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Chromosome segment substitution lines (CSSLs) are powerful QTL mapping populations that have been used to elucidate the molecular basis of interesting traits of wild species. Cultivated peanut is an allotetraploid with limited genetic diversity. Capturing the genetic diversity from peanut wild relatives is an important objective in many peanut breeding programs. In this study, we used a marker-assisted backcrossing strategy to produce a population of 122 CSSLs from the cross between the wild synthetic allotetraploid (A. ipaënsis×A. duranensis)4x and the cultivated Fleur11 variety. The 122 CSSLs offered a broad coverage of the peanut genome, with target wild chromosome segments averaging 39.2 cM in length. As a demonstration of the utility of these lines, four traits were evaluated in a subset of 80 CSSLs. A total of 28 lines showed significant differences from Fleur11. The line×trait significant associations were assigned to 42 QTLs: 14 for plant growth habit, 15 for height of the main stem, 12 for plant spread and one for flower color. Among the 42 QTLs, 37 were assigned to genomic regions and three QTL positions were considered putative. One important finding arising from this QTL analysis is that peanut growth habit is a complex trait that is governed by several QTLs with different effects. The CSSL population developed in this study has proved efficient for deciphering the molecular basis of trait variations and will be useful to the peanut scientific community for future QTL mapping studies.  相似文献   
BackgroundIn Senegal, with the variable routine vaccination coverage, the risk for illness and death from measles still exists as evidenced by the measles epidemic episode in 2009. Since 2002 a laboratory-based surveillance system of measles was established by the Ministry of Health and the Institut Pasteur de Dakar. The present study analysed the data collected over the 10 years inclusive between 2004-2013 in order to define a measles epidemiological profile in Senegal, and we carried out a phylogenetic analysis of measles virus circulating in Senegal over the period 2009-2012.ConclusionImprovements in the measles surveillance in Senegal are required and the introduction of oral fluid and FTA cards as an alternative to transportation of sera should be investigated to improve surveillance. The introduction of a national vaccine database including number of doses of measles-containing vaccine will greatly improve efforts to interrupt and ultimately eliminate measles virus transmission in Senegal.  相似文献   


The reservoir of Plasmodium infection in humans has traditionally been defined by blood slide positivity. This study was designed to characterize the local reservoir of infection in relation to the diverse var genes that encode the major surface antigen of Plasmodium falciparum blood stages and underlie the parasite''s ability to establish chronic infection and transmit from human to mosquito.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We investigated the molecular epidemiology of the var multigene family at local sites in Gabon, Senegal and Kenya which differ in parasite prevalence and transmission intensity. 1839 distinct var gene types were defined by sequencing DBLα domains in the three sites. Only 76 (4.1%) var types were found in more than one population indicating spatial heterogeneity in var types across the African continent. The majority of var types appeared only once in the population sample. Non-parametric statistical estimators predict in each population at minimum five to seven thousand distinct var types. Similar diversity of var types was seen in sites with different parasite prevalences.


