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The nature of the pigment formed by Vibrio cholerae and the characterization of its biosynthetic pathway is shown. This microorganism is able to synthesize melanin-like pigment when cultured in the presence of L-tyrosine. Other phenolic chemicals related to L-tyrosine do not lead to pigment production. The microorganism has no tyrosine hydroxylase activity, and the levels of dopa oxidase activity are very low, making the existence of a tyrosinase very unlikely. However, Vibrio cholerae contained transami-nases that transforms L-tyrosine into p-hydroxyphenylpyruvate. Moreover, Vibrio cholerae is able to go further in the catabolic pathway, releasing a great amount of homogentisic acid. This acid can spontaneously be oxidized to its p-quinone form, which subsequently polymerizes leading to pigment formation. It is concluded that the pigment formed by Vibrio cholerae is not synthesized by the Raper-Mason pathway, but by a L-tyrosine catabolism pathway leading to homogentisic acid. Some simple properties of that melanin are compared to model eu- and pheomelanin, but no clear distinction could be stated, indicating the similarity between all these pigments.  相似文献   
Two forms of tyrosinase from B16 mouse melanoma were identified by nonreducing SDS-PAGE after solubilization of crude melanosomal preparations with the nonionic detergent Brij 35. These forms, named LEMT and HEMT (low and high electrophoretic mobility tyrosinase, respectively), were purified by a combination of differential detergent extraction and chromatographic techniques. They displayed tyrosine hydroxylase and dopa oxidase activity and were stereospecific and sensitive to phenylthiourea, proving that they are true tyrosinases. However, based on its kinetic parameters, HEMT is a much more efficient enzyme, Immunoprecipitation and Western blots performed with the specific antibody αPEP1, directed against the b protein carboxyl terminus, suggested that LEMT is identical to the b protein. Both forms of tyrosinase were noncompetitively inhibited by Ca2+ at physiologically relevant concentrations. However, the b protein was apparently more susceptible, since maximal inhibition was reached at lower Ca2+ concentrations for LEMT. Moreover, binding of Ca2+ to the tyrosinases resulted in a noticeable thermal destabilization of the enzymes, which was also more pronounced for LEMT.  相似文献   
A multidisciplinary work was undertaken in the agropastoral zone of Sidéradougou, Burkina Faso to try to elucidate the key factors determining the presence of tsetse flies. In this study the PCR was used to characterize trypanosomes infecting the vector ( Glossina tachinoides and Glossina palpalis gambiensis ) and the host, i.e. cattle. A 2-year survey involved dissecting 2211 tsetse of the two Glossina species. A total of 298 parasitologically infected tsetse were analysed by PCR. Trypanosoma vivax was the most frequently identified trypanosome followed by the savannah type of T. congolense and, to a lesser extent, the riverine forest type of T. congolense , and by T. brucei . No cases of T. simiae were found. From the 107 identified infections in cattle, the taxa were the same, but T. congolense savannah type was more frequent, whereas T. vivax and T. congolense riverine forest types were found less frequently. A correlation was found between midgut infection rates of tsetse, nonidentified infections and reptile bloodmeals. These rates were higher in G.p. gambiensis , and in the western part of the study area. T. vivax infections were related to cattle bloodmeals, and were more frequent in G. tachinoides and in the eastern study area. The PCR results combined with bloodmeal analysis helped us to establish the relationships between the vector and the host, to assess the trypanosome challenge in the two parts of the area, to elucidate the differences between the two types of T. congolense , and to suspect that most midgut infections were originating from reptilian trypanosomes.  相似文献   
Ant-fed plants: comparison between three geophytic myrmecophytes   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
In their association with myrmecophytes (i.e. plants that shelter a limited number of ant species in hollow structures), ants sometimes provide only poor biotic protection for their host plants, but may supply them with nutrients (myrmecotrophy). We studied three geophytic myrmecophytes growing in the understorey of Guianian rain forests. Allomerus ants build spongy-looking galleries rich in detritus and insect debris over the stems of their host plants [ Cordia nodosa Lamark (Boraginaceae) and Hirtella physophora Martius & Zuccharini (Chrysobalanaceae)], while Pheidole minutula Mayr colonies deposit their waste in the leaf pouches of their host plant [ Maieta guianensis Aublet (Melastomataceae)]. This waste is more nitrogen-rich than that found in the Allomerus galleries, themselves containing more nitrogen than the plant leaves. Using stable isotope analysis we noted a significant difference in δ15N between ant-occupied and unoccupied plants only for Maieta , for which 80% of the host plant nitrogen is derived from Pheidole waste. Experiments on all three plants using a 15N-supplemented solution of NH4Cl confirmed these results, with an increase in this isotope noted between control and experimental plants only for Maieta . The internal surfaces of Maieta leaf pouches bear protuberances whose likely role is to absorb nutrients from the Pheidole waste. The alternative hypothesis, that these protuberances play a role in provisioning ants, was rejected after comparing their structure with those of extrafloral nectaries and food bodies in a histological study.  © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2004, 83 , 433–439.  相似文献   
We describe the chromosomal evolution of the metacentric populations of the house mouse, Mus musculus domesticus , which constitute the Robertsonian System of Aeolian Islands (Sicily, Italy). Eighty-nine specimens from all the seven islands that form the Archipelago were cytogenetically examined. The analysis shows the presence of 4 Rb races with a large number of shared metacentric chromosomes: 2 n  = 36 on Panarea, 2 n  = 34 on Alicudi, 2 n  = 26 on Lipari and Stromboli, and a different 2 n  = 26 race on Vulcano. On Salina and Filicudi, the standard karyotype was found. Polymorphism was only found in a population on Panarea Island and this population shares no metacentrics with the other races. The distribution of metacentrics among the races and the comparison between the Aeolian metacentrics and those found in the 97 previously documented metacentric populations allows us to formulate a hypothesis of chromosomal evolution for the Aeolian Robertsonian system. Six of the twelve metacentric chromosomes found in the Aeolian Islands come from localities outside the archipelago. The evolutionary model highlights how the chromosomal races originated inside the Archipelago and involve several factors, such as formation in situ of metacentrics, zonal raciation and, whole arm reciprocal translocation. © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2009, 96 , 194–202.  相似文献   
