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Polyphagous predators (e.g. Araneae, Carabidae and Staphylinidae), collected from spring barley fields during 1981-85, were examined by either gut dissection or a R. padi-specific antiserum in enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) in order to detect predation of Rhopalosiphum padi during the aphids' establishment and exponential growth phases. Overall 18% of c. 3000 carabids dissected were shown to feed on R. padi during the aphids' pre-peak period. No overall relationship was found between percentage carabids with R. padi in the diet and peak R. padi densities. Relatively high proportions of Bembidion spp. (particularly B. lampros) and Pterostichus cupreus fed on R. padi during the aphids' establishment phase, and proportions of those predator taxa containing R. padi increased with increasing R. padi densities in both high and low aphid density years. P. melanarius and Harpalus rufipes mainly fed on R. padi during the aphids' exponential growth phase. Overall 11% of c. 1350 predators examined in ELISA gave positive reactions to the R. padi antiserum. Relatively high proportions of linyphiid and lycosid spiders were positive throughout the aphid pre-peak period. Several Acari, Opiliones, Trechus spp. (Carabidae), Philonthus spp. (Staphylinidae), Cantharidae and Chilopoda were positive mainly during the aphids' exponential growth phase. Sample sizes were small, however. Very few of the Bembidion spp. tested in ELISA were positive compared with those examined by gut dissection. The maximum period of R. padi protein (antigen) detection in B. lampros was related to temperature, i.e. 8.5 h at 30°C, 20.5 h at 20°C and 34.5 h at 10°C, respectively. It is suggested that the rate of R. padi protein digestion in B. lampros is faster at higher temperatures than the rate of elimination of prey solids from the guts. Several key predators (in this case B. lampros, P. cupreus and linyphiid spiders) which are abundant in spring cereal fields at a time when R. padi emigrants arrive in the crop and which feed on R. padi during the aphids' establishment phase, are identified. The results are compared with those from similar investigations elsewhere with predators of Sitobion avenae and Metopolophium dirhodum.  相似文献   
THE protozoan Spirostomum habituates to a series of mechanical shocks so that it no longer contracts to the stimulus; after several minutes the organisms have returned to their pre-stimulus level of sensitivity1. We propose a preliminary theory to explain this behaviour.  相似文献   
Excitation-Contraction Coupling in Crayfish   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
High-sensitivity recording techniques demonstrate a continuousrelation between the onset and magnitude ot tension and themembrane depolarization that is induced by increasing K in thebathing medium or by intracellularly applied outward currents.This finding is not consistent with the mechanism of signallinge-c coupling by electrotonic spread of a "critical" depolarizationinward along the membrane of the transverse tubular system.It is in accord, however, with the channelled current mechanismthat is based on the known anion-permselectivity of the membranein the terminals of the TTS. The channelled-current model alsopredicts a direct role of Cl and a possible interaction betweenCa and CI in e-c coupling. The initiation and maintenance oftension as well as its magnitude, are in fact dependent uponthe concentrations of Ca and Cl in the medium. Thus, both thesignalling to, and the activation of, the contractile systemappear to be performed by a flow of current in the loop: cellmembrane – cell interior – TTS membrane –TTS channels – exterior, as is envisaged in the channelled-currentmodel of e-c coupling.  相似文献   
Leaf and root tissues of Poa pratensis L. showing distinct morphological changes associated with infection by Ustilago striiformis (West.) Niessl var. poae (stripe smut) or Urocystis agropyri (Pruess) Schroet. (flag smut) were analyzed for total soluble sugars and free amino acids. Decreases in the quantity of soluble sugars in stripe-smutted plants were not significant, indicating that the presence of U. striiformis sori in leaf tissue does not interfere with photosynthesis of the host. Severe decreases in the quantity of soluble sugars in flag-smutted plants suggest that U. agropyri either directly impairs photosynthesis or effectively metabolizes the photosynthate. Both pathogens caused significant decreases in total free amino acids in leaf and root tissues. The negligible decrease in soluble sugars in stripe-smutted plants was associated with a disproportionate decrease in free amino acids, suggesting that the pathogen either metabolizes amino acids or inhibits their synthesis. The severe decrease in amino acids in leaves and roots of U. agropyri-infected plants is believed due to carbohydrate starvation. It is probable that morphological changes in U. agropyri-infected plants, including reduced branching, dwarfed leaves and root systems, and the inability to produce inflorescences, are probably the direct result of severely reduced levels of sugars and amino acids. The reduced branching, somewhat smaller root systems, and inhibition of inflorescence production on plants infected by U. striiformis probably are associated to some extent with decreases in amino acids. The upright elongated leaves of U. striiformis-infected plants, however, cannot be attributed to the decrease in amino acid content and are suggestive of hyperauxiny.  相似文献   
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