Var population genomics provides new insights into the epidemiology of P. falciparum in Africa where malaria has never been conquered. In particular, we have described the extensive reservoir of infection in local African sites and discovered a unique var population structure that can facilitate superinfection through minimal overlap in var repertoires among parasite genomes. Our findings show that var typing as a molecular surveillance system defines the extent of genetic complexity in the reservoir of infection to complement measures of malaria prevalence. The observed small scale spatial diversity of var genes suggests that var genetics could greatly inform current malaria mapping approaches and predict complex malaria population dynamics due to the import of var types to areas where no widespread pre-existing immunity in the population exists.  相似文献   
After the discoveries of pre-Acheulian and Acheulian industry accumulations in the depression of the external ring of Guelb er Richât (Mauritanian Adrar) by Théodore Monod, it was proceeded to an exhaustive study of surrounding Quaternary sediments. Slopes in the south of the cliffs of Ordovician quartzite sandstones are covered with chaos of blocks where from go down torrential ravines which fed irregularly the alluvial plains of oueds Akerdil and Bamouéré. The torrential alluviums consist from two- to three-graded sequences of coarse sediments which were studied since the foot of the cliff down to alluvial fans. The datings of tests of mollusks of brackish waters and of phreatogenic calcitic cementations allowed to obtain a coherent chronostratigraphy based on 11 datings AMS of the 14C. These ages included between 15.000 and 7.730 BP correspond to the last climatic optimum or African Humid Period. Textural and mineralogical analyses of the torrential sequences allow to show a duality of origin of the materials of the accumulation partly deriving from more or less degraded Cambro-Ordovician basement (proximal source) and partly renewed by wind contributions during the long Meso-Cenozoic emersion (distal source). The palaeomagnetic measurements indicate that the great majority of the deposits accumulated during the last one normal magnetozone. Some altered deposits intermediate between the Paleozoic basement and the torrential sequences of the Late Quaternary present a negative magnetic inclination and a strong magnetic susceptibility linked to the presence of hematite grains; they are likened to more or less in situ reworked Cambrian-Ordovician tops. These conclusions leave not enough hope to identify on the slopes of Early Pleistocene sediments contemporary of the first Human populations. The strong accumulations of chopping-tools of the Akerdil Oued and of coarse hand-axes of the ravines of Cherirat indicate a credibly autochton origin of these big tools made in situ and which were concentrated by the successive wind deflations. Their mechanical dispersal was limited by their big size and by frequent calcitic cementations, such processes of fossilization were able to develop and to repeat during the ancient episodes of the Pleistocene. This hypothesis would lead us to envisage probable industry remains buried in depth into the filling of the outer alluvial plain of the Guelb er Richât.  相似文献   


Tick-borne relapsing fever spirochetes are maintained in endemic foci that involve a diversity of small mammals and argasid ticks in the genus Ornithodoros. Most epidemiological studies of tick-borne relapsing fever in West Africa caused by Borrelia crocidurae have been conducted in Senegal. The risk for humans to acquire relapsing fever in Mali is uncertain, as only a few human cases have been identified. Given the high incidence of malaria in Mali, and the potential to confuse the clinical diagnosis of these two diseases, we initiated studies to determine if there were endemic foci of relapsing fever spirochetes that could pose a risk for human infection.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We investigated 20 villages across southern Mali for the presence of relapsing fever spirochetes. Small mammals were captured, thin blood smears were examined microscopically for spirochetes, and serum samples were tested for antibodies to relapsing fever spirochetes. Ornithodoros sonrai ticks were collected and examined for spirochetal infection. In total, 11.0% of the 663 rodents and 14.3% of the 63 shrews tested were seropositive and 2.2% of the animals had active spirochete infections when captured. In the Bandiagara region, the prevalence of infection was higher with 35% of the animals seropositive and 10% infected. Here also Ornithodoros sonrai were abundant and 17.3% of 278 individual ticks tested were infected with Borrelia crocidurae. Fifteen isolates of B. crocidurae were established and characterized by multi-locus sequence typing.


