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Ecological studies in tropical forests have long been plagued by difficulties associated with sampling the crowns of large canopy trees and large inaccessible regions, such as the Amazon basin. Recent advances in remote sensing have overcome some of these obstacles, enabling progress towards tackling difficult ecological problems. Breakthroughs have helped transform the dialog between ecology and remote sensing, generating new regional perspectives on key environmental gradients and species assemblages with ecologically relevant measures such as canopy nutrient and moisture content, crown area, leaf-level drought responses, woody tissue and surface litter abundance, phenological patterns, and land-cover transitions. Issues that we address here include forest response to altered precipitation regimes, regional disturbance and land-use patterns, invasive species and landscape carbon balance.  相似文献   
Phytoremediation technologies such as constructed wetlands have shown higher efficiencies in removal of pharmaceuticals from wastewaters than conventional wastewater treatment processes, and plants seem to have an important role in the removal of some of those compounds. In this context, a study was conducted to assess tolerance, uptake, and metabolism of the epilepsy drug, carbamazepine, by the macrophyte Typha spp. This evaluation was conducted in hydroponic solutions with 0.5-2.0 mg/L of this pharmaceutical for a maximum period of 21 days. The removal of carbamazepine from nutrient solutions by the plants reached values of 82% of the initial contents. Furthermore, a metabolite (10,11-dihydro-10,11-epoxycarbamazepine) was detected in leaf tissues indicating carbamazepine translocation and metabolism inside plants. Activities of antioxidant enzymes catalase, superoxide dismutase, and guaiacol peroxidase generally increase (after some mild initial inhibition in the case of the latter enzyme) as result of the abiotic stress caused by the exposure to carbamazepine, but ultimately Typha seemed able to cope with its toxicity. The results obtained in this study suggest the ability of Typha spp., to actively participate in the removal of carbamazepine from water when used in phytotreatment systems.  相似文献   
Selenium (Se) is an essential nutrient, but in higher concentrations can reduce recruitment in fish populations by increasing rates of deformities during early development. Recent work has identified elevated levels of Se in water and biota collected downstream from coal mining activity in Alberta's northeast slopes region. We also recently identified increased incidence of terata and edema in rainbow trout and brook trout with elevated tissue Se from this area. However, there is currently no information regarding the potential for Se to contribute to declining stocks of bull trout, a species of concern in the area. The present study provides an assessment of the potential for Se to contribute to low recruitment in bull trout downstream from coal mining activity. Non-destructive muscle biopsy sampling and a sensitive atomic fluorescence analysis technique are used to determine Se. Results indicate that most bull trout (>90%) captured immediately downstream from coal mining activity in the region have concentrations of Se that would be expected to impair recruitment. Additional work is required to determine the extent of Se's contribution to low recruitment in bull trout.  相似文献   
Despite being one of the first vitamins to be discovered, the full range of biological activities for vitamin A remains to be defined. Structurally similar to vitamin A, carotenoids are a group of nearly 600 compounds. Only about 50 of these have provitamin A activity. Recent evidence has shown vitamin A, carotenoids and provitamin A carotenoids can be effective antioxidants for inhibiting the development of heart disease. Vitamin A must be obtained from the diet: green and yellow vegetables, dairy products, fruits and organ meats are some of the richest sources. Within the body, vitamin A can be found as retinol, retinal and retinoic acid. Because all of these forms are toxic at high concentrations, they are bound to proteins in the extracellular fluids and inside cells. Vitamin A is stored primarily as long chain fatty esters and as provitamin carotenoids in the liver, kidney and adipose tissue. The antioxidant activity of vitamin A and carotenoids is conferred by the hydrophobic chain of polyene units that can quench singlet oxygen , neutralize thiyl radicals and combine with and stabilize peroxyl radicals. In general, the longer the polyene chain, the greater the peroxyl radical stabilizing ability. Because of their structures, vitamin A and carotenoids can autoxidize when O2 tension increases, and thus are most effective antioxidants at low oxygen tensions that are typical of physiological levels found in tissues. Overall, the epidemiological evidence suggests that vitamin A and carotenoids are important dietary factors for reducing the incidence of heart disease. Although there is considerable discrepancy in the results from studies in humans regarding this relationship, carefully controlled experimental studies continue to indicate that these compounds are effective for mitigating and defending against many forms of cardiovascular disease. More work, especially concerning the relevance of how tissue concentrations, rather than plasma levels, relate to the progression of tissue damage in heart disease is required. This review assembles information regarding the basic structure and metabolism of vitamin A and carotenoids as related to their antioxidant activities. Epidemiological, intervention trials and experimental evidence about the effectiveness of vitamin A and carotenoids for reducing cardiovascular disease is also reviewed.  相似文献   
