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Transgender women are particularly at risk of HIV infection, but little evidence exists on effective HIV prevention strategies with this population. We evaluated whether Sisters, a peer-led program for transgender women, could reduce HIV risks in Pattaya, Thailand. The study used time-location sampling to recruit 308 transgender women in Pattaya into a behavioral survey in 2011. Coarsened exact matching was used to create statistically equivalent groups of program participants and non-participants, based on factors influencing likelihood of program participation. Using multivariable logistic regression, we estimated effects of any program participation and participation by delivery channel on: condom use at last sex; consistent condom and condom/water-based lubricant use in the past 3 months with commercial, casual, and regular partners; and receipt of HIV testing in the past 6 months. Program coverage reached 75% of the population. In a matched sub-sample (n = 238), participation in outreach was associated with consistent condom/water-based lubricant use with commercial partners (AOR 3.22, 95% CI 1.64–6.31). Attendance at the Sisters drop-in center was associated with receiving an HIV test (AOR 2.58, 95% CI 1.47–4.52). Dedicated transgender-friendly programs are effective at reducing HIV risks and require expansion to better serve this key population and improve HIV prevention strategies.  相似文献   
Cutting and closing without recombination in V(D)J joining.   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19       下载免费PDF全文
S M Lewis  J E Hesse 《The EMBO journal》1991,10(12):3631-3639
Open and shut junctions are rare (V(D)J joining products in which site-specific recognition, cleavage and re-ligation of joining signals has been uncoupled from recombination. Here, we investigate the relationship of opening and shutting to recombination in two ways. First, we have tested a series of substrates containing one or two joining signals in an in vivo assay. Opening and shutting can be readily observed in substrates that have only one consensus joining signal. Thus, unlike recombination, the majority of open and shut events do not require interactions between two canonical joining signals. Next we examined two-signal substrates to investigate the effect of signal proximity on the frequency of dual open and shut events. These experiments indicate that at least some of the time opening and shutting can be a two-signal transaction. Together these results point to two mechanistically related, but distinct origins for open and shut joining events. In one case, cutting and closing may occur without interaction between two signals. In the other, we suggest that interaction of a canonical signal with 'cryptic' signal-like elements whose sequence is extensively diverged from canonical signals, may bias the V(D)J recombination machinery towards opening and shutting rather than recombination. Open and shut operations could in this way provide a means whereby mistakes in target recognition by the V(D)J recombination machinery produce a non-recombinant outcome, avoiding deleterious chromosomal rearrangements in lymphoid tissues.  相似文献   
Abstract: Extracellular protein fractions were obtained (1) by mild, isotonic irrigation of freshly perfused brain tissue; (2) by collection of proteins released into super-fusing medium by physiologically viable slices of rat hippocampus; and (3) by sampling the CSF of anesthetized rats. Analysis of the S-100 protein content of these fractions gave values of 2.8, 4.2, and 1.8 μg S-100/mg protein, respectively. These values were three- to sixfold higher than the S-100 content of the soluble cytoplasmic protein fractions from the same tissue. This several-fold higher S-100 content of the extracellular protein fractions relative to the intracellular cytoplasmic protein fractions indicates that S-100 is selectively released into the extracellular spaces of the brain. We suggest that the biological function of this CNS protein may involve intercellular transfer.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Zwei verschiedene Faktoren bewirken die Vergrößerung der Riesenzellen (RZ) in den Gallen des NematodenMeloidogyne arenaria (auf Kakteen und anderen Wirten): die Hypertrophie der wachsenden RZ und die Syncytienbildung (Auflösung trennender Zellwände und Verschmelzung kleinerer Zellen).Parallel mit der Entwicklung des Parasiten durchlaufen die RZ und ihre Kerne vier verschiedene Entwicklungsstadien; währenddessen verändern diese Kerne auf charakteristische Weise ihre Größe, Struktur und Gestalt, parallel damit erhöht sich der Polyploidiegrad (die Charakteristika der einzelnen Stadien sind vom jeweiligen Wirt weitgehend unabhängig): der Umriß wandelt sich vorerst durch starke physiologische Beanspruchung des Kerns, in späteren Stadien durch davon unabhängige Mitosestörungen bzw. durch Spindel- und Plattenverschmelzungen während der synchronen Teilungen in den RZ (bei der CrassulaceeCotyledon treten Mikronuklei auf). Die beiden letztgenannten Vorgänge verursachen die Polyploidisierung sowohl in den RZ als auch in manchen unmittelbar an die RZ anschließenden parenchymatischen Zellen, während das übrige Gewebe weitgehend unbeeinflußt bleibt.Eng mit den genannten Ursachen hängt die sehr variable Zahl der Kerne pro RZ und ihre Struktur zusammen: im Stadium der größten physiologischen Beanspruchung der RZ ist der Kern sehr wolkig, später sind die Chromozentren sehr kompakt. Unabhängig vom jeweiligen Entwicklungsstadium der RZ ist das Chromatin an der Peripherie des Kerns konzentriert. Durch die Ursachen, die zu Polyploidisierung und variablem Umriß führen, kommt es zu wahrscheinlich plasmatischen Einfaltungen und Einschlüssen innerhalb des Kerns.Nicht nur im Gallen-, sondern auch im unbeeinflußten Gewebe zeigen Kerne ab einer bestimmten Größe bzw. eines bestimmten Polyploidiegrades stärker lichtbrechende, nicht oder nur wenig anfärbbare, in ihrer Größe zwar vom Kernvolumen abhängige, doch trotzdem kleine Kugeln (in kleineren Kernen sind sie wahrscheinlich nur wegen ihrer Kleinheit nicht auffindbar). Sie sind nur in Glutaraldehyd-fixiertem Material sichtbar, AE als Fixierungsmittel löst sie auf. Sie befinden sich oft in unmittelbarer Umgebung des Nukleolus und hängen wahrscheinlich ursächlich mit ihm zusammen, aber eine exakte Analyse kann nicht gegeben werden.
