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During the Audouin's Gull's breeding season at the Ebro Delta in 1993, 24 fresh eggs from eight three-egg clutches (modal clutch-size) were collected at the peak of the laying period. Eggs were processed to obtain formalin-fixed yolks, which were halved and stained using the potassium dichromate method. Digitized images of the yolks were examined to assess the daily rates of yolk deposition. We used these data in combination with egg compositional analysis to build a model of energy demands during the formation of an average clutch in Audouin's Gull. To show how the different parameters of clutch formation affect the daily energy investment peak, we performed a simulation analysis in which the rapid yolk development (RYD) period, the follicle triggering interval (FTI), the laying interval (LI) and the albumen synthesis period (ASP) were allowed to vary simultaneously. In our sample, the mean RYD period was seven days with a range from six to eight days. There were no significant differences in yolk volume among eggs in a clutch, but albumen volume was significantly smaller in third eggs. According to our model the albumen synthesis of the a-egg coincides with the energy demand peak for clutch formation. This peak represents an increase by ca. 42% in female energy requirements. Values obtained from the simulation analysis showed that only the ASP of the a-egg and the RYD durations of the second and third follicles produced noticeable reductions in peak energy investment. We predict that in gulls, whose laying intervals seem to be kept constant, significant increases of the durations of the RYD periods of second and third eggs, or even significant reductions of yolk size of these eggs, may operate simultaneously to match the energy demands during clutch formation to the prevailing food conditions.  相似文献   
Summary We have investigated the inheritance of the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) restriction endonuclease digestion patterns of maize inbred line B37N in individual plants and pooled siblings in lineages derived from five separate plants in the third generation following successive self-pollinations. The restriction fragment patterns of the different mtDNA samples were compared after digestion with five endonucleases. No differences were visible in the mobilities of the 199 fragments scored per sample. Hybridization analysis with two different cloned mtDNA probes, one of which contains homologies to a portion of the S2 plasmid characteristic of cms-S maize, failed to reveal cryptic variation. The apparent rate of genomic change in maize mtDNA from inbred plants appears to be very slow, compared with the faster rates of change seen in maize tissue cultures and with the documented rapid rate of inter- and intraspecific variation for mammalian mtDNA.  相似文献   
The nonpolar (acetone-soluble) lipids of the extremely halophilic bacterium, Halobacterium cutirubrum, were found to consist of red carotenoid pigments (43%) and squalenes (48%) with a small amount of a vitamin K-type quinone. The squalenes were shown by n.m.r. and mass spectra to consist of the fully isoprenoid squalene (S; C(30)H(50)), dihydrosqualene (S(2); C(30)H(52)), and tetrahydrosqualene (S(4); C(30)H(54)) in the ratio of 1.0:0.4:0.1. S(2) probably has one reduced internal isoprenoid group, and S(4) has one internal and one terminal reduced isoprenyl group. The vitamin K-type quinone was shown by n.m.r. and mass spectra to have a C(40) isoprenoid side chain, and is thus identified as menaquinone-8 (MK-8).  相似文献   
The multiple coordination possibilities of 1,8-naphthyridine-2-one (HOnapy) and 5,7-dimethyl-1,8-napthyridine-2-one (HOMe2napy) ligands allow the synthesis of a variety of tri- di- and mononuclear complexes, showing fluxional behaviour and frequent exchange of the coordinated ML2 fragments. Thus, reactions of [M2(μ-OMe)2(cod)2] (cod = 1,5-cyclooctadiene) with HOnapy and HOMe2napy yield the compounds of the general formula [M(μ-OR2napy) (cod)]n (M = Ir, R = Me (1a, 1b, H (2); M = Rh, R = Me (3a, 3b). They crystallise as inconvertible yellow (a) and purple/orange (b) forms and also show a puzzling behaviour in solution. X-ray diffraction studies on both forms (3a, 3b) and spectroscopic data reveal that the yellow forms are mononuclear complexes whilst the dark-coloured crystals contain dinuclear complexes. In solution, the nuclearity of the complexes depends on the solvent. In addition both types of complexes are fluxional. The mixed-ligand complexes [M2(μ-OMe2napy)2(CO)2(cod)] M = Ir (5), Rh (6) have been isolated and characterised; they are found to be intermediates in the synthesis of the trinuclear complexes [M33-OMe2napy)2(CO)2(cod)2]+ M = Rh (8), Ir (9). Reactions of [IrCl(CO)2(NH2-p-tolyl] with the complexes [Rh(μ-OR2napy)(diolefin)]n followed by addition of a poor donor anion is a general one-pot synthesis for the hetertrinuclear complexes [Rh2Ir(μ3-OR2napy)2(CO)2(diolefin)2]+ (R=Me, DIOLEFIN = cod (10), tetrafluorobenzo-barrelene (tfbb) (11), 2,5-norbornadiene (nbd) (12); R=H, DIOLEFIN=cod (13)). This synthesis follows a stepwise mechanism from the mononuclear to the trinuclear complexes in which mixed-ligand heterodinuclear complexes are involved as intermediates of the type [(diolefin)Rh(μ-OMe2napy)2Ir(CO)2]. Heteronuclear complexes which possess the core [RhIr2]3+, such as [RhIr23-OR2napy)2(CO)2(cod)2]BF4 (R=Me (14), H (15)), result from the reaction of 1 or 2 with [Rh(CO)2Sx]+ (S = solvent). The trinuclear complexes undergo two chemically reversible one-electron oxidation processes. The chemical oxidation of 10, 14 and 9 with silver salts gives the mixed-valence trinuclear radicals [Rh2Ir(μ3-OMe2napy)2(CO)2(cod)2]2+ (16), [RhIr23-OMe2napy)2(CO)2(cod)2]2+ (17) and [Ir33-OMe2napy)2(CO)2(cod)2]2+ (18), which have been isolated as the perchlorate and tetrafluoroborate salts. The EPR spectrum of 16 indicates that the unpaired electron is essentially in an orbital delocalised on the metals. The molecular structures of the complexes 3a, 3b, 6, 10b and 16a are described. Crystals of 3a are triclinic, P-1, with a = 9.7393(2), b = 14.0148(4), c = 16.0607(4) Å, α = 88.122(3), β = 83.924(3), γ = 87.038(3)°, Z = 4; 3b crystallises in the Pna2i orthorhhombic space group, with a = 16.7541(3), B = 11.7500(8), c = 17.7508(7) Å, Z = 4; complex 6 is packed in the monoclinic space group P2i/c, a = 9.6371(1), b = 11.8054(4), c = 27.2010(9) Å, β = 90.556(4)°, Z = 4; crystals of 10b are monoclinic, P21/n, with a = 17.546(7), b = 13.232(6), c = 17.437(8) Å, β = 106.18(1)°, Z = 4; crystals of 16a are triclinic, P-1, with a = 10.318(4), b = 12.562(6), C = 19.308(8) Å, α = 92.12(8), β = 97.65(9), γ = 90.68(5)°, Z = 2. The five different structures show the coordination versatility of the OMe2napy molecule as ligand, which behaves as a N,N′-chelating (3a), bidentate N,O-donor (3b, 6), or as a tridentate N,N′,O-donor bridging ligand (10b, 16a).  相似文献   
Paau AS  Oro J  Cowles JR 《Plant physiology》1979,63(2):402-405
The DNA content of bacteroids from 22 different Rhizobium-legume associations was compared to that of the corresponding free living Rhizobium species using laser flow microfluorometry. In all 18 effective associations, the bacteroids had either similar or higher DNA content than the free living rhizobia. Bacteroid populations isolated from effective clover (Trifolium repens) and alfalfa (Medicago sativa) nodules had an average DNA content of >1.5-fold higher than free living R. trifolii and R. meliloti. These populations also contained a significant number of bacteroids with more than 3-fold the DNA content of the free living rhizobia. Populations isolated from effective nodules of winged beans (Psophocarpus tetragonolobus), peas (Pisum sativum), and mung beans (Phaseolus aureus) had an average DNA content of 1.1- to 1.5-fold higher than free living R. “cowpeas” and R. leguminosarum. Bacteroids from nodules of lupins (Lupinus angustifolius and L. minaretta), kidney beans (Phaseolus vulgaris), and soybeans (Glycine max), however, had similar DNA content to the free living forms. Two of the four associations which formed ineffective nodules contained bacteroids with lower DNA content than the free living rhizobia. The other two associations contained bacteroids with slightly higher or similar DNA content to the free living rhizobia. Nodules of the ineffective associations also did not contain leghemoglobin.  相似文献   
Summary The lipids of a thermophilic chemolithotroph,Metbanobacterium thermoautotropbicum, have been analyzed by chromatographic techniques and identified by infrared spectrometry and combined gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Of the total chloroform soluble lipids 79% and 21% are polar and non-polar lipids, respectively. The major components of the polar lipids are dialkyl ethers of glycerol or its derivatives. The nature of the glycerol ether alkyl groups was found to be that of the saturated tetraisoprenoid hydrocarbon phytane. The non-polar lipids of the chloroform soluble fraction consist principally of three series of C20, C25 and C30 acyclic isoprenoid hydrocarbons, the major components being squalene and a continuous range of hydrosqualene derivatives, from dihydrosqualene up to and including decahydrosqualene. These data establish thatM. tbermoautotropbicum contains predominantly non-sapo-nifiable lipids as doHalobacterium, Halococcus, Sulfolobus andTbermoplasma. In particular, the composition of the chloroform soluble lipids ofM. tbermoautotropbicum is quite similar to that ofHalobacterium cutirubrum. The results strongly support the recent proposal, based on 16S rRNA sequence homologies, that the extreme halophiles and methanogens share a common ancestor. In addition, it is pointed out that the occurrence of phytane and related polyisoprenoid compounds in ancient sediments can no longer be considered unequivocally as indicative of past photosynthetic activity. Finally, speculations are made concerning the possible role of and evolutionary significance of the presence of squalene and hydrosqualenes in these organisms. To our knowledge this is the first report of squalene and hydrosqualenes in a strictly anaerobic microorganism.To either of whom reprint requests should be sent.  