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A chemoenzymatic glycosylation remodeling method for the synthesis of selectively fluorinated glycoproteins is described. The method consists of chemical synthesis of a fluoroglycan oxazoline and its use as donor substrate for endoglycosidase (ENGase)-catalyzed transglycosylation to a GlcNAc-protein to form a homogeneous fluoroglycoprotein. The approach was exemplified by the synthesis of fluorinated glycoforms of ribonuclease B (RNase B). An interesting finding was that fluorination at the C-6 of the 6-branched mannose moiety in the Man3GlcNAc core resulted in significantly enhanced reactivity of the substrate in enzymatic transglycosylation. A structural analysis suggests that the enhancement in reactivity may come from favorable hydrophobic interactions between the fluorine and a tyrosine residue in the catalytic site of the enzyme (Endo-A). SPR analysis of the binding of the fluorinated glycoproteins with lectin concanavalin A (con A) revealed the importance of the 6-hydroxyl group on the α-1,6-branched mannose moiety in con A recognition. The present study establishes a facile method for preparation of selectively fluorinated glycoproteins that can serve as valuable probes for elucidating specific carbohydrate–protein interactions.  相似文献   
A wide-ranging examination of plastid (pt)DNA sequence homologies within higher plant nuclear genomes (promiscuous DNA) was undertaken. Digestion with methylation-sensitive restriction enzymes and Southern analysis was used to distinguish plastid and nuclear DNA in order to assess the extent of variability of promiscuous sequences within and between plant species. Some species, such as Gossypium hirsutum (cotton), Nicotiana tabacum (tobacco), and Chenopodium quinoa, showed homogenity of these sequences, while intraspecific sequence variation was observed among different cultivars of Pisum sativum (pea), Hordeum vulgare (barley), and Triticum aestivum (wheat). Hypervariability of plastid sequence homologies was identified in the nuclear genomes of Spinacea oleracea (spinach) and Beta vulgaris (beet), in which individual plants were shown to possess a unique spectrum of nuclear sequences with ptDNA homology. This hypervariability apparently extended to somatic variation in B. vulgaris. No sequences with ptDNA homology were identified by this method in the nuclear genome of Arabidopsis thaliana.   相似文献   
The phylogeny of Greya Busck (Lepidoptera: Prodoxidae) was inferred from nucleotide sequence variation across a 765-bp region in the cytochrome oxidase I and II genes of the mitochondrial genome. Most parsimonious relationships of 25 haplotypes from 16 Greya species and two outgroup genera (Tetragma and Prodoxus) showed substantial congruence with the species relationships indicated by morphological variation. Differences between mitochondrial and morphological trees were found primarily in the positions of two species, G. variabilis and G. pectinifera, and in the branching order of the three major species groups in the genus. Conflicts between the data sets were examined by comparing levels of homoplasy in characters supporting alternative hypotheses. The phylogeny of Greya species suggests that host-plant association at the family level and larval feeding mode are conservative characters. Transition/transversion ratios estimated by reconstruction of nucleotide substitutions on the phylogeny had a range of 2.0-9.3, when different subsets of the phylogeny were used. The decline of this ratio with the increase in maximum sequence divergence among taxa indicates that transitions are masked by transversions along deeper internodes or long branches of the phylogeny. Among transitions, substitutions of A-->G and T-->C outnumbered their reciprocal substitutions by 2-6 times, presumably because of the approximately 4:1 (77%) A+T-bias in nucleotide base composition. Of all transversions, 73%-80% were A<-->T substitutions, 85% of which occurred at third positions of codons; these estimates did not decrease with an increase in maximum sequence divergence of taxa included in the analysis. The high frequency of A<-->T substitutions is either a reflection or an explanation of the 92% A+T bias at third codon positions.   相似文献   
This paper examines the functional mechanism of thioxolone, a compound recently identified as a weak inhibitor of human carbonic anhydrase II by Iyer et al. (2006) J. Biomol. Screening 11, 782-791 . Thioxolone lacks sulfonamide, sulfamate, or hydroxamate functional groups that are typically found in therapeutic carbonic anhydrase (CA) inhibitors, such as acetazolamide. Analytical chemistry and biochemical methods were used to investigate the fate of thioxolone upon binding to CA II, including Michaelis-Menten kinetics of 4-nitrophenyl acetate esterase cleavage, liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS), oxygen-18 isotope exchange studies, and X-ray crystallography. Thioxolone is proposed to be a prodrug inhibitor that is cleaved via a CA II zinc-hydroxide mechanism known to catalyze the hydrolysis of esters. When thioxolone binds in the active site of CA II, it is cleaved and forms 4-mercaptobenzene-1,3-diol via the intermediate S-(2,4-thiophenyl)hydrogen thiocarbonate. The esterase cleavage product binds to the zinc active site via the thiol group and is therefore the active CA inhibitor, while the intermediate is located at the rim of the active-site cavity. The time-dependence of this inhibition reaction was investigated in detail. Because this type of prodrug inhibitor mechanism depends on cleavage of ester bonds, this class of inhibitors may have advantages over sulfonamides in determining isozyme specificity. A preliminary structure-activity relationship study with a series of structural analogues of thioxolone yielded similar estimates of inhibition constants for most compounds, although two compounds with bromine groups at the C1 carbon of thioxolone were not inhibitory, suggesting a possible steric effect.  相似文献   
