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The SPINDLY (SPY) protein of Arabidopsis is a negative regulator of gibberellin (GA) response. The SPY protein has 10 copies of the tetratricopeptide repeat (TPR) at the N terminus. TPR motifs function as protein-protein interaction domains. Several spy alleles are affected only in the TPR region suggesting that protein-protein interactions mediated by this domain are important for proper GA signaling. We have used a reverse genetics approach to further investigate the role of the TPR domain. The TPR domain of SPY was overexpressed in wild-type, gai, and spy plants. Expression of the TPR domain alone is not sufficient to rescue spy mutants. Expression of the TPR domain in a wild-type background produces phenotypes similar to those caused by loss-of-function spy mutants including resistance to GA biosynthesis inhibitors, short hypocotyl length, and early flowering. The dwarfing of the floral shoot internodes caused by the gai mutation was suppressed by expression of the TRP domain. Expression of the TPR domain had no effect on the abundance of endogenous SPY mRNA. The TPR domain was found to interact with SPY both in vitro and in yeast two-hybrid assays. These data indicate that the TPR domain of SPY can participate in protein-protein interactions and that these interactions are important for the proper functioning of SPY.  相似文献   
Banana streak virus strain OL (BSV-OL) commonly infects new Musa hybrids, and this infection is thought to arise de novo from integrated virus sequences present in the nuclear genome of the plant. Integrated DNA (Musa6+8 sequence) containing the whole genome of the virus has previously been cloned from cv. Obino l’Ewai (Musa AAB group), a parent of many of the hybrids. Using a Southern blot hybridization assay, we have examined the distribution and structure of integrated BSV-OL sequences in a range of Musa cultivars. For cv. Obino l’Ewai, almost every restriction fragment hybridizing to BSV-OL was predicted from the Musa6+8 sequence, suggesting that this is the predominant type of BSV-OL integrant in the genome. Furthermore, since only two junction fragments of Musa/BSV sequence were detected, and the Musa6+8 sequence is believed to be integrated as multiple copies in a tandem array, then the internal Musa spacer sequences must be highly conserved. Similarly sized restriction fragments were detected in four BB group cultivars, but not in six AA or AAA group cultivars, suggesting that the BSV-OL sequences are linked to the B-genome of Musa. We also provide evidence that cv. Williams (Musa AAA group) contains a distinct badnavirus integrant that is closely related to the ‘dead’ virus integrant previously characterized from Calcutta 4 (Musa acuminata ssp. burmannicoides). Our results suggest that the virus integrant from cv. Williams is linked to the A-genome, and the complexity of the hybridization patterns suggest multiple sites of integration and/or variation in sequence and structure of the integrants.  相似文献   
Summary Glucan formation ofSchizophyllum commune andSclerotium glucanicum were investigated. Process data obtained during batch cultivation are presented. Glucan release can be improved by oxygen limitation. Thus, growth and glucan release are influenced by oxygen in opposite ways. Possible pathways of this oxygen-dependent regulation are discussed. A draft-tube/propeller system, rushtonturbine-, fan- and helicon-ribbon-impeller as well as a fundaspi and intermig agitator were tested. The 4-bladed fan impeller withd *=0.64 yielded the best results, since effective bulk mixing is much more important than bubble break up (micromixing) with regard to this system. Fed-batch cultivation always resulted in higher rates of glucan formation than the batch process.  相似文献   
In 25 patients having a history of acute pancreatitis (AP) in anamnesis one year ago and in 12 control subjects the insulin response to oral glucose was investigated and in some cases the exocrine function of pancreas was evaluated. The disturbances in glucose tolerance occurred in about 30% of the patients and were associated with impairment of insulin response and deterioration of exocrine pancreatic function. The double cortisone and glucose load did not influence the glucose tolerance in the patients. In persons investigated during AP and one year later only slight improvement of insulin response was noted. The results support the significance of follow-up studies of carbohydrate tolerance and insulin response in patients after AP for the evaluation of the diabetic risk in such cases.  相似文献   
