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Structural analysis of human profilin has revealed two tryptophan residues, W3 and W31, which interact with polyproline. The codons for these residues were mutated to encode phenylalanine and the mutant proteins overexpressed in Eschericia coli. The isolated proteins were diminished in their ability to bind polyproline, whereas phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate (PIP2) binding remained unchanged. In many strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, disruption of the gene encoding profilin, PFY1, is lethal. It was found that expression of the gene for human profilin is capable of suppressing this lethality. The polyproline-binding mutant alleles of the human gene were cloned into various yeast expression vectors. Each of the mutant genes resulted in suppression of the lethality of pfy1Delta. It was observed that the mutant protein expression levels paralleled the growth rates of the strains. The severity of various morphological abnormalities of the strains was also attenuated with increased protein levels, suggesting that profilin polyproline-binding mutations are deleterious to cell growth unless overexpressed. Both tryptophan mutations were combined to give a third mutant allele that was found both unable to bind polyproline and to suppress the lethality of a pfy1 deletion. Immunoprecipitation experiments suggested that the mutants were unaltered in their affinity for actin and PIP2. These data strongly suggest that polyproline binding is an essential function of profilin.  相似文献   
Properties of herpes simplex virus type 1 and type 2 DNA polymerase   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
Herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) and type 2 (HSV-2) DNA polymerases were highly purified from infected HeLa BU cells by DEAE cellulose, phosphocellulose and DNA cellulose column chromatography. DNA exonuclease activity but not endonuclease activity was found associated with both types of DNA polymerase. Both DNA polymerase activities could be activated by salt in a similar fashion with the optimal activity in the range of ionic strength between 0.22 and 0.29 alpha. At an ionic strength of 0.14, spermidine and putrescine in the concentration range (0--5 mM) studied could mimic the action of KCI in stimulating DNA polymerase activity. Spermine, in the same concentration range, had a biphasic effect. At an ionic strength of 0.29 all three polyamines were inhibitory. HSV-1 and HSV-2 DNA polymerase are similar in their column chromatographic behavior, sedimentation rate in sucrose gradient centrifugation, and activation energy, but they differ in their heat stability at 45 degrees C with the HSV-2 enzyme more stable than the HSV-1 enzyme. Kinetic behavior of both enzymes is similar, with Km values for deoxyribonucleoside triphosphates in the range of 5 . 10(-7) to 1.8 . 10(-8) M. IdUTP and dUTP served as apparent competitive inhibitors with respect to dTTP, and AraATP acted as an apparent competitive inhibitor with respect to dATP. AraATP could not replace dATP in the DNA polymerization reaction; in contrast, IdUTP could replace TTP. Phosphonoformic acid behaved as an uncompetitive inhibitor with respect to DNA. The ID(50) value estimated was foind to be dependent on the purity of the DNA polymerase used and the ionic strength of the assay condition. Each DNA-polymerase associated DNA exonuclease had the same stability at 45 degrees C as its DNA polymerase. The associated DNAase activity was inhibited by phosphonoformic acid and high ionic strength of the assay condition.  相似文献   
One hundred and one new dinucleotide repeat polymorphisms specific for the canine genome have been identified and characterized. Screening of both primary libraries and marker selected libraries enriched for simple sequence repeats led to the isolation of large numbers of genomic clones that contained (CA)n repeats. Over 200 of these clones were sequenced, and PCR primers that bracket the repeat were developed for those that contained ten or more continuous (CA)n units. This effort led to the production of 101 polymorphic markers, which were assigned to one of four categories depending on their degree of polymorphism. Fiftyfour markers were found to be highly or very highly polymorphic as they had four or more alleles when tested on a panel of unrelated dogs. This group of markers will be useful for following inheritance of traits in crosses between dogs.The nucleotide sequence data reported in this paper have been submitted to GenBank and have been assigned the accession numbers indicated in Table 1.  相似文献   
