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We built a passive compartmental model of a cortical spiny stellate cell from the barrel cortex of the mouse that had been reconstructed in its entirety from electron microscopic analysis of serial thin sections (White and Rock, 1980). Morphological data included dimensions of soma and all five dendrites, neck lengths and head diameters of all 380 spines (a uniform neck diameter of 0.1 m was assumed), locations of all symmetrical and asymmetrical (axo-spinous) synapses, and locations of all 43 thalamocortical (TC) synapses (as identified from the consequences of a prior thalamic lesion). In the model, unitary excitatory synaptic inputs had a peak conductance change of 0.5 nS at 0.2 msec; conclusions were robust over a wide range of assumed passive-membrane parameters. When recorded at the soma, all unitary EPSPs, which were initiated at the spine heads, were relatively iso-efficient; each produced about 1 mV somatic depolarization regardless of spine location or geometry. However, in the spine heads there was a twentyfold variation in EPSP amplitudes, largely reflecting the variation in spine neck lengths. Synchronous activation of the TC synapses produced a somatic depolarization probably sufficient to fire the neuron; doubling or halving the TC spine neck diameters had only minimal effect on the amplitude of the composite TC-EPSP. As have others, we also conclude that from a somato-centric viewpoint, changes in spine geometry would have relatively little direct influence on amplitudes of EPSPs recorded at the soma, especially for a distributed, synchronously activated input such as the TC pathway. However, consideration of the detailed morphology of an entire neuron indicates that, from a dendro-centric point of view, changes in spine dimension can have a very significant electrical impact on local processing near the sites of input.  相似文献   
Axonal trees are typically morphologically and physiologically complicated structures. Because of this complexity, axonal trees show a large repertoire of behavior: from transmission lines with delay, to frequency filtering devices in both temporal and spatial domains. Detailed theoretical exploration of the electrical behavior of realistically complex axonal trees is notably lacking, mainly because of the absence of a simple modeling tool. AXONTREE is an attempt to provide such a simulator. It is written in C for the SUN workstation and implements both a detailed compartmental modeling of Hodgkin and Huxley-like kinetics, and a more abstract, event-driven, modeling approach. The computing module of AXONTREE is introduced together with its input/output features. These features allow graphical construction of arbitrary trees directly on the computer screen, and superimposition of the results on the simulated structure. Several numerical improvements that increase the computational efficiency by a factor of 5-10 are presented; most notable is a novel method of dynamic lumping of the modeled tree into simpler representations ("equivalent cables"). AXONTREE's performance is examined using a reconstructed terminal of an axon from a Y cell in cat visual cortex. It is demonstrated that realistically complicated axonal trees can be handled efficiently. The application of AXONTREE for the study of propagation delays along axonal trees is presented in the companion paper (Manor et al., 1991).  相似文献   
Mapping the epitope of an antibody is of great interest, since it contributes much to our understanding of the mechanisms of molecular recognition and provides the basis for rational vaccine design. Here we present Mapitope, a computer algorithm for epitope mapping. The algorithm input is a set of affinity isolated peptides obtained by screening phage display peptide-libraries with the antibody of interest. The output is usually 1-3 epitope candidates on the surface of the atomic structure of the antigen. We have systematically tested the performance of Mapitope by assessing the effect of the algorithm parameters on the final prediction. Thus, we have examined the effect of the statistical threshold (ST) parameter, relating to the frequency distribution and enrichment of amino acid pairs from the isolated peptides and the D (distance) and E (exposure) parameters which relate to the physical parameters of the antigen. Two model systems were analyzed in which the antibody of interest had previously been co-crystallized with the antigen and thus the epitope is a given. The Mapitope algorithm successfully predicted the epitopes in both models. Accordingly, we formulated a stepwise paradigm for the prediction of discontinuous conformational epitopes using peptides obtained from screening phage display libraries. We applied this paradigm to successfully predict the epitope of the Trastuzumab antibody on the surface of the Her-2/neu receptor in a third model system.  相似文献   
Microbial communities in soils may change in accordance with distance, season, climate, soil texture and other environmental parameters. Microbial diversity patterns have been extensively surveyed in temperate regions, but few such studies attempted to address them with respect to spatial and temporal scales and their correlations to environmental factors, especially in arid ecosystems. In order to fill this gap on a regional scale, the molecular fingerprints and abundance of three taxonomic groups – Bacteria, α-Proteobacteria and Actinobacteria – were sampled from soils 0.5–100 km apart in arid, semi-arid, dry Mediterranean and shoreline Mediterranean regions in Israel. Additionally, on a local scale, the molecular fingerprints of three taxonomic groups – Bacteria, Archaea and Fungi – were sampled from soils 1 cm–500 m apart in the semi-arid region, in both summer and winter. Fingerprints of the Bacteria differentiated between all regions (P<0.02), while those of the α-Proteobacteria differentiated between some of the regions (0.01<P<0.09), and actinobacterial fingerprints were similar among all regions (P>0.05). Locally, fingerprints of archaea and fungi did not display distance-decay relationships (P>0.13), that is, the dissimilarity between communities did not increase with geographic distance. Neither was this phenomenon evident in bacterial samples in summer (P>0.24); in winter, however, differences between bacterial communities significantly increased as the geographic distances between them grew (P<0.01). Microbial community structures, as well as microbial abundance, were both significantly correlated to precipitation and soil characteristics: texture, organic matter and water content (R2>0.60, P<0.01). We conclude that on the whole, microbial biogeography in arid and semi-arid soils in Israel is determined more by specific environmental factors than geographic distances and spatial distribution patterns.  相似文献   
