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Crystal structure of muconate lactonizing enzyme at 3 A resolution   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The crystal structure of muconate lactonizing enzyme has been solved at 3 A resolution, and an unambiguous alpha-carbon backbone chain trace made. The enzyme contains three domains; the central domain is a parallel-stranded alpha-beta barrel, which has previously been reported in six other enzymes, including triose phosphate isomerase and pyruvate kinase. One novel feature of this enzyme is that its alpha-beta barrel has only seven parallel alpha-helices around the central core of eight parallel beta-strands; all other known alpha-beta barrels contain eight such helices. The N-terminal (alpha + beta) and C-terminal domains cover the cleft where the eighth helix would be. The active site of muconate lactonizing enzyme has been found by locating the manganese ion that is essential for catalytic activity, and by binding and locating an inhibitor, alpha-ketoglutarate. The active site lies in a cleft between the N-terminal and barrel domains; when the active sites of muconate lactonizing enzyme and triose phosphate isomerase are superimposed, barrel-strand 1 of triose phosphate isomerase is aligned with barrel-strand 3 of muconate lactonizing enzyme. This implies that structurally homologous active-site residues in the two enzymes are carried on different parts of the primary sequence; the ancestral gene would had to have been transposed during its evolution to the modern proteins, which seems unlikely. Therefore, these two enzymes may be related by convergent, rather than divergent, evolution.  相似文献   
Human thyroid cells in monolayer responded to acute stimulation by TSH with an increase in the secretion of T3. This process appeared to be dependent on a rise in the cytosolic calcium concentration since the antagonist of intraceliular calcium mobilization, TMB-8, was found to inhibit the release of T3 in response to TSH. The importance of intracellular calcium was further shown using the agent veratridine which increases the free calcium level within cells; veratridine potentiated the stimulation of T3 secretion by TSH and itself stimulated the release of T3 to a level higher than that seen in the presence of TSH alone. The calcium ionophore A23197 produced a biphasic effect on T3 secretion from human thyroid monolayers; at low concentrations, A23187 caused a decrease in both unstimulated and TSH-stimulated T3 secretion but above a concentration of 1 M, T3 secretion was increased. The calmodulin antagonist W7 was found to inhibit T3 release in response to TSH, indicating a role for calmodulin in mediating the effects of intracellular calcium on T3 secretion.  相似文献   
The trunkwood of Machaerium kuhlmannii contains methyl palmitate, 3-O-acetyloleanolic acid and sitosterol; the benzene derivatives 2,3-dimethoxyphenol, 2,6-dimethoxyphenol, 2-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenol, 2,3-dimethoxybenzaldehyde and methyl 3-(2-hydroxy-4-methoxyphenyl)-propionate; the isoflavonoids formononetin and (6aS,11aS)-medicarpin; the neoflavonoids (R)-3,4-dimethoxydalbergione, (R)-3,4-dimethoxydalbergiquinol, kuhlmanniquinol [(R)-3-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-3-(5-hydroxy-2,3,4-trimethoxyphenyl)-propene], dalbergin, kuhlmannin (6-hydroxy-7,8-dimethoxy-4-phenylcoumarin) and kuhlmannene (6-hydroxy-7,8-dimethoxy-4-phenylchrom-3-ene), as well as the cinnamylphenol kuhlmannistyrene [Z-1-(5-hydroxy-2,3,4-trimethoxybenzyl)-2-(2-hydroxyphenyl)-ethylene]. Five of these compounds, in addition to (R)-4′-hydroxy-3,4-dimethoxydalbergione, were also isolated from a trunkwood extract of M. nictitans. Structural assignments were confirmed by chemical interconversion and by the synthesis of (±)-kuhlmanniquinol.  相似文献   
Bark and wood of the creeper Dalbergia variabilis contain the previously described friedelin, O-acetyl-oleanolic acid, formononetin, 8-O-methylretusin, (+)-vestitol, (±)-mucronulatol, (+)- and (±)-medicarpin, besides (+)-variabilin [(6aR,11aR)-6a-hydroxy-3,9-dimethoxypterocarpan]. This structure was confirmed by the conversion of (+)-variabilin into di-O-methylcoumestrol.  相似文献   
The absolute configurations of isoflavans and isoflavanquinones isolated from Cyclolobium, Dalbergia and Machaerium species were established by comparison of their ORD curves with that of (3S)-5,7,3′,4′-tetra-methoxyisoflavan and (3S)-7,4′-dimethoxyisoflavan-2′,5′-quinone, respectively. The assignments were checked by the ozonolysis of the isoflavan (?)-duartin to (R)-paraconic acid and the oxidation of isoflavans to isoflavanquinones. The PMR spectra of the dihydropyran ring of the isoflavans are discussed in terms of the preferred conformation of this ring.  相似文献   