The potential for human tick-borne relapsing fever exists in many areas of southern Mali.  相似文献   
Abstract: An apparent species-specific relatedness of SIVagm suggests a coevolution with their natural hosts. However, the exact species or subspecies classification of African green monkeys, AGM, is uncertain because current classification schemes rely on phenotype markers, while more definitive genetic data are lacking. In this study, the CD4 protein involved in tissue type recognition was genetically cloned and sequenced from PBMC RNA from all AGM species, including Barbados green monkeys (BGM). Phylogenetic trees were constructed that also included genomic CD4 nucleotide sequences from patas, sooty mangabeys, rhesus and pig-tail macaques, chimpanzees, and humans. Chimpanzees and humans consistently clustered together. Monkeys within the Cercopithecus genus formed a separate cluster which included pata monkeys, supporting its grouping as a member of Cercopithecus. Surprisingly, sooty mangabeys were genetically more closely related to Asian macaques than to other African species, which might explain why macaques are more susceptible to infection by the SIVsm group than to infection by SIVagm or HIV-1 and why patas, on the other hand, are highly susceptible to SIVagm infection. Based on CD4 genetic data, tantalus, vervets, grivets, and sabaeus formed separate subgroups with BGM grouping closely with vervets. The branching order of the AGM species was related to that of their respective SIVagm env sequences. The study suggests a strong correlation between CD4 phylogeny and the susceptibility of the host species to infection by a specific lentivirus and supports the assumption of a coevolution of SIVagm and AGM. CD4 sequencing is suggested as a relevant method for genetic determination of primate species.  相似文献   
Nonpathogenic simian immunodeficiency virus SIVagm infection of African green monkeys (AGMs) is characterized by the absence of a robust antibody response against Gag p27. To determine if this is accompanied by a selective loss of T-cell responses to Gag p27, we studied CD4+ and CD8+ T-cell responses against Gag p27 and other SIVagm antigens in the peripheral blood and lymph nodes of acutely and chronically infected AGMs. Our data show that AGMs can mount a T-cell response against Gag p27, indicating that the absence of anti-p27 antibodies is not due to the absence of Gag p27-specific T cells.Simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) infection in African green monkeys (AGM) is nonpathogenic, even though it is characterized by plasma viral load (PVL) levels similar to those found during acute and chronic pathogenic infection of humans with human immunodeficiency virus type 1 and macaques with SIVmac (14). This feature is shared with other African nonhuman primates, such as sooty mangabeys (SM) and mandrills (19, 20). SIV-infected AGMs also display high viral loads in the gastrointestinal mucosa (11), a transient decline of circulating CD4+ T cells during acute infection (13), and longer-lasting CD4+ T-cell depletion in the intestinal lamina propia (10). Concomitant with the peak viral load during acute infection, SIVagm-infected AGMs display transient increases of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells expressing activation, and proliferation markers, such as MHC-II DR and Ki-67 (4, 13), and anti-SIVagm antibodies (Ab) are induced with kinetics similar to those found in SIVmac infection (5). Interestingly, however, the Ab response against Gag p27 is weak, if present at all (1, 2, 12, 15, 17, 18). This observation is surprising since, in the context of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 and SIVmac infections, Ab responses to Gag p27 are usually quite strong. Weak or low reactivity to Gag p27 has also been observed in some other natural SIV infections (7, 8, 20) but not in all of them (21). We wondered whether such a selective lack of Ab reactivity in the SIV-infected AGM might be related to a lack of Gag p27-specific T cells. With this hypothesis in mind, we first confirmed and extended the studies of humoral responses against Gag p27 by characterizing the antigen-specific immunoglobulin G (IgG) responses and mid-point titers against total SIVagm antigens (SIVagm virions) and recombinant Gag p27 (rP27; SIVagm) in naturally and experimentally