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The molecular organization of human plasma alpha 2-macroglobulin (alpha 2M), and its 1:1 and 1:2 trypsin complexes, have been investigated using the small-angle x-ray scattering method. All the experimental data can be explained by the same basic model, consisting of three oblate-shaped domains arranged in a sandwich-like structure. Each of the larger peripheral domains consists of two parallel elliptic cylinders associated side-by-side, whereas the smaller central domain consists of just one elliptic cylinder. In the native molecule the three domains are separated by regions of low protein density. Upon trypsin binding the dimensions of the four peripheral cylinders remain unchanged, but their positioning in space is reorganized so that the whole molecule becomes more compact. The model thus offers a plausible explanation for the mechanism of inactivating of the protease by entrapping it between the two larger domains. By comparing the shape and dimensions of the total molecule with those determined for the half-molecular fragment, obtained after reducing the intersubunit disulfide bonds, we propose that the fragment consists of just one of the peripheral domains plus half of the central domain. Different projections of the model are consistent with the electron micrographs of alpha 2M given in the literature. The model can also explain many of the physical and chemical properties recorded for alpha 2M and its protease complexes.  相似文献   
In the past, a classical map of the tomato genome has been established that is based on linkage data from intraspecific Lycopersicon esculentum crosses. In addition, a high density molecular linkage map has recently been constructed using a L. esculentum X L. pennellii cross. As the respective maps only partially match, they provide limited information about the relative positions of classical and molecular markers. In this paper we describe the construction of an integrated linkage map of tomato chromosome 6 that shows the position of cDNA-, genomic DNA- and RAPD markers relative to 10 classical markers. Integration was achieved by using a L. esculentum line containing an introgressed chromosome 6 from L. pennellii in crosses to a variety of L. esculentum marker lines. In addition, an improved version of the classical linkage map is presented that is based on a combined analysis of new linkage data for 16 morphological markers and literature data. Unlike the classical map currently in use, the revised map reveals clustering of markers into three major groups around the yv, m-2 and c loci, respectively. Although crossing-over rates are clearly different when comparing intraspecific L. esculentum crosses with L. esculentum X L. pennellii crosses, the clusters of morphological markers on the classical map coincide with clusters of genomic- and cDNA-markers on the molecular map constructed by Tanksley and coworkers.  相似文献   
The repeated-pairs of surnames in marriages (RP) approach is applied to the population of Tiszaszalka in north-eastern Hungary. The results indicate that: (1) lineage-like behaviour in mate choice results in population subdivision in both the Catholics and the Protestants of the village; (2) unlike in some other Tiszahat villages, the isonymous and the repeating unions in Tiszaszalka occur in different lineages so, in neither of these subpopulations are isonymous and repeating unions monopolised by a few lineages; (3) religious affilitation influences the mating structure of the population as measured by RP summary scores.  相似文献   
The mechanistic link between avian oxidative physiology and plumage coloration has attracted considerable attention in past decades. Hence, multiple proximal hypotheses were proposed to explain how oxidative state might covary with the production of melanin and carotenoid pigments. Some hypotheses underscore that these pigments (or their precursors, e.g., glutathione) have antioxidant capacities or function as molecules storing the toxic excess of intracellular compounds, while others highlight that these pigments can act as pro‐oxidants under specific conditions. Most studies addressing these associations are at the intraspecific level, while phylogenetic comparative studies are still scarce, though needed to assess the generality of these associations. Here, we tested whether plumage and bare part coloration were related to oxidative physiology at an interspecific level by measuring five oxidative physiology markers (three nonenzymatic antioxidants and two markers of lipid peroxidative damage) in 1387 individuals of 104 European bird species sampled during the breeding season, and by scoring plumage eumelanin, pheomelanin, and carotenoid content for each sex and species. Only the plasma level of reactive oxygen metabolites was related to melanin coloration, being positively associated with eumelanin score and negatively with pheomelanin score. Thus, our results do not support the role of antioxidant glutathione in driving variation in melanin synthesis across species. Furthermore, the carotenoid scores of feathers and bare parts were unrelated to the measured oxidative physiology parameters, further suggesting that the marked differences in pigmentation across birds does not influence their oxidative state.  相似文献   
Feather mites are arthropods that live on or in the feathers of birds, and are among the commonest avian ectosymbionts. However, the nature of the ecological interaction between feather mites and birds remains unclear, some studies reporting negative effects of feather mites on their hosts and others reporting positive or no effects. Here we use a large dataset comprising 20 189 measurements taken from 83 species of birds collected during 22 yr in 151 localities from seven countries in Europe and North Africa to explore the correlation between feather mite abundance and body condition of their hosts. We predicted that, if wing‐dwelling feather mites are parasites, a negative correlation with host body condition should be found, while a mutualistic interaction should yield positive correlation. Although negative relationships between feather mite abundance and host body condition were found in a few species of birds, the sign of the correlation was positive in most bird species (69%). The overall effect size was only slightly positive (r =0.066). The effect of feather mite abundance explained <10% of variance in body condition in most species (87%). Results suggest that feather mites are not parasites of birds, but rather that they hold a commensalistic relationship where feather mites may benefit from feeding on uropygial gland secretions of their hosts and birds do not seem to obtain a great benefit from the presence of feather mites.  相似文献   
