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Melatonin and other 5-methoxyindoles are compounds usually associated with the pineal gland. Research is expanding from studies of pineal melatonin to studies of extrapineal organs and of other 5-methoxyindoles besides melatonin. Research in recent years has shown that the retina also contains and synthetises 5-methoxyindoles. The biochemical modes of action are still unclear. Nevertheless, they seem to have physiological roles in the pineal gland and the retina. These compounds are thought to participate in the regulation of the cyclic metabolism of the retina. Melatonin and other 5-methoxyindoles are often classified as neuromodulators.  相似文献   
Summary Vegetative growth of two ecotypes (lat. 78° 15N and 69°37N) of Salix polaris L. was studied in phytotron experiments. Dormancy of the winter buds was broken by chilling at 0.5°C for 14 to 42 days. Chilling requirement increased with decreasing growth temperature. The optimum temperature for bud break and shoot growth was about 15°C for both ecotypes. Cessation of apical shoot growth and abscission of shoot tip was not prevented by long photoperiods. However, at high temperature, 15°C or more, and in 18 to 24 h photoperiod, two or three growth flushes occurred frequently in both ecotypes. Leaf abscission in the arctic ecotype from lat. 78°N was not affected by photoperiod when grown at 6°C, but was stimulated by short photoperiod when grown at 15°C. In the ecotype from lat. 69°N leaf abscission was enhanced by short photoperiod even at 6°C.  相似文献   
In order to optimize transient gene expression in Norway spruce pollen after DNA delivery with particle bombardment, effects of different conditions during homhardmenl were analysed using β-glucuroniduse (GUS) driven by the rice Act I promoter and Inciferase (LUS) driven by the tomato !at 52 promoter as reporter genes. Transient gene expression was significantly increased hy using two bombardments. Also the distance from the stopping plate to the sample was critical to gam maximum gene expression. There was no significant difference between gold and tungsten particles, and the number of positively stained pollen increased with increasing DNA concentration, from 5 to 40 pg DNA added in the DNA/tungsten solution The DNA delivery to Norway spruce pollen was most efficient at a chamber pressure above 70 kPa.  相似文献   
Effects of mineral nitrogen (2, 4, 6 and 8 m M NH4NO3) and nodulation with Rhizobium on frost hardiness in seedlings of white clover ( Trifolium repens ) have been studied. Seedlings of a population from Bodø (67°N lat.) were grown in Leonard jars under controlled conditions in a phytotron. For induction of frost hardening, plants were first exposed to 12 h photoperiod conditions for 2 weeks at 18°C, then for 2 weeks at 6°C and finally for 2 weeks at 0.5°C. Frost hardiness after treatments at 6 and 0.5°C was significantly enhanced by increasing nitrogen supply and was positively correlated with total nitrogen content of the stolons. Frost hardiness of nodulated plants correlated to the tissue nitrogen concentration. Content of soluble proteins in stolons decreased during hardening at 6°C but did not change during treatment at 0.5°C. There were minor changes in total amount of free amino acids during hardening. Both absolute and relative amounts of proline and arginine increased, and those of asparagine decreased during hardening. Absolute amounts of all free amino acids increased with increasing nitrogen supply, but the changes during hardening were similar in all treatments. There was a significant increase in the content of soluble carbohydrates during hardening. However, this increase was inversely related to nitrogen supply.  相似文献   
The genes involved in the 2,3-butanediol pathway coding for alpha-acetolactate decarboxylase, alpha-acetolactate synthase (alpha-ALS), and acetoin (diacetyl) reductase were isolated from Klebsiella terrigena and shown to be located in one operon. This operon was also shown to exist in Enterobacter aerogenes. The budA gene, coding for alpha-acetolactate decarboxylase, gives in both organisms a protein of 259 amino acids. The amino acid similarity between these proteins is 87%. The K. terrigena genes budB and budC, coding for alpha-ALS and acetoin reductase, respectively, were sequenced. The 559-amino-acid-long alpha-ALS enzyme shows similarities to the large subunits of the Escherichia coli anabolic alpha-ALS enzymes encoded by the genes ilvB, ilvG, and ilvI. The K. terrigena alpha-ALS is also shown to complement an anabolic alpha-ALS-deficient E. coli strain for valine synthesis. The 243-amino-acid-long acetoin reductase has the consensus amino acid sequence for the insect-type alcohol dehydrogenase/ribitol dehydrogenase family and has extensive similarities with the N-terminal and internal regions of three known dehydrogenases and one oxidoreductase.  相似文献   
