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Summary The transience of caffeine-induced tensions in crayfish muscle fibers indicates a caffeine-insensitive, Ca-transport system in these fibers. Analysis of the changes in relaxation time of caffeine tensions following ionic substitutions in the crayfish saline leads to the conclusions that this Ca-transport system is located in the sarcolemma and that the extrusion process involves binding of external cations, in particular Na.  相似文献   
Abstract Three-dimensional structures of cytochrome P450 2B1 were modeled based on the crystallographic structure of P450(cam). The effect of the alignment, loop choice, and minimization with or without water was assessed. Although final models were similar in overall structure, the identity of active site residues depended upon the alignment. An example is Phe-206, which may or may not form part of the active site. The choice of the loop conformation had a lesser effect, while including water in the final minimization step was essential for preserving the shape and size of the active site. The best model (model 2) was in good agreement with the data from site-directed mutagenesis studies, and correctly predicted the effect of substitutions at 9 out of 10 amino acid positions. Thus, residues important for P450 2B1 activity, such as Ile- 114, Phe-206, Ile-290, Thr-302, Val-363, and Gly-478, constitute part of the active site and are able to interact with the substrate androstenedione through hydrophobic interactions. On the other hand, Ser-303, Ser-360 and Lys-473 are far from the active site and/or cannot interact with the substrate, in agreement with experimental data. The model indicates other residues likely to be important for enzyme function, such as Tyr- 111, Leu-209, Ile-477, and Ile- 480, which can be tested experimentally. The substrate may assume numerous binding orientations consistent with observed patterns of hydroxylation at C(5) and C(6). The replacement in the model of certain amino acid residues to mimic residue substitutions from site-directed mutagenesis studies and docking of the substrate into the modified active site allowed a plausible explanation for alterations in regio- and stereospecificities of some mutants of P450 2B1, such as Gly-478 → Ala or Val-363 Ala.  相似文献   

While it is well established that classical hydrogen bonds play an important role in enzyme structure, function and dynamics, the role of weaker, but ‘activated’ C-H donor hydrogen bonds is poorly understood. The most important such case involves histidine which often plays a direct role in enzyme catalysis and possesses the most acidic C-H donor group of the standard amino acids. In the present study, we obtained optimized geometries and hydrogen bond interaction energies for C-H…O hydrogen bonded complexes between methane, ethylene, benzene, acetylene, and imidazole with water at the MP2-FC/6-31++G(2d,2p) and MP2-FC/aug-cc-pVDZ//MP2-FC/6-31++G(2d,2p) levels of theory. A strong linear relationship is obtained between the stability of the various hydrogen bonded complexes and both separation distances for H…0 and C—O. In general, these calculations indicate that C-H…0 interactions can be classified as hydrogen bonding interactions, albeit significantly weaker than the classical hydrogen bonds, but significantly stronger than just van der Waals interactions. For instance, while the electronic energy of stabilization at the MP2-FC/aug-cc-pVDZ//MP2-FC/6-31++G(2d,2p) level of theory of a water C-H…O water hydrogen bond is 4.36 kcal/mol more stable than the methane C-H…O water interaction, the water-water hydrogen bond is only 2.06 kcal/mol more stable than the imidazole Ce?H…O water hydrogen bond. Neglecting this latter hydrogen bonding interaction is obviously unacceptable. We next compare the potential energy surfaces for the imidazole Ce?H…O water and imidazole Nd?H…O hydrogen bonded complexes computed at the MP2/6-31++G(2d,2p) level of theory with the potential energy surface computed using the AMBER molecular mechanics program and forcefields. While the Weiner et al and Cornell et al AMBER forcefields reasonably account for the imidazole N-H…O water interaction, these forcefields do not adequately account for the imidazole Ce?H…O water hydrogen bond. A forcefield modification is offered that results in excellent agreement between the ab initio and molecular mechanics geometry and energy for this C-H…O hydrogen bonded complex.  相似文献   
