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Dexamethasone inhibited the basal and EGF-stimulated DNA synthesis of adult rat hepatocytes in primary culture. The inhibition was glucocorticoid-specific: It was shown by dexamethasone and hydrocortisone, but not by progesterone, testosterone, or estradiol; and was counteracted by the glucocorticoid antagonist RU-38486 in a concentration-dependent manner. Dexamethasone acted by decreasing the rate of entry into S-phase (kG1/S), while cell cycle parameters were unaffected. The steroid was able to decrease the kG1/S severalfold even when added more than 20 hr after EGF, half-maximal effect occurring 11 hr after the addition of dexamethasone. Densely populated areas were much more sensitive to the inhibition by dexamethasone than sparsely populated areas within the same culture dish: A moderate (10 nM) concentration of dexamethasone nearly abolished the DNA synthesis in densely populated areas of hepatocyte cultures with only marginal effect on sparsely populated cells.  相似文献   
Summary The cellular localization of dopamine in the caudate nucleus of the rat hat been studied with the highly sensitive and specific fluorescence method of Falck and Hillarp, and by electron microscopy. The histochemical studies provided strong support for the view that the dopamine is concentrated within very fine nerve fibres which have abundant varicosities with an intense fluorescence. The electron microscopical studies revealed the presence of a tightly packed plexus built up i.a. of abundant synaptic nerve terminals, many of which had a diameter below 0.4 . The terminals made synaptic contact mainly with processes that seemed to belong to an extensive dendrite net.The investigation was supported by research grants from the United States Public Health Service (02854-04), The Swedish Medical Research Council and the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation.  相似文献   
We monitored, for the first time, the activity of two model heterologous promoters, the Agrobacterium rhizogenes rolC and the cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV) 35S, throughout the annual cycle of growth and dormancy in a perennial species, hybrid aspen. Each promoter was fused to the uidA -glucuronidase (GUS) reporter gene and the constructs were introduced into the hybrid aspen genome by Agrobacterium-mediated transformation. Both wildtype and transgenic plants were cultivated under different regimes of photoperiod and temperature to induce passage through one growth-dormancy-reactivation cycle, and at intervals GUS staining was assessed in stem sections. In rolC::uidA transformants, GUS activity in rapidly growing current-year shoots was not only tissue-specific, being localized to the phloem, but also cell-specific at the shoot base, where it was present only in the companion cells. However, during the onset of dormancy induced by short photoperiod, GUS activity shifted laterally from the phloem to include the cortex and pith. After subsequent exposure to chilling temperatures to induce the transition between the dormancy stages of rest and quiescence, GUS activity almost disappeared from all stem tissues, but regained its original phloem specificity and intensity after the shoots were reactivated by exposing them to long photoperiod and high temperatures. In contrast, GUS activity in the stem of 35S::uidA transformants was strong in all tissues except for the vascular cambium and xylem, and did not vary in intensity during the growth-dormancy-reactivation cycle. The lateral shift and increased intensity of GUS activity in the stem of rolC::uidA transformants during dormancy induction was shown to be associated with the accumulation of starch, and to be mimicked by incubating stem sections in sucrose, as well as glucose and fructose, but not sorbitol, prior to the GUS assay. Our results demonstrate that the activities of the rolC and 35S promoters varied in very different, unpredictable ways during the annual cycle of growth and dormancy in a perennial species, and indicate that the spatial and temporal variation in rolC promoter activity that we observed in the stem of transgenic hybrid aspen plants is attributable to cellular and seasonal changes in sucrose content.  相似文献   
A porcine 2-kb partial dipeptidylpeptidase IV (DPP4, EC cDNA clone and a porcine 16-kb genomic fragment containing parts of the DPP4 gene were isolated, characterized, and used as probes to map the DPP4 gene to pig Chr (Chr) 15q21 by fluorescence in situ hybridization. A two-allele RFLP was revealed for the DPP4 gene. This polymorphism was utilized in a linkage test against the erythrocyte antigen G (EAG), previously assigned to Chr 15, and the microsatellite S0088, which is linked to EAG. The linkage analyses revealed significant evidence for linkage confirming the assignment of DPP4 to Chr 15.  相似文献   
An affinity column for the purification of thymidine kinase is described. The ligand in this column is a glycoprotein isolated from rat kidney. This glycoprotein inhibits phosphorylation of thymidine in cultured cells and in a cell-free assay system. With an affinity column containing the glycoprotein as a ligand, a 24-fold purification of thymidine kinase from an ammonium sulfate fraction of a crude tissue extract can be obtained. Thymidine kinase eluted from the affinity column migrates as one major band on polyacrylamide and as one diffuse major band on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide. The affinity column, with thymidine kinase bound to the inhibitor, can also be used as an assay system. When the glycoprotein is covalently attached to Sepharose, it retains its binding capacity for thymidine kinase but has apparently lost its ability to inhibit the enzyme. Thymidine kinase eluted from the affinity column is again sensitive to the glycoprotein. It seems to be a carbohydrate moiety of the glycoprotein that is responsible for the inhibition.  相似文献   
