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Reconstructions of the human-African great ape phylogeny by using mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) have been subject to considerable debate. One confounding factor may be the lack of data on intraspecific variation. To test this hypothesis, we examined the effect of intraspecific mtDNA diversity on the phylogenetic reconstruction of another Plio- Pleistocene radiation of higher primates, the fascicularis group of macaque (Macaca) monkey species. Fifteen endonucleases were used to identify 10 haplotypes of 40-47 restriction sites in M. mulatta, which were compared with similar data for the other members of this species group. Interpopulational, intraspecific mtDNA diversity was large (0.5%- 4.5%), and estimates of divergence time and branching order incorporating this variation were substantially different from those based on single representatives of each species. We conclude that intraspecific mtDNA diversity is substantial in at least some primate species. Consequently, without prior information on the extent of genetic diversity within a particular species, intraspecific variation must be assessed and accounted for when reconstructing primate phylogenies. Further, we question the reliability of hominoid mtDNA phylogenies, based as they are on one or a few representatives of each species, in an already depauperate superfamily of primates.   相似文献   
Two of the three class I alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) genes (ADH2 and ADH3) encode known functional variants that act on alcohol with different efficiencies. Variants at both these genes have been implicated in alcoholism in some populations because allele frequencies differ between alcoholics and controls. Specifically, controls have higher frequencies of the variants with higher Vmax (ADH2*2 and ADH3*1). In samples both of alcoholics and of controls from three Taiwanese populations (Chinese, Ami, and Atayal) we found significant pairwise disequilibrium for all comparisons of the two functional polymorphisms and a third, presumably neutral, intronic polymorphism in ADH2. The class I ADH genes all lie within 80 kb on chromosome 4; thus, variants are not inherited independently, and haplotypes must be analyzed when evaluating the risk of alcoholism. In the Taiwanese Chinese we found that, only among those chromosomes containing the ADH3*1 variant (high Vmax), the proportions of chromosomes with ADH2*1 (low Vmax) and those with ADH2*2 (high Vmax) are significantly different between alcoholics and controls (P<10-5). The proportions of chromosomes with ADH3*1 and those with ADH3*2 are not significantly different between alcoholics and controls, on a constant ADH2 background (with ADH2*1, P=.83; with ADH2*2, P=.53). Thus, the observed differences in the frequency of the functional polymorphism at ADH3, between alcoholics and controls, can be accounted for by the disequilibrium with ADH2 in this population.  相似文献   
Enzymes encoded by two gene families, alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) and aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH), mediate alcohol metabolism in humans. Allelic variants have been identified that alter metabolic rates and influence risk for alcoholism. Specifically, ADH1B*47His (previously ADH2-2) and ALDH2-2 have been shown to confer protection against alcoholism, presumably through accumulation of acetaldehyde in the blood and a resultant 'flushing response' to alcohol consumption. In the current study, variants at ADH1B (previously ADH2), ADH1C (previously ADH3), and ALDH2 were assayed in DNA extracts from participants belonging to a Southwest American Indian tribe (n=490) with a high prevalence of alcoholism. Each subject underwent a clinical interview for diagnosis of alcohol dependence, as well as evaluation of intermediate phenotypes such as binge drinking and flushing response to alcohol consumption. Detailed haplotypes were constructed and tested against alcohol dependence and related intermediate phenotypes using both association and linkage analysis. ADH and ALDH variants were also assayed in three Asian and one African population (no clinical data) in order to provide an evolutionary context for the haplotype data. Both linkage and association analysis identified several ADH1C alleles and a neighboring microsatellite marker that affected risk of alcohol dependence and were also related to binge drinking. These data strengthen the support for ADH as a candidate locus for alcohol dependence and suggest further productive study.  相似文献   
The deluge of data from the human genome project (HGP) presents new opportunities for molecular anthropologists to study human variation through the promise of vast numbers of new polymorphisms (e.g., single nucleotide polymorphisms or SNPs). Collecting the resulting data into a single, easily accessible resource will be important to facilitate this research. We created a prototype Web-accessible database named ALFRED (ALelle FREquency Database, http://alfred.med.yale.edu/alfred/) to store and make publicly available allele frequency data on diverse polymorphic sites for many populations. In constructing this database, we considered many different concerns relating to the types of information needed for anthropology, population genetics, molecular genetics, and statistics, as well as issues of data integrity and ease of access to data. We also developed links to other Web-based databases as well as procedures for others to make links to the data in ALFRED. Here we present an overview of the issues considered and provisional solutions, as well as an example of data already available. It is our hope that this database will be useful for research and teaching in a wide range of fields, and that colleagues from various fields will contribute to making ALFRED an important resource for many studies as yet unforeseen.  相似文献   
