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Surfactant-associated glycoproteins A, 38 (A3), 32 (A2) and 26 (A1) kDa, pI (4.2-4.8), were identified as related proteins present in surfactant isolated from rat lung lavage fluid. Differences in size and charge among surfactant-associated glycoproteins A were related to differences in glycosylation as determined by reduction of the larger forms (38 and 32 kDa) to 26 kDa by endoglycosidase F and by increased isoelectric points of the glycosylated forms after treatment with neuraminidase. Synthesis and secretion of surfactant-associated glycoproteins A and precursors were demonstrated in purified rat Type II epithelial cells by immunoprecipitation of [35S]methionine-labelled proteins with anti-surfactant-associated glycoprotein A antisera. In pulse-chase experiments, labelled proteins 26-34 kDa, appeared within 10 min and smaller forms co-migrated with surfactant-associated glycoprotein A from alveolar lavage. The relative abundance of the larger molecular mass forms (30-34 kDa, pI 4.8) increased at later times up to 3 h. More acidic mature forms, which co-migrated with surfactant-associated glycoproteins A2 and A3 in surfactant (38 and 32 kDa), were readily detectable in the media, but were not abundant forms in lysates of labelled Type II cells after 1-3 h of incubation. Primary translation products of surfactant-associated glycoprotein A were immunoprecipitated with monospecific anti-surfactant-associated glycoprotein A antiserum after in vitro translation of poly(A)+ mRNA isolated from adult rat lung. The immunoprecipitated translation product migrated at 26 kDa, pI 4.8, and migrated slightly faster than surfactant-associated glycoprotein A1 from surfactant. Treatment of surfactant-associated glycoprotein A with bacterial collagenase resulted in proteolytic fragments 23-20 kDa, pI 4.2-4.8, which no longer underwent sulfhydryl-dependent cross-linking, suggesting that the collagen-like domain was required for the sulfhydryl-dependent oligomerization. Surfactant-associated glycoproteins A are synthesized by rat Type II epithelial cells as pre-proteins, 26-34 kDa. Larger forms result primarily from N-linked glycosylation of the 26 kDa primary translation product. Mature, more acidic forms result from further addition of sialic acid.  相似文献   
To determine whether glycopeptides could be released from glycoproteins bound to nitrocellulose, the glycoproteins of murine mammary tumor virus (MuMTV) were radiolabeled by the periodate oxidation/tritiated sodium borohydride reduction technique and separated by gel electrophoresis followed by diffusion transfer. Pronase digestion of nitrocellulose filter strips containing labeled glycoproteins (gp55 or gp34) revealed a rapid release of glycopeptides, i.e., approximately total release within 4 h. The released glycopeptides were similar in size, as determined by molecular sieving chromatography, to glycopeptides obtained by proteolytic digestion of MuMTV glycoproteins from dried gel strips (A. Zilberstein et al., 1980, Cell 21, 417-427) or in solution (M. J. Yagi et al., 1978, Virology 91, 291-304).  相似文献   
When the conditions for detecting proteins by ammoniacal silver staining (B. R. Oakley, D. R. Kirsch, and N. R. Morris (1980) Anal. Biochem. 105, 361-363.) following gel electrophoresis were varied, it was noted that glutaraldehyde pretreatment was necessary for maximal staining, which could not be explained simply as the result of "fixation." Further studies indicated that glutaraldehyde enhancement of protein staining with this silver reagent was probably due to oxidation of the aldehyde groups by silver ions, resulting in metallic silver depositions within the gel which act as nucleation sites for additional metallic silver localization in the protein bands upon the addition of formaldehyde developer. This proposed mechanism is consistent with the Tollen's reaction, as well as some aspects of the photographic process. Consistent with this notion, silver-staining intensities are directly related to mole percentage lysine of various standard proteins.  相似文献   
The pharmacokinetics of the enantiomers of the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug pirprofen were studied in male Sprague-Dawley rats after oral and intravenous (iv) doses of the racemate. No significant differences were detected between the enantiomers after oral or iv dosing in t½, Vd, or ∑Xu. However, the R:S area under the plasma concentration (AUC) ratio after oral doses (0.92 ± 0.13) was slightly but significantly lower than after matching iv doses (1.05 ± 0.036). The absolute bioavailability of the active S-enantiomer (78.5%) after oral doses was higher than the inactive R-enantiomer (69.3%). The plasma protein binding of both enantiomers was saturable over a fivefold range of plasma concentrations. At higher plasma concentrations, the S-enantiomer was less bound than the R-enantiomer. In an in vitro experiment using everted rat jejunum, no chiral inversion was discernible. The dependency of the AUC ratio of the enantiomers on the route of administration may be due to stereoselective first-pass metabolism. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