SIVagm-infected AGMs. Second, we searched for the presence of Gag p27-specific T-cell responses in SIVagm infection by analyzing the CD4+ and CD8+ T-cell responses specific for Gag p27 and other SIVagm proteins in blood and lymph nodes (LNs) of acutely and chronically infected animals.Humoral responses against SIV were analyzed in 50 wild-born AGMs (Chlorocebus sabaeus) and 17 rhesus macaques (RMs). The animals were housed at the Institut Pasteur in Dakar, Senegal, and the California National Primate Research Center, Davis, CA, respectively, according to institutional and national guidelines. RMs were either noninfected (n = 5) or intravenously infected with SIVmac251 (n = 12). AGMs were noninfected (n = 23), naturally infected (n = 17), or intravenously infected with wild-type SIVagm.sab92018 (n = 10) (5, 9). IgG titers against SIVagm.sab92018 virions or rP27 were determined by an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) using monkey anti-IgG as secondary Ab (Fig. 1A and B). The virions had been purified by ultracentrifugation on an iodixanol cushion from cell-free supernatants of SIVagm.sab92018-infected SupT1 cells. The His-tagged rP27 was constructed using DNA from gut cells of an SIVagm.sab92018-infected AGM 96011 (11). A Gag p27 PCR product was subcloned into pET-14b, and the recombinant protein was produced in Escherichia coli BL21(DE3)(pLysS) and purified on nitrilotriacetic acid columns. SIV-infected macaques showed high IgG titers cross-reacting with both SIVagm virions (Fig. 1A and B, left panels) and rP27 (Fig. 1A and B, right panels). In contrast, only 2 out of 27 SIV-infected AGMs showed detectable IgG responses against rP27 (Fig. 1A and B, right panels), while 21 out of 27 displayed significant responses against SIVagm virions (Fig. 1A and B, left panels). Two AGMs out of 23 from the negative control group showed weak responses at the limit of detection against SIVagm and two against rP27, suggesting a natural response against SIVagm proteins, cross-reactivity with unknown pathogens, maternal Ab, or recent SIV infection. Of note, the titers against whole SIV in the infected monkeys were higher in macaques than in AGMs, which may be due to a lack of anti-p27 Ab in most AGMs.Open in a separate windowFIG. 1.Cross-sectional analysis of IgG Ab responses against SIVagm or Gag p27 in SIV-infected AGMs and RMs. (A and B) Cross-sectional analysis by ELISA. IgG Ab against SIVagm.sab92018 virions or recombinant p27-Gag antigens were determined in SIV-negative (Rh SIV−) and chronically SIVmac251-infected (Rh SIV+) RMs and in SIV-negative and chronically SIVagm-infected AGMs that were either naturally (AGM Nat SIV+) or experimentally (AGM Exp SIV+) infected with SIVagm.sab92018. Ab titers were calculated for each animal by limited dilution of plasma on coated ELISA plates with 5 μg/ml of (p27 equivalent) virions (left) or 1 μg/ml of the monomeric recombinant protein (rP27) (right). IgG detection by ELISA displayed a high background for rP27, especially at the highest plasma concentration (e.g., 1/100 and 1/400 plasma dilution) in SIV-negative RMs and AGMs. To discriminate between positive responses and background, calculated dose-response curves were compared to theoretical sigmoid-dose response curves corresponding to the 95% confidence interval of SIV-negative animals. By convention, responses were considered background when sigmoid dose-response curves were graphically within the 95% confidence interval of SIV-negative animals and when the calculated negative log 50% effective concentration (EC50) was lower than the top theoretical sigmoid dose-response curve from SIV-negative animals (corresponding to a threshold of negative log EC50 of 2.8). (A) Results (optical density at 450 nm [OD450]) are represented for both virions (left) and rP27 (right) over plasma dilution (log10) on a per animal basis (data points) and for each group (lines). Lines represent the sigmoid dose-response curves for each group (Prism 4; Graphpad). (B) Mid-point IgG titers were determined for each animal from individual sigmoid dose-response curves, and presented as the log10 value from the reciprocal of the effective concentration that corresponds to 50% response between minimum and maximum OD450 (negative log EC50). Horizontal bars represent the median mid-point titer per each group. Mann-Whitney nonparametric