BackgroundIn the Arkhangelsk region of Northern Russia, multidrug-resistant (MDR) tuberculosis (TB) rates in new cases are amongst the highest in the world. In 2014, MDR-TB rates reached 31.7% among new cases and 56.9% among retreatment cases. The development of new diagnostic tools allows for faster detection of both TB and MDR-TB and should lead to reduced transmission by earlier initiation of anti-TB therapy.MethodsA culture-based diagnostic algorithm used prior to LPA implementation was compared to an LPA-based algorithm that replaced BacTAlert and Löwenstein Jensen (LJ) for drug sensitivity testing. A total of 295 MDR-TB patients were included in the study, 163 diagnosed with the culture-based algorithm, 132 with the LPA-based algorithm.ResultsAmong smear positive patients, the implementation of the LPA-based algorithm was associated with a median decrease in time to MDR-TB treatment initiation of 50 and 66 days compared to the culture-based algorithm (BacTAlert and LJ respectively, p<0.001). In smear negative patients, the LPA-based algorithm was associated with a median decrease in time to MDR-TB treatment initiation of 78 days when compared to the culture-based algorithm (LJ, p<0.001). However, several weeks were still needed for treatment initiation in LPA-based algorithm, 24 days in smear positive, and 62 days in smear negative patients. Overall treatment outcomes were better in LPA-based algorithm compared to culture-based algorithm (p = 0.003). Treatment success rates at 20 months of treatment were higher in patients diagnosed with the LPA-based algorithm (65.2%) as compared to those diagnosed with the culture-based algorithm (44.8%). Mortality was also lower in the LPA-based algorithm group (7.6%) compared to the culture-based algorithm group (15.9%). There was no statistically significant difference in smear and culture conversion rates between the two algorithms.ConclusionThe results of the study suggest that the introduction of LPA leads to faster time to MDR diagnosis and earlier treatment initiation as well as better treatment outcomes for patients with MDR-TB. These findings also highlight the need for further improvements within the health system to reduce both patient and diagnostic delays to truly optimize the impact of new, rapid diagnostics.  相似文献   
Substitution of the aryl sulfonamide moiety contained in MC4 agonist 1 with bicyclic heterocycles and aminotetralines produced compounds with MC4 activity. The heterocycles represent alternative privileged structures to that contained in 1. Compounds in which the polar group of the privileged structure was displayed in an endocyclic fashion were not as active as the parent agonist 1, while those with an exocyclic polar group afforded activity competitive with 1.  相似文献   
The particle-mesh Ewald (PME) method is considered to be both efficient and accurate for the evaluation of long-range electrostatic interactions in large macromolecular systems being studied by molecular dynamics simulations. This method assumes "infinite" periodic boundary conditions resembling the symmetry of a crystal environment. Can such a "solid-state" method accurately portray a macromolecular solute such as DNA in solution? To address this issue, we have performed three 1500-ps PME molecular dynamics (MD) simulations, each with a different box size, on the d(CGCGA6CG)-(CGT6CGCG) DNA dodecamer. The smallest box had the DNA solvated by a layer of water molecules of at least 5 A along each orthogonal direction. The intermediate size box and the largest box had the DNA solvated by a layer of water molecules of at least 10 A and 15 A, respectively, along each orthogonal direction. The intermediate size box in the present study is similar to the box size currently chosen by most workers in the field. Based on a comparison of RMSDs and curvature for this single DNA dodecamer sequence, the larger two box sizes do not appear to afford any extra benefit over the smallest box. The implications of this finding are briefly discussed.  相似文献   
Homologation and cyclization back to the chiral methine of compound 3 yields achiral 4,4-disubstituted piperidine privileged structures (e.g., 8a) useful in the construction of melanocortin 4 receptor (MC4R) ligands. The piperidine nitrogen was replaced with carbon, oxygen, sulfur, and sulfone with minor erosion of binding. The methyl cyclohexane substituent was the most potent while significant affinity was still seen for smaller lipophilic groups such as ethyl.  相似文献   
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