The steady state nonlinear properties of the giant axon membrane of the cockroach Periplaneta americana were studied by means of intracellular electrodes. The resistivity of this membrane markedly decreases in response to small subthreshold depolarizations. The specific slope resistance is reduced by twofold at 5 mV depolarization and by a factor of 14 at 20 mV depolarization. As a result, the spatial decay, V(X), of depolarizing potentials is enhanced when compared with the passive (exponential) decay. This enhancement is maximal at a distance of 1-1.5 mm from a point of subthreshold (0-20 mV) depolarizing perturbation. At that distance, the difference between the actual potential and the potential expected in the passive axon is approximately 30%. The effects of membrane rectification on V(X) were analyzed quantitatively with a novel derivation based on Cole's theorem, which enables one to calculate V(X) directly from the input current-voltage (I0-V) relation of a long axon. It is shown that when the experimental I0-V curve is replotted as (I0Rin)-1 against V (where Rin is the input resistance at the resting potential), the integral between any two potentials (V1 greater than V2) on this curve is the distance, in units of the resting space constant, over which V1 attenuates to V2. Excellent agreement was found between the experimental V(X) and the predicted value based solely on the input I0-V relation. The results demonstrate that the rectifying properties of the giant axon membrane must be taken into account when the electrotonic spread of even small subthreshold potentials is studied, and that, in the steady state, this behavior can be extracted from measurements at a single point. The effect of rectification on synaptic efficacy is also discussed.  相似文献   
Axons as computing devices: basic insights gained from models.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Detailed models of single neurons are typically focused on the dendritic tree and ignore the axonal tree, assuming that the axon is a simple transmission line. In the last 40 years, however, several theoretical and experimental studies have suggested that axons could implement information processing tasks by exploiting: 1) the time delay in action potential (AP) propagation along the axon; 2) the differential filtering of APs into the axonal subtrees; and 3) their activity-dependent excitability. Models for axonal trees have attempted to examine the feasibility of these ideas. However, because the physiological and anatomical data on axons are seriously limited, realistic models of axons have not been developed. The present paper summarizes the main insights that were gained from simplified models of axons; it also highlights the stochastic nature of axons, a topic that was largely neglected in classical models of axons. The advance of new experimental techniques makes it now possible to pay a very close experimental visit to axons. Theoretical tools and fast computers enable to go beyond the simplified models and to construct realistic models of axons. When tightly linked, experiments and theory will help to unravel how axons share the information processing tasks that single neurons implement.  相似文献   
In contrast to extensive studies of phosphorus, widely considered the main nutrient limiting phytoplankton biomass in freshwater ecosystems, there have been few studies on the role of nitrogen in controlling phytoplankton populations. This situation may be due partly to the complexity in estimating its utilization and bioavailability. In an attempt to provide a novel tool for this purpose, we fused the promoter of the glutamine synthetase-encoding gene, P glnA, from Synechococcus sp. strain PCC7942 to the luxAB luciferase-encoding genes of the bioluminescent bacterium Vibrio harveyi. The resulting construct was introduced into a neutral site on the Synechococcus chromosome to yield the reporter strain GSL. Light emission by this strain was dependent upon ambient nitrogen concentrations. The linear response range of the emitted luminescence was 1 mM to 1 μM for the inorganic nitrogen species tested (ammonium, nitrate, and nitrite) and 10- to 50-fold lower for glutamine and urea. When water samples collected from along a depth profile in Lake Kinneret (Israel) were exposed to the reporter strain, the bioluminescence of the reporter strain mirrored the total dissolved nitrogen concentrations determined for the same samples and was shown to be a sensitive indicator of the concentration of bioavailable nitrogen.  相似文献   


The yffB (PA3664) gene of Pseudomonas aeruginosa encodes an uncharacterized protein of 13 kDa molecular weight with a marginal sequence similarity to arsenate reductase from Escherichia coli. The crystal structure determination of YffB was undertaken as part of a structural genomics effort in order to assist with the functional assignment of the protein.  相似文献   
A tomato EST sequence, highly homologous to the human and Arabidopsis thaliana UV-damaged DNA binding protein 1 (DDB1), was mapped to the centromeric region of the tomato chromosome 2. This region was previously shown to harbor the HP-1 gene, encoding the high pigment-1 (hp-1) and the high pigment-1w (hp-1w) mutant phenotypes. Recent results also show that the A. thaliana DDB1 protein interacts both genetically and biochemically with the protein encoded by DEETIOLATED1, a gene carrying three tomato mutations that are in many respects isophenotypic to hp-1: high pigment-2 (hp-2), high pigment-2j (hp-2j) and dark green (dg). The entire coding region of the DDB1 gene was sequenced in an hp-1 mutant and its near-isogenic normal plant in the cv. Ailsa Craig background, and also in an hp-1w mutant and its isogenic normal plant in the GT breeding line background. Sequence analysis revealed a single A931-to-T931 base transversion in the coding sequence of the DDB1 gene in the hp-1 mutant plants. This transversion results in the substitution of the conserved asparagine at position 311 to a tyrosine residue. In the hp-1w mutant, on the other hand, a single G2392-to-A2392 transition was observed, resulting in the substitution of the conserved glutamic acid at position 798 to a lysine residue. The single nucleotide polymorphism that differentiates hp-1 mutant and normal plants in the cv. Ailsa Craig background was used to design a pyrosequencing genotyping system. Analysis of a resource F2 population segregating for the hp-1 mutation revealed a very strong linkage association between the DDB1 locus and the photomorphogenic response of the seedlings, measured as hypocotyl length (25<LOD score<26, R2=62.8%). These results strongly support the hypothesis that DDB1 is the gene encoding the hp-1 and hp-1w mutant phenotypes.Communicated by R. Hagemann  相似文献   
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