Biochemical transformation of Ltk- cells with the herpes simplex virus thymidine kinase (tk) gene resulted in numerous TK+ colonies that survived selection in hypoxanthine-aminopterin-thymidine medium. Many of these TK+ cell lines switched phenotypes and reverted to the TK- state. In this report, we describe the biological and biochemical characteristics of three TK- revertant lines. One (K1B5) transiently expressed TK in the presence of bromodeoxyuridine, which selects for the TK- phenotype. Another TK- sibling (K1B6n) expressed TK only after removal from bromodeoxyuridine-containing medium. The last variant (K1B6me) lost the ability to switch to the TK+ phenotype, although it maintained the herpes simplex virus sequences coding for TK. Loss of the ability of K1B6me cells to express TK was correlated with extensive methylation of the sequence recognized by the restriction endonuclease HpaII (pCpCpGpG). After these cells were treated with 5-azacytidine, they regained the ability to clone in hypoxanthine-aminopterin-thymidine medium and reexpressed virus tk mRNA and enzyme. In addition, the HpaII sites that were previously shown to be refractile to enzyme digestion were converted to a sensitive state, demonstrating that they were no longer methylated.  相似文献   
Double muscling is a trait previously described in several mammalian species including cattle and sheep and is caused by mutations in the myostatin (MSTN) gene (previously referred to as GDF8). Here we describe a new mutation in MSTN found in the whippet dog breed that results in a double-muscled phenotype known as the “bully” whippet. Individuals with this phenotype carry two copies of a two-base-pair deletion in the third exon of MSTN leading to a premature stop codon at amino acid 313. Individuals carrying only one copy of the mutation are, on average, more muscular than wild-type individuals (p = 7.43 × 10−6; Kruskal-Wallis Test) and are significantly faster than individuals carrying the wild-type genotype in competitive racing events (Kendall's nonparametric measure, τ = 0.3619; p ≈ 0.00028). These results highlight the utility of performance-enhancing polymorphisms, marking the first time a mutation in MSTN has been quantitatively linked to increased athletic performance.  相似文献   
An increasing number of countries are committing to meet the global target to eliminate human deaths from dog-mediated rabies by 2030. Mass dog vaccination is central to this strategy. To interrupt rabies transmission from dogs to humans, the World Health Organization recommends that vaccination campaigns should be carried out every year in all dog-owning communities vaccinating 70% of their susceptible dogs. Monitoring and evaluation of dog vaccination campaigns are needed to measure progress towards elimination. In this study, we measured the delivery performance of large-scale vaccination campaigns implemented in 25 districts in south-east Tanzania from 2010 until 2017. We used regression modelling to infer the factors associated with, and potentially influencing the successful delivery of vaccination campaigns. During 2010–2017, five rounds of vaccination campaigns were carried out, vaccinating in total 349,513 dogs in 2,066 administrative vaccination units (rural villages or urban wards). Progressively more dogs were vaccinated over the successive campaigns. The campaigns did not reach all vaccination units each year, with only 16–28% of districts achieving 100% campaign completeness (where all units were vaccinated). During 2013–2017 when vaccination coverage was monitored, approximately 20% of vaccination units achieved the recommended 70% coverage, with average coverage around 50%. Campaigns were also not completed at annual intervals, with the longest interval between campaigns being 27 months. Our analysis revealed that districts with higher budgets generally achieved higher completeness, with a twofold difference in district budget increasing the odds of a vaccination unit being reached by a campaign by slightly more than twofold (OR: 2.29; 95% CI: 1.69–3.09). However, higher budgets did not necessarily result in higher coverage within vaccination units that were reached. We recommend national programs regularly monitor and evaluate the performance of their vaccination campaigns, so as to identify factors hindering their effective delivery and to guide remedial action.  相似文献   