The two propagative phases of bacteriophage lambda, lysogeny and lysis, can be used in concert to enhance productivity of recombinant expression systems. Lambda vectors carrying mutations to prevent both cell lysis and lambda DNA packaging in the lytic state have been shown to yield 100% stability of the product gene in lysogeny and to produce up to 15% of total cell protein as product beta-galactosidase in a mutant lytic state.(14) Despite these mutations, partial lysis of the culture was observed following induction of the cells from a lysogenic phase into the lytic state. To understand better the phage-host cell interactions and to investigate the possible cause(s) of lysis in these highly productive expression systems, we have made a detailed study of the suppressor-free system JM105(NM1070). We have found high levels of product (15% of total cell protein as beta-glactosidase) to be due chiefly to a high-copy number of lambda DNA in the mutant lytic state. There is partial lysis of the culture even in this suppressor-free system caused by a low-level natural suppression of the amber mutation in gene S of NM1070, resulting in accumulation of lambda endolysin. We have also monitored changes in cell growth and morphology upon induction of the lysogen. There is a slight increase in cell number that follows a linear relationship with time and a 25-fold increase in cell volume during recombinat protein production in the mutant lytic state.  相似文献   
The integrated state of lambda in the host chromosome in lysogeny can be combined with its extrachromosomal replication in the lytic state to achieve high cloned gene productivities. Our previous studies on lambda expression systems(21,22) have shown 100% segregational stability of the cloned gene in lysogeny and cloned gene product levels up to 15% of total cell protein in a mutant lytic state. However, the expression phase of systems based on Escherichia coli JM109 and JM105 showed partial lysis of the productive culture despite a mutation in the lysis gene S of the lambda vector resulting in extracellular release of the cloned gene product. In the current study, we have eliminated partial lysis in the expression phase of lambda systems and conducted a detailed comparative analysis of these systems in relation to maximization of cloned gene productivity. The elimination of partial cell lysis by using a nonpermissive strain Y1089 did not enhance product yields vs. earlier systems that exhibited partial lysis. The elimination of nonessential lambda protein production by construction of a new vector NP326 did not yield higher product yields presumably because of the small fraction of these proteins in the lytic state. Temperature induction of the lysogen Y1089(NM1070) resulted in higher product levels than direct infection of Y1089 by the phage vector at a high multiplicity. Using infection experiments, we found the promoter lacUV5 in the vector lambdaZEQS to yield threefold higher product levels than lac in NM1070, suggesting possible further enhancement of productivity with stronger promoters. The occurrence or absence of partial lysis in lambda systems could be used beneficially to achieve extracellular or intracellular product as desired. The large capacity of lambda vectors for insert DNA suggests potential applications in obtaining highly amplified levels of operons and multienzyme systems. (c) 1992 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
Adenylyltransferase is a bifunctional enzyme that controls the enzymatic activity of dodecameric glutamine synthetase in Escherichia coli by reversible adenylylation and deadenylylation. Previous studies showed that the two similar but chemically distinct reactions are carried out by separate domains within adenylyltransferase. The N-terminal domain carries the deadenylylation activity, and the C-terminal domain carries the adenylylation activity [Jaggi R, van Heeswijk WC, Westerhoff HV, Ollis DL & Vasudevan SG (1997) EMBO J16, 5562-5571]. In this study, we further map the domain junctions of adenylyltransferase on the basis of solubility and enzymatic analysis of truncation constructs, and show for the first time that adenylyltransferase has three domains: the two activity domains and a central, probably regulatory (R), domain connected by interdomain Q-linkers (N-Q1-R-Q2-C). The various constructs, which have the opposing domain and or central domain removed, all retain their activity in the absence of their respective nitrogen status indicator, i.e. PII or PII-UMP. A panel of mAbs to adenylyltransferase was used to demonstrate that the cellular nitrogen status indicators, PII and PII-UMP, probably bind in the central regulatory domain to stimulate the adenylylation and deadenylylation reactions, respectively. In the light of these results, intramolecular signaling within adenylyltransferase is discussed.  相似文献   
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