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The nuclear 18S, 5.8S and 25S rRNA genes exist as thousands of rDNA repeats in the Scots pine genome. The number and location of rDNA loci (nucleolus organizers, NORs) were studied by cytological methods, and a restriction map from the coding region of the Scots pine rDNA repeat was constructed using digoxigenin-labeled flax rDNA as a probe. Based on the maximum number of nucleoli and chromosomal secondary constrictions, Scots pine has at least eight NORs in its haploid genome. The size of the Scots pine rDNA repeat unit is approximately 27 kb, two- or threefold larger than the typical angiosperm rDNA unit, but similar in size to other characterized conifer rDNA repeats. The intergenic spacer region (IGS) of the rDNA repeat unit in Scots pine is longer than 20 kb, and the transcribed spacer regions surrounding the 5.8S gene (ITS1 and ITS2) span a region of 2.9 kb. Restriction analysis revealed that although the coding regions of rDNA repeats are homogeneous, heterogeneity exists in the intergenic spacer region between individuals, as well as among the rDNA repeats within individuals.  相似文献   
Arabidopsis thaliana has emerged as a model organism for plant developmental genetics, but it is also now being widely used for population genetic studies. Outcrossing relatives of A. thaliana are likely to provide suitable additional or alternative species for studies of evolutionary and population genetics. We have examined patterns of adaptive flowering time variation in the outcrossing, perennial A. lyrata. In addition, we examine the distribution of variation at marker genes in populations form North America and Europe. The probability of flowering in this species differs between southern and northern populations. Northern populations are much less likely to flower in short than in long days. A significant daylength by region interaction shows that the northern and southern populations respond differently to the daylength. The timing of flowering also differs between populations, and is made shorter by long days, and in some populations, by vernalization. North American and European populations show consistent genetic differentiation over microsatellite and isozyme loci and alcohol dehydrogenase sequences. Thus, the patterns of variation are quite different from those in A. thaliana, where flowering time differences show little relationship to latitude of origin and the genealogical trees of accessions vary depending on the genomic region studied. The genetic architecture of adaptation can be compared in these species with different life histories.  相似文献   
Costs of reproduction due to resource allocation trade-offs have long been recognized as key forces in life history evolution, but little is known about their functional or genetic basis. Arabidopsis lyrata, a perennial relative of the annual model plant A. thaliana with a wide climatic distribution, has populations that are strongly diverged in resource allocation. In this study, we evaluated the genetic and functional basis for variation in resource allocation in a reciprocal transplant experiment, using four A. lyrata populations and F2 progeny from a cross between North Carolina (NC) and Norway parents, which had the most divergent resource allocation patterns. Local alleles at quantitative trait loci (QTL) at a North Carolina field site increased reproductive output while reducing vegetative growth. These QTL had little overlap with flowering date QTL. Structural equation models incorporating QTL genotypes and traits indicated that resource allocation differences result primarily from QTL effects on early vegetative growth patterns, with cascading effects on later vegetative and reproductive development. At a Norway field site, North Carolina alleles at some of the same QTL regions reduced survival and reproductive output components, but these effects were not associated with resource allocation trade-offs in the Norway environment. Our results indicate that resource allocation in perennial plants may involve important adaptive mechanisms largely independent of flowering time. Moreover, the contributions of resource allocation QTL to local adaptation appear to result from their effects on developmental timing and its interaction with environmental constraints, and not from simple models of reproductive costs.  相似文献   
The threat of the new pandemic influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 imposed a heavy burden on the public health system in Finland in 2009-2010. An extensive vaccination campaign was set up in the middle of the first pandemic season. However, the true number of infected individuals remains uncertain as the surveillance missed a large portion of mild infections. We constructed a transmission model to simulate the spread of influenza in the Finnish population. We used the model to analyse the two first years (2009-2011) of A(H1N1)pdm09 in Finland. Using data from the national surveillance of influenza and data on close person-to-person (social) contacts in the population, we estimated that 6% (90% credible interval 5.1 – 6.7%) of the population was infected with A(H1N1)pdm09 in the first pandemic season (2009/2010) and an additional 3% (2.5 – 3.5%) in the second season (2010/2011). Vaccination had a substantial impact in mitigating the second season. The dynamic approach allowed us to discover how the proportion of detected cases changed over the course of the epidemic. The role of time-varying reproduction number, capturing the effects of weather and changes in behaviour, was important in shaping the epidemic.  相似文献   
