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Summary The distribution of various extracellular matrix components was studied in frozen sections of embryonic (14–18 days) and early postnatal (birth and 4 days post parturn) dorsal mouse skin using monospecific antibodies and indirect immunofluorescence. Basement membrane zone components — type IV collagen, laminin and heparan sulphate proteoglycan — were found to be uniformly and unchangingly distributed along the dermal-epidermal junction. In contrast, the distribution of interstitial matrix components — types I and III collagen, and fibronectin — was heterogeneous and varied with the stages of hair development. Collagens became sparse and were eventually completely removed from the prospective dermal papilla and from a one-cell-thick sheath of dermal cells around hair buds. They remained absent from the dermal papilla throughout hair organogenesis. Fibronectin was always present around dermal papilla cells and was particularly abundant along the dermal-epidermal junction of hair rudiments, as well as underneath hair buds. In contrast, in interfollicular skin, collagens accumulated in increasing density, while fibronectin became progressively sparser. It thus appears that interstitial collagens and fibronectin are distributed in a manner which is related to hair morphogenesis. In morphogenetically active regions, collagen density is low, while that of fibronectin is high. Conversely, in histologically stabilized zones, collagen is abundant and fibronectin is sparse. This microheterogeneous distribution of interstitial collagens and of fibronectin might thus constitute part of the morphogenetic message that the dermis is known to transmit to the epidermis during the development of skin and of cutaneous appendages.  相似文献   
Hormonal regulation of inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor in rat liver   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP3) is a second messenger which induces Ca2+ release from an intracellular store. We have investigated the properties of the [32P]IP3 binding sites in rat liver. Two specific [32P]IP3 receptors with KD of 2.3 and 88 nM and respective capacities of 33 fmol/mg protein and 195 fmol/mg protein have been detected in a crude membrane fraction prepared from rat liver homogenate. The pretreatment of the liver with IP3-dependent hormones increased two-fold the capacity of the high affinity site. This effect was partly reversed by dibutyryl cyclic AMP. Permeabilized hepatocytes also displayed two [32P]IP3 binding sites with KD of 1.5 and 84 nM and respective capacities of 8 and 300 fmol/10(6) cells. We have measured the [32P]IP3 binding and the IP3-induced 45Ca2+ release in the same batch of permeabilized hepatocytes. In a low Mg2+ medium, the EC50 for 45Ca2+ release was in close correlation with the KD for the low affinity site. These data suggest that an equilibrium between two states of the IP3 receptor is regulated by hormone action and the low affinity state is responsible for the intracellular Ca2+ release.  相似文献   
Here we describe an original strategy for unbiased quantification of protein expression called difference in mass analysis using labeled lysine (K) (DIMAL-K). DIMAL-K is based on the differential predigestion labeling of lysine residues in complex protein mixtures. The method is relevant for proteomic analysis by two-dimensional electrophoresis and MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry. Protein labeling on lysine residues uses two closely related chemical reagents, S-methyl thioacetimidate and S-methyl thiopropionimidate. Using protein standards, we demonstrated that 1) the chemical labeling was quantitative, specific, and rapid; 2) the differentially labeled proteins co-migrated on two-dimensional gels; and 3) the identification by mass fingerprinting and the relative quantification of the proteins were possible from a single MALDI-TOF mass spectrum. The power of the method was tested by comparing and quantifying the secretion of proteins in normal and proinflammatory astrocytic secretomes (20 microg). We showed that DIMAL-K was more sensitive and accurate than densitometric image analysis and allowed the detection and quantification of novel proteins.  相似文献   
C4 photosynthesis evolved multiple times independently in angiosperms, but most origins are relatively old so that the early events linked to photosynthetic diversification are blurred. The grass Alloteropsis semialata is an exception, as this species encompasses C4 and non-C4 populations. Using phylogenomics and population genomics, we infer the history of dispersal and secondary gene flow before, during and after photosynthetic divergence in A. semialata. We further analyse the genome composition of individuals with varied ploidy levels to establish the origins of polyploids in this species. Detailed organelle phylogenies indicate limited seed dispersal within the mountainous region of origin and the emergence of a C4 lineage after dispersal to warmer areas of lower elevation. Nuclear genome analyses highlight repeated secondary gene flow. In particular, the nuclear genome associated with the C4 phenotype was swept into a distantly related maternal lineage probably via unidirectional pollen flow. Multiple intraspecific allopolyploidy events mediated additional secondary genetic exchanges between photosynthetic types. Overall, our results show that limited dispersal and isolation allowed lineage divergence, with photosynthetic innovation happening after migration to new environments, and pollen-mediated gene flow led to the rapid spread of the derived C4 physiology away from its region of origin.  相似文献   
Members of the Thermococcales are anaerobic Archaea belonging to the kingdom Euryarchaea that are studied in many laboratories as model organisms for hyperthermophiles. We describe here a molecular analysis of 86 new Thermococcales isolates collected from six different chimneys of a single hydrothermal field located in the 13°N 104°W segment of the East Pacific ridge at a depth of 2,330 m. These isolates were sorted by randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) fingerprinting into nine groups, and nine unique RAPD profiles were obtained. One RAPD group corresponds to new isolates of Thermococcus hydrothermalis, whereas all other groups and isolates with unique profiles are different from the 22 reference strains included in this study. Analysis of 16S rRNA gene sequences of representatives of each RAPD group and unique profiles showed that one group corresponds to Pyrococcus strains, whereas all the other isolates are Thermococcus strains. We estimated that our collection may contain at least 11 new species. These putative species, isolated from a single area of hydrothermal deep-sea vents, are dispersed in the 16S rRNA tree among the reference strains previously isolated from diverse hot environments (terrestrial, shallow water, hydrothermal vents) located around the world, suggesting that there is a high degree of dispersal of Thermococcales. About one-half of our isolates contain extrachromosomal elements that could be used to search for novel replication proteins and to develop genetic tools for hyperthermophiles.  相似文献   
DNA-dependent protein kinase (DNA-PK) is a double-strand breaks repair complex, the subunits of which (KU and DNA-PKcs) are paradoxically present at mammalian telomeres. Telomere fusion has been reported in cells lacking these proteins, raising two questions: how is DNA–PK prevented from initiating classical ligase IV (LIG4)-dependent non-homologous end-joining (C-NHEJ) at telomeres and how is the backup end-joining (EJ) activity (B-NHEJ) that operates at telomeres under conditions of C-NHEJ deficiency controlled? To address these questions, we have investigated EJ using plasmid substrates bearing double-stranded telomeric tracks and human cell extracts with variable C-NHEJ or B-NHEJ activity. We found that (1) TRF2/RAP1 prevents C-NHEJ-mediated end fusion at the initial DNA–PK end binding and activation step and (2) DNA–PK counteracts a potent LIG4-independent EJ mechanism. Thus, telomeres are protected against EJ by a lock with two bolts. These results account for observations with mammalian models and underline the importance of alternative non-classical EJ pathways for telomere fusions in cells.  相似文献   
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