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The nifA gene of Rhizobium meliloti is oxygen regulated.   总被引:35,自引:19,他引:16       下载免费PDF全文
Experiments using plasmid-borne gene fusions and direct RNA measurements have revealed that expression from the nifA gene is induced in Rhizobium meliloti when the external oxygen concentration is reduced to microaerobic levels. Induction occurs in the absence of alfalfa and in the presence of fixed nitrogen and does not require ntrC. The production of functional nifA gene product (NifA) can be demonstrated by its ability to activate the nitrogenase promoter P1. Aerobic induction of nifA can also occur during nitrogen starvation at low pH, but in this case induction is dependent on ntrC and does not lead to P1 activation. The data indicate that reduced oxygen tension is potentially a major trigger for symbiotic activation of nitrogen fixation in Rhizobium species.  相似文献   
A fluorometric procedure for the detection of DNA-DNA hybrids is described. The procedure involved the detection of probe-bound alkaline phosphatase with the fluorescent substrate ATTOPHOS. This substrate is converted to ATTOFLUOR by alkaline phosphatase and fluoresces strongly at 550 nm when excited with a wavelength of 440 nm. DNA hybridization assays were performed both with dilutions of purified target plasmid DNA (pSE9 or PBR322) and whole bacterial cells. Streptavidin-alkaline phosphatase conjugates were added to react with bound probe. Fluorometric assays, as well as colorimetric assays, using 5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indolylphosphate + nitroblue tetrazolium for alkaline phosphatase activity were performed. The fluorescence of the substrate was measured at time intervals, and the slope of the regression line calculated. A slope four times greater than that of background was considered positive. One hundred femtograms or 2.2 x 10(4) molecules of homologous DNA were detected with the fluorescent assay as compared with 10,000 femtograms or 2.2 x 10(6) molecules of homologous DNA with the colorimetric assay. Similar results were obtained with whole cells. Approximately 1 x 10(3) homologous cells were detected fluorometrically and 1 x 10(5) cells were detected colorimetrically. Based on these results, we conclude that, in our hands, the DNA hybridization assay described here using ATTOPHOS as the substrate for alkaline phosphatase is a very sensitive assay for the detection of DNA-DNA hybrids.  相似文献   
For the first time, a credible prokaryotic phylogenetic tree is being assembled by Woese and others using quantitative sequence analysis of oligonucleotides in the highly conservative rRNA. This provides an evolutionary scale against which the evolutionary steps that led to the arrangement and regulation of contemporary biochemical pathways can be measured. This paper presents an emerging evolutionary picture of aromatic amino acid biosynthesis within a large superfamily assemblage of prokaryotes that is sufficiently developed to illustrate a new perspective that will be applicable to many other biochemical pathways.   相似文献   
Rhizobium trifolii was highly resistant to the lethal effect ofN-methyl-N-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine (MNNG), but it was sensitive to the mutagenic action of this chemical. A concentration of 500g/ml yields a survival of between 1% and 10%, which allows us to obtain a higher number of mutants than lower concentrations that yield higher survival rates. Lethal damage produced by nitrosoguanidine was repaired, and repair is inhibited by acriflavine.  相似文献   
This study evaluates a polymerase chain reaction assay coupled with a fluorescent detection in microwell plates for salmonellas in food samples. Chelex 100-extracted cultures and bulk and processed food samples were used as templates for a PCR assay in microwell plates, with a primer pair that amplifies a 206 bp segment of IS 200 . The PCR products were then denatured by heat and transferred to CovaLink NH plates (Nunc) to which capture oligonucleotides were covalently bound. Hybridization was performed for 1 h at 55°C, the microwells were washed and an alkaline phosphatase-labelled probe, complementary of an internal sequence of the PCR product, was added. After stringent washes, 100 μl of 1 mmol 1-1 AttoPhosTM (JBL Scientific) was then added to the wells and the fluorescence measurement system (Millipore). The level of detection of the assay was as low as 1–10 cfu. A total of 172 food samples were tested, both by culture and FD-PCR. Of these 53 were culture positive and 119 culture negative. The sensitivity of the FD-PCR assay was 100% and the specificity was 90.1%. Positive and negative predictive values were 82.8 and 100%, respectively. Based on the results obtained in this study it appears that the FD-PCR. assay described here can be useful to screen a large number of food samples for contamination by salmonellas.  相似文献   