We report here the cloning of the arginine repressor gene argR of Bacillus stearothermophilus and the characterization and purification to homogeneity of its product. The deduced amino acid sequence of the 16.8-kDa ArgR subunit shares 72% identity with its mesophilic homologue AhrC of Bacilus subtilis . Sequence analysis of B. stearothermophilus ArgR and comparisons with mesophilic arginine repressors suggest that the thermostable repressor comprises an N-terminal DNA-binding and a C-terminal oligomerization and arginine-binding region. B. stearothermophilus ArgR has been overexpressed in E. coli and purified as a 48.0-kDa trimeric protein. The repressor inhibits the expression of a B. stearothermophilus argC–lacZ fusion in E. coli cells. In the presence of arginine, the purified protein binds tightly and specifically to the argC operator, which largely overlaps the argC promoter. The purified B. stearothermophilus repressor proved to be very thermostable with a half-life of approximately 30 min at 90°C, whereas B. subtilis AhrC was largely inactivated at 65°C. Moreover, ArgR operator complexes were found to be remarkably thermostable and could be formed efficiently at up to 85°C, well above the optimal growth temperature of the moderate thermophile B. stearothermophilus . This pronounced resistance of the repressor–operator complexes to heat treatment suggests that the same type of regulatory mechanism could operate in extreme thermophiles.  相似文献   
The Arabidopsis thaliana MALE STERILITY 2 ( MS2 ) gene product is involved in male gametogenesis. The first abnormalities in pollen development of ms2 mutants are seen at the stage in microsporogenesis when microspores are released from tetrads. Expression of the MS2 gene is observed in tapetum of wild-type flowers at, and shortly after, the release of microspores from tetrads. The MS2 promoter controls GUS expression at a comparable stage in the tapetum of transgenic tobacco containing an MS2 promoter–GUS fusion. The occasional pollen grains produced by mutant ms2 plants have very thin pollen walls. They are also sensitive to acetolysis treatment, which is a test for the presence of an exine layer. The MS2 gene product shows sequence similarity to a jojoba protein that converts wax fatty acids to fatty alcohols. A possible function of the MS2 protein as a fatty acyl reductase in the formation of pollen wall substances is discussed.  相似文献   
Two nopaline-type strains of Agrobacterium tumefaciens, C58 and T37, as well as strain A136, which is a Ti plasmid-cured derivative of strain C58, gave rise to spontaneous mutants that were able to grow on mannopine. The observation of mutagenesis with strain A136 demonstrated that the ability to acquire this new catabolic potential was independent of the presence of a Ti plasmid. The mutants were isolated after 4 weeks of incubation on minimal medium containing mannopine as the sole carbon source. They also utilized mannopinic acid, but not agropine or agropinic acid. In addition, the spontaneous mutant LM136, but not its parent strain A136, degraded many mannityl opine analogs. [14C]mannopine disappeared in the presence of LM136 cells which had been pregrown on opine or nonopine substrates. These results suggested that the catabolic system of this mutant was not subject to a stringent regulation. A clone conferring the ability to utilize mannopine on a recipient pseudomonad was selected from a genomic library from both the mutant LM136 and its parent strain. Only the LM136 clone was expressed in the parent Agrobacterium strain A136. Southern analysis showed that the genes for mannopine catabolism in the spontaneous mutants differed from the corresponding Ti plasmid-encoded genes of octopine-type or agropine-type Agrobacterium strains. Cells of LM136 utilized [14C]mannopine without generating detectable amounts of intracellular agropine. In contrast, a major fraction of the radioactivity recovered from cells of the octopine-type strain Ach5, after incubation on [14C]mannopine, was in the form of agropine.  相似文献   
A rapid, inexpensive and sensitive high-performance liquid chromatographic method for the quantitation of ibuprofen enantiomers from a variety of biological fluids is reported. This method uses a commercially available internal standard and has significantly less interference from endogenous co-extracted solutes than do previously reported methods. The method involves the acid extraction of drug and internal standard [(±)-fenoprofen] from the biological fluid with isooctane—isopropanol (95:5) followed by evaporation and derivatization with enthylchloroformate and R-(+)-α-phenylethylamine. Excellent linearity was observed between the peak-area ratio and enantiomer concentration (r > 0.99) over a concentration range of 0.25–50 μg/ml. This method is suitable for the quantitation of ibuprofen from single-dose pharmacokinetic studies involving either rats or humans.  相似文献   
Fungal Catabolism of Crown Gall Opines   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
This study was conducted to determine the capacities of 37 fungi to utilize various crown gall opines as their sole carbon and nitrogen source. One strain of Fusarium solani, two of Cylindrocarpon destructans, and six of Cylindrocarpon heteronema catabolized octopine, mannopine, octopinic acid, succinamopine, or a combination of these opines. One C. heteronema and one Fusarium dimerum strain grew only on succinamopine. None of the fungal isolates had the ability to grow on nopaline. The catabolism of opines by fungi was confirmed by the disappearance of the opine from the growth medium and by an increase in final mycelial dry weight with rising initial concentration of test substrate. This study thus shows that the catabolism of opines is not restricted to bacteria.  相似文献   
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