tests were applied for statistical analysis (n.s., nonsignificant, with P values of >0.1) (C) Cross-sectional analysis of Ab against SIVagm proteins by Western blot analysis using denatured SIVagm.sab92018. For the positive controls on the left, we used sera from an SIVmac251-infected macaque and a SIVagm.sab92018-infected AGM. Development times and reagents were identical for all Western blots. Mo, months of infection; y, years of infection; C−, negative control; C+, positive control.The study of IgGs by Western blot analysis using denatured SIVagm.sab92018 virions showed no or weak anti-Gag responses in SIV-infected AGMs, yet the anti-Env responses were often strong (Fig. (Fig.1C).1C). In contrast, SIV-infected macaques showed a dominant IgG cross-reactive response against the SIVagm Gag p27 protein. Even if responses in AGMs were detected more frequently with the Western blot analyses than with the ELISAs, these responses were different in magnitude and considerably weaker than those in macaques.To compare B- and T-cell responses over time, five simian T-cell leukemia virus-seronegative AGMs were infected with SIVagm.sab92018, and the animals were followed longitudinally during the acute and postacute phases of infection until day 90 postinfection (p.i.). Sequential blood samples were collected and biopsies of auxiliary and inguinal LNs were performed on day −5 and at three times p.i. (days 14, 43, and 62). PVL was measured by real-time PCR (5). Since we searched for Gag p27-specific responses, we also quantified Gag p27 antigen in the plasma (SIV p27 antigen assay; Coulter, Miami, FL). Viral RNA and p27 antigenemia peaks were observed between days 7 and 14 p.i. (Fig. 2A and B, respectively). The Gag p27 levels were variable among the animals but in a range similar to those reported previously in AGMs and macaques (3, 5). As has also been observed in SIVmac infection (except for rapid progressors), plasma Gag p27 levels fell below the detection level in the postacute phase (i.e., after day 28 p.i.) (Fig. (Fig.2B2B and data not shown). There were significant increases in circulating CD8+ DR+ T cells at days 7 and 14 p.i. and in CD8+ Ki-67+ T cells at days 14 and 28 p.i. (Fig. 2C and D, left panels). After day 28 p.i., the percentages were no longer statistically different from baseline levels. In LN cells (LNCs), the percentage of CD8+ Ki-67+ T cells rose from 3.1% ± 1.1% before infection to 6.1% ± 0.3% at day 62 p.i., but the difference was not statistically significant (Fig. (Fig.2D,2D, right panel). The levels of blood CD4+ DR+ Ki-67+, CD8+ DR+ Ki-67+, CD8+ Ki-67+ T cells, and LNC CD8+ Ki-67+ T cells were positively correlated with viremia (P values of 0.002 for DR+ cells and P values of <0.02 for Ki-67+ cells). Altogether, these results confirm previous data showing early, transient T-cell activation in the peripheral blood of SIVagm-infected AGMs (13).Open in a separate windowFIG. 2.Plasma viremia and T-cell activation in blood and LNs of five longitudinally followed SIVagm.sab92018-infected African green monkeys. (A) SIVagm.sab RNA copy numbers in plasma. (B) Plasma Gag p27 concentrations. (C) Percentages of MHC-II DR-positive CD4+ (•) and CD8+ (○) T cells within, respectively, total CD4+ and CD8+ T cells from PBMCs and LNCs. (D) Percentages of Ki-67+ CD4+ (•) and CD8+ (○) T cells within, respectively, total CD4+ and CD8+ T cells from PBMCs and LNCs. Results are shown as the mean ± the standard error of the mean. Asterisks indicate statistically significant differences compared to levels before infection (P < 0.05).We next looked for the presence of Ab responses against rP27 in these animals. No Ab were detected before infection. After infection, all five AGMs developed anti-SIVagm IgGs within 4 to 9 weeks p.i., with AGM 02001 showing the fastest response (Fig. (Fig.3A).3A). While the humoral responses against whole virions were significant (Fig. (Fig.3B),3B), the anti-rP27 responses were below the threshold for positivity (Fig. (Fig.3B),3B), with the exception of one animal (AGM 02001). The anti-rP27 response in this animal was only transient since it was no longer detectable at week 75 p.i., in contrast to the anti-SIV Ab that were sustained (Fig. (Fig.3B3B and data not shown).Open in a separate windowFIG. 