We investigated mechanisms by which TLR9 signaling promoted the development of the protective response to Cryptococcus neoformans in mice with cryptococcal pneumonia. The afferent (week 1) and efferent (week 3) phase immune parameters were analyzed in the infected wild-type (TLR9(+/+)) and TLR-deficient (TLR9(-/-)) mice. TLR9 deletion diminished 1) accumulation and activation of CD11b(+) dendritic cells (DCs), 2) the induction of IFN-γ and CCR2 chemokines CCL7, CCL12, but not CCL2, at week 1, and 3) pulmonary accumulation and activation of the major effector cells CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cells, CD11b(+) lung DCs, and exudate macrophages at week 3. The significance of CCL7 induction downstream of TLR9 signaling was investigated by determining whether CCL7 reconstitution would improve immunological parameters in C. neoformans-infected TLR9(-/-) mice. Early reconstitution with CCL7 1) improved accumulation and activation of CD11b(+) DCs at week 1, 2) restored early IFN-γ production in the lungs, and 3) restored the accumulation of major effector cell subsets. CCL7 administration abolished the difference in lung fungal burdens between TLR9(+/+) and TLR9(-/-) mice at week 3; however, significant reduction of fungal burdens between PBS- and CCL7-treated mice has not been observed, suggesting that additional mechanism(s) apart from early CCL7 induction contribute to optimal fungal clearance in TLR9(+/+) mice. Collectively, we show that TLR9 signaling during the afferent phase contributes to the development of protective immunity by promoting the early induction of CCL7 and IFN-γ and the subsequent early recruitment and activation of DCs and additional effector cells in mice with cryptococcal pneumonia.  相似文献   
Commelina yellow mottle virus (CoYMV) is a double-stranded DNA virus that infects the monocot Commelina diffusa. Although CoYMV and cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV; another double-stranded DNA virus) probably replicate by a similar mechanism, the particle morphology and host range of CoYMV place it in a distinct group. We present evidence that a prompter fragment isolated from CoYMV confers a tissue-specific pattern of expression that is different from that conferred by the CaMV 35S promoter. When the CoYMV promoter is used to drive expression of the beta-glucuronidase reporter gene in stably transformed tobacco plants, beta-glucuronidase activity occurs primarily in the phloem, the phloem-associated cells, and the axial parenchyma of roots, stems, leaves, and flowers. Activity is also detected throughout the anther, with highest activity in the tapetum. In contrast, the CaMV 35S promoter is active in most cell types. The CoYMV promoter is a strong promoter, and when the activity of the CoYMV promoter is compared with that of a duplicated CaMV 35S promoter, it is 30% as active in tobacco suspension cells and up to 25% as active in maize suspension cells. These properties of the CoYMV promoter make it potentially useful for high-level expression of engineered genes in vascular cells.  相似文献   
Background: Physiotherapy of edema in cases with obstructed main lymphatics of lower limbs requires knowledge of how high external pressures should be applied manually or set in compression devices in order to generate tissue pressures high enough to move tissue fluid to nonswollen regions and to measure its flow rate. Methods: We measured tissue fluid pressure and flow in subcutaneous tissue of lymphedematous limbs stages II to IV at rest and during pneumatic compression under various pressures and inflation timing. An 8-chamber sequential compression device inflated to pressures 50-120?mmHg, for 50 sec each chamber, with no distal deflation, was used. Pressures were measured using a wick-in-needle and electronic manometer. Fluid flow was calculated from continuously recorded changes in limb circumference using strain gauge plethysmography. Results: Before massage, in all stages of lymphedema, stagnant tissue fluid pressures in subcutaneous tissue ranged between -1 and +10 mmHg and did not differ from those measured in normal subjects. Pressures generated in tissue fluid by pneumatic compression reached 40-100 mmHg and were lower than those in inflated chambers. High pressure gradient through the skin was caused by its rigidity (fibrosis) and dissipation of applied compression force to proximal noncompressed limb regions. The calculated volumes of displaced tissue fluid ranged from 10 to 30 ml per compression cycle, to reach in some cases 100 ml in the groin region. Conclusions: Tissue fluid pressures generated by a pneumatic device were found lower than in the compression chambers. The obtained results point to the necessity of applying high pressures and longer compression times to generate effective tissue fluid pressures and to provide enough time for moving the stagnant fluid.  相似文献   
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