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Sorghum plants were grown in the laboratory with the root systemof each plant split between two pots. Three split pot treatmentswere established: (– –) treatment, where both halvesof the root were free from Striga; (– +) treatment, wherethe soil in one half of the pot had been inoculated with Strigaseed; (+ +) treatment, where the soil in both halves of thepot had been inoculated with Striga. Seed, stem and leaf weight were reduced by 82, 60 and 26 percent respectively in (+ +) plants compared to (– –)plants. Partially infected plants (– +) behaved similarlyto (+ +) plants. Rates of light saturating carbon dioxide fixation in (+ +) and(– +) plants were only 60 per cent of those measured in(– –) plants. This reduction was independent ofchanges in stomatal conductance. The effects of Striga on the growth and photosynthesis of sorghumappear to be independent of the degree of parasitism to whichthe host is subjected. The difference in production betweeninfected and uninfected plants was greater than could be accountedfor in term of competition with the parasite for resources,and Striga appears to have a pathological effect on the host. Sorghum, Striga, parasitic angiosperm, growth, photosynthesis  相似文献   
The extent to which the parasitic angiosperm Striga hermonthica reduces the growth of its sorghum host is dependent on the concentration of nitrogen (as NH4NO3 in 40% Long Ashton Solution) supplied to the plants. The biomass of 0.5,1 and 2 mol m?3 N-grown infected plants was 22,30 and 66%, respectively, of uninfected plants after 140d growth. The biomass of 3 and 4 mol m?3 N-grown infected plants differed little from uninfected plants. No grain was set in 0.5 and 1 mol m?3 N-grown infected plants, grain yield reached 42 and 73% of controls in 2 and 3 mol m?3 N-grown plants, and was unaffected in 4 mol m?3 N-grown plants. Striga hermonthica also altered the allometry and architecture of the host, at all but the highest N concentration. Higher N concentration (3 and 4 mol m ?3 N) reduced the growth of S. hermonthica. Foliar N concentrations in sorghum ranged from 11 mg g?1 dwt. in 0.5 mol m?3 N-grown plants, to 28 mg g?1 dwt. in 4 mol m?3 N-grown plants, and were not affected by S. hermonthica. Higher N concentrations were measured in S. hermonthica, and ranged from 18 to 45 mg g?1 dwt. in 0.5 and 3 mol m?3 N-grown plants, respectively. The relationship between photosynthesis (CO2 flux) and N concentration differed between uninfected and infected sorghum. This was most apparent in 0.5 mol m?3 N-grown plants, with rates of 16 and 11 μmol m?2 s?1 in uninfected and infected plants, respectively (at 1500–1800 μmol m?2 s?1 photosynthetic photon flux density). At higher N concentrations, this difference was smaller, with both sets of plants reaching 26 μmol m?2 s?1 at 4 mol m?3 N. Varying the level of S. hermonthica infection showed that the effect of N on host photosynthesis cannot be explained by differences in the mass or number of parasites supported by the host. At low levels of infection in 1 mol m?3 N-grown plants, the negative effect of the parasite was reversed, and photosynthesis in infected plants exceeded that in uninfected plants by 20%. Photosynthesis in S. hermonthica at 3 mol m?3 N (8 μmol m?2 s?1) was double that in 0.5 mol m?3 N-grown plants. Stable carbon isotope and gas exchange measurements data demonstrated that this higher level of autotrophic carbon fixation was accompanied by a lower dependency on hetero trophic carbon. The latter ranged from 27 to 6% in 0 5 mol m?3 and 3 mol m?3 N-grown plants, respectively.  相似文献   
Eragrostis pilosa (Linn.) P Beauv., a C4 grass native to east Africa, was grown at both ambient (350 μmol mol−1 and elevated (700 μmol mol−1) CO2 in either the presence or absence of the obligate, root hemi-parasite Striga hermonthica (Del.) Benth. Biomass of infected grasses was only 50% that of uninfected grasses at both CO2 concentrations, with stems and reproductive tissues of infected plants being most severely affected. By contrast, CO2 concentration had no effect on growth of E. pilosa , although rates of photosynthesis were enhanced by 30–40% at elevated CO2. Infection with S. hermonthica did not affect either rates of photosynthesis or leaf areas of E. pilosa , but did bring about an increase in root:shoot ratio, leaf nitrogen and phosphorus concentration and a decline in leaf starch concentration at both ambient and elevated CO2. Striga hermonthica had higher rates of photosynthesis and shoot concentrations of soluble sugars at elevated CO2, but there was no difference in biomass relative to ambient grown plants. Both infection and growth at elevated CO2 resulted in an increase in the Δ13C value of leaf tissue of E. pilosa , with the CO2 effect being greater. The proportion of host-derived carbon in parasite tissue, as determined from δ13C values, was 27% and 39% in ambient and elevated CO2 grown plants, respectively. In conclusion, infection with S. hermonthica limited growth of E. pilosa , and this limitation was not removed or alleviated by growing the association at elevated CO2.  相似文献   
