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Lorsque 2 femelles ou 3 femelles de l'ectoparasite D. vagabundus parasitent conjointement un même lot d'hôtes l'intensité du grégarisme larvaire s'accroît par rapport à celui observé en présence d'une seule femelle pondeuse. Cela se traduit par une augmentation significative du nombre moyen de descendants des 2 sexes mais la production moyenne en fils est toujours très inférieure à celle des filles. Cependant, lorsque la densité de femelles pondeuses passe de 1 à 3, le rapport des sexes mâles/femelles des descendants évolue vers l'unité traduisant une augmentation plus rapide de l'effectif des fils que des filles.  相似文献   
The Karoo Lark Certhilauda albescens complex, endemic to southwest Africa, is characterized by regional phenotypic variation. Recent consensus has been to recognize two species, Dune Lark Certhilauda erythrochlamys and Karoo Lark Certhilauda albescens, but intermediate forms around the mouth of the Orange River have resulted in some authors treating it as a single polytypic species complex. We reexamined the status of taxa in this group by sequencing a segment of the mitochondrial DNA cytochrome b gene. Most samples were from the area around the mouth of the Orange River, where there is considerable local phenotypic variation. Our results indicate that the complex comprises three species, Karoo Lark, Dune Lark and Barlow's Lark Certhilauda barlowi, separated by 1.9-5.5% sequence divergence. There were no sequence differences among described subspecies, but there was limited variation among Dune Lark individuals (sequence divergence values 0.2-0.4%). The Red Lark Certhilauda burra is closely related to the Karoo Lark complex; indeed, it may be that Karoo Lark is the ancestral form. There was morphological (biometrics and plumage) and behavioural (male display song structure) support for the recognition of Barlow's Lark as a separate species. Species ranges within the complex are allopatric or narrowly parapatric, and they occur in different habitats and climatic conditions. Discriminant function analysis correctly identified 99% of skins assigned to taxa based on range, but a few individuals collected in the contact zone between Karoo and Barlow's Larks exhibited intermediate phenotypes, and further investigations are warranted to search for evidence of hybridization. The newly recognized Barlow's Lark has a maximum range of 18,000 km2. It appears to have disappeared from heavily grazed farms around Aus, southern Namibia, and occurs almost exclusively in diamond mining areas, where domestic livestock are excluded. Changes to land use practices which reduce vegetation cover could seriously impact this species.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT Thirteen eastern moles, Scalopus aquaticus, collected in West Texas were examined for coccidian oocysts; 11 (85%) were infected and eight (73%) of these had multiple infections representing two or more species. One cyclosporan, three eimerians, and two isosporans were studied and all are described as new species. Sporulated oocysts of Cyclospora megacephali n. sp. were subspheroidal, 18.5 × 15.7 (14–21 × 12–18) μm; they had sporocysts pointed at one end with Stieda bodies nearly as wide as the sporocysts themselves, and were 15.0 × 7.2 (11–17 × 6–9) μm; C. megacephali was found in four (31%) hosts. Sporulated oocysts of Eimeria scalopi n. sp. were spheroidal to subspheroidal, 13.6 × 12.6 (11–17 × 11–15) μm with sporocysts lemon-shaped, 8.7 × 5.5 (7–10 × 4–7) μm; it was found in six (46%) hosts. Sporulated oocysts of Eimeria aquatici n. sp. were asymmetrically ellipsoidal, 17.0 × 10.6 (14–20 × 9–14) μm, with sporocysts elongately ovoidal, 9.0 × 5.2 (8–11 × 4–6) μm; it was found in two (15%) hosts. Sporulated oocysts of Eimeria motleiensis n. sp. were subspheroidal, 17.0 × 15.3 (15–20 × 13–18) μm with sporocysts ovoidal, 10.7 × 6.8 (10–13 × 6–8) μm; it was found in seven (54%) hosts. Sporulated oocysts of Isospora motleiensis n. sp. were spheroidal to subspheroidal, 13.6 × 12.0 (10–17 × 8–15) μm with sporocysts broadly ovoidal, 9.5 × 6.7 (7–11 × 4–8) μm; it was found in nine (69%) hosts. Sporulated oocysts of Isospora aquatici n. sp. were subspheroidal, 20.9 × 18.4 (15–24 × 13–21) μm with sporocysts ellipsoidal, 11.8 × 9.0 (9–14 × 7–11) μm; it was found in two (15%) hosts.  相似文献   
