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Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) is one of the most common causes of lower respiratory tract infections in young children, immunocompromised patients (children and adults), patients with chronic respiratory diseases and elderly people. Reinfections occur throughout the life, but the severity of disease decreased with subsequent infection. The aim of this study was to analyze the frequency of RSV infections in two selected subpopulations: young children (below 5 y.) and adults with chronic respiratory diseases (25-87 y.). Nasopharyngeal swabs (334) collected from October 2008 to March 2010 were examined. The presence of RSV genome was determined by RT-PCR and the presence of RSV antigen by quick immunochromatographic test. Positive results of RT-PCR were found in 45.2% of all swabs: 48.6% samples in 2008; 41.5% in 2009; 50.8% in 2010. The highest frequency of RSV-positive samples was in fall-winter months, but differences in RSV epidemic seasons were found. In the first season (2008-2009) an increased number of RSV infections was observed from November 2008, but in the second season--from January 2010. Generally, the frequency of RSV-positive RT-PCR among children was 53%, among adults 25%. The highest difference was observed in the first three-month period of 2010. RT-PCR positive samples were found in 68.5% of children and 5.9% of adults. However, the RSV antigen was found in 44.4% of samples collected from adults in this period. Our results indicate that the contribution of RSV infections during epidemic season of respiratory tract infections in Poland was really high among children and adults.  相似文献   
Immunoglobulins (Igs) and T cell antigen receptors (TCRs) that undergo somatic diversification have not been identified in the two extant orders of jawless vertebrates, which occupy essential positions in terms of understanding the evolution of the emergence of adaptive immunity. Using a single motif-dependent PCR-based approach coupled with a vector that allows selection of cDNAs encoding secretion signal sequences, four different genes encoding Ig V-type domains were identified in the sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus). One of the predicted proteins encoded by these genes shares structural characteristics with mammalian VpreB molecules, including the absence of a recognizable transmembrane region, a relatively high proportion of charged amino acids in its C-terminal tail and distinctive features of its secretion signal peptide. This is the first indication of a molecule related to the B cell receptor (BCR) complex in a species that diverged prior to the jawed vertebrates in which RAG-mediated adaptive immunity is first encountered.Sequences described in this paper have been deposited in GenBank, with accession numbers AY576797–AY576800.  相似文献   
The immune gene repertoire encoded in the purple sea urchin genome   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Echinoderms occupy a critical and largely unexplored phylogenetic vantage point from which to infer both the early evolution of bilaterian immunity and the underpinnings of the vertebrate adaptive immune system. Here we present an initial survey of the purple sea urchin genome for genes associated with immunity. An elaborate repertoire of potential immune receptors, regulators and effectors is present, including unprecedented expansions of innate pathogen recognition genes. These include a diverse array of 222 Toll-like receptor (TLR) genes and a coordinate expansion of directly associated signaling adaptors. Notably, a subset of sea urchin TLR genes encodes receptors with structural characteristics previously identified only in protostomes. A similarly expanded set of 203 NOD/NALP-like cytoplasmic recognition proteins is present. These genes have previously been identified only in vertebrates where they are represented in much lower numbers. Genes that mediate the alternative and lectin complement pathways are described, while gene homologues of the terminal pathway are not present. We have also identified several homologues of genes that function in jawed vertebrate adaptive immunity. The most striking of these is a gene cluster with similarity to the jawed vertebrate Recombination Activating Genes 1 and 2 (RAG1/2). Sea urchins are long-lived, complex organisms and these findings reveal an innate immune system of unprecedented complexity. Whether the presumably intense selective processes that molded these gene families also gave rise to novel immune mechanisms akin to adaptive systems remains to be seen. The genome sequence provides immediate opportunities to apply the advantages of the sea urchin model toward problems in developmental and evolutionary immunobiology.  相似文献   
The cell-destroying effect of cell free filtrates of 90 V. cholerae non-01 cultures was measured by titration method in 3 established cell lines: CHO, HeLa and Vero and in 3 human diploid cells cultures: MRC-5, WI-38 and PZ. The vibrio strains differed in the titre of toxic effect. Most sensitive was CHO cell line, least sensitive were human diploid cell cultures. It was found that bacterial strains produced different substances toxic for various cell lines. Among them NAG-ST toxin produced by 41% of examined strains was identified and hemolysins/cytolysins activity was evaluated. Both may play a role in the pathogenicity of those strains for humans.  相似文献   
