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Radioimmunoassays that detect pyrimidine-pyrimidone (6-4) photoproducts and cyclobutane dimers were used to determine the relative induction of these photoproducts in nucleosomal (core) and internucleosomal (linker) DNA in human cell chromatin irradiated with UV light. Cyclobutane dimers were formed in equal amounts/nucleotide in core and linker DNA, whereas (6-4) photoproducts occurred with 6-fold greater frequency/nucleotide in linker DNA.  相似文献   
Human and mosquito fixed chromosomes were digested with restriction endonucleases that are inhibited by the presence of 5-methylcytosine in their restriction sites (Hha I, Hin PI, Hpa II), and with endonucleases for which cleavage is less dependent on the state of methylation (Taq I, Msp I). Methylation-dependent enzymes extracted low DNA amounts from human chromosomes, while methylation-independent enzymes extracted moderate to high amounts of DNA. After DNA demethylation with 5-azacytidine the isoschizomers Hpa II (methylation-dependent) and Msp I (methylation-independent) extracted 12-fold and 1.4-fold amounts of DNA from human chromosomes, respectively. These findings indicate that human DNA has a high concentration of Hpa II and Msp I restriction sites (CCGG), and that the internal C of this sequence is methylated in most cases, while the external cytosine is methylated less often. All the enzymes tested released moderate amounts of DNA from mosquito chromosomes whether or not the DNA was demethylated with 5-azacytidine. Hpa II induced banding in the centromere chromosome regions. After demethylation with 5-azacytidine this banding disappeared. Mosquito DNA has therefore, moderate to high frequencies of nonmethylated CpG duplets. The only exception is the centromeric DNA, in which the high levels of C methylation present produce cleavage by Hpa II and the appearance of banding. Centromere regions of human chromosomes 1 have a moderately low concentration of Hpa II-Msp I restriction sites.  相似文献   
Xeroderma pigmentosum variant (XP-V) cells lack the damage-specific DNA polymerase eta and have normal excision repair but show defective DNA replication after UV irradiation. Previous studies using cells transformed with SV40 or HPV16 (E6/E7) suggested that the S-phase response to UV damage is altered in XP-V cells with non-functional p53. To investigate the role of p53 directly we targeted p53 in normal and XP-V fibroblasts using short hairpin RNA. The shRNA reduced expression of p53, and the downstream cell cycle effector p21, in control and UV irradiated cells. Cells accumulated in late S phase after UV, but after down-regulation of p53 they accumulated earlier in S. Cells in which p53 was inhibited showed ongoing genomic instability at the replication fork. Cells exhibited high levels of UV induced S-phase gammaH2Ax phosphorylation representative of exposed single strand regions of DNA and foci of Mre11/Rad50/Nbs1 representative of double strand breaks. Cells also showed increased variability of genomic copy numbers after long-term inhibition of p53. Inhibition of p53 expression dominated the DNA damage response. Comparison with earlier results indicates that in virally transformed cells cellular targets other than p53 play important roles in the UV DNA damage response.  相似文献   
The equine embryonic capsule, an acellular covering that envelops the conceptus during the second and third weeks of pregnancy, is composed of mucin-like glycoproteins. Its structure is consistent with a dual role during early pregnancy: protection of the conceptus, and communication between the embryo and the mother. Loss of sialic acid from the capsular glycoproteins at day 16 correlates with the time of “fixation,” or loss of conceptus mobility throughout the uterine horns. This study investigated how the structure of the capsule is linked to the maintenance of pregnancy. Six pregnancies, confirmed by ultrasound, were terminated by prostaglandin injection on day 14, prior to the time of embryo fixation. These “defective” conceptuses were collected at day 17, and the structure and molecular properties of their capsules were compared to those of day 17 conceptuses collected from 5 normal pregnancies. Defective capsules were not significantly different from normal capsules in terms of dry weight, amino acid composition, and content of neutral and amino sugars. However, defective capsules failed to show the loss of sialic acid normally occurring around the time of embryo fixation. Analysis of the capsular mucins following trypsin digestion was carried out by radioactive labeling with 3H on sialyl-oligosaccharides and 125I on tyrosine residues, followed by fast protein liquid chromatography and sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Differences in the trypsin fragmentation patterns indicated increased susceptibility of the defective capsules to proteolysis. We conclude that there is a temporal association between desialylation of the equine capsule and embryonic survival, and that failure to desialylate alters the properties of the capsule. Mol. Reprod. Dev. 46:286–295, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Bordetella pertussis establishes infection by attaching to epithelial cells of the respiratory tract. One of its adhesins is filamentous haemagglutinin (FHA), a 500-A-long secreted protein that is rich in beta-structure and contains two regions, R1 and R2, of tandem 19-residue repeats. Two models have been proposed in which the central shaft is (i) a hairpin made up of a pairing of two long antiparallel beta-sheets; or (ii) a beta-helix in which the polypeptide chain is coiled to form three long parallel beta-sheets. We have analysed a truncated variant of FHA by electron