In Western Europe, many pond owners introduce amphibians for ornamental purposes. Although indigenous amphibians are legally protected in most European countries, retailers are circumventing national and international legislation by selling exotic nonprotected sibling species. We investigated to what extent non‐native species of the European water frog complex (genus Pelophylax) have become established in Belgium, using morphological, mitochondrial and nuclear genetic markers. A survey of 87 sampling sites showed the presence of non‐native water frogs at 47 locations, mostly Marsh frogs (Pelophylax ridibundus). Surprisingly, at least 19% of all these locations also harboured individuals with mitochondrial haplotypes characteristic of Anatolian water frogs (Pelophylax cf. bedriagae). Nuclear genotyping indicated widespread hybridization and introgression between P. ridibundus and P. cf. bedriagae. In addition, water frogs of Turkish origin obtained through a licensed retailer, also contained P. ridibundus and P. cf. bedriagae, with identical haplotypes to the wild Belgian populations. Although P. ridibundus might have invaded Belgium by natural range expansion from neighbouring countries, our results suggest that its invasion was at least partly enhanced by commercial trade, with origins as far as the Middle East. Also the invasion and rapid spread of Anatolian lineages, masked by their high morphological similarity to P. ridibundus, is likely the result of unregulated commercial trade. We expect that Anatolian frogs will further invade the exotic as well as the native range of P. ridibundus and other Pelophylax species elsewhere in Western and Central Europe, with risks of large‐scale hybridization and introgression.  相似文献   
The effects of a new Class III antiarrhythmic drug, GLG-V-13, on the 4-aminopyridine sensitive transient outward current, on the inward rectifier potassium current, on the ATP sensitive potassium current and on the rapid and slow components of the delayed rectifier potassium current were studied in single rabbit ventricular myocytes using the whole-cell voltage-clamp technique. GLG-V-13 blocked the rapid component of the delayed rectifier potassium current in a dose-dependent manner, with an estimated EC50 value of 0.36 microM. At high concentration, the slow component of the delayed rectifier potassium current was also depressed by the drug (40% effect at 10 microM concentration). The transient outward current, the inward rectifier potassium current and the ATP sensitive potassium current were not influenced by GLG-V-13, even at 10 microM concentration. Thus, GLG-V-13 blocks predominantly the rapid component of the delayed rectifier potassium current which may play a significant role in the prolongation of repolarization by the drug in ventricular tissue.  相似文献   
Muscarinic activation of tracheal smooth muscle (TSM) involves a M3AChR/heterotrimeric-G protein/NPR-GC coupling mechanism. G protein activators Mastoparan (MAS) and Mastoparan-7 stimulated 4- and 10-fold the NPR-GC respectively, being insensitive to PTX and antibodies against Gαi/o subfamily. Muscarinic and MAS stimulation of NPR-GC was blocked by antibodies against C-terminal of Gαq16, whose expression was confirmed by RT-PCR. However, synthetic peptides from C-terminal of Gαq15/16 stimulated the NPR-GC. Coupling of αq16 to M3AChR is supported by MAS decreased [3H]QNB binding, being abolished after M3AChR-4-DAMP-alkylation. Anti-i3M3AChR antibodies blocked the muscarinic activation of NPR-GC, and synthetic peptide from i3M3AChR (M3P) was more potent than MAS increasing GTPγ [35S] and decreasing the [3H]QNB activities. Coupling between NPR-GC and Gαq16 was evaluated by using trypsin-solubilized-fraction from TSM membranes, which displayed a MAS-sensitive-NPR-GC activity, being immunoprecipitated with anti-Gαq16, also showing an immunoreactive heterotrimeric-G-β -subunit. These data support the existence of a novel transducing cascade, involving Gαq16β γ coupling M3AChR to NPR-GC.  相似文献   
Parasites usurp indispensable resources for birds during a moult, and this is particularly relevant for those parasites residing in host intestines. This might compromise the nutritionally demanding moult and, thus, feather functionality. Although lower feather quality has profound and multifaceted adverse effects on residual fitness, surprisingly, little is known about parasites' effect on feather traits, especially over the longer term. We conducted an aviary experiment by medicating half of a group of naturally infested house sparrows Passer domesticus against intestinal coccidians for 15 months, spanning two consecutive postnuptial moults, whereas the other half was kept infested (i.e. without medication). Coccidian infestation significantly and negatively affected the size of the uropygial gland during the second moulting period compared to the medicated group. Furthermore, wing length was significantly shorter after the second moulting in the non‐medicated compared to the medicated female birds, which indicates that the negative effects of coccidians emerge only after a prolonged exposure to parasite infestation. Non‐medicated birds grew poorer quality flight feathers detected in a large number of feather traits both after the first and second moults. In the case of non‐medicated birds, the primaries were lighter and shorter, and had a smaller vane area, thinner rachis and decreased stiffness, although a higher barb and barbule density, which may have various consequences for fitness through reducing flight performance. Our findings demonstrate that, besides the well‐known immediate consequences for host breeding success, parasites might also have serious, long‐lasting effects through influencing feather quality and, ultimately, fitness of the host. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London  相似文献   
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