The Saccharomyces cerevisiae CKI-encoded choline kinase is phosphorylated on a serine residue and stimulated by protein kinase A. We examined the hypothesis that amino acids Ser(30) and Ser(85) contained in a protein kinase A sequence motif in choline kinase are target sites for protein kinase A. The synthetic peptides SQRRHSLTRQ (V(max)/K(m) = 10.8 microm(-1) nmol min(-1) mg(-1)) and GPRRASATDV (V(max)/K(m) = 0.15 microm(-1) nmol min(-1) mg(-1)) containing the protein kinase A motif for Ser(30) and Ser(85), respectively, within the choline kinase protein were substrates for protein kinase A. Choline kinase with Ser(30) to Ala (S30A) and Ser(85) to Ala (S85A) mutations were constructed alone and in combination by site-directed mutagenesis and expressed in a cki1Delta eki1Delta double mutant that lacks choline kinase activity. The mutant enzymes were expressed normally, but the specific activity of choline kinase in cells expressing the S30A, S85A, and S30A,S85A mutant enzymes was reduced by 44, 8, and 60%, respectively, when compared with the control. In vivo labeling experiments showed that the extent of phosphorylation of the S30A, S85A, and S30A,S85A mutant enzymes was reduced by 70, 17, and 83%, respectively. Phosphorylation of the S30A, S85A, and S30A,S85A mutant enzymes by protein kinase A in vitro was reduced by 60, 7, and 96%, respectively, and peptide mapping analysis of the mutant enzymes confirmed the phosphorylation sites in the enzyme. The incorporation of (3)H-labeled choline into phosphocholine and phosphatidylcholine in cells bearing the S30A, S85A, and S30A,S85A mutant enzymes was reduced by 56, 27, and 81%, respectively, and by 58, 33, and 84%, respectively, when compared with control cells. These data supported the conclusion that phosphorylation of choline kinase on Ser(30) and Ser(85) by protein kinase A regulates PC synthesis by the CDP-choline pathway.  相似文献   
Mg(2+) at an optimal concentration of 2mM (ph 6.5) induces large increases (up to 30 percent) in the optical density of bovine heart mitochondria incubated under conditions of low ionic strength (< approx. 0.01). The increases are associated with aggregation (sticking together) of the inner membranes and are little affected by changes in the energy status of the mitochondria. Virtually all of a number of other polyvalent cations tested and Ag(+) induce increases in mitochondrial optical density similar to those induced by Mg(2+), their approximate order of concentration effectiveness in respect to Mg(2+) being: La(3+) > Pb(2+) = Cu(2+) > Cd(2+) > Zn(2+) > Ag(+) > Mn(2+) > Ca(2+) > Mg(2+). With the exception of Mg(2+), all of these cations appear to induce swelling of the mitochondria concomitant with inner membrane aggregation. The inhibitors of the adenine nucleotide transport reaction carboxyatratyloside and bongkrekic acid are capable of preventing and reversing Mg(2+)-induced aggregation at the same low concentration required for complete inhibition of phosphorylating respiration, suggesting that they inhibit the aggregation by binding to the adenine nucleotide carrier. The findings are interpreted to indicate (a) that the inner mitochondrial membrane is normally prevented from aggregating by virtue of its net negative outer surface change, (b) that the cations induce the membrane to aggregate by binding at its outer surface, decreasing the net negative charge, and (c) that carboxyatractyloside and bongkrekic acid inhibit the aggregation by binding to the outer surface of the membrane, increasing the net negative charge.  相似文献   
The domestic dog is a robust model for studying the genetics of complex disease susceptibility. The strategies used to develop and propagate modern breeds have resulted in an elevated risk for specific diseases in particular breeds. One example is that of Standard Poodles (STPOs), who have increased risk for squamous cell carcinoma of the digit (SCCD), a locally aggressive cancer that causes lytic bone lesions, sometimes with multiple toe recurrence. However, only STPOs of dark coat color are at high risk; light colored STPOs are almost entirely unaffected, suggesting that interactions between multiple pathways are necessary for oncogenesis. We performed a genome-wide association study (GWAS) on STPOs, comparing 31 SCCD cases to 34 unrelated black STPO controls. The peak SNP on canine chromosome 15 was statistically significant at the genome-wide level (Praw = 1.60×10−7; Pgenome = 0.0066). Additional mapping resolved the region to the KIT Ligand (KITLG) locus. Comparison of STPO cases to other at-risk breeds narrowed the locus to a 144.9-Kb region. Haplotype mapping among 84 STPO cases identified a minimal region of 28.3 Kb. A copy number variant (CNV) containing predicted enhancer elements was found to be strongly associated with SCCD in STPOs (P = 1.72×10−8). Light colored STPOs carry the CNV risk alleles at the same frequency as black STPOs, but are not susceptible to SCCD. A GWAS comparing 24 black and 24 light colored STPOs highlighted only the MC1R locus as significantly different between the two datasets, suggesting that a compensatory mutation within the MC1R locus likely protects light colored STPOs from disease. Our findings highlight a role for KITLG in SCCD susceptibility, as well as demonstrate that interactions between the KITLG and MC1R loci are potentially required for SCCD oncogenesis. These findings highlight how studies of breed-limited diseases are useful for disentangling multigene disorders.  相似文献   
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