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Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus hominis (MRSHo) are important human pathogens in immunocompromised patients. However, little is known regarding its population structure and staphylococcal chromosomal cassette mec (SCCmec) content.

Methodology/Principal Findings

To assess the population structure and the SCCmec content of S. hominis, 34 MRSHo and 11 methicillin-susceptible S. hominis (MSSHo) from neutropenic patients collected over a 3-year period were studied. The genetic backgrounds of S. hominis isolates were analyzed by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) and SCCmec types were determined by PCR. Cassette chromosome recombinases (ccr) were characterized by PCR and ccrB sequencing. The 34 S. hominis isolates were classified into as many as 28 types and 32 subtypes (SID = 99.82%); clonal dissemination was occasionally observed. The main SCCmec structures identified were SCCmec type VI (4B) (20%), SCCmec VIII (4A) (15%), and a new SCCmec composed of mec complex A in association with ccrAB1 (38%); 27% of the isolates harbored non-typeable SCCmec. Overall, a high prevalence of mec complex A (73.5%), ccrAB1 (50%) and ccrAB4 (44%) were found. Importantly, ccrB1 and ccrB4 from both MRSHo and MSSHo showed a high nucleotide sequence homology with those found in S. aureus SCCmec I, VI and VIII respectively (>95%).


The S. hominis population showed a limited clonality and a low genetic diversity in the allotypes of ccr and classes of mec complex. Moreover, our data suggest that S. hominis might have been a privileged source of mec complex A, ccrB1 and ccrB4, for the assembly of primordial SCCmec types.  相似文献   
Alzheimer's disease, the most common cause of dementia in the elderly and characterized by the deposition and accumulation of plaques, is composed in part of β-amyloid (Aβ) peptides, loss of neurons, and the accumulation of neurofibrillary tangles. Here, we describe ponezumab, a humanized monoclonal antibody, and show how it binds specifically to the carboxyl (C)-terminus of Aβ40. Ponezumab can label Aβ that is deposited in brain parenchyma found in sections from Alzheimer's disease casualties and in transgenic mouse models that overexpress Aβ. Importantly, ponezumab does not label full-length, non-cleaved amyloid precursor protein on the cell surface. The C-terminal epitope of the soluble Aβ present in the circulation appears to be available for ponezumab binding because systemic administration of ponezumab greatly elevates plasma Aβ40 levels in a dose-dependent fashion after administration to a mouse model that overexpress human Aβ. Administration of ponezumab to transgenic mice also led to a dose-dependent reduction in hippocampal amyloid load. To further explore the nature of ponezumab binding to Aβ40, we determined the X-ray crystal structure of ponezumab in complex with Aβ40 and found that the Aβ40 carboxyl moiety makes extensive contacts with ponezumab. Furthermore, the structure-function analysis supported this critical requirement for carboxy group of AβV40 in the Aβ-ponezumab interaction. These findings provide novel structural insights into the in vivo conformation of the C-terminus of Aβ40 and the brain Aβ-lowering efficacy that we observed following administration of ponezumab in transgenic mouse models.  相似文献   
The chemical composition of the volatile oils obtained from the roots, leaves, flowers, and stems of Thapsia garganica of Tunisian origin was investigated by GC‐FID and GC/MS analyses. Sesquiterpene hydrocarbons and oxygenated monoterpenes were predominant in the oils of all plant parts. Bicyclogermacrene (21.59–35.09%) was the main component in the former compound class, whereas geranial (3.31–14.84%) and linalool (0.81–10.9%) were the most prominent ones in the latter compound class. Principal‐component (PCA) and hierarchical‐cluster (HCA) analyses revealed some common constituents, but also significant variability amongst the oils of the different plant parts. This organ‐specific oil composition was discussed in relation to their biological and ecological functions. For the evaluation of the intraspecific chemical variability in T. garganica, the composition of the flower volatile oils from four wild populations was investigated. Bicyclogermacrene, linalool, and geranial were predominant in the oils of three populations, whereas epicubenol, β‐sesquiphellandrene, and cadina‐1,4‐diene were the most prominent components of the oil of one population. PCA and HCA allowed the separation of the flower oils into three distinct groups, however, no relationship was found between the volatile‐oil composition and the geographical distribution and pedoclimatic conditions of the studied populations.  相似文献   
Jellyfish are of particular concern for marine finfish aquaculture. In recent years repeated mass mortality episodes of farmed fish were caused by blooms of gelatinous cnidarian stingers, as a consequence of a wide range of hemolytic, cytotoxic, and neurotoxic properties of associated cnidocytes venoms. The mauve stinger jellyfish Pelagia noctiluca (Scyphozoa) has been identified as direct causative agent for several documented fish mortality events both in Northern Europe and the Mediterranean Sea aquaculture farms. We investigated the effects of P. noctiluca envenomations on the gilthead sea bream Sparus aurata by in vivo laboratory assays. Fish were incubated for 8 hours with jellyfish at 3 different densities in 300 l experimental tanks. Gill disorders were assessed by histological analyses and histopathological scoring of samples collected at time intervals from 3 hours to 4 weeks after initial exposure. Fish gills showed different extent and severity of gill lesions according to jellyfish density and incubation time, and long after the removal of jellyfish from tanks. Jellyfish envenomation elicits local and systemic inflammation reactions, histopathology and gill cell toxicity, with severe impacts on fish health. Altogether, these results shows P. noctiluca swarms may represent a high risk for Mediterranean finfish aquaculture farms, generating significant gill damage after only a few hours of contact with farmed S. aurata. Due to the growth of the aquaculture sector and the increased frequency of jellyfish blooms in the coastal waters, negative interactions between stinging jellyfish and farmed fish are likely to increase with the potential for significant economic losses.  相似文献   