The antifungal reagent Fungizone (amphotericin B and deoxycholate) caused an activation in dopachrome tautomerase and dopa oxidase activities of B16/F10 melanoma cells at the routine concentration (2.5 μg/ml) used for preventing molds and yeast growth in cultures of animal cells. However, higher amphotericin B concentrations caused a significant cell death and the inhibition of enzymatic activities. At the optimal concentration of Fungizone, the enzymatic activities and melanin content were augmented as incubation time increased. The detergent sodium deoxycholate alone exerted no effect on these melanogenic parameters, eliminating the possibility that this detergent was partially responsible for melanogenic modifications produced by Fungizone. After withdrawal of Fungizone from the reaction medium, the recovery of melanogenic parameters to normal values was slower for DCT than for tyrosinase. The behavior of dopa oxidase was very similar to that reported by Johnson and Bagnara (Pigment Cell Res. 3, 173–175) for tyrosine hydroxylase.  相似文献   
In the understory of pristine Guianese forests, the myrmecophyte Hirtella physophora almost exclusively shelters colonies of the plant-ant Allomerus decemarticulatus in its leaf pouches. We experimentally tested three non-mutually exclusive hypotheses concerning phenomena that can determine the species specificity of this association throughout the foundation stage of the colonies: (1) interspecific competition results in the overwhelming presence of A. decemarticulatus queens or incipient colonies; (2) exclusion filters prevent other ant species from entering the leaf pouches; and (3) host-recognition influences the choice of founding queens, especially A. decemarticulatus . Neither interspecific competition, nor the purported exclusion filters that we examined play a major role in maintaining the specificity of this association. Unexpectedly, the plant trichomes lining the domatia appear to serve as construction material during claustral foundation rather than as a filter. Finally, A. decemarticulatus queens are able to identify their host plant from a distance through chemical and/or visual cues, which is rarely demonstrated in studies on obligatory ant–plant associations. We discuss the possibility that this specific host-recognition ability could participate in shaping a compartmentalized plant-ant community where direct competition between ant symbionts is limited.  © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2009, 97 , 90–97.  相似文献   
Tsetse flies Glossina palpalis gambiensis and G. tachinoides are among the major vectors of sleeping sickness (Human African Trypanosomiasis‐HAT) and nagana (African Animal Trypanosomiasis – AAT) in West Africa. Both riparian species occur sympatrically in gallery forests of south west Burkina Faso, but little is known of their interspecies relationships although different authors think there may be some competition between them. The aim of this study was to check if sympatric species have different strategies when approaching a host. A man placed in a sticky cube (1 m × 1 m × 1 m) and a sticky black‐blue‐black target (1 m × 1 m) were used to capture tsetse along the Comoe river banks in a Latin Square design. The number and the height at which tsetse were caught by each capture method were recorded according to species and sex. Glossina p. gambiensis was more attracted to human bait than to the target, but both species were captured at a significantly higher height on the target compared with the human bait (P < 0.05). No significant difference in heights was found between G. tachinoides and G. p. gambiensis captured on targets (33 and 35 cm, respectively, P > 0.05). However, catches on human bait showed a significant difference in height between G. tachinoides and G. p. gambiensis (22.5 and 30.6 cm, respectively, P < 0.001). This study showed that these sympatric species had different attack behaviours to humans, which is not the case with the target. The implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   
Pleistocene glaciations often resulted in differentiation of taxa in southern European peninsulas, producing the high levels of endemism characteristic of these regions (e.g. the Iberian Peninsula). Despite their small ranges, endemic species often exhibit high levels of intraspecific differentiation as a result of a complex evolutionary history dominated by successive cycles of fragmentation, expansion and subsequent admixture of populations. Most evidence so far has come from the study of species with an Atlantic distribution in northwestern Iberia, and taxa restricted to Mediterranean‐type habitats remain poorly studied. The Iberian Midwife toad (Alytes cisternasii) is a morphologically conserved species endemic to southwestern and central Iberia and a typical inhabitant of Mediterranean habitats. Applying highly variable genetic markers from both mitochondrial and nuclear genomes to samples collected across the species’ range, we found evidence of high population subdivision within A. cisternasii. Mitochondrial haplotypes and microsatellites show geographically concordant patterns of genetic diversity, suggesting population fragmentation into several refugia during Pleistocene glaciations followed by subsequent events of geographical and demographic expansions with secondary contact. In addition, the absence of variation at the nuclear β‐fibint7 and Ppp3caint4 gene fragments suggests that populations of A. cisternasii have been recurrently affected by episodes of extinction and recolonization, and that documented patterns of population subdivision are the outcome of recent and multiple refugia. We discuss the evolutionary history of the species with particular interest in the increasing relevance of Mediterranean refugia for the survival of genetically differentiated populations during the Pleistocene glaciations as revealed by studies in co‐distributed taxa.  相似文献   
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