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The climate of the native tropical forest habitats of Hylocereus undatus, a hemiepiphytic cactus cultivated in 20 countries for its fruit, can help explain the response of its net CO2 uptake to environmental factors. Under wet conditions, about 85% of the total daily net CO2 uptake occurs at night via Crassulacean acid metabolism, leading to a high water‐use efficiency. Total daily net CO2 uptake is reduced 57% by only 10 days of drought, possibly involving stomatal closure induced by abscisic acid produced in the roots, which typically occupy a small substrate volume. Total daily net CO2 uptake for H. undatus is maximal at day/night air temperatures of 30/20°C, optimal temperatures that are higher than those for desert cacti but representative of ambient temperatures in the tropics; its total daily net CO2 uptake becomes zero at day/night air temperatures of 42/32°C. Stem damage occurs at 45°C for H. undatus, whose photosynthetic cells show little acclimation to high temperatures compared with other cacti and are also sensitive to low temperatures, ‐1.5°C killing half of these cells. Consistent with its shaded habitat, total daily net CO2 uptake is appreciable at a total daily PPF of only 2 mol m2 day' and is maximal at 20 mol m?2 day?1, above which photoinhibition reduces net CO2 uptake. Net CO2 uptake ability, which is highly correlated with stem nitrogen and chlorophyll contents, changes only gradually (halftimes of 2–3 months) as the concentration of applied N is changed. Doubling the atmospheric CO2 concentration raises the total daily net CO2 uptake of H. undatus by 34% under optimal conditions and by even larger percentages under adverse environmental conditions.  相似文献   
Abstract Larvae of the tobacco hornworm moth Manduca sexta starved for the first 3 days of the last (fifth) stadium undergo a supernumerary moult. If they are provided with sucrose during the starvation period, they develop into normal pupae although pupation is delayed. The activities of the corpora allata (CA) from normal, starved, and sucrose fed larvae were followed through the fifth stadium with a radiochemical assay for Juvenile Hormone (JH) biosynthesis. An attempt was made to correlate CA-activity with CA cell number, size, and protein content.
In CA of normally fed larvae the rate of JH synthesis declined to undetectable levels by day 4 which was also the time of exposure of the dorsal vessel. In CA of starved larvae, the rate of JH synthesis at first decreased but began to increase on day 3 and reached a peak value by day 7 , at which time head capsule slippage occurred. In CA of sucrose fed larvae, the rate of biosynthesis declined as in normal larvae but the decline was extended over a longer period. Exposure of the dorsal vessel was delayed in the same manner and occurred on days 7–9. The major JH in all cases was JH-II.
The CA comprise c. 150 cells in the early fifth stadium, and this number remained constant during the fifth stadium in all three feeding regimens. In normal larvae, CA size and protein content increased several-fold during the stadium whereas in starved and sucrose-fed larvae they increased slowly and in agreement with the altered timing of developmental events. In none of the groups was the CA activity pattern correlated with morphometric changes of the CA. The rates of JH biosynthesis were not closely correlated with published JH titre curves. The in vivo mechanisms for regulation of JH production remain to be elucidated.  相似文献   
Abstract. 1. Hypotheses about declining populations of container-inhabiting Aedes mosquitoes following the invasion by additional species were tested.
2. The larval competition hypothesis was studied experimentally in pure and mixed cultures of Aedes aegypti (L.), A.albopictus (Skuse) and A.triseriatus (Say). The experiments used decomposing leaf litter in the laboratory, as opposed to most previous research which used non-natural food.
3. Resistance to starvation is introduced as a new measure of larval performance and competitiveness. The hypothesis is that more successful larvae store larger energy reserves and resist the lack of food longer.
4. Contrary to previous research showing better performance of A.aegypti in mixed cultures, A.albopictus developed faster and had greater survival when natural food was used.
