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Studies on the assembly of apo B-100-containing lipoproteins in HepG2 cells   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
The relationship between apoB-100 and the membrane of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) has been studied by a combination of pulse-chase methodology and subcellular fractionation. HepG2 cells were pulse-labeled with [35S]methionine for 3 min and chased with cold methionine for periods between 0 and 20 min. ApoB-100 and albumin, present in the membrane as well as in the luminal content of the ER vesicles, were isolated after each chase period. The results indicated that apoB-100 was cotranslationally bound to the membrane of the ER, and from this membrane-bound form, was transferred to the lumen after a delay of 10-15 min. Albumin was, as could be expected for a typical secretory protein, cotranslationally sequestered in the lumen of the ER. Apo-B-100-containing lipoproteins present in the microsomal lumen were analyzed by ultracentrifugation in a sucrose gradient. ApoB-100 occurred on rounded particles in three density regions: (i) d 1.1065-1.170 g/ml (Fraction I), (ii) d 1.011-1.045 g/ml (Fraction II), and (iii) d less than 1.011 g/ml (Fraction III). Fraction I, isolated from cells cultured in the absence of oleic acid, contained a homogenous population of particles with a mean diameter of approximately 200 A. Fraction I isolated from cells cultured in the presence of oleic acid was slightly more heterogeneous and had a mean diameter of approximately 250 A. Fractions II and III had mean diameters of 300 and 500 A, respectively. Cholesterol esters and triacylglycerol were the quantitatively dominating lipid constituents of all three fractions. Pulse-chase experiments indicated that Fraction I contained the newly assembled lipoproteins. With increasing chase time, the apoB-100 radioactivity was redistributed from Fraction I to Fractions II and III, indicating that Fraction I is converted into Fractions II and III during the intracellular transfer. Particles corresponding to Fractions II and III were by far the most abundant lipoproteins found in the medium. The results presented support the possibility of a sequential assembly of apoB-100-containing lipoproteins.  相似文献   
U r?zně starých list? v listové r??ici 90 a? 110 denních rostlin Nicotiana sanderae hort. byly sledovány rozdály v intensitě ?isté fotosynthesy a v obsahu chlorofylu (a + b). Ke stanovení intensity fotosynthesy bylo pou?ito dvou odli?ných metod, a to váhového stanovení p?ír?stku su?iny podle Barto?e, KubÍna a ?et-lÍka (1960) a gazometrického stanovení infra?erveným analyzátorem CO2. Nejvy??í intensitu fotosynthesy i nejvy??í obsah chlorofylu (vzhledem k plo?e listové) mají mladé, ale ji? dob?e rozvinuté listy, tj. t?etí a? ?tvrté od vrcholu (prvním listem se rozumí list o plo?e asi 20 cm2). Tyto listy nazýváme ?fotosyntheticky dospělými“. Listy nejmlad?í a zejména pak listy star?í mají intensitu fotosynthesy i obsah chlorofylu ni??í; u nejstar?ích list? je intensita fotosynthesy prakticky nulová. Intensita fotosynthesy i obsah chlorofylu se během vývoje mění: jejich momentální rozdíly u list? v genetické spirále jsou z?ejmě shodné s jejich změnami v ontogenesi listu. Pokles intensity fotosynthesy p?i stárnutí list? je rychlej?