The survivorship of dipterocarp seedlings in the deeply shaded understorey of South‐east Asian rain forests is limited by their ability to maintain a positive carbon balance. Photosynthesis during sunflecks is an important component of carbon gain. To investigate the effect of elevated CO2 upon photosynthesis and growth under sunflecks, seedlings of Shorealeprosula were grown in controlled environment conditions at ambient or elevated CO2. Equal total daily photon flux density (PFD) (~7·7 mol m?2 d?1) was supplied as either uniform irradiance (~170 µmol m?2 s?1) or shade/fleck sequences (~30 µmol m?2 s?1/~525 µmol m?2 s?1). Photosynthesis and growth were enhanced by elevated CO2 treatments but lower under flecked irradiance treatments. Acclimation of photosynthetic capacity occurred in response to elevated CO2 but not flecked irradiance. Importantly, the relative enhancement effects of elevated CO2 were greater under sunflecks (growth 60%, carbon gain 89%) compared with uniform irradiance (growth 25%, carbon gain 59%). This was driven by two factors: (1) greater efficiency of dynamic photosynthesis (photosynthetic induction gain and loss, post‐irradiance gas exchange); and (2) photosynthetic enhancement being greatest at very low PFD. This allowed improved carbon gain during both clusters of lightflecks (73%) and intervening periods of deep shade (99%). The relatively greater enhancement of growth and photosynthesis at elevated CO2 under sunflecks has important potential consequences for seedling regeneration processes and hence forest structure and composition.  相似文献   
The association between the parasite Striga gesnerioides and cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) was investigated using measurements of growth and gas exchange together with calculations of the carbon budget of the association. Striga gesnerioides has a very low photosynthetic capacity coupled with high rates of respiration. Even at photosynthetic light saturation shoots exhibit no net carbon gain. Thus S. gesnerioides is highly dependent on its host for carbon as well as for water and inorganic solutes. It is estimated that 70% of the carbon transferred from host to parasite is used in parasite respiration. Infected cowpea had a lower photosynthetic capacity, at times less than half that of uninfected plants. Infection with S. gesnerioides reduced the growth of cowpea by 75%. Calculations indicate that the loss of carbon from the host by export to the parasite is more important than reduced photosynthetic capacity of the host in accounting for the observed growth reductions.  相似文献   
We report the effects of the root hemiparasite Striga hermonthica (Del.) Benth. on the growth and photosynthesis of two cultivars of sorghum: CSH-1, a susceptible variety, and Ochuti, which shows some tolerance to S. hermonthica in the field. Within 4 d of parasite attachment to the host roots, infected plants of both cultivars were significantly shorter than uninfected controls. At 55 d, infected plants of both cultivars had significantly less shoot and root biomass, and significantly smaller leaf areas than uninfected controls. The dry weight of S. hermonthica attached to host roots was insufficient at this stage to explain the decreased growth in terms of a competing sink for carbon and nitrogen. Leaf chlorophyll and nitrogen per unit area were greater in infected plants of both cultivars compared with control plants. However, whereas photosynthesis and transpiration in young leaves of infected CSH-1 plants declined with time when compared with controls, the rates in infected Ochuti plants were similar to those in uninfected controls throughout the time course of observation. In both cultivars, a strong correlation was observed between the rate of photosynthesis and stomatal conductance during photosynthetic induction, but infection resulted in a much slower induction than in controls. In CSH-1 plants, both steady-state photosynthesis and stomatal conductance were lower than in controls, whereas in leaves of Ochuti steady-state photosynthesis and stomatal conductance eventually reached the same values as in the control leaves. Results from AlCi analysis and also from determination of 13C isotope discrimination were consistent with a stomatal limitation to photosynthesis in the leaves of Striga-infected plants. The concentration of the plant growth regulator abscisic acid (ABA) was measured in the xylem sap of infected CSH-1 plants only, and was found to be twice that of uninfected plants. A possible role of ABA in determining host response to infection by S. hermonthica is discussed.  相似文献   
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