5. Resistance to starvation was greater in the better performing species (i.e. A.aegypti with non-natural food and A.albopictus with leaf litter). Oxygen consumption by starved larvae was similar in the three container species, and in the ground-water mosquito, A.taeniorhynchus (Wied.), whose resistance to starvation was comparatively very low.  相似文献   
Abstract. Simulium metallicum sibling species E was identified cytotaxonomically from an onchocerciasis focus at Altamira in northern Venezuela. S. metallicum E larvae were sampled monthly from two small mountain streams over a 15-month period (July 1990 to September 1991) and eleven habitat variables were measured at two altitudes. One stream consistently harboured much higher densities of S. metallicum E larvae than the other, with three annual peaks of abundance: during the dry season and at the beginning and end of the rainy season. These peak densities were correlated with high rainfall 4 months previously. Larvae were most abundant on submerged rocks and fallen leaves, in small shallow areas characterized by slow water current, high conductivity and sparse terrestrial vegetation cover. Stream variables which best explained the temporal changes in abundance were water discharge and conductivity. The population dynamics of S. metallicum E appeared to be influenced primarily by interactions between stream discharge and substrate stability. Relevance of these results to vector control with larvicides is discussed.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. The taxonomic attribution of four Leishmania stocks isolated from humans in Ecuador has been explored by both multilocus enzyme electrophoresis and random amplified polymorphic DNA. For three loci, MLEE results showed patterns suggesting a heterozygous state for a diploid organism, while the corresponding homozygous states are characteristic of the Leishmania panamensis/guyanensis complex and Leishmania braziliensis . RAPD profiles exhibited for several primers a combination of the Leishmania panmensis/guyanensis complex and L. braziliensis characters. These data hence suggest that the four stocks are the results of hybridization between L. panamensis/guyanensis and L. braziliensis . MLEE data show that the results cannot be attributed to either mixture of stocks, or an F1 in the framework of a simple Mendelian inheritance.  相似文献   
Adult Aedes aegypti (Linnaeus) (Diptera: Culicidae) were previously recovered from emergence traps on septic tanks in southeastern Puerto Rico. In this study we quantified immature mosquito abundance and its relationship with structural variables of the septic tanks and chemical properties of the water containing raw sewage. A miniaturized floating funnel trap was used to sample 89 septic tanks for larvae in the Puerto Rican community of Playa‐Playita. Aedes aegypti larvae were recovered from 18% of the sampled tanks (10.3 larvae per septic tank per day). Larval presence was positively associated with cracking of the septic tank walls and uncovered access ports. Larval abundance was positively associated with cracking of the septic tank walls and larger tank surface areas, and inversely associated with the total dissolved solids (TDS). Culex quinquefasciatus (Say) larvae were also recovered from 74% of the septic tanks (129.6 larvae per septic tank per day). Larval presence was negatively associated with TDS in the water and larval abundance was positively associated with cracking of the septic tank walls. A screened, plastic emergence trap was used to sample 93 septic tanks within the community for Ae. aegypti and Cx. quinquefasciatus adults. Aedes aegypti adults were recovered from 49% of the sampled tanks (8.7 adults per septic tank per day) and Cx. quinquefasciatus adults were recovered from 97% of the sampled tanks (155.5 adults per septic tank per day). Aedes aegypti adult presence was positively associated with cracking, uncapped openings and septic water pH. The Ae. aegypti adult counts were positively associated with cracking and inversely associated with TDS and conductivity. This study marks the first published record of the recovery of Ae. aegypti larvae from holding tanks containing raw sewage in the Caribbean region. Our study indicates that Ae. aegypti larvae are present in sewage water and that septic tanks have at least the potential to maintain dengue transmission during the dry season.  相似文献   
Abstract. 1. An experimental and observational study of the three species of mosquito larvae living in the water-filled floral bracts of Heliconia aurea at Rancho Grande, Venezuela, was designed to determine if each mosquito species forms instar cohorts and excludes conspecifics of younger instars. This study was motivated by a statement of Maguire (1971) who suggested that mosquito larvae in Puerto Rican Heliconia inflorescences form instar cohorts and exclude younger mosquitoes from the floral bracts.
2. Field observations of naturally occurring populations of mosquito larvae from fifty-three H.aurea inflorescences give no indication that cohorts are formed for Wyeomyia felicia and Culex bihaicolus . However, there is strong evidence that cohorts of Trichoprosopon digitatum occur. These cohorts are not structured by larval competition but by female preference of the youngest bracts as oviposition sites and by large T.digitatum larvae feeding on smaller con-specifics.
3. Field experiments show that first instar W.felicia and C.bihaicolus survive as well over a 6 day period in the presence of third instar conspecifics as they do when all mosquito larvae in an experimental bract are first instars.  相似文献   
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