Cessation of shoot elongation in seedlings of Salix pentandra L. is induced by short photoperiod. Gibbereliin A9 (GA9) applied either to the apical bud or injected into a mature leaf, induced shoot elongation under a short photoperiod of 12 h, and GA9 could completely substitute for a transfer to a long photoperiod. When [3H]GA9 or [2H2]GA9 was injected into a leaf, no [3H]GA9 was detected in the elongating apex and only traces of [3H]GA9 were found in the shoot above the treated leaf. By the use of gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS), [2H2]GA20 was identified as the main metabolite of [2H2]GA9 in both the shoot and the treated leaf. In addition, [2H2]GA1 and [2H2]GA29 were also identified as metabolites of [2H2]GA9. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that exogenous GA, promotes shoot elongation in Salix through its metabolism to GA20 and GA,.  相似文献   
A group of human cytochrome P450 genes encompassing the CYP2A, CYP2B, and CYP2F subfamilies were cloned and assembled into a 350-kb contig localized on the long arm of chromosome 19. Three complete CYP2A genes—CYP2A6, CYP2A7, and CYP2A13—plus two pseudogenes truncated after exon 5, were identified and sequenced. A variant CYP2A6 allele that differed from the corresponding CYP2A6 and CYP2A7 cDNAs previously sequenced was found and was designated CYP2A6ν2. Sequence differences in the CYP2A6ν2 gene are restricted to regions encompassing exons 3, 6, and 8, which bear sequence relatedness with the corresponding exons of the CYP2A7 gene, located downstream and centromeric of CYP2A6ν2, suggesting recent gene-conversion events. The sequencing of all the CYP2A genes allowed the design of a PCR diagnostic test for the normal CYP2A6 allele, the CYP2A6ν2 allele, and a variant—designated CYP2A6ν1—that encodes an enzyme with a single inactivating amino acid change. These variant alleles were found in individuals who were deficient in their ability to metabolize the CYP2A6 probe drug coumarin. The allelic frequencies of CYP2A6ν1 and CYP2A6ν2 differed significantly between Caucasian, Asian, and African-American populations. These studies establish the existence of a new cytochrome P450 genetic polymorphism.  相似文献   
To investigate the effects of acute ethanol administration on the production of proaggregatory thromboxane A2 (TxA2) and anti-aggregatory prostacyclin (PGI2), ethanol (1.5 g/kilogram body weight) was given to eight healthy nonsmoking men, and the stable metabolites thromboxane B2 (TxB2) and 6-keto-prostaglandin F (6-keto-PGF), respectively, measured by radioimmunoassay from serial blood samples before drinking and during the ensuing 18 hours. Each subject was studied as his own control on another occasion when only an equivalent volume of water was given. Serum TxB2 level decreased (p < 0.01) from 206 + 31 ng/ml (mean) ± S.E. to 1672 ± 24 and 161 ± 23 ng/ml (two and four hours after beginning of the drinking, respectively) concomitantly with the attainment of maximal blood ethanol concentrations (about 120 mg/100 ml), whereas no changes occurred in plasma 6-keto-PGF concentrations. Our results may provide an explanation for known effects of ethanol on platelet aggregation. They also raise speculation whether TxA2-inhibition and the antiatherogenic effect of alcohol intake are somehow related.  相似文献   
The affinity of beta-carbolines, which may be formed in the body, to benzodiazepine and opiate receptors was studied by measuring their ability to inhibit the binding of [3H]-flunitrazepam and [3H]-dihydromorphine on rat brain synaptosomal membranes. All "aromatized" beta-carbolines studied (norharmane, harmane and 6-methoxyharmane) inhibited the specific binding of [3H]-flunitrazepam in micromolar concentrations, dihydro-beta-carbolines (6-methoxyharmalan, harmalol) were less potent, while all tetrahydro-beta-carbolines showed very low affinity. 6-Hydroxytetrahydroharmane, which is formed by condensation 5HT with acetaldehyde, inhibited [3H]-dihydromorphine binding in micromolar concentration, while norharmane and tetrahydro-beta-carbolines without OH-group showed little affinity. beta-Carbolines are the most potent known natural benzodiazepine receptor ligands. Because they are formed after alcohol drinking, their effects on benzodiazepine and opiate receptors may be connected with alcohol dependence although some beta-carbolines may inhibit 5HT uptake in still lower concentrations.  相似文献   
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