microscopy (negative staining, shadowing and scanning transmission electron microscopy of unstained specimens): these observations support the latter model. Further support comes from detailed sequence analysis and molecular modelling studies. We applied a profile search method to the sequences adjacent to and between R1 and R2 and found additional "covert" copies of the same motifs that may be recognized in overt form in the R1 and R2 sequence repeats. Their total number is sufficient to support the tenet of the beta-helix model that the shaft domain--a 350 A rod--should consist of a continuous run of these motifs, apart from loop inserts. The N-terminus, which does not contain such repeats, was found to be weakly homologous to cyclodextrin transferase, a protein of known immunoglobulin-like structure. Drawing on crystal structures of known beta-helical proteins, we developed structural models of the coil motifs putatively formed by the R1 and R2 repeats. Finally, we applied the same profile search method to the sequence database and found several other proteins--all large secreted proteins of bacterial provenance--that have similar repeats and probably also similar structures.  相似文献   
Xeroderma pigmentosum variant (XPV) cells lack the damage-specific polymerase eta and undergo a protracted arrest at the S phase checkpoint(s) following UV damage. The S phase checkpoints encompass several qualitatively different processes, and stimulate downstream events that are dependent on the functional state of p53. Primary fibroblasts with wild-type p53 arrest in S, and require a functional polymerase eta (pol eta) to carry out bypass replication, but do not recruit recombination factors for recovery. XPV cells with non-functional p53, as a result of transformation by SV40 or HPV16 (E6/E7), recruit the hMre11/hRad50/Nbs1 complex to arrested replication forks, coincident with PCNA, whereas normal transformed cells preferentially use the pol eta bypass replication pathway. The formation of hMre11 foci implies that arrested replication forks rapidly undergo a collapse involving double strand breakage and rejoining. Apoptosis occurs after UV only in cells transformed by SV40, and not in normal or XPV fibroblasts or HPV16 (E6/E7) transformed cells. Conversely, ultimate cell survival in XPV cells was much less in HPV16 (E6/E7) transformed cells than in SV40 transformed cells, indicating that apoptosis was not a reliable predictor of cell survival. Inhibition of p53 transactivation by pifithrin-alpha or inhibition of protein synthesis by cycloheximide did not induce hMre11 foci or apoptosis in UV damaged fibroblasts. Inhibition of kinase activity with wortmannin did not increase killing by UV, unlike the large increase seen with caffeine. Since HPV16 (E6/E7) transformed XPV cells were highly UV sensitive and not further sensitized by caffeine, it appears likely that caffeine sensitization proceeds through a p53 pathway. The S phase checkpoints are therefore, a complex set of different checkpoints that are coordinated by p53 with the capacity to differentially modulate cell survival, apoptosis, bypass replication and hMre11 recombination.  相似文献   
Photoreactivation   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Cleaver JE 《DNA Repair》2003,2(5):629, 637-629, 638
Kelner and Dulbecco first reported in the 1940s and 1950s the reversal of ultraviolet damage in bacteria and phage by illumination with visible light. The first publications, reprinted here, represented the discovery of a widespread repair mechanism that was named "photoreactivation" (PHR), that directly reversed photoproducts to their individual pyrimidine components. Between them, these pioneers demonstrated that photoreactivation had a cellular basis, could be defined by wavelength optima indicating specific molecular photoreceptors, and had a widespread phyletic distribution except for its absence from placental mammals.  相似文献   
Endothelial signaling during development   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
Blood vessels perfuse all tissues in the body and mediate vital metabolic exchange between tissues and blood. Increasing evidence, however, points to a direct role for paracrine signaling between blood vessel cells and surrounding target organ cells, during embryonic development and cell differentiation. Understanding the nature of this signaling and its heterogeneity, both in the embryo and in adult tissues, may not only provide insights into mechanisms for normal developmental cell fate decisions, but could also lead to novel targeted therapeutic approaches for a variety of diseases such as heart disease, diabetes or cancer.  相似文献   
The BarH1 and BarH2 homeobox genes are coexpressed in cells of the fly retina and in the central and peripheral nervous systems. The fly Bar genes are required for normal development of the eye and external sensory organs. In Xenopus we have identified two distinct vertebrate Bar-related homeobox genes, XBH1 and XBH2. XBH1 is highly related in sequence and expression pattern to a mammalian gene, MBH1, suggesting that they are orthologues. XBH2 has not previously been identified but is clearly related to the Drosophila Bar genes. During early Xenopus embryogenesis XBH1 and XBH2 are expressed in overlapping regions of the central nervous system. XBH1, but not XBH2, is expressed in the developing retina. By comparing the expression of XBH1 with that of hermes, a marker of differentiated retinal ganglion cells, we show that XBH1 is expressed in retinal ganglion cells during the differentiation process, but is down-regulated as cells become terminally differentiated. Received: 12 August 1999 / Accepted: 5 October 1999  相似文献   
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