric quantification of them from leaf tissues grown in different salinity gradients were performed. The two antioxidative enzymes (Peroxidase and Superoxide dismutase) were estimated qualitatively and quantitatively in three taxa at different salinity level. As compared to other two taxa, H. fomes depicted fewer numbers of isoforms of two enzymes in PAGE analysis, and less enzyme activity across the salinity gradients. Considering the studied parameters, H. fomes might be endorsed towards the feeble adaptability in the present day’s elevated salinity of Indian Sundarbans.  相似文献   
Forty different medicinal plants were investigated for arbuscular mycorrhizal association in the Rajshahi University Campus in Bangladesh. The results indicated that 35 different plants were infected by AM (arbuscular mycorrhizal) fungi as found by trypan blue staining procedure. The percentage of root colonization by AM fungi varied from 13.3% to 100%. Mangifera indica and Morus indica have maximum percentage of colonization (100%). The intensity of root colonization were abundant in the plants belonging to the families Anacardiaceae, Asclepiadaceae, Moraceae, Leguminosae and Apocynaceae whereas the intensity of colonization of crop roots were moderate and poor belonging to Gramineae and Leguminosae. The presence of greater number of spore in soil was always associated with the incidence of abundant mycelia. In plant roots the formation of spore and mycelia was restricted by low pH. Number of mycorrhizal fungus spores ranged between 35 to100 per 100g air dried soil in different family respective soils. The frequency of mycorrhizal fungus infection showed positive correlation with soil pH, moisture, water holding capacity, texture, total nitrogen, organic carbon, phosphorus, calcium, potassium, and magnesium. Especially phosphorus and nitrogen in the soil greatly influenced the plant root infection by AM fungi.  相似文献   
Paget's disease (PD) of bone is characterized by increased activity of large abnormal osteoclasts (OCLs) which contain paramyxoviral nuclear and cytoplasmic inclusions. MVNP gene expression has been shown to induce pagetic phenotype in OCLs. We previously characterized the osteoclast inhibitory peptide-1 (OIP-1/hSca) which inhibits OCL formation/bone resorption. OIP-1 is a glycophosphatidylinositol (GPI)-linked membrane protein containing a 79 amino acid extra cellular peptide and a 32 amino acid carboxy terminal GPI-linked peptide (c-peptide) which is critical for OCL inhibition. In this study, we demonstrate that OIP-1 c-peptide significantly decreased (43%) osteoclast differentiation of peripheral blood mononuclear cells from patients with PD. Also, OIP-1 treatment to normal human bone marrow mononuclear cells transduced with the MVNP inhibited (41%) osteoclast precursor (CFU-GM) growth in methyl-cellulose cultures. We further tested if OIP-1 overexpression in the OCL lineage in transgenic mice inhibits MVNP stimulated OCL formation. MVNP transduction and RANKL stimulation of OIP-1 mouse bone marrow cells showed a significant decrease (43%) in OCL formation and inhibition (38%) of bone resorption area compared to wild-type mice. Western blot analysis identified that OIP-1 decreased (3.5-fold) MVNP induced TRAF2 expression during OCL differentiation. MVNP or OIP-1 expression did not affect TRAF6 levels. Furthermore, OIP-1 expression resulted in a significant inhibition of MVNP stimulated ASK1, Rac1, c-Fos, p-JNK, and NFATc1 expression during OCL differentiation. These results suggest that OIP-1 inhibits MVNP induced pagetic OCL formation/activity through suppression of RANK signaling. Thus, OIP-1 may have therapeutic utility against excess bone resorption in patients with PD.  相似文献   
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