The morphology and nomenclature of ca. 195 families of bitunicate or alleged bitunicate ascomycetes are discussed. Available representatives of these families were studied especially with respect to the morphology of the asci and ascospores. The morphology of the ascomata, etc. was studied in the SEM in 73 species. The following morphological terms are introduced: hamathecium, pseudoprototunicate, pseudofis–situnicate, semifissitunicate, and umbilicus. The following taxa are described as new: Coccodiniaceae O. Erikss. fam. nov., Microtheliopsidaceae O. Erikss. fam. nov., Amarenomyces O. Erikss. gen. nov., and Euantennaria abietina O. Erikss. sp. nov. The name Lecanidiaceae is proposed to replace Patellariaceae Corda, and Cyanoder–mella to replace Cyanoderma Höhn. The Massariaceae are treated as Trypetheliaceae subfam. Massarioideae (Nits.) O. Erikss. The following new combinations are proposed: Amarenomyces ammophilae (Lasch) O. Erikss., Cyanodermella viridula (Berk. & Curt.) O. Erikss., C. Candida (Setch.) O. Erikss., Dictyotrichiella delicatula (Ves–tergr.) O. Erikss., Laurera sepulta (Mont.) O. Erikss., Splanchnonema superans (Mull. Arg.) O. Erikss. and Thelenella antarctica (M. Lamb) O. Erikss. The origin and evolution of the Ascomycetes are discussed, and the importance of paedomor–phosis in the transspeciation of the group is emphasized. The stratigraphic classification of the Ascomycetes is discussed. In a transitional classification of the Ascomycetes, 109 monophyletic entities (clades) are recognized. La morphologie et la nomenclature ?environ 195 families ?ascomycétes bituniques ou soit–disant bituniques sont étudiées, spécialement en respectant la morphologie des asques et des ascospores. La morphologie des ascocarpes, etc. de 73 espèces fut étudiée dans le SEM. Les termes morphologiques suivants sont introduits: hamathecium, pseudoprototunique, pseudofissitunique, semifissitunique et umbilicus. Ces nouveaux taxa sont decrits: Coccodiniaceae O. Erikss. fam. nov., Microtheliopsidaceae O. Erikss. fam. nov., Amarenomyces O. Erikss. gen. nov. et Euantennaria abietina O. Erikss. sp. nov. Le nom Lecanidiaceae est proposéà la place de Patellariaceae Corda, Cyanodermella à la place de Cyanoderma Höhn. Les Massariaceae sont traitées comme Trypetheliaceae subfam. Massarioideae (Nits.) O. Erikss. Les nouvelles combinations suivantes sont proposées: Amarenomyces ammophilae (Lasch) O. Erikss., Cyanodermella viridula (Berk. & Curt.) O. Erikss., C. Candida (Setch.) O. Erikss., Dictyotrichiella delicatula (Vestergr.) O. Erikss., Laurera sepulta (Mont.) O. Erikss., Splanchnonema superans (Müll. Arg.) O. Erikss. et Thelenella antarctica (M. Lamb) O. Erikss. ?origine et ?évolution des ascomycètes sont discutées, et I'importance de la paedomorphose dans la transspeciation du groupe est mise en évidence. La classification stratigraphique des ascomycètes est discutée. Dans une classification de transition des ascomycètes, 109 entités monophyletiques sont reconnues.  相似文献   
Five peaks of cyclic AMP-binding activity could be resolved by DEAE-cellulose chromatography of bovine adrenal-cortex cytosol. Two of the binding peaks co-chromatographed with the catalytic activities of cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinases (ATP-protein phosphotransferase, EC of type I or type II respectively. A third binding protein was eluted between the two kinases, and appeared to be the free regulatory moiety of protein kinase I. Two of the binding proteins for cyclic AMP, sedimenting at 9S in sucrose gradients, could also bind adenosine. They bound cyclic AMP with an apparent equilibrium dissociation constant (K(d)) of about 0.1mum, and showed an increased binding capacity for cyclic AMP after preincubation in the presence of K(+), Mg(2+) and ATP. The two binding proteins differed in their apparent affinities for adenosine. The isolated regulatory moiety of protein kinase I had a very high affinity for cyclic AMP (K(d)<0.1nm). At low ionic strength or in the presence of MgATP, the high-affinity binding of cyclic AMP to the regulatory subunit of protein kinase I was decreased by the catalytic subunit. At high ionic strength and in the absence of MgATP the high-affinity binding to the regulatory subunit was not affected by the presence of catalytic subunit. Under all experimental conditions tested, dissociation of protein kinase I was accompanied by an increased affinity for cyclic AMP. To gain some insight into the mechanism by which cyclic AMP activates protein kinase, the interaction between basic proteins, salt and the cyclic nucleotide in activating the kinase was studied.  相似文献   
Treatment of methyl β-d-ribofuranoside with acetone gave methyl 2,3-O-isopropylidene-β-d-ribofuranoside (1, 90%), whereas methyl α-d-ribofuranoside gave a mixture (30%) of 1 and methyl 2,3-O-isopropylidene-α-d-ribofuranoside (1a). On oxidation, 1 gave methyl 2,3-O-isopropylidene-β-d-ribo-pentodialdo-1,4-furanoside (2), whereas no similar product was obtained on oxidation of 1a. Ethynylmagnesium bromide reacted with 2 in dry tetrahydrofuran to give a 1:1 mixture (95%) of methyl 6,7-dideoxy-2,3-O-isopropylidene-β-d-allo- (3) and -α-l-talo-hept-6-ynofuranoside (4). Ozonolysis of 3 and 4 in dichloromethane gave the corresponding d-allo- and l-talo-uronic acids, characterized as their methyl esters (5 and 6) and 5-O-formyl methyl esters (5a and 6a). Ozonolysis in methanol gave a mixture of the free uronic acid and the methyl ester, and only a small proportion of the 5-O-formyl methyl ester. Malonic acid reacted with 2 to give methyl 5,6-dideoxy-2,3-O-isopropylidene-β-d-ribo-trans-hept-5-enofuranosiduronic acid (7).  相似文献   
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