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An ultrastructural study of petal cells of wallflower (Erysimumcheirii) of the family Brassicaceae shows that the adaxial epidermalcells are of the conical papillate type whereas the cells ofthe abaxial epidermis are lenticular in shape. The abaxial epidermiscontains stomata, which are solitary and lack any obvious subsidiarycells. Pigmentation is apparent in both epidermal and internalmesophyll cells and results from the presence of both chromoplastsand large cytoplasmic vesicles containing pigment. These pigmentedvesicles are very obvious in preparations of fixed isolatedpetal cells. Chromoplasts are of the globular type and are presentin significant numbers in both epidermal and mesophyll cells.Division of chloroplasts in young petals prior to bud breakappears to give rise to the populations of chromoplasts observedin mature petals since there was no evidence of chromoplastdivision itself. The development of wallflower petals and theirchromoplasts is discussed in relation to development of petalsin the related species Arabidopsis thaliana. Copyright 1999Annals of Botany Company Wallflower, Erysimum cheiri, Chieranthus, petal development, chromoplasts, chloroplast differentiation.  相似文献   
Pyke, K A. and Leech, R. M. 1985. Variation in nbulose 1, 5bisphosphate carboxylase content in a range of winter wheatgenotypes. J. exp. Bot. 36: 1523–1529. Amounts of ribulose 1, 5 bisphosphate carboxylase (RuBPCase;E.C [EC] ) were measured in the first leaves of 14 hexaploidwheat genotypes. The genotypes were representative of winterwheat grown in Britain during the past 150 years. The highest levels of RuBPCase per unit leaf area were foundin semi-dwarf genotypes which had more mesophyll cells per unitleaf area and smaller cells than tall genotypes. There was nosignificant correlation relating the year of introduction ofgenotypes to either the amount of RuBPCase per leaf or the amountper mesophyll cell Semi-dwarf genotypes tended to have smallerleaves and were less variable. Genotypic variation in the cellular content of RuBPCase is discussedin terms of genotypic differences in leaf development and thepotential for maximal RuBPCase accumulation. Key words: —Ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase, semi-dwarf wheat, cell size  相似文献   
Pyke, K. A. and Leech, R. M. 1987. Cellular levels of ribulose1,5 bisphosphate carboxylase and chloroplast compartment sizein wheat mesophyll cells.—J. exp. Bot. 38: 1949–1956. The amount of the photosynthetic enzyme ribulose 1,5 bisphosphatecarboxylase (RUBISCO),as determined in mesophyll cells in primarywheat leaves was related to the size of the chloroplast compartmentwithin the cell for wheat species of three ploidy levels. Asimilar comparison was made for several genotypes of the hexaploidbreadwheat Triticum aestivum. Estimation of total chloroplastvolume per mesophyll cell was made assuming chloroplasts tobe oblate spheroid in shape. A significant correlation was found between the amount of RUBISCOper cell and the total chloroplast volume per cell for diploid,tetraploid and hexaploid wheat species. A significant correlationbetween cellular RUBISCO level and total chloroplast volumeper cell was also observed for a range of genotypes of the hexaploidT. aestivum but these genotypes of T. aestivutn accumulate agreater amount of RUBISCO per unit chloroplast volume than doany other wheat species. For these genotypes of T. aestivumthe stromal concentration of RUBISCO was estimated at 0·5mol m–3 with a ribulose Msphosphate binding site concentrationof 4·0 mol m–3. These results are discussed with respect to a gene dosage hypothesisto explain the accumulation of RUBISCO in leaf mesophyll cells. Key words: Ribulose, bisphosphate carboxylase, wheat chloroplasts, mesophyll cells  相似文献   
The foraging behaviour of Australian honeyeaters is reviewed in terms of diet, foraging selectivity, foraging flight mode, quality and quantity of nectar encountered per flower, flower densities encountered and effect of predation. At the same time comparisons are made between honeyeaters and hummingbirds. These two groups of birds are superficially similar. Both feed on nectar and insects. Both tend to have long curved bills and tongues adapted for removal of nectar from flowers. Both tend to feed at long, red flowers. However, on close inspection, honeyeaters and hummingbirds are quite dissimilar. For example, many honeyeaters include fruit in their diets. Hummingbirds almost never eat fruit. Honeyeaters appear to be considerably less nectarivorous and more insectivorous than hummingbirds. Honeyeaters are, for the most part, larger than hummingbirds and they usually perch while feeding whereas hummingbirds usually hover. Honeyeaters but not hummingbirds often flock while feeding. Predation appears to be considerably more important for honeyeaters than for hummingbirds. Territorial defense of flowers seems common in hummingbirds but uncommon in honeyeaters. These differences are discussed in detail and explanations are offered for them wherever possible.  相似文献   