To infer the role of natural selection in shaping standing genetic diversity, it is necessary to assess the genomewide impact of demographic history on nucleotide diversity. In this study we analyzed sequence diversity of 16 nuclear loci in eight Pinus sylvestris populations. Populations were divided into four geographical groups on the basis of their current location and the geographical history of the region: northern Europe, central Europe, Spain, and Turkey. There were no among-group differences in the level of silent nucleotide diversity, which was approximately 0.005/bp in all groups. There was some evidence that linkage disequilibrium extended further in northern Europe than in central Europe: the estimates of the population recombination rate parameter, rho, were 0.0064 and 0.0294, respectively. The summary statistics of nucleotide diversity in central and northern European populations were compatible with an ancient bottleneck rather than the standard neutral model.  相似文献   
Collagen prolyl 4-hydroxylases (C-P4Hs) catalyze the formation of the 4-hydroxyproline residues that are essential for the generation of triple helical collagen molecules. The vertebrate C-P4Hs I, II, and III are [alpha(I)]2beta2, [alpha(II)]2beta2, and [alpha(III)]2beta2 tetramers with identical beta subunits. We generated mice with targeted inactivation of the P4ha1 gene encoding the catalytic alpha subunit of C-P4H I to analyze its specific functions. The null mice died after E10.5, showing an overall developmental delay and a dilated endoplasmic reticulum in their cells. The capillary walls were frequently ruptured, but the capillary density remained unchanged. The C-P4H activity level in the null embryos and fibroblasts cultured from them was 20% of that in the wild type, being evidently due to the other two isoenzymes. Collagen IV immunofluorescence was almost absent in the basement membranes of the null embryos, and electron microscopy revealed disrupted basement membranes, while immunoelectron microscopy showed a lack of collagen IV in them. The amount of soluble collagen IV was increased in the null embryos and cultured null fibroblasts, indicating a lack of assembly of collagen IV molecules into insoluble structures, probably due to their underhydroxylation and hence abnormal conformation. In contrast, the null embryos had collagen I and III fibrils with a typical cross-striation pattern but slightly increased diameters, and the null fibroblasts secreted fibril-forming collagens, although less efficiently than wild-type cells. The primary cause of death of the null embryos was thus most likely an abnormal assembly of collagen IV.  相似文献   
Estrogen receptor beta (ERbeta) is highly expressed, but ERalpha is not detectable in granulosa cells in the mouse ovary. In ERbeta knockout (BERKO) mice, there is abnormal follicular development and very reduced fertility. At 3 wk of age, no significant morphologic differences were discernable between wild type (WT) and BERKO mouse ovaries, but by 5 mo of age, atretic follicles were abundant in BERKO mice and there were very few healthy late antral follicles or corpora lutea. At 2 yr of age, unlike the ovaries of their WT littermates, BERKO mouse ovaries were devoid of healthy follicles but had numerous large, foamy lipid-filled stromal cells. The late antral and atretic follicles in BERKO mice were characterized by a high level of expression of the androgen receptor (AR) and IGF-1 receptor. These proteins were abundantly expressed in granulosa cells of preantral and early antral follicles in both genotypes, but their expression was extinguished in late antral follicles of WT mice. Healthy late antral follicles and corpora lutea were restored in BERKO ovaries after 15 days of treatment of mice with the antiandrogen flutamide. The results suggest that in the absence of ERbeta there was a loss of regulation of AR. Because androgens enhance recruitment of primordial follicles into the growth pool and cause atresia of late antral follicles, the inappropriately high level of AR probably is related to the follicular atresia and to the early exhaustion of follicles in BERKO mice.  相似文献   
The synthesis of oligopeptide building blocks for the introduction of nonluminescent and luminescent lanthanide(III) chelates to the oligopeptide structure on the solid phase is described. The oligopeptide conjugates synthesized were used in DELFIA-based receptor binding assay (motilin) as well as in LANCE time-resolved fluorescence quenching assay (caspase-3).  相似文献   
Mineralization of polymeric wood lignin and its substructures is a result of complex reactions involving oxidizing and reducing enzymes and radicals. The degradation of methoxyl groups is an essential part of this process. The presence of wood greatly stimulates the demethoxylation of a non-phenolic lignin model compound (a [O14CH3]-labeled β-O-4 dimer) by the lignin-degrading white-rot fungi Phlebia radiata and Phanerochaete chrysosporium. When grown on wood, both fungi produced up to 47 and 40% 14CO2 of the applied 14C activity, respectively, under air and oxygen in 8 weeks. Without wood, the demethoxylation of the dimer by both fungi was lower, varying between 0.5 and 35%. Addition of nutrient nitrogen together with glucose decreased demethoxylation when the fungi were grown on spruce wood under air. Because the evolution of 14CO2 in the absence of wood was poor, the fungi may have preferably used wood as a carbon and nitrogen source. The amount of fungal mycelium, as determined by the ergosterol assay, did not show connection to demethoxylation. P. radiata also showed a high demethoxylation of [O14CH3]-labeled vanillic acid in the presence of birch wood. The degradation of lignin and lignin-related substances should be studied in the presence of wood, the natural substrate for white-rot fungi.  相似文献   
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