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Alpha satellite DNA is a repetitive sequence known to be a major DNA component of centromeres in primates (order Primates). New World monkeys form one major taxon (parvorder Platyrrhini) of primates, and their alpha satellite DNA is known to comprise repeat units of around 340 bp. In one species (Azara''s owl monkey Aotus azarae) of this taxon, we identified two types of alpha satellite DNA consisting of 185- and 344-bp repeat units that we designated as OwlAlp1 and OwlAlp2, respectively. OwlAlp2 exhibits similarity throughout its entire sequence to the alpha satellite DNA of other New World monkeys. The chromosomal locations of the two types of sequence are markedly distinct: OwlAlp1 was observed at the centromeric constrictions, whereas OwlAlp2 was found in the pericentric regions. From these results, we inferred that OwlAlp1 was derived from OwlAlp2 and rapidly replaced OwlAlp2 as the principal alpha satellite DNA on a short time scale at the speciation level. A less likely alternative explanation is also discussed.  相似文献   
Since the emergence of the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) to date, neither an effective antiviral drug nor a vaccine against SARS is available. However, it was found that a mixture of two HIV-1 proteinase inhibitors, lopinavir and ritonavir, exhibited some signs of effectiveness against the SARS virus. To understand the fine details of the molecular interactions between these proteinase inhibitors and the SARS virus via complexation, molecular dynamics simulations were carried out for the SARS-CoV 3CLpro free enzyme (free SARS) and its complexes with lopinavir (SARS-LPV) and ritonavir (SARS-RTV). The results show that flap closing was clearly observed when the inhibitors bind to the active site of SARS-CoV 3CLpro. The binding affinities of LPV and RTV to SARS-CoV 3CLpro do not show any significant difference. In addition, six hydrogen bonds were detected in the SARS-LPV system, while seven hydrogen bonds were found in SARS-RTV complex.  相似文献   
Molecular dynamics simulations were carried out for the mutant oseltamivir-NA complex, to provide detailed information on the oseltamivir-resistance resulting from the H274Y mutation in neuraminidase (NA) of avian influenza H5N1 viruses. In contrast with a previous proposal, the H274Y mutation does not prevent E276 and R224 from forming the hydrophobic pocket for the oseltamivir bulky group. Instead, reduction of the hydrophobicity and size of pocket in the area around an ethyl moiety at this bulky group were found to be the source of the oseltamivir-resistance. These changes were primarily due to the dramatic rotation of the hydrophilic –COO group of E276 toward the ethyl moiety. In addition, hydrogen-bonding interactions with N1 residues at the -NH3 + and -NHAc groups of oseltamivir were replaced by a water molecule. The calculated binding affinity of oseltamivir to NA was significantly reduced from −14.6 kcal mol−1 in the wild-type to −9.9 kcal mol−1 in the mutant-type.  相似文献   
The origin of the high pathogenicity of an emerging avian influenza H5N1 due to the -RRRKK- insertion at the cleavage loop of the hemagglutinin H5, was studied using the molecular dynamics technique, in comparison with those of the noninserted H5 and H3 bound to the furin (FR) active site. The cleavage loop of the highly pathogenic H5 was found to bind strongly to the FR cavity, serving as a conformation suitable for the proteolytic reaction. With this configuration, the appropriate interatomic distances were found for all three reaction centers of the enzyme-substrate complex: the arrangement of the catalytic triad, attachment of the catalytic Ser368 to the reactive S1-Arg, and formation of the oxyanion hole. Experimentally, the -RRRKK- insertion was also found to increase in cleavage of hemagglutinin by FR. The simulated data provide a clear answer to the question of why inserted H5 is better cleaved by FR than the other subtypes, explaining the high pathogenicity of avian influenza H5N1.  相似文献   
Aiming to understand, at the molecular level, why oseltamivir (OTV) cannot be used for inhibition of human influenza neuraminidase subtype N1 as effectively as for subtypes N2 and N9, molecular dynamics simulations were carried out for the three complexes, OTV-N1, OTV-N2, and OTV-N9. The three-dimensional OTV-N2 and OTV-N9 initial structures were represented by the x-ray structures, whereas that of OTV-N1, whose x-ray structure is not yet solved, was built up using the aligned sequence of H5N1 isolated from humans in Thailand with the x-ray structure of the N2-substrate as the template. In comparison to the OTV-N2 and OTV-N9 complexes, dramatic changes were observed in the OTV conformation in the OTV-N1 complex in which two of its bulky side chains, N-acethyl (-NHAc) and 1-ethylproxy group (-OCHEt2), were rotated to adjust the size to fit into the N1 catalytic site. This change leads directly to the rearrangements of the OTV's environment, which are i), distances to its neighbors, W-178 and E-227, are shorter whereas those to residues R-224, E-276, and E-292 are longer; ii), hydrogen bonds to the two nearest neighbors, R-224 and E-276, are still conserved in distance and number as well as percentage occupation; iii), the calculated ligand/enzyme binding free energies of -7.20, -13.44, and -13.29 kcal/mol agree with their inhibitory activities in terms of the experimental IC50 of 36.1-53.2 nM, 1.9-2.7 nM, and 9.5-17.7 nM for the OTV-N1, OTV-N2, and OTV-N9 complexes, respectively; and iv), hydrogen-bond breaking and creation between the OTV and neighborhood residues are accordingly in agreement with the ligand solvation/desolvation taking place in the catalytic site.  相似文献   