3.Longitudinal analysis of IgG titers and T-cell proliferative responses against SIVagm and Gag p27 in five AGMs experimentally infected with SIVagm.sab92018. (A and B) Ab responses were analyzed by ELISA. (A) IgG dose-response curves against SIVagm (top) and rP27 (bottom) are shown over time (week −1 to week 24 p.i.). O.D.450, optical density at 450 nm. (B) Mid-point titers were calculated as described in the legend to Fig. Fig.1A.1A. Continuous lines correspond to median titers from all five animals. Red, anti-SIVagm IgGs; green, anti-p27 IgGs. (C) Proliferative responses of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells were assessed by flow cytometry using carboxy fluorescein succinimidyl ester staining (CFSE). CD4+ and CD8+ T-cell responses in PBMCs (left) and LNCs (right) after stimulation with peptide pools (Gag without P27, P27, and Tat) and Gag rP27 are shown for each animal. All data are reported after background subtraction. Results are presented in columns as the mean ± the standard error of the mean. Asterisks indicate statistically significant differences compared to individual values before infection (P < 0.05).We next searched for T-cell responses against Gag p27 compared to other SIVagm antigens in these animals. Gag p27 epitopes were presented in the following two ways: in the context of rP27 and as synthetic peptides. The peptide pools (comprised of overlapping 15-mers) spanned the following SIVagm proteins: Gag p27, Gag without p27, Env, and Tat. The amino acid sequences of the Gag and Env peptides corresponded to the autologous wild-type SIVagm.sab92018 sequence, and those of the Tat peptides corresponded to an SIVagm.sab consensus sequence. The latter was determined using Tat sequences of other SIVagm viruses from Senegal that are available in the databases (SIVagm.sab1c, SIVagm.sabD42, and SIVagm.sabD30). We measured T-cell responses by investigating the antigen-induced proliferation. T cells from blood (peripheral blood mononuclear cells [PBMCs]) and LNs were analyzed. All assays were performed with fresh cells that were stimulated with 10 μg/ml of Gag rP27 and 5 μg/ml of peptides over a period of 4 days. Dead cells were gated out using 7-amino-actinomycin D, and dividing (CFSElow) cells were analyzed after stimulation with medium alone, SIV antigens, or concanavalin A as a positive control. We detected significant Gag p27-specific proliferative responses for CD8+ T cells in PBMCs and for CD4+ and CD8+ T cells in LNCs (Fig. (Fig.3C).3C). The animal with the detectable anti-p27 Ab (AGM 02001) did not show stronger p27-specific T-cell responses than the other animals. Thus, all SIV-infected AGMs were able to mount a proliferative T-cell response against p27, while anti-p27 IgGs were lacking in four of the animals. However, the SIVagm-specific T-cell responses were detected at only a few time points p.i.We then analyzed the T-cell responses in the chronic phase of AGMs naturally and experimentally infected with SIVagm.sab92018. PVL, peripheral blood cell counts (CD4+ and CD8+ T cells; CD20+ B cells), and immune activation (Ki-67+ CD4+ and CD8+ T cells) were similar in naturally infected and in experimentally infected AGMs (Fig. (Fig.4A).4A). As expected, cell counts and immune activation levels were also not different from SIV-negative AGMs (Fig. (Fig.4A).4A). Again, we measured SIV-specific responses first by a proliferation assay (Fig. (Fig.4B).4B). One out of five animals tested had a proliferative SIV-specific CD4+ T-cell response (against Gag without p27, P27, rP27, Env GP120, and Tat), and two animals had a CD8+ T-cell response (against P27 in both animals and against Env GP120 and Tat in one). Two animals (one naturally infected and one experimentally infected with SIVagm.sab92018) did not show any detectable antigen-specific proliferative CD4+ or CD8+ T-cell response.Open in a separate windowFIG. 