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A better knowledge of chick survival rates is required to enable understanding of the population dynamics of gamebirds and to develop management measures to conserve their populations. The Red‐legged Partridge Alectoris rufa is a highly valued game species in Spain but its populations have declined in recent decades. A lack of appropriate monitoring methods has been a limitation in gaining information on the mortality of Red‐legged Partridge chicks. We developed methods for the effective radiotagging of chicks in captivity and applied these methods in the field in northern Spain to estimate survival during the first 5 months of life. The most effective method for radiotagging captive chicks between 3 and 8 days old involved gluing small tags directly to the skin in the interscapular space using cyanoacrylate adhesive. Backpack harness tags attached with elastic bands were the most effective method of radiotagging 4‐week‐old chicks. Predation was the main cause of chick mortality identified during the field experiments. Survival between hatching and 5 months of age was estimated to be 16–21%. The lowest survival rates occurred during the first 7 days of life (62–70% cumulative survival) and this period seems to be a major determinant in the life history of the species.  相似文献   
Intraspecific variation in morphology has often been related to fitness differences through its effects on performance. In lizards, variation in hind limb length can be shaped by natural selection for increased locomotor performance, sexual selection on the number or size of femoral pores involved in chemical signalling, or both. Here, we analyse the selective forces involved in sexual dimorphism and differences in hind limb length between two populations of Psammodromus algirus living at different elevation. Males were more robust and had longer hind limbs and limb segments than females, and low‐elevation lizards had longer limbs than high‐elevation lizards. However, differences in locomotor performance were small and non‐significant, making natural selection for faster runs an unlikely explanation for the observed pattern. On the other hand, males had more femoral pores than females, and lizards had more pores at lower elevation, although the difference was significant only for males (which invest more in chemical signalling). In males, the number of pores, which remains constant along a lizard's life, was not correlated with hind limb length. However, femur length was positively correlated with mean pore size, allowing low‐elevation males to have larger than expected pores, which could increase the effectiveness with which they spread their signals in a dry and warm habitat where chemicals become volatile rapidly. Also, saturation of the sexual coloration of the head was higher for low‐elevation males, suggesting that sexual selection pressures may be more intense. Overall, our results indicate that sexual selection plays a significant role in shaping intraspecific variation in hind limb length. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 104 , 318–329.  相似文献   
Abstract. Aggressive behaviour occurring in intrasexual competition is an important trait for animal fitness. Although female intrasexual aggression is reported in several insect species, little is known about female competition and aggressive interactions in polygynous male lekking species. The interactions of female Mediterranean fruit flies, Ceratitis capitata (a male lekking species), with other females and mating pairs under laboratory conditions are investigated. Mature, unmated (virgin) females are aggressive against each other and against mating pairs, whereas immature females are not. Female aggression against other females decreases dramatically after mating; however, mated females maintain aggression against mating pairs. In addition, higher intrasexual aggression rates are observed for mature, virgin females than for virgin males of the same age. The results show that female aggressiveness is virginity related, suggesting female competition for mates. These findings have important implications for understanding the physiological aspects of a complex social behaviour such as aggression and should stimulate further research on female agonistic behaviour in male lekking mating systems.  相似文献   
Nest-site fidelity and breeding success in White Stork Ciconia ciconia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Nest-site fidelity is a life-history trait of birds that may produce benefits in terms of fitness. We studied the relationship between breeding success and nest fidelity in the White Stork Ciconia ciconia . We also studied how other factors such as age, sex, habitat, colony size and productivity in previous breeding attempts might interfere with this relationship. Our results showed that pairs with higher fidelity rates also have lower failure rates, and that breeding failure and productivity in the previous season influenced the frequency of nest change in the following season. In addition, a curvilinear relationship was found between age and nest fidelity. These results suggest that age is a major factor related to nest fidelity and therefore individual experience could explain this behaviour in the White Stork. Changing the nest involves a reproductive cost for which nest fidelity can be considered as an adaptive strategy to increase fitness.  相似文献   
The morphospace of 54 species of Commelinaceae from nine genera was examined with simultaneous attention to constraints, adaptive hypotheses and relatedness. Eleven morphological traits, including leaf length and width, angle between the leaves and internode distances, were measured for each species and analysed by principal components analysis and nested analysis of variance. The results revealed a significant signal of relatedness in vegetative morphology; genus explained 20–50% of the variance in a single trait. The relationships between some traits are consistent with adaptive explanations. The findings are consistent with the prediction that evolution for optimal phyllotaxis should be relaxed as self‐shading decreases, and that light availability governs leaf size and branching patterns. Constraints potentially explain some trait correlations, and support was found for the hypothesis that structural constraints govern leaf size and internode size correlations. © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2008, 158 , 257–268.  相似文献   
Megaplatypus mutatus (Chapuis) is a native South American ambrosia beetle that attacks live hardwood trees (e.g. Populus spp.), causing important economic losses to commercial plantations. Male beetles release the main components of the sex pheromone, namely (+)‐6‐methyl‐5‐hepten‐2‐ol [(+)‐sulcatol, or retusol] and 6‐methyl‐5‐hepten‐2‐one (sulcatone), when colonizing suitable hosts. The hindgut is shown to be the anatomical site of pheromone accumulation within males, the enantiomeric composition of sulcatol in this tissue is 99%‐(+) and sulcatol is first detectable in this tissue on days 1–2 after gallery initiation. Peak accumulation of sulcatol occurs on days 5–12 after gallery initiation. Trace quantities of sulcatone are also observed during the same period. Both pheromone components are present in male emissions from three host species (Populus×canadensis, Populus alba and Casuarina stricta) between days 2 and 12 after gallery initiation, although sulcatone is always present in low concentrations. The temporal patterns of sulcatol and sulcatone accumulation or storage in male M. mutatus correspond to the temporal patterns of emission.  相似文献   