í ne? pokles obsahu chlorofylu. P?i ur?itém obsahu chlorofylu (tj. asi 2,25 a? 2,45 mg/dm2) klesá intensita ?isté fotosynthesy k nule. Intensita fotosynthesy je v lineárním vztahu k mno?ství chlorofylu (p?i p?epo?tu na plo?nou jednotku), a to nezávisle na poloze listu v genetické spirále. Obě pou?ité metody ke stanovení intensity fotosynthesy poskytly obdobné výsledky.  相似文献   
溶液培养小麦幼苗转移至含Cd~(2 )的营养液中,根系乙烯产生较快地增加,约在12h达高峰,然后下降;ACC含量亦呈先升后降的趋势。未和Cd~(2 )溶液直接接触的地上部乙烯亦增加,至36h达高峰,此后急剧下降,而ACG和 MAGC含量持续上升。地上部乙烯的增加,主要是由通过根系运往地上部的镉直接作用的结果,不是根部合成ACG运往地上部后再产生的。电镜观察表明,地上部乙烯产生和ACC含量变化的时间进程,可以与镉进入叶细胞内的部位及其对细胞膜和细胞器的影响相联系。  相似文献   
TGF-beta occurs in a latent complex of high Mr. We report the cDNA cloning and an initial structural and functional characterization of a component of the large latent TGF-beta 1 complex, denoted TGF-beta 1 binding protein (TGF-beta 1-BP). Most of the sequence of fibroblast TGF-beta 1-BP is made up of cysteine-rich repeats of two different kinds; there are 16 EGF-like repeats and three repeats with a distant resemblance to EGF, but of a distinct type hitherto not found in any other protein. beta-hydroxylated asparagine residues were identified in two of the EGF-like repeats. TGF-beta 1-BP purified from human platelets is considerably smaller than the fibroblast form (125-160 kd vs. 170-190 kd), suggesting that there is alternative splicing of the TGF-beta 1-BP gene or that TGF-beta 1-BP undergoes cell-specific proteolysis. TGF-beta 1-BP was found not to bind and inactive TGF-beta 1; its role in the latent complex is discussed.  相似文献   
塑料的大量生产和无节制的使用已造成严重的环境污染。为了减少塑料废物对环境的影响,近年来塑料酶法降解已成为国内外研究者关注的热点。例如,通过蛋白质工程策略提高塑料降解酶催化活性和热稳定性,进一步提高酶法降解的效率。另外,通过融合酶策略将塑料结合模块与塑料降解酶融合,也可以促进塑料降解。近期发表在期刊Chem Catalysis的一项研究表明,采用碳水化合物结合模块融合策略可以在低浓度(<10 wt%)的底物聚对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯[poly(ethylene terephthalate),PET]中提高塑料降解酶的活性。但是在高浓度底物(10 wt%−20 wt%)中,该策略无法提高PET的酶法降解。该项研究对于采用塑料结合模块促进酶法降解塑料具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   
ε-聚赖氨酸(ε-poly-L-lysine,ε-PL)是抑菌谱广泛的天然抑菌剂,由通过α-羧基与ε-氨基连接的25–35个赖氨酸聚合而成。ε-PL主要由白色链霉菌发酵生产所得,比化学生产更加高效和环保。ε-PL具有水溶性好、耐热和对环境无污染等特点,具有良好的应用前景。本文从发酵生产入手,着重综述了ε-PL对各种微生物抑菌性能、抑菌机制及抑菌机制模型的研究进展。推测ε-PL是通过对细胞膜的破坏而改变细胞的通透性,或者作用到细胞内引起活性氧(reactive oxygen species, ROS)胁迫而影响调节基因的表达,从而起到抑菌作用。根据这2种抑菌方式分别建立了相应的抑菌模型,即毡毯模型和ROS诱导细胞凋亡模型。本文可为ε-PL对微生物抑制性能的深入研究提供依据,同时也提出了ε-PL抑菌机制的新模型,为扩展ε-PL应用领域提供了一定的参考。  相似文献   
本研究于2021年3~9月,采用目标观察和全事件记录法,对广西防城港市钦州湾八路水湿地黑翅长脚鹬(Himantopus himantopus)的繁殖习性进行全过程观察记录。黑翅长脚鹬的栖息生境主要在盐田、虾塘和鱼塘,而巢主要分布在盐田生境。共发现39巢,雌雄共同营巢,按照主要巢材将其巢分为干草巢、碎石巢、泥皮巢和牛毛毡草巢4种;巢材包括禾本科(Gramineae)和莎草科(Cyperaceae)植物以及碎石、贝壳等;巢外径为(23.3±10.7)cm,巢内径为(11.2±1.9)cm,巢深为(1.6±0.5)cm,巢高为(6.5±4.3)cm(n=39);筑巢需(3±2)d(n=6)。窝卵数2~4枚,1~2 d产1枚卵,7 d内产完满窝卵(n=6)。雌雄均参与孵卵,雄性孵卵时间比雌性长,但二者差异不显著(P> 0.05),雄性(8 550±245.9)min,雌性(7 530±263.3)min,孵卵期为(25±2)d(n=6)。育雏期(26±3)d(n=6),雌雄轮流育雏,育雏前、中期(雏鸟1~20d日龄),雌性育雏时间比雄性长,是雄性的2倍,育雏后期(雏鸟大于20 d日龄),...  相似文献   
详细记述了广西博白和湖南长沙中泥盆世的大瓣鱼科化石,依其特征建立一新属——广西瓣甲鱼Guangxipetalichthysgennov,该属头甲骨片排列型式与澳大利亚的Shearsbyaspis较为接近。同时讨论了鱼化石动物群及相关的地层问题。  相似文献   
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