相似文献   
The applicability of flow-microfluorometry (FMF) to the study of bacterial samples was investigated on cultures of Rhizobium meliloti, Rhizobium japonicum, and Escherichia coli using fluorescent and light-scattering signals. This technique which analyzes individual bacterial cells in a population was used to monitor the relative change in nucleic acid content and cell size during the growth cycle of the three microorganisms which were known to have different growth rates. Early log-phase E. coli cells contained at least eightfold more nucleic acid and were significantly larger than the stationary-phase cells. Cultures of early log-phase R. meliloti cells contained three to four-fold more nucleic acid and were slightly larger than cells in the stationary phase. Rhizobium japonicum had very little change in either parameter. In general, the amount of change in both cell size and nucleic acid content upon initiation of log-phase growth was related to the overall growt rate of the organisms, with E. coli experiencing the greatest change and R. japonicum the least. Results obtained by FMF analysis, therefore, were consistent with observations reported by earlier workers. Cultures of R. meliloti also were used to demonstrate that the intensity of the fluorescent signals was sensitive to digestion by DNase and RNase and to prolonged storage and fixation. The potential use of FMF in the study of microorganisms is discussed.  相似文献   
We assessed the genetic and morphological differences between the two largest breeding colonies of Audouin's Gull Larus audouinii , an endemic seabird species of the Mediterranean region. The two colonies comprise c. 75% of the total world population and are 655 km apart. The Ebro Delta colony was formed recently and, after dramatic growth mainly due to high rates of both immigration and reproductive success, is now the largest in the world (more than 60% of the total population). The Chafarinas Islands support an ancient colony with relatively little fluctuation in breeding numbers. The two colonies also differ greatly in environmental conditions, with the Ebro Delta being a higher quality breeding site. Very little movement occurs between the two colonies. We collected morphological data and blood samples from both colonies. Polymorphic microsatellite markers were used to study the genetic differentiation. These showed no significant variation between colonies, nor evidence of a founder effect in the Ebro Delta. Individuals from the Ebro Delta were larger than those from Chafarinas, the difference being greater for males. This probably reflects a stronger male susceptibility to worse environmental conditions during chick growth at the Chafarinas Islands.  相似文献   
Hair follicle morphogenesis, a complex process requiring interaction between epithelia-derived keratinocytes and the underlying mesenchyme, is an attractive model system to study organ development and tissue-specific signaling. Although hair follicle development is genetically tractable, fast and reproducible analysis of factors essential for this process remains a challenge. Here we describe a procedure to generate targeted overexpression or shRNA-mediated knockdown of factors using lentivirus in a tissue-specific manner. Using a modified version of a hair regeneration model 5, 6, 11, we can achieve robust gain- or loss-of-function analysis in primary mouse keratinocytes or dermal cells to facilitate study of epithelial-mesenchymal signaling pathways that lead to hair follicle morphogenesis. We describe how to isolate fresh primary mouse keratinocytes and dermal cells, which contain dermal papilla cells and their precursors, deliver lentivirus containing either shRNA or cDNA to one of the cell populations, and combine the cells to generate fully formed hair follicles on the backs of nude mice. This approach allows analysis of tissue-specific factors required to generate hair follicles within three weeks and provides a fast and convenient companion to existing genetic models.  相似文献   
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