NICOLÁS SUÁREZ  & PABLO YORIO 《Ibis》2005,147(3):544-551
The Dolphin Gull Larus scoresbii is a little-known, rare species endemic to southern South America. Knowledge of its feeding ecology is essential for development of management and conservation strategies. To obtain information on their use of food resources and on the frequency and duration of their foraging trips, we followed seven individuals by radiotelemetry during the breeding season of 2002 at the Punta Tombo Reserve, Argentina. In 99% of mapped locations ( n  = 4069) the Gulls were within 2.4 km of their colony. Dolphin Gulls foraged mostly at the colonies of three other species, feeding on Magellanic Penguin Spheniscus magellanicus and Imperial Cormorant Phalacrocorax atriceps regurgitates and on Southern Sea Lion Otaria flavescens faeces. The sea lion colony was the most frequently visited foraging area, accounting for 64% of the total ( n  = 260 trips). A similar trend was observed during both the incubation (60%, n  = 38 trips) and the chick (64%, n  = 40 trips) stages. The mean number of trips per day was 3.8 (range = 3–5), with a mean duration of 123 min (sd = ±27). Trip duration differed between foraging areas, being significantly longer at the sea lion than at the penguin and cormorant colonies. The small foraging range given by its particular feeding strategy suggests that Dolphin Gulls, in contrast to most other seabirds that range over large expanses of ocean in search of food, may be effectively conserved within protected areas during the breeding season.  相似文献   
1. A key challenge in the study of mutualistic interactions is understanding sources of variation that strengthen or weaken these interactions. In spider–plant mutualisms, spiders benefit plants by improving plant nutrition and protecting plants from herbivory. Although the benefits of plants to spider growth and survival are often claimed, they are rarely demonstrated. 2. In this study, empirical evidence is provided that bromeliads (Bromelia balansae, Bromeliaceae) are essential for the resilience of the mutualistic bromeliad‐living jumping spider populations (Psecas chapoda, Salticidae) after a fire event, sheltering spiders from the heat of the flames. 3. Spider populations were compared before and after a natural fire event and it was shown that spiders of different ages survived the fire. The survival of such individuals allowed the population of P. chapoda spiders to recover rapidly, returning to pre‐fire levels in 5 months. 4. Bromeliads reduced the susceptibility of P. chapoda spiders to burning, and this mutualistic relationship contributed to the resilience of the spider population after a fire event. It is suggested that frequent fires in fire‐prone landscapes may have strengthened this spider–plant relationship, contributing to the maintenance and evolution of this association.  相似文献   
The Little Bustard has undergone a steep reduction of its Western Palaearctic range over the last century. In the west of France, breeding populations declined by 96% from 1978 to 2008 in cultivated areas where grasslands have been converted into intensively managed annual crops. Little Bustard abundance and nest productivity have been monitored since 1995 in a 450‐km2 site in western France. We assessed the proximate causes of the decline of Little Bustards in French farming landscapes and quantified the effectiveness of conservation measures that aimed to reverse the decline. The decline of Little Bustard, from about 65 males in 1995 to just six males in 2003, could be related to a near absence of recruitment over this period. Since 2004, the establishment of more than 1300 ha of specifically targeted agri‐environment schemes (AES) in the study site has led to a sharp increase in female productivity, mainly associated with nesting in AES fields. By imposing constraints on mowing dates, AES have prevented nest destruction and female mortality during mowing and, by increasing plant species diversity, provided chicks with a higher abundance of grasshoppers. This has contributed to reversing the trend, and increasing the population to around 30 males in 2009. Conservation strategies involving specifically targeted AES based on the identification of limiting factors can help to reverse the decline of threatened species.  相似文献   
Symbiosis between cool‐season grasses and vertically transmitted fungal endophytes are common and significantly impact on ecosystem function. This makes the understanding of the underlying mechanisms to symbiotic individuals frequency in local populations much more interesting. Most studies have been focused on the differential fitness between symbiotic and non‐symbiotic counterparts (relative fitness), barely considering other mechanisms. We performed a microcosms experiment to evaluate whether grazing alters the dynamics of the endophyte Neotyphodium occultans in the annual grass Lolium multiflorum by simultaneously modifying the relative fitness and the endophyte efficiency to be transmitted from host plants to seeds. Grazing was simulated by means of clipping and trampling on symbiotic and non‐symbiotic plants growing separately, in soils obtained from paddocks, differing in their agronomic management history (natural grassland vs. ryegrass promotion). Seed production showed a complex pattern as it depended on the symbiotic status of the plants, the level of grazing and the agro‐ecological context. Grazed plants produced three times fewer seeds than ungrazed plants only in microcosms with endophyte‐symbiotic plants in soils from ryegrass promotion. Endophyte benefits on seed production were exclusively observed in ungrazed plants in the same soil. Symbiotic plants produced symbiotic and non‐symbiotic seeds in all the treatments. While the production of non‐symbiotic seeds by these plants was not affected by grazing and the soil, grazing reduced the production of symbiotic seeds in both contexts. Grazing negative effect on the density of fully infected spikes determined a significant increment in the transmission failures which were not modified by agro‐ecological contexts. Therefore, grazing can modulate symbiosis dynamics through reducing seed production and endophyte transmission efficiency. Transmission has been disregarded, but it is a context‐dependent process that could lead to a gradual reduction in the symbiotic plants frequency in a population if the mutualism effectiveness does not outweigh transmission failures.  相似文献   
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