In order to study morphologic and functional characteristics of pigment cells in congenital pigmented nevi, autologous or heterologous reconstructs have been made using normal keratinocytes and nevus cells from the dermal-epidermal junction or from the dermis. All these cells, keratinocytes and nevus cells, were used as cell suspensions immediately after dissociation from the tissues or after subsequent brief cultivation in a serum-free medium. Reconstructed epidermis were cultured for 15 days at the air-liquid interface with or without ultraviolet (UV) B exposure. The reconstructs were examined macroscopically (formation of hyperpigmented macules), histologically (pigment cell nesting) and ultrastructurally (pigment structure and transfer). Typical nesting of nevus cells was observed in the dermal-epidermal junction or in the superficial dermis associated with macroscopically detectable small pigmented macules. UVB exposure induced an upward migration of nevus cells in the suprabasal layers of the epidermis. This tissue model can be considered as an excellent system for the ex vivo reproduction of pigmented nevi and as an assay of the sensitivity of nevus cells towards UVB irradiation.  相似文献   
Six microsatellite markers were developed for the African wild silk moth, Gonometa postica (Lasiocampidae), using an enrichment protocol. The total number of alleles ranged from three to 17 for a sample of 130 individuals across the distribution of the species. Observed levels of heterozygosity ranged from 0.17 to 0.78. Deviation from Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium detected in some loci is probably the result of large interannual population size fluctuations characteristic of this species. No evidence of linkage disequilibrium was detected among loci. These loci will be useful for the inference of demographic processes in a moth species that is of potential economic importance.  相似文献   
We tested 19 loci originally developed for Vidua and Geospiza, of which six Vidua loci were polymorphic and furthermore, developed four microsatellite loci for Nesospiza buntings. Allelic variation ranged from two to 13 alleles, with heterozygosity from 0 to 0.82. Ascertainment bias was evident as increased allelic diversity of loci developed for Nesospiza, versus those developed for Vidua. Two loci showed linkage, and several, deviation from Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium. We suggest such deviations are through introduction of new alleles by introgression, or of the Wahlund effect. These loci will contribute to the understanding of speciation in Nesospiza buntings of the Tristan da Cunha islands.  相似文献   
HAWKSWORTH, D. L. & McMANUS, P. M., 1989. Lichen recolonization in London under conditions of rapidly falling sulphur dioxide levels, and the concept of zone skipping. The lichen flora on trees and wood at 50 sites in north-west London was examined in 1988 to determine what changes had taken place since 1980, a period when mean winter SO2 levels had fallen from around 130 μg m-3 to within the range 29–55 μg m-3 in the study area. Forty-nine species were found. The fruticose lichens Evernia prunaslri and Ramalina farinacea now occur in many central London parks, and the yellow green foliose Parmelia caperata was discovered at 12 sites (previously only at one, Ruislip, in 1980). Comparable numbers and growth forms of species occurred throughout the area. An assemblage of zone 4–5 species (Hawksworth & Rose, 1970 Nature, 227: 145–148) tolerant of mean winter SO2 levels of 60–70 μg m-3 failed to penetrate central London, although more sensitive species of zones 6 and 7 had; this phenomenon, which has not previously been reported, is referred to as 'zone skipping' and is attributed to the speed at which mean sulphur dioxide levels in London have fallen. Species returning are those to be expected on the basis of previously-published field correlations with mean winter SO2 levels. Twenty-five species not seen within 16 km of the centre of London on trees or wood during this century were found; of these, eight had not been seen during the last 200 years.  相似文献   
1. Relatively few studies of the host‐finding ability of specialised, phytophagous insects involve direct observations of individual insects moving among intact hosts and non‐hosts. Information from such studies can inform the design of restoration programmes for species of conservation concern. 2. The movement of caterpillars of the threatened Oregon silverspot butterfly, Speyeria zerene hippolyta (Edwards) (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) was studied in the field in cleared arenas with 10 cm radii. Caterpillars were placed in the centre, surrounded by three individuals of their host, Viola adunca, and three different non‐host individuals, separated by bare ground. In a second experiment, second instars were placed between a host and a non‐host, 3–6 cm away. Caterpillars were observed to determine if they walked to their host more often than expected by chance. 3. Caterpillars walked to vegetation significantly more often than expected by chance. They did not, however, reach their hosts more often than expected, based on plant availability. 4. It is concluded that S. z. hippolyta caterpillars can distinguish vegetation from bare ground from 10 cm away. There is no evidence that they can distinguish their host plant from other herbaceous species at distances of 3 cm.  相似文献   
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