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Biological Trace Element Research - Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is considered as the hepatic manifestation of metabolic syndrome. Its global prevalence is estimated between 25 and 45%,...  相似文献   
Mouse models of myocardial infarction are essential tools for the study of cardiac injury, repair, and remodeling. Our current investigation establishes a systematic approach for quantitative evaluation of the inflammatory and reparative response, cardiac function, and geometry in a mouse model of reperfused myocardial infarction. Reperfused mouse infarcts exhibited marked induction of inflammatory cytokines that peaked after 6 hr of reperfusion. In the infarcted heart, scar contraction and chamber dilation continued for at least 28 days after reperfusion; infarct maturation was associated with marked thinning of the scar, accompanied by volume loss and rapid clearance of cellular elements. Echocardiographic measurements of end-diastolic dimensions correlated well with morphometric assessment of dilative remodeling in perfusion-fixed hearts. Hemodynamic monitoring was used to quantitatively assess systolic and diastolic function; the severity of diastolic dysfunction following myocardial infarction correlated with cardiomyocyte hypertrophy and infarct collagen content. Expression of molecular mediators of inflammation and cellular infiltration needs to be investigated during the first 72 hr, whereas assessment of dilative remodeling requires measurement of geometric parameters for at least four weeks after the acute event. Rapid initiation and resolution of the inflammatory response, accelerated scar maturation, and extensive infarct volume loss are important characteristics of infarct healing in mice.  相似文献   


To study the prevalence of respiratory and atopic symptoms in (young) adults born prematurely, differences between those who did and did not develop Bronchopulmonary Disease (BPD) at neonatal age and differences in respiratory health between males and females.


Design: Prospective cohort study. Setting: Nation wide follow-up study, the Netherlands. Participants: 690 adults (19 year old) born with a gestational age below 32 completed weeks and/or with a birth weight less than 1500 g. Controls were Dutch participants of the European Community Respiratory Health Survey (ECRHS). Main outcome measures: Presence of wheeze, shortness of breath, asthma, hay fever and eczema using the ECRHS-questionnaire


The prevalence of doctor-diagnosed asthma was significantly higher in the ex-preterms than in the general population, whereas eczema and hay fever were significant lower. Women reported more symptoms than men. Preterm women vs controls: asthma 13% vs 5% (p < 0.001); hay fever 8% vs 20% (p < 0.001); eczema 10% vs 42% (p < 0.001). Preterm men vs controls: asthma 9% vs 4% (p = 0.007); hay fever 8% vs 17% (p = 0.005); eczema 9% vs 31% (p < 0.001) Preterm women reported more wheeze and shortness of breath during exercise (sob) than controls: wheeze 30% vs 22% (p = 0.009); sob 27% vs 16% (p < 0.001); 19-year-old women with BPD reported a higher prevalence of doctor diagnosed asthma compared to controls (24% vs 5% p < 0.001) and shortness of breath during exercise (43% vs 16% p = 0.008). The prevalence of reported symptoms by men with BPD were comparable with the controls.


Our large follow-up study shows a higher prevalence of asthma, wheeze and shortness of breath in the prematurely born young adults. 19-year-old women reported more respiratory symptoms than men. Compared to the general population atopic diseases as hay fever and eczema were reported less often.  相似文献   
Background: Heart-type fatty acid-binding protein (H-FABP) is considered a marker of myocardial necrosis but whether or not it is modified by myocardial ischemia is not clear. We sought to investigate if H-FABP serum levels increase following non-urgent coronary angioplasty.

Methods: We studied 31 patients undergoing coronary angioplasty. Peripheral venous samples were drawn immediately before angioplasty, 1?h after the first balloon inflation and 24?h after the procedure and assayed for H-FABP.

Results: Serum levels of H-FABP increased significantly at 1?h vs baseline from 2554?±?1268 to 3322?±?245?pg?ml?1 (p?=?0.024). However, no differences were observed between 1?h and 24?h after angioplasty (3268?±?1861 vs 3322?±?2459?pg ml?1, p?=?0.87). Moreover, no significant difference was observed when we compared 24?h after angioplasty with the baseline (3268?±?1861vs 2554?±?1268?pg ml?1, p?=?0.112).

