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This study sought to investigate the effects of humid heat exposure in later sleep segments on sleep stages and body temperature in humans. The subjects were eight healthy males, from whom informed consent had been obtained. The experiments were carried out under three different sets of conditions: a control climate [air temperature (Ta)=26°C, relative humidity (RH)=50%] (C); a humid heat climate (Ta=32°C, RH=80%) (H); and a humid heat exposure in later sleep segments (C for the first 3 h 45 min, followed by a 30-min transition to H, which was then maintained for the last 3 h 45 min) (C–H). Electroencephalogram, EOG, and mental electromyogram, rectal temperature (Tre), and skin temperature (Tsk) were continuously measured. The total amount of wakefulness was significantly increased in H compared to C–H or C. Compared to C, wakefulness in C–H and H was significantly increased during later sleep segments. Tre and mean Tsk were significantly higher in H than in C–H or C. In C–H, Tsk and Tre increased to levels equal to those observed in H after Ta and RH increase. Whole body sweat loss was significantly lower in C–H and C than in H. These results suggest that humid heat exposure in the later sleep segment reduces thermal load as compared to full-night humid heat exposure. In daily life, the use of air conditioning in the initial sleep hours can protect sleep and thermoregulation.  相似文献   
The objective of this study was to confirm the effects of ADL (Activity of Daily Living) and gender on circadian rhythms of the elderly in a nursing home. Twenty-one elderly volunteers, aged over 65 years, were divided in four groups depending on their ADL and gender: subjects with almost no problem in ADL (H males, H females) and those who were almost bedridden (L males, L females). Oral temperature, heart rate, blood pressure, time of sleep and wake, subjective sleepiness, overall feeling and vitality were measured every 4 hours during the day continuously for six days. The circadian rhythm was calculated by using the least squares fit of cosine function. Subjective sleep quality was also surveyed. In the sleep/wake rhythm, the mesor was significantly higher in L males compared to the other groups and the amplitude was significantly lower in L females compared to other groups. The subjective sleepiness was higher in L males compared to the other groups and L females showed a higher sleepiness compared to H females. No significant difference among the group was observed in subjective sleep quality. In conclusion, these results indicate that the subjective sleepiness and sleep/wake rhythm differ depending on ADL and gender, although no significant difference was observed in physiological parameters. ADL and gender based difference in subjective sleepiness and sleep/wake rhythm should be taken into account with regard to the care of the elderly in nursing homes.  相似文献   

Heart rate variability (HRV) and body temperature during the sleep onset period was examined. The core body temperature and electrocardiogram were recorded continuously beginning 1 h before lights out (LO) until the end of the first rapid eye movement sleep (REM) in 14 young healthy subjects. HRV was calculated by the MemCalc method. The time course changes in body temperature and HRV was analyzed before and after sleep onset, and during the following eight consecutive phases: the 60 min before LO, the 30 min before LO, LO, first stage 2 (sleep onset), first slow wave sleep (SWS), stage 2 just before REM, start of REM, and end of REM. A clear decline was observed in the ratio of the low frequency (LF) to high frequency (HF) component of HRV (LF/HF), normalized LF (LF/(LF + HF)), and body temperature prior to sleep onset both in the time course of the sleep onset period and in the consecutive phases. The HF increased prior to sleep onset in the consecutive phases, while no clear increase was observed in the time course of sleep onset period. Changes in LF/(LF + HF) and LF/HF preceded SWS and REM. These results suggest the existence of a strong coupling between the cardiac autonomic nervous system and body temperature at the sleep onset period that may not be circadian effects. Furthermore, LF/(LF + HF) and LF/HF may possibly anticipate sleep and the onset of each sleep stage.

Effects of thermal environment on sleep and circadian rhythm   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
ABSTRACT: The thermal environment is one of the most important factors that can affect human sleep. The stereotypical effects of heat or cold exposure are increased wakefulness and decreased rapid eye movement sleep and slow wave sleep. These effects of the thermal environment on sleep stages are strongly linked to thermoregulation, which affects the mechanism regulating sleep. The effects on sleep stages also differ depending on the use of bedding and/or clothing. In semi-nude subjects, sleep stages are more affected by cold exposure than heat exposure. In real-life situations where bedding and clothing are used, heat exposure increases wakefulness and decreases slow wave sleep and rapid eye movement sleep. Humid heat exposure further increases thermal load during sleep and affects sleep stages and thermoregulation. On the other hand, cold exposure does not affect sleep stages, though the use of beddings and clothing during sleep is critical in supporting thermoregulation and sleep in cold exposure. However, cold exposure affects cardiac autonomic response during sleep without affecting sleep stages and subjective sensations. These results indicate that the impact of cold exposure may be greater than that of heat exposure in real-life situations; thus, further studies are warranted that consider the effect of cold exposure on sleep and other physiological parameters.  相似文献   
Airflow is an effective way to increase heat loss—an ongoing process during sleep and wakefulness in daily life. However, it is unclear whether airflow stimulates cutaneous sensation and disturbs sleep or reduces the heat load and facilitates sleep. In this study, 17 male subjects wearing short pyjamas slept on a bed with a cotton blanket under two of the following conditions: (1) air temperature (Ta) 26°C, relative humidity (RH) 50%, and air velocity (V) 0.2 m s−1; (2) Ta 32°C, RH 80%, V 1.7 m s−1; (3) Ta 32°C; RH 80%, V 0.2 m s−1 (hereafter referred to as 26/50, 32/80 with airflow, and 32/80 with still air, respectively). Electroencephalograms, electrooculograms, and mental electromyograms were obtained for all subjects. Rectal (Tre) and skin (Ts) temperatures were recorded continuously during the sleep session, and body-mass was measured before and after the sleep session. No significant differences were observed in the duration of sleep stages between subjects under the 26/50 and 32/80 with airflow conditions; however, the total duration of wakefulness decreased significantly in subjects under the 32/80 with airflow condition compared to that in subjects under the 32/80 with still air condition (P < 0.05). Tre, Tsk, Ts, and body-mass loss under the 32/80 with airflow condition were significantly higher compared to those under the 26/50 condition, and significantly lower than those under the 32/80 with still air condition (P < 0.05). An alleviated heat load due to increased airflow was considered to exist between the 32/80 with still air and the 26/50 conditions. Airflow reduces the duration of wakefulness by decreasing Tre, Tsk, Ts, and body-mass loss in a warm humid condition.  相似文献   
Effects of season on sleep and skin temperature in the elderly   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The effects of season on sleep and skin temperature (Tsk) in 19 healthy, elderly volunteers were investigated. Measurements were obtained in summer, winter, and fall, and activity levels were monitored using a wrist actigraph system for five consecutive days. The temperature and humidity of the bedrooms of the subjects’ homes were measured continuously for five days. During actigraphic measurement, Tsk during sleep was measured for two nights. The bedroom temperature and humidity significantly increased in summer compared to winter and fall. In summer, the total sleep time decreased (mean ± SE min; summer, 350.8 ± 15.7; winter, 426.5 ± 14.2; fall, 403.2 ± 16.4) and wakefulness increased (P < 0.003) compared to those in fall or winter. The sleep efficiency index that was derived from wrist actigraphy was significantly decreased (P < 0.001) in summer (81.4 ± 2.9%) compared with winter (91.6 ± 1.3%) or fall (90.2 ± 1.2%). The forehead Tsk significantly increased, while the chest and thigh Tsks were decreased in summer compared to those in fall or winter. These results suggest that, in the elderly, sleep is disturbed in summer more than in other seasons, and that this disturbance is related to fluctuations in Tsk.  相似文献   
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