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Plasma membrane vesicles were purified from 8-day-old oat ( Avena sativa L. cv. Brighton) roots in an aqueous polymer two-phase system. The plasma membranes possessed high specific ATPase activity [ca 4 μmol P1 (mg protein)−1 min−1 at 37°C]. Addition of lysophosphatidylcholine (lyso-PC) produced a 2–3 fold activation of the plasma membrane ATPase, an effect due both to exposure of latent ATP binding sites and to a true activation of the enzyme. Lipid activation increased the affinity for ATP and caused a shift of the pH optimum of the H+ -ATPase activity to 6.75 as compared to pH 6.45 for the negative H+-ATPase. Activation was dependent on the chain length of the acyl group of the lyso-PC, with maximal activition obtained by palmitoyl lyso-PC. Free fatty acids also activated the membrane-bound H+-ATPase. This activation was also dependent on chain length and to the degree of unsaturation, with linolenic and arachidonic acid as the most efficient fatty acids. Exogenously added PC was hydrolyzed to lyso-PC and free fatty acids by an enzyme in the plasma membrane preparation, presumably of the phospholipase A type. Both lyso-PC and free fatty acids are products of phospholipase A2 (EC action, and addition of phospholipase A2 from animal sources increased the H+-ATPase activity within seconds. Interaction with lipids and fatty acids could thus be part of the regulatory system for H+-ATPase activity in vivo, and the endogenous phospholipase may be involved in the regulation of the H+-ATPase activity in the plasma membranne.  相似文献   
The in vitro activity of several new imidazoles, cloconazole, sulconazole, butoconazole, isoconazole and fenticonazole, were compared with those of amphothericin B, flucytosine, and three azoles: econazole, miconazole and ketoconazole against isolates of pathogenic Candida. A total of 186 clinical isolates of 10 species of the genus Candida and two culture collection strains were tested by an agar-dilution technique. Isoconazole was the most active azole, followed by butoconazole and sulconazole. Differences between some of the species in their susceptibility to the antifungal agents were noted. Sulconazole and cloconazole had the highest activity in vitro against 106 isolates of C. albicans. Butoconazole and isoconazole were also very active against isolates of C. albicans, and were the most active azole compounds against 80 isolates of Candida spp.  相似文献   
The level of DNA methylation in Daucus carota was found to be tissue specific, but no simple correlation between developmental stage or age of tissue and the level of DNA methylation was found. Among three different suspension culture lines from the same variety grown under identical conditions, large differences in the level of DNA methylation were observed. The highest and lowest levels were found in two embryogenic cell lines originating from the same clone. Suspension cells from one of the embryogenic cell lines were fractionated into three morphologically defined cell types using Percoll gradient density centrifugation, and the uniformity of these fractions was evaluated by image analysis. The three cell types showed different levels of DNA methylation. The lowest level was found in the fraction containing the precursor cells of somatic embryos.  相似文献   
A novel experimental method was developed which allows the determination of the threshold concentration of sucrose by use of a linear sucrose gradient in water. With this method a continuous tasting of the test-liquid is possible. A panel of 15 persons experienced in taste-testing was used. Three gradients of different steepness were applied: 0 to 1.5% (w/w) sucrose in 2 min (I), 3 min (II) and 4 min (III). The results of the new method were compared with those of the standard method (DIN). With gradients I and II we found values which were significantly higher than those of the standard method (I: 0.49% (w/w); II: 0.46% (w/w); DIN: 0.31% (w/w)), whereas with gradient III the same threshold value was found as with the DIN-Method (III: 0.32% (w/w)).  相似文献   