A facile, one-pot enzymatic glycan remodeling of antibody rituximab to produce homogeneous high-mannose and hybrid type antibody glycoforms is described. This method was based on the unique substrate specificity of the endoglycosidase S (Endo-S) from Streptococcus pyogenes. While Endo-S efficiently hydrolyzes the bi-antennary complex type IgG Fc N-glycans, we found that Endo-S did not hydrolyze the “ground state” high-mannose or hybrid glycoforms, and only slowly hydrolyzed the highly activated high-mannose or hybrid N-glycan oxazolines. Moreover, we found that wild-type Endo-S could efficiently use high-mannose or hybrid glycan oxazolines for transglycosylation without product hydrolysis. The combination of the remarkable difference in substrate specificity of Endo-S allows the deglycosylation of heterogeneous rituximab and the transglycosylation with glycan oxazoline to take place in one-pot without the need of isolating the deglycosylated intermediate or changing the enzyme to afford the high-mannose type, hybrid type, and some selectively modified truncated form of antibody glycoforms.  相似文献   
In field and laboratory studies, mortality of African black beetle, Heteronychus arator, in the winter-rainfall, Mediterranean-type climate region of south-western Australia was higher in the late immature stages during summer than in the early immature stages that occur during spring, a contrast to summer-rainfall climatic regions. Greatest mortality occurred around the pupal stage in contrasting soil types, despite drying differences in summer and supplementary watering in some plots. Sampling of natural populations confirmed experimental results that mortality in late immature stages is the major factor limiting H. arator populations under a Mediterranean-type climate. Inter-generation increase in H. arator abundance was uncommon, explaining the consistent abundance typically observed between years in south-western Australia. Random dispersal of newly emerged adults in autumn was inferred to restore uniformity in adult abundance between areas of varying favourability for immature survival.  相似文献   
BRCA1 C-terminal (BRCT) domains are integral signaling modules in the DNA damage response (DDR). Aside from their established roles as phospho-peptide binding modules, BRCT domains have been implicated in phosphorylation-independent protein interactions, DNA binding and poly(ADP-ribose) (PAR) binding. These numerous functions can be attributed to the diversity in BRCT domain structure and architecture, where domains can exist as isolated single domains or assemble into higher order homo- or hetero-domain complexes. In this review, we incorporate recent structural and biochemical studies to demonstrate how structural features allow single and tandem BRCT domains to attain a high degree of functional diversity.Key words: BRCT domain, DNA repair, phosphorylation, phospho-peptide interaction, protein interaction, DNA binding, DNA damage response  相似文献   
A chemoenyzmatic method for direct glycosylation of polypeptides is described. The method consists of two site-specific enzymatic glycosylation steps: introduction of a glucose moiety at the consensus N-glycosylation sequence (NXS/T) in a polypeptide by an N-glycosyltransferase (NGT) and attachment of a complex N-glycan to the glucose primer by an endoglycosidase (ENGase)-catalyzed transglycosylation. Our experiments demonstrated that a relatively small excess of the UDP-Glc (the donor substrate) was sufficient for an effective glucosylation of polypeptides by the NGT, and different high-mannose and complex type N-glycans could be readily transferred to the glucose moiety by ENGases to provide full-size glycopeptides. The usefulness of the chemoenzymatic method was exemplified by an efficient synthesis of a complex glycoform of polypeptide C34, a potent HIV inhibitor derived from HIV-1 gp41. A comparative study indicated that the Glc-peptide was equally efficient as the natural GlcNAc-peptide to serve as an acceptor in the transglycosylation with sugar oxazoline as the donor substrate. Interestingly, the Glc–Asn linked glycopeptide was completely resistant to PNGase F digestion, in contrast to the GlcNAc–Asn linked natural glycopeptide that is an excellent substrate for hydrolysis. In addition, the Glc–Asn linked glycopeptide showed at least 10-fold lower hydrolytic activity toward Endo-M than the natural GlcNAc–Asn linked glycopeptide. The chemoenzymatic glycosylation method described here provides an efficient way to introducing complex N-glycans into polypeptides, for gain of novel properties that could be valuable for drug discovery.  相似文献   


During the development of the central nervous system (CNS), patterning processes along the dorsoventral (DV) axis of the neural tube generate different neuronal subtypes. As development progresses these neurons are arranged into functional units with varying cytoarchitecture, such as laminae or nuclei for efficient relaying of information. Early in development ventral and dorsal regions are similar in size and structure. Different proliferation rates and cell migration patterns are likely to result in the formation of laminae or nuclei, eventually. However, the underlying molecular mechanisms that establish these different structural arrangements are not well understood.  相似文献   


The rapid increase in whole genome fungal sequence information allows large scale functional analyses of target genes. Efficient transformation methods to obtain site-directed gene replacement, targeted over-expression by promoter replacement, in-frame epitope tagging or fusion of coding sequences with fluorescent markers such as GFP are essential for this process. Construction of vectors for these experiments depends on the directional cloning of two homologous recombination sequences on each side of a selection marker gene.  相似文献   
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