Centromeres and telomeres of higher eukaryotes generally contain repetitive sequences, which often form pericentric or subtelomeric heterochromatin blocks. C-banding analysis of chromosomes of Azara''s owl monkey, a primate species, showed that the short arms of acrocentric chromosomes consist mostly or solely of constitutive heterochromatin. The purpose of the present study was to determine which category, pericentric, or subtelomeric is most appropriate for this heterochromatin, and to infer its formation processes. We cloned and sequenced its DNA component, finding it to be a tandem repeat sequence comprising 187-bp repeat units, which we named OwlRep. Subsequent hybridization analyses revealed that OwlRep resides in the pericentric regions of a small number of metacentric chromosomes, in addition to the short arms of acrocentric chromosomes. Further, in the pericentric regions of the acrocentric chromosomes, OwlRep was observed on the short-arm side only. This distribution pattern of OwlRep among chromosomes can be simply and sufficiently explained by assuming (i) OwlRep was transferred from chromosome to chromosome by the interaction of pericentric heterochromatin, and (ii) it was amplified there as subtelomeric heterochromatin. OwlRep carries several direct and inverted repeats within its repeat units. This complex structure may lead to a higher frequency of chromosome scission and may thus be a factor in the unique distribution pattern among chromosomes. Neither OwlRep nor similar sequences were found in the genomes of the other New World monkey species we examined, suggesting that OwlRep underwent rapid amplification after the divergence of the owl monkey lineage from lineages of the other species.  相似文献   
To provide detailed information and insight into the drug-target interaction, structure, solvation, and dynamic and thermodynamic properties, the three known-neuraminidase inhibitors-oseltamivir (OTV), zanamivir (ZNV), and peramivir (PRV)-embedded in the catalytic site of neuraminidase (NA) subtype N1 were studied using molecular dynamics simulations. In terms of ligand conformation, there were major differences in the structures of the guanidinium and the bulky groups. The atoms of the guanidinium group of PRV were observed to form many more hydrogen bonds with the surrounded residues and were much less solvated by water molecules, in comparison with the other two inhibitors. Consequently, D151 lying on the 150-loop (residues 147-152) of group-1 neuraminidase (N1, N4, N5, and N8) was considerably shifted to form direct hydrogen bonds with the --OH group of the PRV, which was located rather far from the 150-loop. For the bulky group, direct hydrogen bonds were detected only between the hydrophilic side chain of ZNV and residues R224, E276, and E277 of N1 with rather weak binding, 20-70% occupation. This is not the case for OTV and PRV, in which flexibility and steric effects due to the hydrophobic side chain lead to the rearrangement of the surrounded residues, that is, the negatively charged side chain of E276 was shifted and rotated to form hydrogen bonds with the positively charged moiety of R224. Taking into account all the ligand-enzyme interaction data, the gas phase MM interaction energy of -282.2 kcal/mol as well as the binding free energy (DeltaG(binding)) of -227.4 kcal/mol for the PRV-N1 are significantly lower than those of the other inhibitors. The ordering of DeltaG(binding) of PRV < ZNV < OTV agrees well with the ordering of experimental IC(50) value.  相似文献   
The spread of acquired immune deficiency syndrome has increasingly become a great concern owing largely to the failure of chemotherapies. The G48V is considered the key signature residue mutation of HIV-1 protease developing with saquinavir therapy. Molecular dynamics simulations of the wild-type and the G48V HIV-1 protease complexed with saquinavir were carried out to explore structure and interactions of the drug resistance. The molecular dynamics results combined with the quantum-based and molecular mechanics Poisson-Boltzmann surface area calculations indicated a monoprotonation took place on D25, one of the triad active site residues. The inhibitor binding of the triad residues and its interaction energy in the mutant were similar to those in the wild-type. The overall structure of both complexes is almost identical. However, the steric conflict of the substituted valine results in the conformational change of the P2 subsite and the disruption of hydrogen bonding between the -NH of the P2 subsite and the backbone -CO of the mutated residue. The magnitude of interaction energy changes was comparable to the experimental K(i) data. The designing for a new drug should consider a reduction of steric repulsion on P2 to enhance the activity toward this mutant strain.  相似文献   
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