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Following antigenic challenge, activated B cells rapidly expand and undergo somatic hypermutation, yielding groups of clonally related B cells with diversified immunoglobulin receptors. Inference of clonal relationships based on the receptor sequence is an essential step in many adaptive immune receptor repertoire sequencing studies. These relationships are typically identified by a multi-step process that involves: (i) grouping sequences based on shared V and J gene assignments, and junction lengths and (ii) clustering these sequences using a junction-based distance. However, this approach is sensitive to the initial gene assignments, which are error-prone, and fails to identify clonal relatives whose junction length has changed through accumulation of indels. Through defining a translation-invariant feature space in which we cluster the sequences, we develop an alignment free clonal identification method that does not require gene assignments and is not restricted to a fixed junction length. This alignment free approach has higher sensitivity compared to a typical junction-based distance method without loss of specificity and PPV. While the alignment free procedure identifies clones that are broadly consistent with the junction-based distance method, it also identifies clones with characteristics (multiple V or J gene assignments or junction lengths) that are not detectable with the junction-based distance method.  相似文献   

High-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP) is a biomarker that correlates with atherothrombotic risk and outcome. hs-CRP is influenced by various modifiable and non-modifiable factors. We studied the relationship between ethnic background and hs-CRP level, among the Jewish population in Israel. A total of 3659 men and 2180 women were divided into two ethnic groups (Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews), based on the knowledge of Jewish immigration patterns throughout the centuries. Mean hs-CRP levels were calculated for each group and were adjusted for various factors known to influence hs-CRP. Sephardic Jews were found to have higher adjusted mean hs-CRP levels (2.0 mg l?1 for men and 3.9 mg l?1 for women) compared with Ashkenazi Jews (1.5 mg l?1 for men and 2.9 mg l?1 for women). Ethnic background emerged as an independent significant predictor of hs-CRP levels. We demonstrated that ethnicity is an important factor when considering hs-CRP as a marker of atherothrombotic risk.  相似文献   
Two p53-null T lymphoma cell lines proved to be highly sensitive to inhibition of gene expression. With either actinomycin D or cycloheximide, apoptosis commenced within 2 h, as indicated by loss of membrane integrity, degradation of certain proteins (including the phosphatase calcineurin) and DNA fragmentation. These effects were ablated by co-expression of Bcl-2 or co-incubation with the caspase inhibitor Z-VAD-fmk. These results suggest that the apoptotic machinery is in place in these cells but held in check by an unknown labile protein, which probably acts upstream of Bcl-2. Although cycloheximide can activate the JNK or p38 MAP kinases in some cells, neither was implicated here. However, disruption of phosphoinositide 3-kinase signaling may be involved, because the cells were also sensitive to wortmannin. The high sensitivity of the p53-null lymphoma cells to inhibitors of gene expression suggests that such inhibitors might prove useful in the cytotoxic therapy of certain tumors.  相似文献   
We studied stress hormones and foraging of nocturnal Acomys cahirinus and diurnal A. russatus in field populations as well as in two field enclosures populated by both species and two field enclosures with individuals of A. russatus alone. When alone, A. russatus individuals become also nocturnally active. We asked whether nocturnally active A. russatus will respond to moon phase and whether this response will be obtained also in diurnally active individuals. We studied giving-up densities (GUDs) in artificial foraging patches and fecal cortisol metabolite levels. Both species exhibited elevated fecal cortisol metabolite levels and foraged to higher GUDs in full moon nights; thus A. russatus retains physiological response and behavioral patterns that correlate with full moon conditions, as can be expected in nocturnal rodents, in spite of its diurnal activity. The endocrinological and behavioral response of this diurnal species to moon phase reflects its evolutionary heritage.  相似文献   