ALFRED (the ALelle FREquency Database) is designed to store and disseminate frequencies of alleles at human polymorphic sites for multiple populations, primarily for the population genetics and molecular anthropology communities. Currently ALFRED has information on over 180 polymorphic sites for more than 70 populations. Since our initial release of the database we have focussed on increasing the quantity and quality of data, making reciprocal links between ALFRED and other related databases, and providing useful tools to make the data more comprehensible to the end user. ALFRED is accessible from the Kidd Lab home page (http://info.med.yale. edu/genetics/kkidd/) or from ALFRED directly (http://alfred.med.yale. edu/alfred/index.asp).  相似文献   
To assess the pattern of temperature influencing the effect of allelochemicals on growth of insect herbivores and to examine the potential effect of warmer nights due to global warming, we examined the simultaneous effects of allelochemicals and warmer night-time temperatures on an insect herbivore (Spodoptera exigua; Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Dietary chlorogenic acid, rutin and tomatine levels reflected those occurring naturally in the leaves of tomato, a hostplant of this herbivore. We compared the effects of four thermal regimes having a daytime temperature of 26 °C , with the night-time temperature increased from 14 to 26 °C by increments of 4 °C . The effect of a particular allelochemical on developmental rate was similar among the four thermal regimes. Chlorogenic acid and tomatine each reduced final larval weight, but there was no effect of night-time temperature. In contrast, rutin had no effect on final weight, whereas final weight declined with increasing night-time temperature. Night-time temperature did not influence amount eaten. Larvae ate less when chlorogenic acid or tomatine was in the diet. For each allelochemical, there were no allelochemical by thermal regime interactions. In addition, we compared the effects of allelochemicals and the thermal regime of 26:14 °C and constant 20 °C , which was the average temperature of the 26:14 °C regime. Developmental rate was lower at the constant 20 °C regime, chlorogenic acid and tomatine each depressed developmental rate, and there were no allelochemical by thermal regime interactions. Thus, regardless of the specific allelochemical or amount, the pattern of response at the fluctuating regime was similar to that at the constant temperature. In contrast, comparison of the thermal regime of 26:22 °C and constant 24 °C , which was the average temperature of the 26:22 °C regime, showed several allelochemical by thermal regime interactions. At the 26:22 °C regime, developmental rate was disproportionatly higher at the maximal rutin concentration compared to that at constant 24 °C . At the constant 24 °C , final larval mass was disproportionately lower at the moderate tomatine concentration compared to that at the 26:22 °C regime. Because these results differ from that of other studies examining another species, it appears that the response to incremental changes in night-time temperature will reflect the allelochemicals and insect species tested. The contrast between the constant 24 °C and 26:22 °C regimes indicates that even small fluctuations (±2 °C ) in temperature over 24 h can yield differences in the response to an allelochemical.  相似文献   
To understand the mechanisms underlying plant-insect herbivore interactions, it is necessary to examine the simultaneous effects of temperature, food quality and larval age. We examined the simultaneous effects of three allelochemicals (tomatine, rutin and chlorogenic acid) on the performance of first and second instar Manduca sexta larvae under two representative thermal regimes 21 : 10°C and 26 : 15°C for spring and summer, respectively. Thermal regime and allelochemicals interacted to influence the time from egg hatch to ecdysis to the third instar. On average, it took about half as much time to reach the third instar at 26 : 15°C as it did at 21 : 10°C. Separately, tomatine and rutin had a negative effect on developmental time from egg hatch to the third instar, but their simutaneous effects were not additive. Chlorogenic acid significantly reduced the negative effect of tomatine. The magnitude of the allelochemical effect was larger at the cooler thermal regime compared to the warmer regime. For instance, chlorogenic acid by itself had no effect at the 26 : 15°C regime, but at the 21 : 10°C regime it significantly shortened total developmental time. The effect of chlorogenic acid on stadium duration was distinctly different for the two instars. Chlorogenic acid shortened stadium duration of first instar larvae. However, depending on thermal regime and the presence of tomatine, chlorogenic acid had a negative, positive or neutral effect on stadium duration of second instar larvae. Molting duration of second instar larvae was shortened by a half day at the warmer thermal regime but was not affected by the allelochemicals. Final larval weight was influenced by rutin and chlorogenic acid. Caterpillars fed diets containing 20 moles of rutin were on average 10% lighter than those fed plain diet, whereas those fed diets containing 20 moles of chlorogenic adic were on average 7% heavier. However, the effect of chlorogenic acid depended on thermal regime. Overall, our results indicated that: 1) temperature and food quality can interact to influence insect performance and 2) these effects are influenced by larval age.  相似文献   