4.Immune parameters and SIVagm-specific proliferative and cytokine T-cell responses in chronically infected AGMs. (A) Cell counts (CD4+ and CD8+ T cells; B cells) and immune activation levels (percent of Ki-67+ in CD4+ and CD8+ T cells) in AGMs (n = 4) naturally infected with SIVagm (Nat SIV+) and AGMs (n = 6) experimentally infected with SIVagm.sab92018 (Exp SIV+) compared to uninfected AGMs (n = 10) (SIV). PVL, if known, is indicated. Green, blue, and orange symbols correspond, respectively, to noninfected, naturally infected, and experimentally infected AGMs. (B) Proliferative response to SIVagm antigens in chronically infected AGMs (n = 5) compared to those in uninfected AGMs (n = 3). PBMCs were stimulated with the same antigens as those described in the legend to Fig. Fig.3.3. (C) Analysis of cytokine responses (gamma interferon [IFN-γ] and tumor necrosis factor alpha [TNF-α]) by SIVagm-specific T cells. ConA was used as a positive control. Representative results from a single animal are shown here. (D) Cumulative values of SIVagm-specific TNF-α and IFN-γ responses in chronically infected animals. The responses to SIVagm antigens were analyzed in peripheral blood specimens of 4 naturally and 5 experimentally infected AGMs as well as 10 uninfected AGMs. The data are reported after background subtraction corresponding to the subtraction of the frequency of positive events from the unstimulated samples to the frequency of positive events from the antigen-specific stimulation. Proliferative T-cell responses and cytokine T-cell responses in SIV-infected AGMs were defined as positive when higher than 3 standard deviations above the mean responses for uninfected animals. Freq, frequency; w/o, without.These results were extended to an analysis of SIV-specific T-cell cytokine responses, e.g., the production of IFN-γ and TNF-α in nine chronically infected compared to 10 noninfected AGMs (Fig. 4C and D). Fresh cells were stimulated for 8 h with the antigens described above. SIV-specific cytokine responses were detected in CD8+ but not in CD4+ T cells. Seven animals out of nine showed a response against at least one antigen. The two animals showing no response were among the four naturally infected animals tested. We therefore cannot exclude that the absence of response in these two animals is due to the presence of highly divergent viruses. However, a precise epitope mapping in SIVagm sequences would be necessary to confirm this. In those animals showing a SIVagm-specific cytokine T-cell response, the responses were directed against Gag p27 (four out of nine animals), other Gag proteins than p27 (two out of nine animals), and Env GP120 (four out of nine animals). In the experimentally infected animals, we might have underestimated the responses against Tat compared to Gag and Env antigens, since the Tat peptides corresponded to an SIVagm.sab consensus sequence and not to the autologous virus (SIVagm.sab92018). There was no correlation between the magnitude or breadth of SIV-specific T-cell responses and immune activation or PVL.Altogether, our study demonstrates that AGMs can mount T-cell proliferative and cytokine responses against Gag p27. The T-cell response was variable among the animals. In general, it appeared moderate, comparable to chronically SIV-infected RMs (9). Of note, T-cell responses were not consistently detected at all time points and not in all animals. We cannot exclude the possibility that we underestimated the magnitude of the cytokine responses. For instance, we did not costimulate the cells during the assays. However, cytokine responses were also variable in vervet AGMs, with a trend for reduced levels compared to those for RMs, even when more-sensitive assays were used (23). In SM, the responses were also reported to be not stronger than in RMs. This is in line with the lack of efficient control of viral replication in natural hosts (6, 22).In our study, we show that IgG responses against Gag p27 are either lacking, weak, or transient, while Ab against other SIVagm proteins are present. The mechanisms underlying this selective lack of Gag p27 Ab responses are unclear. It could be related to moderate and/or dysfunctional CD4+ T-cell responses and/or due to an unknown suppressive regulatory mechanism. SIV-specific T-cell cytokine responses were indeed principally found at the CD8+ T-cell level. This was also reported in SIVsm-infected SM (6, 22). Here, we also searched for SIVagm Gag p27-specific proliferative responses. Interestingly, they were detected for CD4+ T cells, indicating the presence of p27-specific CD4+ memory cells in AGMs. Moreover, AGMs can potentially mount a strong and sustained anti-Gag p27 humoral response, when appropriately immunized (D. Favre et al., unpublished data). This suggests that there is neither a central B-cell tolerance against p27 Gag protein in AGMs nor an inherent inability for CD4+ T cells to provide