Removal of almost all honeyeater nectar sources from a 5.6 ha area during February to July had no apparent effect on honeyeater nesting or total abundance. Behaviour in the experimental area was also generally unaffected except for the extent of nectar-feeding which was significantly reduced for the most commonly observed species. The honeyeaters must have compensated for the nectar removal by flying to nearby productive areas to feed on nectar. Nectar-removal had no significant effect on the species composition of resident honeyeaters but did affect the species composition of all observed honeyeaters. Nectar removal resulted in a decrease in the abundance of the large and dominant Little Wattlebirds (Anthochaera chrysoptera) and an increase in the abundance of the other, smaller species.  相似文献   
The three-dimensional quantitative leaf anatomy in developingyoung (9–22 d) first leaves of wild type Arabidopsis thalianacv. Landsberg erecta from mitosis through cell and leaf expansionto the cessation of lamina growth has been studied. The domainsof cell division, the relative proportion of the cell typespresent during development and the production of intercellularspace in the developing leaf have been determined by image analysisof entire leaves sectioned in three planes. Mitotic activityoccurs throughout the youngest leaves prior to unfolding andcell expansion is initiated firstly at the leaf tip with a persistentzone of mitotic cells at the leaf base resulting in a gradientof development along the leaf axis, which persists in the olderleaves. Major anatomical changes which occur during the developmentare, a rapid increase in mesophyll volume, an increase in thevein network, and expansion of the intercellular spaces. Thepattern of cell expansion results in a 10-fold variation inmesophyll cell size in mature leaves. In the youngest leavesthe plan area of mesophyll cells varies between 100 µm2and 400 µm2 whereas in mature leaves mesophyll cells rangein plan area from 800 µm2 to 9500 µm2. The volumesof mesophyll tissue and airspace under unit leaf area increase3-fold and 35-fold, respectively, during leaf expansion. Thevolume proportions of tissue types mesophyll:airspace:epiderrnal:vascularin the mature leaf are 61:26:12:1, respectively. This studyprovides comparative information for future identification andanalysis of leaf development mutants of Arabidopsis thaliana. Key words: Arabidopsis, quantitative leaf anatomy, leaf expansion, image analysis  相似文献   
Variation in Mesophyll Cell Number and Size in Wheat Leaves   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The numbers of mesophyll cells in wheat leaves were determinedin a variety of wheat species differing in ploidy level andin leaves from different positions on the wheat plant. Leafsize and mesophyll cell number are linearly related in bothcases but differences were observed in mesophyll cell numberper unit leaf area with changing leaf size. Where changes incell size are caused either by nuclear ploidy or leaf position,differences in mesophyll cell number per unit leaf are negativelycorrelated with mesophyll cell plan area. The decrease in cellsize with increasing leaf position also results in a greaternumber of chloroplasts per unit leaf area. These results arediscussed in relation to anatomical variation of the wheat leaf. Mesophyll cell, cell numbers, leaf size, Triticum  相似文献   
Abstract The maximum density of resident honeyeaters in heathland near Sydney was very similar from one area and year to another, despite large variation in production of nectar-energy. The most likely explanation for this is that density is determined by the spacing behaviour of birds rather than by nectar production or other factors. Within years, nesting by these residents was positively correlated with temporal variation in production of nectar-energy and 90% of nesting occurred when the estimated average amount of energy available in the heathland per pair exceeded that required to support parents and young. Most nesting and the highest nectar production consistently occurred between April and July.  相似文献   
Abstract. A study was carried out in the Peruvian Andes to test the suitability of CDC light traps for monitoring changes in the human-landing rate of endophagic phlebotomine sandflies, following house-spraying with pyrethroid insecticide. On four pairs of consecutive nights, sandflies were caught inside eight sprayed and eight unsprayed houses, either by human bait or by CDC light traps. The sandflies collected were Lutzomyia verrucarum (97%) and Lu. peruensis (3%), both probable vectors of Leishmania peruviana , and the species composition was unaffected by house-spraying. A non-linear relationship was detected between light-trap and human-bait catches, but the relationship did not diverge significantly from linearity within the range of sandfly abundance found in most houses in the endemic area (i.e. between 3 and 200 sandflies/house-night), and did not differ significantly between sprayed and unsprayed houses. However, light trap catches had a significantly lower proportion of blood-fed females in sprayed than in unsprayed houses, probably due to an insecticidal effect on post-blood-feeding behaviour. The proportion of Lu. verrucarum was significantly higher in light trap than in human bait catches, indicating that Lu. peruensis is either more anthropophilic or less phototropic than Lu. verrucarum.  相似文献   
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