A recently proposed mechanism of protection for haemoglobin C (HbC; beta6Glu-->Lys) links an abnormal display of PfEMP1, an antigen involved in malaria pathogenesis, on the surface of HbC infected erythrocytes together with the observation of reduced cytoadhesion of parasitized erythrocytes and impaired rosetting in vitro. We investigated the impact of this hypothesis on the development of acquired immunity against Plasmodium falciparum variant surface antigens (VSA) encoding PfEMP1 in HbC in comparison with HbA and HbS carriers of Burkina Faso. We measured: i) total IgG against a single VSA, A4U, and against a panel of VSA from severe malaria cases in human sera from urban and rural areas of Burkina Faso of different haemoglobin genotypes (CC, AC, AS, SC, SS); ii) total IgG against recombinant proteins of P. falciparum asexual sporozoite, blood stage antigens, and parasite schizont extract; iii) total IgG against tetanus toxoid. Results showed that the reported abnormal cell-surface display of PfEMP1 on HbC infected erythrocytes observed in vitro is not associated to lower anti- PfEMP1 response in vivo. Higher immune response against the VSA panel and malaria antigens were observed in all adaptive genotypes containing at least one allelic variant HbC or HbS in the low transmission urban area whereas no differences were detected in the high transmission rural area. In both contexts the response against tetanus toxoid was not influenced by the beta-globin genotype. These findings suggest that both HbC and HbS affect the early development of naturally acquired immunity against malaria. The enhanced immune reactivity in both HbC and HbS carriers supports the hypothesis that the protection against malaria of these adaptive genotypes might be at least partially mediated by acquired immunity against malaria.  相似文献   


Infectious diseases often demonstrate heterogeneity of transmission among host populations. This heterogeneity reduces the efficacy of control strategies, but also implies that focusing control strategies on “hotspots” of transmission could be highly effective.

Methods and Findings

In order to identify hotspots of malaria transmission, we analysed longitudinal data on febrile malaria episodes, asymptomatic parasitaemia, and antibody titres over 12 y from 256 homesteads in three study areas in Kilifi District on the Kenyan coast. We examined heterogeneity by homestead, and identified groups of homesteads that formed hotspots using a spatial scan statistic. Two types of statistically significant hotspots were detected; stable hotspots of asymptomatic parasitaemia and unstable hotspots of febrile malaria. The stable hotspots were associated with higher average AMA-1 antibody titres than the unstable clusters (optical density [OD] = 1.24, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.02–1.47 versus OD = 1.1, 95% CI 0.88–1.33) and lower mean ages of febrile malaria episodes (5.8 y, 95% CI 5.6–6.0 versus 5.91 y, 95% CI 5.7–6.1). A falling gradient of febrile malaria incidence was identified in the penumbrae of both hotspots. Hotspots were associated with AMA-1 titres, but not seroconversion rates. In order to target control measures, homesteads at risk of febrile malaria could be predicted by identifying the 20% of homesteads that experienced an episode of febrile malaria during one month in the dry season. That 20% subsequently experienced 65% of all febrile malaria episodes during the following year. A definition based on remote sensing data was 81% sensitive and 63% specific for the stable hotspots of asymptomatic malaria.


Hotspots of asymptomatic parasitaemia are stable over time, but hotspots of febrile malaria are unstable. This finding may be because immunity offsets the high rate of febrile malaria that might otherwise result in stable hotspots, whereas unstable hotspots necessarily affect a population with less prior exposure to malaria. Please see later in the article for the Editors'' Summary  相似文献   
The Ser/Thr protein kinase PINK1 phosphorylates the well‐folded, globular protein ubiquitin (Ub) at a relatively protected site, Ser65. We previously showed that Ser65 phosphorylation results in a conformational change in which Ub adopts a dynamic equilibrium between the known, common Ub conformation and a distinct, second conformation wherein the last β‐strand is retracted to extend the Ser65 loop and shorten the C‐terminal tail. We show using chemical exchange saturation transfer (CEST) nuclear magnetic resonance experiments that a similar, C‐terminally retracted (Ub‐CR) conformation also exists at low population in wild‐type Ub. Point mutations in the moving β5 and neighbouring β‐strands shift the Ub/Ub‐CR equilibrium. This enabled functional studies of the two states, and we show that while the Ub‐CR conformation is defective for conjugation, it demonstrates improved binding to PINK1 through its extended Ser65 loop, and is a superior PINK1 substrate. Together our data suggest that PINK1 utilises a lowly populated yet more suitable Ub‐CR conformation of Ub for efficient phosphorylation. Our findings could be relevant for many kinases that phosphorylate residues in folded protein domains.  相似文献   
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