Protein kinases C (PKCs) comprise closely related Ser/Thr kinases, ubiquitously present in animal tissues; they respond to second messengers, e.g., Ca2+ and/or diacylglycerol, to express their activities. Two PKCs have been sequenced from Geodia cydonium, a member of the lowest multicellular animals, the sponges (Porifera). One sponge G. cydonium PKC, GCPKC1, belongs to the ``novel' (Ca2+-independent) PKC (nPKC) subfamily while the second one, GCPKC2, has the hallmarks of the ``conventional' (Ca2+-dependent) PKC (cPKC) subfamily. The alignment of the Ser/Thr catalytic kinase domains, of the predicted aa sequences for these cDNAs with respective segments from previously reported sequences, revealed highest homology to PKCs from animals but also distant relationships to Ser/Thr kinases from protozoa, plants, and bacteria. However, a comparison of the complete structures of the sponge PKCs, which are—already—identical to those of nPKCs and cPKCs from higher metazoa, with the structures of protozoan, plant, and bacterial Ser/Thr kinases indicates that the metazoan PKCs have to be distinguished from the nonmetazoan enzymes. These data indicate that metazoan PKCs have a universal common ancestor which they share with the nonmetazoan Ser/Thr kinases with respect to the kinase domain, but they differ from them in overall structural composition. Received: 10 January 1996 / Accepted: 12 March 1996  相似文献   
Mammalian tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α degenerate polymerase chain reaction (PCR) primers were used to amplify a probe from Botryllus schlosseri (colonial ascidian) allogeneic rejection-cDNA library. A PCR product (269 bp) was cloned and sequenced encoding an open reading frame (ORF) of 89 amino acids (aa). This clone, which revealed no similarity to TNF-α, but a substantial similarity to mammalian proteins featuring short consensus repeats (SCRs) of the complement control superfamily, was used to probe the rejection-cDNA library. Two partial cDNA clones were isolated and sequenced (Bs. 1, 846 bp; Bs.2, 712 bp). The longest ORF in clone Bs. 1 (which lacks the 5' end of the cDNA) predicts a protein of 251 aa, which differs from Bs.2 at six nucleotides and four aa. We compare the as similarity (up to 50.5%) of Bs.l with the SCR-region of mammalian complement factor H, apolipoprotein H, selectins, and complement receptors type 1 and type 2. A somatomedin B-like domain at the C-terminus of Bs. 1 deduced protein was also recorded. We propose that this mosaic and polymorphic botryllid sequence, featuring mammalian-like SCRs, might be an ancestral molecule in the evolution of the chordate's complement-control protein superfamily.  相似文献   
Variable lymphocyte receptors (VLRs) are leucine-rich repeat proteins that mediate adaptive immunity in jawless vertebrates. VLRs were recently shown to recognize glycans, such as the tumor-associated Thomsen-Friedenreich antigen (TFα; Galβ1–3GalNAcα), with a selectivity rivaling or exceeding that of lectins and antibodies. To understand the basis for TFα recognition by one such VLR (VLRB.aGPA.23), we measured thermodynamic parameters for the binding interaction and determined the structure of the VLRB.aGPA.23-TFα complex to 2.2 Å resolution. In the structure, four tryptophan residues form a tight hydrophobic cage encasing the TFα disaccharide that completely excludes buried water molecules. This cage together with hydrogen bonding of sugar hydroxyls to polar side chains explains the exquisite selectivity of VLRB.aGPA.23. The topology of the glycan-binding site of VLRB.aGPA.23 differs markedly from those of lectins or antibodies, which typically consist of long, convex grooves for accommodating the oligosaccharide. Instead, the TFα disaccharide is sandwiched between a variable loop and the concave surface of the VLR formed by the β-strands of the leucine-rich repeat modules. Longer oligosaccharides are predicted to extend perpendicularly across the β-strands, requiring them to bend to match the concavity of the VLR solenoid.  相似文献   
The aim of the study was to test the selective-differential plating mediums used for isolation of Salmonella and Shigella for routine stool specimens examination for epidemiological and sanitary purpose. Three plates of any such medium used in the laboratories in 37 Sanitary Service Stations in Poland were obtained. The specimens of Mac Conkey Lactose Bile Salt Agar and SS Agar were obtained from all laboratories, Hektoen Enteric medium from 8 and EosinMethylene Blue Agar from only one laboratory. The desiccated substrates of these mediums originated from 11 manufactures. The mediums were inoculated by "drops" method. The five control strains of selected taxons were chosen from National Institute of Hygiene strains collection. The quality of growth was evaluated by comparison with the growth on two control mediums: the general outlook of bacterial colonies, size and number of cfu/ml was taken under consideration. It was found that the results were satisfying for Hektoen medium, Levine and all but two Mac Conkey's medium specimens. The results of growth on SS medium were much worse: only on 10 specimens out of 39 checked supported properly the growth of all the five control strains. On 18 specimens the growth appeared after 48 hours of incubation and the size of colonies was too small to be isolated. On 11 there was no growth on 1, 2 or 3 control strains. The need of systematic extra-laboratory control of plating mediums used for examination stool specimen was shown.  相似文献   
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