Conclusions: We conclude that H-FABP significantly increases after elective coronary angioplasty at 1?h compared with baseline values; whether or not this has any prognostic significance for future events, as it occurs with troponins, needs to be studied further.  相似文献   
In a previous study, we showed that in situ injection of glycosaminoglycan mimetics called RGTAs (ReGeneraTing Agents) enhanced neovascularization after skeletal muscular ischemia (Desgranges, P., Barbaud, C., Caruelle, J. P., Barritault, D., and Gautron, J. (1999) FASEB J. 13, 761-766). In the present study, we showed that the RGTA OTR4120 modulated angiogenesis in the chicken embryo chorioallantoic membrane assay, in a dose-dependent manner. We therefore investigated the effect of OTR4120 on one of the most specific angiogenesis-regulating heparin-binding growth factors, vascular endothelial growth factor 165 (VEGF165). OTR4120 showed high affinity binding to VEGF165 (Kd = 2.2 nm), as compared with heparin (Kd = 15 nm), and potentiated the affinity of VEGF165 for VEGF receptor-1 and -2 and for neuropilin-1. In vitro, OTR4120 potentiated VEGF165-induced proliferation and migration of human umbilical vein endothelial cells. In the in vivo Matrigel plug angiogenesis assay, OTR4120 in a concentration as low as 3 ng/ml caused a 6-fold increase in VEGF165-induced angiogenesis. Immunohistochemical staining showed a larger number of well differentiated VEGFR-2-expressing-cells in Matrigel sections of OTR4120-treated plug than in control sections. These findings indicate that OTR4120 enhances the VEGF165-induced angiogenesis and therefore may hold promise for treating disorders characterized by deficient angiogenesis.  相似文献   
Two structurally related subtypes of oestrogen receptor (ER), known as alpha (ER alpha, NR3A1) and beta (ER beta, NR3A2) have been identified. ER beta mRNA and protein have been detected in a wide range of tissues including the vasculature, bone, and gonads in both males and females, as well as in cancers of the breast and prostate. In many tissues the pattern of expression of ER beta is distinct from that of ER alpha. A number of variant isoforms of the wild type beta receptor (ER beta 1), have been identified. In the human these include: (1). use of alternative start sites within the mRNA leading to translation of either a long (530 amino acids, hER beta 1L) or a truncated form (487aa hER beta 1s); (2). deletion of exons by alternative splicing; (3). formation of several isoforms (ER beta 2-beta 5) due to alternative splicing of exons encoding the carboxy terminus (F domain). We have raised monoclonal antibodies specific for hER beta1 as well as to three of the C terminal isoforms (beta2, beta 4 and beta 5). Using these antibodies we have found that ER beta 2, beta 4 and beta 5 proteins are expressed in nuclei of human tissues including the ovary, placenta, testis and vas deferens.In conclusion, in addition to the differential expression of full length ER alpha and ER beta a number of ER variant isoforms have been identified. The impact of the expression of these isoforms on cell responsiveness to oestrogens may add additional complexity to the ways in which oestrogenic ligands influence cell function.  相似文献   
HER-2/neu is an immunogenic protein eliciting both humoral and cellular immune responses in patients with HER-2/neu-positive (+) tumors. Preexisting cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) immunity to HER-2/neu has so far been mainly evaluated in terms of detection of CTL precursor (CTLp) frequencies to the immunogenic HLA-A2–binding nona-peptide 369-377 (HER-2(9369)). In the present study, we examined patients with HER-2/neu+ breast, ovarian, lung, colorectal, and prostate cancers for preexisting CTL immunity to four recently described HER-2/neu–derived and HLA-A2–restricted "cytotoxic" peptides and to a novel one spanning amino acids 777–785 also with HLA-A2–binding motif. We utilized enzyme-linked immunosorbent spot (ELISpot) assay, which allows a quantitative and functional assessment of T cells directed against specific peptides after only brief in vitro incubation. CTL reactivity was determined with an interferon (IFN-) ELISpot assay detecting T cells at the single cell level secreting IFN-. CTLp were defined as peptide-specific precursors per 106 peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs). Patients' PBMCs with increased CTLp were also tested against autologous tumor targets and peptide-pulsed dendritic cells (DCs) in cytotoxicity assays. We also studied patients with HER-2/neu-negative (-) tumors and healthy individuals. Of the HER-2/neu+ patients examined, 31% had increased CTLp to HER-2(9952), 19% to HER-2(9665), 16% to HER-2(9689), and 12.5% HER-2(9435), whereas only 2 of 32 patients (6%) responded to HER-2(9777). The CTLp recognizing HER-2(9952) were extremely high in two patients with breast cancer, one with lung cancer, and one with prostate cancer. None of the HER-2/neu- patients or healthy donors exhibited increased CTLp to any of these peptides. Besides IFN- production, preexisting CTL immunity to all five HER-2/neu peptides was also shown in cytotoxicity assays where patients' PBMCs with increased CTLp specifically lysed autologous tumor targets and autologous peptide-pulsed DCs. Our results demonstrate for the first time that (1) preexisting immunity to peptides HER-2(9435), HER-2(9952), HER-2(9689), HER-2(9665), and HER-2(9777) is present in patients with HER-2/neu+ tumors of distinct histology, (2) HER-2(9777) is a naturally processed peptide expressed on the surface of HER-2/neu+ tumors, as are the other four peptides, and (3) HER-2/neu+ prostate tumor cells can be recognized and lysed by autologous HER-2 peptide-specific CTL. Our findings broaden the potential application of HER-2/neu-based immunotherapy.  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of intense training on physical growth and sexual maturation in young male gymnasts. Physical development, pubertal development, testosterone levels, energy expenditure, and relative body fat were examined in 21 circumpubertal male gymnasts (13.3 +/- 0.3 yr) and 24 age-matched controls (13.5 +/- 0.3 yr). Subjects completed a self-assessment of genital and pubic hair development with the use of the Tanner scale. All subjects were measured for height, weight, and salivary testosterone levels (T). The Physical Activity Questionnaire for Adolescents was used to estimate weekly energy expenditure in metabolic equivalents. Percent body fat (%BF) was assessed by using bioelectrical impedance analysis. Developmental stages and T, as well as height and weight, were not different between groups. Energy expenditure was significantly higher (P 相似文献   
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