Examples of animals that switch activity times between nocturnality and diurnality in nature are relatively infrequent. Furthermore, the mechanism for switching activity time is not clear: does a complete inversion of the circadian system occur in conjunction with activity pattern? Are there switching centers downstream from the internal clock that interpret the clock differently? Or does the switch reflect a masking effect? Answering these key questions may shed light on the mechanisms regulating activity patterns and their evolution. The golden spiny mouse (Acomys russatus) can switch between nocturnal and diurnal activity. This study investigated the relationship between its internal circadian clock and its diurnal activity pattern observed in the field. The goal is to understand the mechanisms underlying species rhythm shifts in order to gain insight into the evolution of activity patterns. All golden spiny mice had opposite activity patterns in the field than those under controlled continuous dark conditions in the laboratory. Activity and body temperature patterns in the field were diurnal, while in the laboratory all individuals immediately showed a free-running rhythm starting with a nocturnal pattern. No phase transients were found toward the preferred nocturnal activity pattern, as would be expected in the case of true entrainment. Moreover, the fact that the free-running activity patterns began from the individuals' subjective night suggests that golden spiny mice are nocturnal and that their diurnality in their natural habitat in the field results from a change that is downstream to the internal clock or reflects a masking effect.  相似文献   
Infantile neuroaxonal dystrophy (INAD) is an autosomal recessive progressive neurodegenerative disease that presents within the first 2 years of life and culminates in death by age 10 years. Affected individuals from two unrelated Bedouin Israeli kindreds were studied. Brain imaging demonstrated diffuse cerebellar atrophy and abnormal iron deposition in the medial and lateral globus pallidum. Progressive white-matter disease and reduction of the N-acetyl aspartate : chromium ratio were evident on magnetic resonance spectroscopy, suggesting loss of myelination. The clinical and radiological diagnosis of INAD was verified by sural nerve biopsy. The disease gene was mapped to a 1.17-Mb locus on chromosome 22q13.1 (LOD score 4.7 at recombination fraction 0 for SNP rs139897), and an underlying mutation common to both affected families was identified in PLA2G6, the gene encoding phospholipase A2 group VI (cytosolic, calcium-independent). These findings highlight a role of phospholipase in neurodegenerative disorders.  相似文献   
During the period of December 2004 to January 2005, Bacillus anthracis killed three wild chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes troglodytes) and one gorilla (Gorilla gorilla gorilla) in a tropical forest in Cameroon. While this is the second anthrax outbreak in wild chimpanzees, this is the first case of anthrax in gorillas ever reported. The number of great apes in Central Africa is dramatically declining and the populations are seriously threatened by diseases, mainly Ebola. Nevertheless, a considerable number of deaths cannot be attributed to Ebola virus and remained unexplained. Our results show that diseases other than Ebola may also threaten wild great apes, and indicate that the role of anthrax in great ape mortality may have been underestimated. These results suggest that risk identification, assessment, and management for the survival of the last great apes should be performed with an open mind, since various pathogens with distinct characteristics in epidemiology and pathogenicity may impact the populations. An animal mortality monitoring network covering the entire African tropical forest, with the dual aims of preventing both great ape extinction and human disease outbreaks, will create necessary baseline data for such risk assessments and management plans.  相似文献   
Meconium ileus, intestinal obstruction in the newborn, is caused in most cases by CFTR mutations modulated by yet-unidentified modifier genes. We now show that in two unrelated consanguineous Bedouin kindreds, an autosomal-recessive phenotype of meconium ileus that is not associated with cystic fibrosis (CF) is caused by different homozygous mutations in GUCY2C, leading to a dramatic reduction or fully abrogating the enzymatic activity of the encoded guanlyl cyclase 2C. GUCY2C is a transmembrane receptor whose extracellular domain is activated by either the endogenous ligands, guanylin and related peptide uroguanylin, or by an external ligand, Escherichia coli (E. coli) heat-stable enterotoxin STa. GUCY2C is expressed in the human intestine, and the encoded protein activates the CFTR protein through local generation of cGMP. Thus, GUCY2C is a likely candidate modifier of the meconium ileus phenotype in CF. Because GUCY2C heterozygous and homozygous mutant mice are resistant to E. coli STa enterotoxin-induced diarrhea, it is plausible that GUCY2C mutations in the desert-dwelling Bedouin kindred are of selective advantage.  相似文献   
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