Summary Two determining factors induce the enlargement of giant cells in galls caused by the root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne arenaria in roots of some Cactaceae and other hosts): hypertrophy of the growing giant cells and formation of syncytia.Corresponding with the evolution of the parasitic larva the giant cells and their nuclei become altered through four different stages; the nuclei change their volume, structure, shape and their degree of polyploidy, independent of the specific host: the contour of the nuclei is altered during the development of the giant cells first by physiological factors, on the other hand — later on — by mitotic inhibition resp. by fusing mitotic spindles or mitotic figures during synchronous mitotic divisions in the giant cells (micronuclei occur inCotyledon, Crassulaceae). Polyploidization is induced by the last two mentioned factors in giant cells as well as in some parenchymatous cells surrounding giant cells.Conditioned by these mentioned factors the number of nuclei per giant cell, their structure and shape are very variable. All nuclei in the giant cells possess a significant feature: accumulation of the chromatin material at the nuclear periphery, while the centre of the nucleus is almost optically empty. This structure occurs also during the stage with the greatest physiological stress. Plasmatical foldings and inclusions occur in some voluminous nuclei, produced by the factors leading to polyploidy resp. to variable shape.Not only in giant cells, but also in normal tissues — if their nuclei have reached a low degree of polyploidy — small, refractioning, poor stainable globules exist (they cannot be seen in small nuclei, probably they are too small): they are often sitting upon the nucleolus and are surely corresponding with him, their exact constitution and origin is unknown. They can only be seen in Glutaraldehyd-fixed material, in acetic-alcohol-fixation they are dissolved.
Transmission and scanning electron microscopy of the lateral ventricles of the toad brain revealed the presence of supraependymal cells that have the features of macrophages. Based solely on their surface morphology three different cell forms could be identified. The most frequently observed cells are flat and multipolar, and have a smooth or ruffled surface. The second type is spherical with a ruffled surface and occurs either singly, in which case it lacks processes, or in clusters from which processes radiate. The third type has surface blebs and numerous thin, smooth processes. However, when specimens that had been examined in the scanning electron microscope are viewed in the transmission electron microscope, all cells appear to belong to a single cell type. All cells viewed closely resemble macrophages in that they contain nuclei with clumped chromaffin, single cisternae of rough endoplasmic reticulum, numerous dense bodies, and many Golgi complexes. In addition, when horseradish peroxidase (HRP) was perfused into the ventricles, reaction product was found a short time thereafter within cytoplasmic vacuoles, and after a longer period within dense bodies. Because of their ultrastructural resemblance to macrophages and their capacity to ingest HRP, we suggest that these cells function as phagocytes and, as such, act to remove foreign materials from the cerbrospinal fluid.  相似文献   
A K+ transport ATPase in Escherichia coli.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A K+ -stimulated ATPase in membranes of Escherichia coli has been identified as an activity of the Kdp system, and ATP-driven K+ transport system. Three characteristics support association of the ATPase with the Kdp system: (i) ATPase and Kdp transport are both repressed by growth in media containing high concentrations of K+; (ii) the ATPase and Kdp system accept only K+ as substrate, neither requires Na+ nor accepts Rb+ as a substrate; (iii) the affinity of the ATPase and that of th Kdp system for K+ is similar and is altered by mutations in the structural genes of the Kdp system. Discovery of an ATPase associated with a bacterial transport system suggests functional similarities with the ATP-driven transport systems of animal cells.  相似文献   
The pollen wall ofStrelitzia reginae (Musaceae) consists of a nearly unsculptured, very thin, highly reduced, but coherent exine, and a thick intine (with an outer, channeled layer and an inner, largely homogeneous layer). After short, incomplete acetolysis the exine covers the remaining, severely shrinked protoplast as a folded, but unaltered “skin”, while the intine has totally disappeared. After extended acetolysis only the coherent, skin-like exine remains. Thus, the term “exine-less pollen” sometimes used for similar sporoderm structures in other genera ofZingiberales is misleading and should be substituted by the term “skin-like exine”. Surprisingly, the peculiar pollen wall ultrastructure ofStrelitzia and some otherZingiberales is very similar to that of some genera of theLaurales, an example for convergent evolution within the angiosperms.  相似文献   
Development, fine structure and distribution of pollenkitt is investigated inEuphorbia cyparissias, E. palustris, andMercurialis perennis. The predominantly anemophilousM. perennis produces a great amount of strictly homogeneous pollenkitt, which is deposited in the exine caves. In contrast to this and to all other angiosperms so far investigated, bothEuphorbia species produce large quantities of an extremely inhomogeneous and particular pollenkitt. Its ultrastructure is quite different, both during its development and after its deposition on the exine surface: Lipid particles with different electron density and size are wrapped in a strictly homogeneous electron transparent matrix. This can be considered as new and additional proof for the secondary entomophily ofEuphorbia.
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