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In a section of the Liassic southwest of the village of Préjano (Prov. Logroño) Sinemurian Dasyclad algae were found for the first time in the “Bankkalk-Series” of the “Carniolas-Formation” which is not dated up to that time. Six species,Dissocladella lucasi (Cros & Lemoine),Dissocladella iberica nov. sp.,Dissocladella ebroensis nov. sp.,Sestrosphaera liasina Pia,Gyroporella retica (Zanin) andMacroporella nov. sp. aff. sturi Bystricky are described.  相似文献   
A framework of general factors for infectious disease emergence was made operational for Campylobacter utilising explanatory variables including time series and risk factor data. These variables were generated using a combination of empirical epidemiology, case-case and case-control studies, time series analysis, and microbial sub-typing (source attribution, diversity, genetic distance) to unravel the changing/emerging aetiology of human campylobacteriosis. The study focused on Scotland between 1990–2012 where there was a 75% increase in reported cases that included >300% increase in the elderly and 50% decrease in young children. During this period there were three phases 1990–2000 a 75% rise and a 20% fall to 2006, followed by a 19% resurgence. The rise coincided with expansions in the poultry industry, consumption of chicken, and a shift from rural to urban cases. The post-2000 fall occurred across all groups apart from the elderly and coincided with a drop of the prevalence of Campylobacter in chicken and a higher proportion of rural cases. The increase in the elderly was associated with uptake of proton pump inhibitors. During the resurgence the increase was predominantly in adults and the elderly, again there was increasing use of PPIs and high prevalences in chicken and ruminants. Cases associated with foreign travel during the study also increased from 9% to a peak of 16% in 2006 before falling to an estimated 10% in 2011, predominantly in adults and older children. During all three periods source attribution, genetic distance, and diversity measurements placed human isolates most similar to those in chickens. A combination of emergence factors generic for infectious diseases were responsible for the Campylobacter epidemic. It was possible to use these to obtain a putative explanation for the changes in human disease and the potential to make an informed view of how incidence rates may change in the future.  相似文献   
The blood‐brain barrier (BBB) is essential for a functional neurovascular unit. Most studies focused on the cells forming the BBB, but very few studied the basement membrane (BM) of brain capillaries in ageing. We used transmission electron microscopy and electron tomography to investigate the BM of the BBB in ageing C57BL/6J mice. The thickness of the BM of the BBB from 24‐month‐old mice was double as compared with that of 6‐month‐old mice (107 nm vs 56 nm). The aged BBB showed lipid droplets gathering within the BM which further increased its thickness (up to 572 nm) and altered its structure. The lipids appeared to accumulate toward the glial side of the BM. Electron tomography showed that the lipid‐rich BM regions are located in small pockets formed by the end‐feet of astrocytes. These findings suggest an imbalance of the lipid metabolism and that may precede the structural alteration of the BM. These alterations may favour the accretion of abnormal proteins that lead to neurodegeneration in ageing. These findings warrant further investigation of the BM of brain capillaries and of adjoining cells as potential targets for future therapies.  相似文献   
The gene encoding Bacillus subtilis UMP kinase (pyrH/smbA) is transcribed in vivo into a functional enzyme, which represents approximately 0.1% of total soluble proteins. The specific activity of the purified enzyme under optimal conditions is 25 units.mg-1 of protein. In the absence of GTP, the activity of B. subtilis enzyme is less than 10% of its maximum activity. Only dGTP and 3'-anthraniloyl-2'-deoxyguanosine-5'-triphosphate (Ant-dGTP) can increase catalysis significantly. Binding of Ant-dGTP to B. subtilis UMP kinase increased the quantum yield of the fluorescent analogue by a factor of more than three. UTP and GTP completely displaced Ant-dGTP, whereas GMP and UMP were ineffective. UTP inhibits UMP kinase of B. subtilis with a lower affinity than that shown towards the Escherichia coli enzyme. Among nucleoside monophosphates, 5-fluoro-UMP (5F-UMP) and 6-aza-UMP were actively phosphorylated by B. subtilis UMP kinase, explaining the cytotoxicity of the corresponding nucleosides towards this bacterium. A structural model of UMP kinase, based on the conservation of the fold of carbamate kinase and N-acetylglutamate kinase (whose crystals were recently resolved), was analysed in the light of physicochemical and kinetic differences between B. subtilis and E. coli enzymes.  相似文献   
We present evidence for the existence of two phases of retinoic acid (RA) signaling required for vertebrate limb development. Limb RA synthesis is under the control of retinaldehyde dehydrogenase-2 (Raldh2) expressed in the lateral plate mesoderm, which generates a proximodistal RA signal during limb outgrowth. We report that Raldh2(-/-) embryos lack trunk mesodermal RA activity and fail to initiate forelimb development. This is associated with deficient expression of important limb determinants Tbx5, Meis2, and dHand needed to establish forelimb bud initiation, proximal identity, and the zone of polarizing activity (ZPA), respectively. Limb expression of these genes can be rescued by maternal RA treatment limited to embryonic day 8 (E8) during limb field establishment, but the mutant forelimbs obtained at E10 display a significant growth defect associated with a smaller apical ectodermal ridge (AER), referred to here as an apical ectodermal mound (AEM). In these RA-deficient forelimbs, a ZPA expressing Shh forms, but it is located distally adjacent to the Fgf8 expression domain in the AEM rather than posteriorly as is normal. AER formation in Raldh2(-/-) forelimbs is rescued by continuous RA treatment through E10, which restores RA to distal ectoderm fated to become the AER. Our findings indicate the existence of an early phase of RA signaling acting upstream of Tbx5, Meis2, and dHand, followed by a late phase of RA signaling needed to expand AER structure fully along the distal ectoderm. During ZPA formation, RA acts early to activate expression of dHand, but it is not required later for Shh activation.  相似文献   