The extracellular and surface polysaccharides produced by Rhizobium species constitute a composite macromolecular interface between the bacterial cell and its environment. Several of these polysaccharides are involved in the complex series of interactions leading to the establishment of an effective Rhizobium-legume symbiosis. Extracellular heteropolysaccharides (EPSs) are found in culture supernatants, while capsular polysaccharides adhere to the cell surface. Cyclic (1–2)--d glucan is a periplasmic oligosaccharide that has also been found in the culture supernatants of some strains. The lipopolysaccharides (LPSs), which form part of the outer membrane and contain the O-somatic antigens, comprise the other major group of extracellular polysaccharides. In this review we will describe the major Rhizobium extracellular structures and their role in symbiosis with leguminous plants.The authors are with the Departamento de Microbiologia y Parasitologia, Facultad de Farmacia. Universidad de Sevilla, 41012 Sevilla, Spain  相似文献   
Summary— We designed a protocol for cell labeling with the lectin wheat germ agglutinin (WGA) linked to the fluorochrome tetramethyl-rhodamine isothiocyanate (TRITC) for effective detection of the B16F10 melanoma and Lewis lung carcinoma (LLc) cells on pulmonary histological sections from C57BL6; mice. We have also determined a suitable concentration of WGA-TRITC (10 μg/ml), which leads to a very intense and homogeneous labeling of the cells, as it avoids cell clumping due to the presence of the lectin WGA. In order to determine to what extent the method affects these tumor cells, we have studied some important aspects related to their metastatic behavior, taking into account three parameters: a) viability and rate of proliferation of the cells cultured in vitro; b) percentage of animals C57BL6 mice) bearing metastasis 15 days after intravenous inoculation with 105 B16F10 or LLc cells; and c) pattern of distribution of tumor foci in lung. There were no significant differences in these three parameters between the WGA-TRITC labeled-cells compared to the cultures of non-labeled cells in either of the cell lines (B16F10, LLc). Thus, we conclude that B16F10 and LLc tumor cells can be labeled following the protocol set-up in our study, as it allows these cells to be neatly identified on tissue sections and it causes no important physiological changes in the cells, with regard to metastatic behavior. These points make this technique very suitable for the detection of B16F10 and LLc cells on histological sections in studying their behavior during the first stages of the metastatic process.  相似文献   
Management goals in protected areas and/or communities usually include diversity as one of the most valuable and confident criteria. Nevertheless, the use of diversity and related indices as a means of evaluating successful management practices could produce conflicting results. Here we report a case study in one of the most important European protected areas. After 6 years of intensive conservation management of the Don~ana National Park, the general abundance and numbers of the target single-species conservation plan (the Iberian lynx) increased, although carnivore community diversity and evenness decreased. This was a result of a disproportionate increase of an oportunistic native species, the red fox. We propose the combined use of diversity, richness and evenness indices when monitoring management practices such as those reported here.  相似文献   
Summary Twenty characters were measured on 60 tomato varieties cultivated in the open-air and in polyethylene plastic-house. Data were analyzed by means of principal components, factorial discriminant methods, Mahalanobis D2 distances and principal coordinate techniques. Factorial discriminant and Mahalanobis D2 distances methods, both of which require collecting data plant by plant, lead to similar conclusions as the principal components method that only requires taking data by plots. Characters that make up the principal components in both environments studied are the same, although the relative importance of each one of them varies within the principal components. By combining information supplied by multivariate analysis with the inheritance mode of characters, crossings among cultivars can be experimented with that will produce heterotic hybrids showing characters within previously established limits.  相似文献   
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