The aim of the present work was to evaluate the sorption capacity of light expanded clay aggregates (LECA) to remove mixtures of ibuprofen, carbamazepine and clofibric acid in water and wastewater. High removal efficiencies were attained for carbamazepine and ibuprofen while a less satisfactory performance was observed for clofibric acid. In a mixture of the three compounds in water a slight decrease in the sorbed amounts is observed in comparison with solutions of the single compounds, indicating some competitive sorption. In wastewater, the pharmaceuticals mixture also undergoes a slight reduction in the sorbed amounts of carbamazepine and ibuprofen, probably due to the presence of dissolved organic matter which increases their solubility. These compounds were removed in the following order of efficiencies in all the tested conditions: carbamazepine > ibuprofen > clofibric acid. Two other clay materials – sepiolite and vermiculite – were tested for the removal of the more recalcitrant clofibric acid, and vermiculite exhibited higher removal efficiency than LECA. The sorption is characterized by an initial fast step, with most pharmaceuticals being removed within the first 24 h. The results of this study are a first step in the process of selecting an appropriate material or combination of materials to be used as media in SSF-CWs designed for the removal of pharmaceuticals from wastewaters.  相似文献   
A study was conducted to assess Typha spp.'s ability to withstand and remove, from water, a metabolite of blood lipid regulator drugs, clofibric acid (CA). At a concentration of 20 microg L(-1), Typha had removed >50% of CA within the first 48h, reaching a maximum of 80% by the end of the assay. Experimental conditions assured that photodegradation, adsorption to vessel walls and microbial degradation did not contribute to the removal. Exposure to higher CA concentrations did not affect Typha's photosynthetic pigments but the overall increase in enzyme activity (ascorbate and guaiacol peroxidases, catalase, superoxide dismutase) indicates that both roots and leaves were affected by the xenobiotic. Eventually, Typha seemed able to cope with the CA's induced oxidative damage suggesting its ability for phytoremediation of CA contaminated waters.  相似文献   
Microcosm constructed wetlands systems established with a matrix of light expanded clay aggregates (LECA) and planted with Typha spp. were used to evaluate their ability to remove pharmaceuticals ibuprofen, carbamazepine and clofibric acid from wastewaters. Seasonal variability of these systems’ performances was also evaluated. Overall, removal efficiencies of 96%, 97% and 75% for ibuprofen, carbamazepine and clofibric acid, respectively, were achieved under summer conditions after a retention time of 7 days. In winter, a maximum loss of 26% in removal efficiency was observed for clofibric acid. Removal kinetics was characterized by a fast initial step (>50% removal within 6 h) mainly due to adsorption on LECA but, on a larger timescale, plants also contributed significantly to the system’s performance. Despite the fact that further tests using larger-scale systems are required, this study points to the possible application of these low-cost wastewater treatment systems for dealing with pharmaceuticals contaminated wastewater.  相似文献   
The Cerrado, the savanna biome in central Brazil, mostly comprised of woodland savanna, is experiencing intense and fast land use changes. To understand the changes in Cerrado carbon stocks, we present an overview of biomass distribution in different Cerrado vegetation types (i.e., grasslands, shrublands and forestlands). We surveyed 26 studies including 170 Cerrado sites. The grasslands presented mean total biomass of 24 Mg/ha, with 70 percent allocated in the belowground portion. In shrublands, the mean total biomass was 58 Mg/ha being 58 percent in the belowground portion. Finally, in forestlands the mean total biomass was 98 Mg/ha with 18 percent as belowground biomass. The surveyed studies presented 12 allometric equations for biomass estimate, most involving both diameter and height. Data on wood density for Cerrado shrubs and trees are not abundant and the average value was 0.66 g/cm3, similar to that found in the central portion of the Amazon Forest. We also examined the relationship between total precipitation and dry‐season intensity with biomass variation in the Cerrado shrubland using data from tropical rainfall measurement mission (TRMM) for the period 2000–2010. Dry‐season precipitation amount in cerrado areas in severe drought regions explained 29 percent of the variation in aboveground woody biomass. This finding is important in the face of the predictions of longer and more severe dry seasons in the region due to climate change.  相似文献   
Determination of amino acids in polymers with varying structure and charge was performed using vapor phase acid hydrolysis and subsequent precolumn derivatization with 6-aminoquinolyl-N-hydroxysuccinimidyl carbamate (AQC). Percent load of neutral, cationic and anionic peptide-modified synthetic polymers was accurately determined using this technique. Assay utility was shown for glycosaminoglycans and other sulfated polymers, neutral carbohydrate polymers such as agar, agarose, and cellulose, and polymers such as lipopolysaccharide and deoxyribonucleic acid. The carboxylated and sulfated molecules included chondroitin sulfate, hyaluronic acid, dermatan sulfate, and heparin, and the sulfated polymers included fucoidan, carrageenan, and dextran sulfate, as examples. Assayed cumulative amino acid concentrations (i.e. protein levels) are reported, although amino acid distribution data was also available from the analysis. Recovery was acceptable for the various compounds tested and did not correlate with structure. However, different sample sizes were necessary to achieve acceptable recovery, depending on the level of protein present in the matrix. While some matrices contained peaks in addition to the amino acids and amino sugars, they were not found to interfere using the standard gradient separation. Assayed amino acid profiles were compared for agaroses with differing electroendosmosis values and for agar samples from different parts of the globe. While the amounts of protein varied depending on source, the relative distribution of amino acids was very similar across the agar samples surveyed.  相似文献   
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