The variation in the expression patterns of the gap genes in the blastoderm of the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster reduces over time as a result of cross regulation between these genes, a fact that we have demonstrated in an accompanying article in PLoS Biology (see Manu et al., doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.1000049). This biologically essential process is an example of the phenomenon known as canalization. It has been suggested that the developmental trajectory of a wild-type organism is inherently stable, and that canalization is a manifestation of this property. Although the role of gap genes in the canalization process was established by correctly predicting the response of the system to particular perturbations, the stability of the developmental trajectory remains to be investigated. For many years, it has been speculated that stability against perturbations during development can be described by dynamical systems having attracting sets that drive reductions of volume in phase space. In this paper, we show that both the reduction in variability of gap gene expression as well as shifts in the position of posterior gap gene domains are the result of the actions of attractors in the gap gene dynamical system. Two biologically distinct dynamical regions exist in the early embryo, separated by a bifurcation at 53% egg length. In the anterior region, reduction in variation occurs because of stability induced by point attractors, while in the posterior, the stability of the developmental trajectory arises from a one-dimensional attracting manifold. This manifold also controls a previously characterized anterior shift of posterior region gap domains. Our analysis shows that the complex phenomena of canalization and pattern formation in the Drosophila blastoderm can be understood in terms of the qualitative features of the dynamical system. The result confirms the idea that attractors are important for developmental stability and shows a richer variety of dynamical attractors in developmental systems than has been previously recognized.  相似文献   
The formerly large, continuous brown bear population of the Carpathians has experienced a radical decrease in population size due to human activities which have resulted in splitting the population into the larger Eastern Carpathian and the smaller Western Carpathian subpopulations. In the Western Carpathians, brown bears came close to extinction at the beginning of 1930s, but thanks to both conservation and management efforts the bear population has begun to recover. In contrast, the Eastern Carpathian subpopulation in Romania has never dropped below 800 individuals, potentially preserving the original amount of genetic variation. In this paper we present results of a genetic study of brown bear subpopulations distributed in the Slovak and Romanian sections of the Carpathians using 13 nuclear microsatellites. The documented level of genetic differentiation between the Western and Eastern Carpathian subpopulations reflects the isolation which lasted almost 100 years. Furthermore, the existence of two, different, genetic clusters within the Western Carpathians despite close geographic proximity indicates that human-caused fragmentation and isolation have resulted in significant genetic divergence. Although the subpopulations display an indication of genetic bottleneck, the level of genetic diversity is within the range commonly observed in different brown bear populations. The results presented here point out the significance of human exploitation to the population structure of this large carnivore species. Future management efforts should be aimed at securing and restoring the connectivity of forested habitats, in order to preserve the genetic variation of the Carpathian brown bear subpopulations and to support the gene flow between them.  相似文献   
The CRISPR (clustered, regularly, interspaced, short, palindromic repeats)–Cas (CRISPR-associated genes) systems of archaea and bacteria provide adaptive immunity against viruses and other selfish elements and are believed to curtail horizontal gene transfer (HGT). Limiting acquisition of new genetic material could be one of the sources of the fitness cost of CRISPR–Cas maintenance and one of the causes of the patchy distribution of CRISPR–Cas among bacteria, and across environments. We sought to test the hypothesis that the activity of CRISPR–Cas in microbes is negatively correlated with the extent of recent HGT. Using three independent measures of HGT, we found no significant dependence between the length of CRISPR arrays, which reflects the activity of the immune system, and the estimated number of recent HGT events. In contrast, we observed a significant negative dependence between the estimated extent of HGT and growth temperature of microbes, which could be explained by the lower genetic diversity in hotter environments. We hypothesize that the relevant events in the evolution of resistance to mobile elements and proclivity for HGT, to which CRISPR–Cas systems seem to substantially contribute, occur on the population scale rather than on the timescale of species evolution.  相似文献   
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