The plasma membrane proton pump (H(+)-ATPase) energizes solute uptake by secondary transporters. Wild-type Arabidopsis plasma membrane H(+)-ATPase (AHA2) and truncated H(+)-ATPase lacking 38, 51, 61, 66, 77, 92, 96, and 104 C-terminal amino acids were produced in yeast. All AHA2 species were correctly targeted to the yeast plasma membrane and, in addition, accumulated in internal membranes. Removal of 38 C-terminal residues from AHA2 produced a high-affinity state of plant H(+)-ATPase with a low Km value (0.1 mM) for ATP. Removal of an additional 12 amino acids from the C terminus resulted in a significant increase in molecular activity of the enzyme. There was a close correlation between molecular activity of the various plant H(+)-ATPase species and their ability to complement mutants of the endogenous yeast plasma membrane H(+)-ATPase (pma1). This correlation demonstrates that, at least in this heterologous host, activation of H(+)-ATPase is a prerequisite for proper energization of the plasma membrane.  相似文献   
Transport across the plasma membrane is driven by an electrochemical gradient of H+ ions generated by the plasma membrane proton pump (H+-ATPase). Random mutants of Arabidopsis H+-ATPase AHA1 were isolated by phenotypic selection of growth of transformed yeast cells in the absence of endogenous yeast H+-ATPase (PMA1). A Trp-874-Leu substitution as well as a Trp-874 to Lys-935 deletion in the hydrophilic C-terminal domain of AHA1 conferred growth of yeast cells devoid of PMA1. A Trp-874-Phe substitution in AHA1 was produced by site-directed mutagenesis. The modified enzymes hydrolyzed ATP at 200–500% of wild-type level, had a sixfold increase in affinity for ATP (from 1.2 to 0.2 mM; pH 7.0), and had the acidic pH optimum shifted towards neutral pH. AHA1 did not contribute significantly to H+ extrusion by transformed yeast cells. The different species of aha1, however, displayed marked differences in initial rates of net H+ extrusion and in their ability to sustain an electrochemical H+ gradient. These results provide evidence that Trp-874 plays an important role in auto-inhibition of the plant H+-ATPase and may be involved in controlling the degree of coupling between ATP hydrolysis and H+ pumping. Finally, these results demonstrate the usefulness of yeast as a generalized screening tool for isolating regulatory mutants of plants transporters.  相似文献   
应用GLC/MS联用仪对室内培养的钝顶螺旋藻(Spirulina platensis (Nordstedt) Geitler)、极大螺旋藻(S.maxima (Stechell & Gardiner) Geitler)和盐泽螺旋藻(S.subsalsa Oerst)的甾醇成分进行了测定。从钝顶螺旋藻和盐泽螺旋藻中共分出11个相同的甾醇组分:胆甾醇、胆甾烷醇、芸苔甾醇、麦角甾醇、海绵甾醇、菜子甾醇、豆甾醇、24-乙基-Δ~(5,7,22)-胆甾醇、β-谷甾醇、异岩藻甾醇和4α,23,24-三甲基Δ~(5,22)-胆甾醇;从极大螺旋藻中只分离出8个甾醇组分。其中胆甾醇含量最高。4α,23,24-三甲基-Δ~(5,22)-胆甾醇为蓝藻中首次报导。  相似文献   
The flexibility and self-healing properties of animal cell surface membranes are well known. These properties have been best exploited in various micrurgical studies on living cells (2, 3), especially in amoebae (7, 20). During nuclear transplantation in amoebae, the hole in the membrane through which a nucleus passes can have a diameter of 20-30 μm, and yet such holes are quickly sealed, although some cytoplasm usually escapes during the transfer. While enucleating amoebae in previous studies, we found that if a very small portion of a nucleus was pushed through the membrane and exposed to the external medium, the amoeba expelled such a nucleus on its own accord. When this happened, a new membrane appeared to form around the embedded portion of the nucleus and no visible loss of cytoplasm occurred during nuclear extrusion. In the present study, we examined amoebae that were at different stages of expelling partially exposed nuclei, to follow the sequence of events during the apparent new membrane formation. Unexpectedly, we found that a new membrane is not formed around the nucleus from inside but a hole is sealed primarily by a constriction of the existing membrane, and that cytoplasmic filaments are responsible for the prevention of the loss of cytoplasm.  相似文献   
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