Arc is an effector immediate early gene whose expression is induced in situations of increased neuronal activity. However, there is no report on the influence of stress on Arc expression. Here, we compared the induction of both c-fos and Arc mRNAs in the brain of rats exposed to one of three different stressful situations: novel environment, forced swimming and immobilization. An absent or weak c-fos mRNA signal was observed in control rats, whereas those exposed to one of three stressors showed enhanced c-fos expression in a wide range of brain areas. Constitutive Arc expression was observed in some areas such as cortex, striatum, hippocampus, reticular thalamic nucleus and cerebellar cortex. In response to stressors, a strong induction of Arc was observed, but the pattern was different from that of c-fos. For instance, activation of Arc but not c-fos was observed in the nucleus accumbens after immobilization and in the hippocampus after novel environment. No Arc induction was observed in diencephalic and brainstem areas. The present data show that Arc has a neuroanatomically restricted pattern of induction in the brain after emotional stress. Telencephalic activation suggests that a more intense induction of synaptic plasticity is occurring in this area after exposure to emotional stressors.  相似文献   
BioMetals - Vanadium has been shown to catalyze the generation of reactive oxygen species. Since free radical production and lipid peroxidation are potentially important mediators in testicular...  相似文献   
High abundances of non-native species in the invaded range may be linked to changes in fitness related traits. However, few studies have compared differences in both life-history traits and abundances of introduced species between their native and invaded ranges. We determined differences in 12 morphological traits, an important fitness related trait (body size), and the abundance of the porcelain crab, Petrolisthes elongatus, in its native (New Zealand) and invasive (Tasmania, Australia) ranges. P. elongatus was more abundant in the introduced range; however, changes in abundance depended on tidal height, with higher abundances only at mid and low tidal zones. The biomass of male crabs was higher in the invaded range compared to the native range, but there was no difference in female biomass between ranges. Despite increases in male biomass, sex ratios between native and invasive populations did not differ. In addition, principal components analysis showed no differences in overall morphology between Tasmania and New Zealand. Our study indicates that increased abundance in the invaded range of P. elongatus may be linked to high values of an important trait (greater biomass) in the invaded range. Importantly, changes in biomass and abundance may be due to P. elongatus being able to utilise mid/low zones more in the invaded range. Furthermore, our findings indicate that understanding how sex specific changes in biomass interact with the recipient environment (biotic and abiotic) in the introduced range will be important for determining the mechanisms underpinning the establishment and spread of P. elongatus.  相似文献   
Visual anisotropy has been demonstrated in multiple tasks where performance differs between vertical, horizontal, and oblique orientations of the stimuli. We explain some principles of visual anisotropy by anisotropic smoothing, which is based on a variation on Koenderink's approach in [1]. We tested the theory by presenting gaussian elongated luminance profiles and measuring the perceived orientations by means of an adjustment task. Our framework is based on the smoothing of the image with elliptical gaussian kernels and it correctly predicted an illusory orientation bias towards the vertical axis. We discuss the scope of the theory in the context of other anisotropies in perception.  相似文献   
Studies considering the biology and ecology of the toxic bloom‐forming species, Alexandrium pseudogonyaulax, are rare. Our results highlight five features not described before in A. pseudogonyaulax life cycle: (i) A. pseudogonyaulax gametes showed two modes of conjugation, anisogamy and isogamy, (ii) sexual conjugation occurs either in the dark or in the light phase by engulfment or a fusion process, (iii) the presence of planozygote and newly formed cysts in monoclonal culture suggests homothallism, (iv) newly formed cysts have very dark vesicular content and are mostly unparatabulated when observed under light microscope and (v) natural resting cysts are able to give either a planomeiocyte or two vegetative cells. Cyst viability was enhanced after 5 months of cold storage (4°C), with excystment rate reaching 97% after 3 d of incubation. Excystment rate was highest (43%–79%) in Enriched Natural Sea Water diluted culture medium, whereas few germling cells were able to survive without the culture medium (0%–13%). Salinity‐irradiance experiments revealed that the highest cell concentrations occur at high irradiances for all the tested salinities. Vegetative growth rates generally increased with increasing irradiance, and were less dependent on salinity variations. The relatively low growth rate, low cell densities in the laboratory, and the notable capacity of producing cysts along growth phases of A. pseudogonyaulax could explain the occurrence of high resting cysts densities in the sediment of Bizerte lagoon and the relatively low abundances of vegetative cells in the water column.  相似文献   
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