helper B-cell functions. The transient nature of anti-p27 Ab in one animal would be in favor of regulatory mechanisms, but that needs to be confirmed. Another explanation could be that AGMs are able to mount Ab responses against some p27 epitopes but not to those exposed by the native protein, which would explain why we and others detect more frequently humoral responses in Western blot analysis than in ELISAs (16).In conclusion, we characterized the IgG responses against SIVagm and confirmed a lower humoral response against p27 than in RMs. Moreover, our study reveals that cytokine and proliferative T-cell responses against SIVagm Gag p27 are detectable in AGMs. Thus, the reduced ability of the AGM to produce Ab against Gag p27 p.i. is not related to a lack of Gag p27-specific T cells.  相似文献   


Yellow fever (YF) is an acute viral hemorrhagic disease transmitted by Aedes mosquitoes. The causative agent, the yellow fever virus (YFV), is found in tropical and subtropical areas of South America and Africa. Although a vaccine is available since the 1930s, YF still causes thousands of deaths and several outbreaks have recently occurred in Africa. Therefore, rapid and reliable diagnostic methods easy to perform in low-resources settings could have a major impact on early detection of outbreaks and implementation of appropriate response strategies such as vaccination and/or vector control.


The aim of this study was to develop a YFV nucleic acid detection method applicable in outbreak investigations and surveillance studies in low-resource and field settings. The method should be simple, robust, rapid and reliable. Therefore, we adopted an isothermal approach and developed a recombinase polymerase amplification (RPA) assay which can be performed with a small portable instrument and easy-to-use lyophilized reagents. The assay was developed in three different formats (real-time with or without microfluidic semi-automated system and lateral-flow assay) to evaluate their application for different purposes. Analytical specificity and sensitivity were evaluated with a wide panel of viruses and serial dilutions of YFV RNA. Mosquito pools and spiked human plasma samples were also tested for assay validation. Finally, real-time RPA in portable format was tested under field conditions in Senegal.


The assay was able to detect 20 different YFV strains and demonstrated no cross-reactions with closely related viruses. The RPA assay proved to be a robust, portable method with a low detection limit (<21 genome equivalent copies per reaction) and rapid processing time (<20 min). Results from real-time RPA field testing were comparable to results obtained in the laboratory, thus confirming our method is suitable for YFV detection in low-resource settings.  相似文献   
Little is known about the genetics of nonsyndromic intellectual disability (NSID). We hypothesized that de novo mutations (DNMs) in synaptic genes explain an important fraction of sporadic NSID cases. In order to investigate this possibility, we sequenced 197 genes encoding glutamate receptors and a large subset of their known interacting proteins in 95 sporadic cases of NSID. We found 11 DNMs, including ten potentially deleterious mutations (three nonsense, two splicing, one frameshift, four missense) and one neutral mutation (silent) in eight different genes. Calculation of point-substitution DNM rates per functional and neutral site showed significant excess of functional DNMs compared to neutral ones. De novo truncating and/or splicing mutations in SYNGAP1, STXBP1, and SHANK3 were found in six patients and are likely to be pathogenic. De novo missense mutations were found in KIF1A, GRIN1, CACNG2, and EPB41L1. Functional studies showed that all these missense mutations affect protein function in cell culture systems, suggesting that they may be pathogenic. Sequencing these four genes in 50 additional sporadic cases of NSID identified a second DNM in GRIN1 (c.1679_1681dup/p.Ser560dup). This mutation also affects protein function, consistent with structural predictions. None of these mutations or any other DNMs were identified in these genes in 285 healthy controls. This study highlights the importance of the glutamate receptor complexes in NSID and further supports the role of DNMs in this disorder.  相似文献   
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