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Little is known about the abundance, distribution, and ecology of aerobic anoxygenic phototrophic (AAP) bacteria, particularly in oligotrophic environments, which represent 60% of the ocean. We investigated the abundance of AAP bacteria across the South Pacific Ocean, including the center of the gyre, the most oligotrophic water body of the world ocean. AAP bacteria, Prochlorococcus, and total prokaryotic abundances, as well as bacteriochlorophyll a (BChl a) and divinyl-chlorophyll a concentrations, were measured at several depths in the photic zone along a gradient of oligotrophic conditions. The abundances of AAP bacteria and Prochlorococcus were high, together accounting for up to 58% of the total prokaryotic community. The abundance of AAP bacteria alone was up to 1.94 × 105 cells ml−1 and as high as 24% of the overall community. These measurements were consistent with the high BChl a concentrations (up to 3.32 × 10−3 μg liter−1) found at all stations. However, the BChl a content per AAP bacterial cell was low, suggesting that AAP bacteria are mostly heterotrophic organisms. Interestingly, the biovolume and therefore biomass of AAP bacteria was on average twofold higher than that of other prokaryotic cells. This study demonstrates that AAP bacteria can be abundant in various oligotrophic conditions, including the most oligotrophic regime of the world ocean, and can account for a large part of the bacterioplanktonic carbon stock.  相似文献   
Small-interfering RNAs (siRNAs) assemble into RISC, the RNA-induced silencing complex, which cleaves complementary mRNAs. Despite their fluctuating efficacy, siRNAs are widely used to assess gene function. Although this limitation could be ascribed, in part, to variations in the assembly and activation of RISC, downstream events in the RNA interference (RNAi) pathway, such as target site accessibility, have so far not been investigated extensively. In this study we present a comprehensive analysis of target RNA structure effects on RNAi by computing the accessibility of the target site for interaction with the siRNA. Based on our observations, we developed a novel siRNA design tool, RNAxs, by combining known siRNA functionality criteria with target site accessibility. We calibrated our method on two data sets comprising 573 siRNAs for 38 genes, and tested it on an independent set of 360 siRNAs targeting four additional genes. Overall, RNAxs proves to be a robust siRNA selection tool that substantially improves the prediction of highly efficient siRNAs.  相似文献   
Marine microbes have a pivotal role in the marine biogeochemical cycle of carbon, because they regulate the turnover of dissolved organic matter (DOM), one of the largest carbon reservoirs on Earth. Microbial communities and DOM are both highly diverse components of the ocean system, yet the role of microbial diversity for carbon processing remains thus far poorly understood. We report here results from an exploration of a mosaic of phytoplankton blooms induced by large-scale natural iron fertilization in the Southern Ocean. We show that in this unique ecosystem where concentrations of DOM are lowest in the global ocean, a patchwork of blooms is associated with diverse and distinct bacterial communities. By using on-board continuous cultures, we identify preferences in the degradation of DOM of different reactivity for taxa associated with contrasting blooms. We used the spatial and temporal variability provided by this natural laboratory to demonstrate that the magnitude of bacterial production is linked to the extent of compositional changes. Our results suggest that partitioning of the DOM resource could be a mechanism that structures bacterial communities with a positive feedback on carbon cycling. Our study, focused on bacterial carbon processing, highlights the potential role of diversity as a driving force for the cycling of biogeochemical elements.  相似文献   
The Southern Ocean remains one of the least explored marine environments. The investigation of temporal microbial dynamics has thus far been hampered by the limited access to this remote ocean. We present here high-resolution seasonal observations of the prokaryotic community composition during phytoplankton blooms induced by natural iron fertilization. A total of 18 seawater samples were collected by a moored remote autonomous sampler over 4 months at 5–11 day intervals in offshore surface waters (central Kerguelen Plateau). Illumina sequencing of the 16S rRNA gene revealed that among the most abundant amplicon sequence variants, SAR92 and Aurantivirga were the first bloom responders, Pseudomonadaceae, Nitrincolaceae and Polaribacter had successive peaks during the spring bloom decline, and Amylibacter increased in relative abundance later in the season. SAR11 and SUP05 were abundant prior to and after the blooms. Using network analysis, we identified two groups of diatoms representative of the spring and summer bloom that had opposite correlation patterns with prokaryotic taxa. Our study provides the first seasonal picture of microbial community dynamics in the open Southern Ocean and thereby offers biological insights to the cycling of carbon and iron, and to an important puzzling issue that is the modest nitrate decrease associated to iron fertilization.  相似文献   
Iron (Fe) governs the cycling of organic carbon in large parts of the Southern Ocean. The strategies of diverse microbes to acquire the different chemical forms of Fe under seasonally changing organic carbon regimes remain, however, poorly understood. Here, we report high-resolution seasonal metagenomic observations from the region off Kerguelen Island (Indian Sector of the Southern Ocean) where natural Fe-fertilization induces consecutive spring and summer phytoplankton blooms. Our data illustrate pronounced, but distinct seasonal patterns in the abundance of genes implicated in the transport of different forms of Fe and organic substrates, of siderophore biosynthesis and carbohydrate-active enzymes. The seasonal dynamics suggest a temporal decoupling in the prokaryotic requirements of Fe and organic carbon during the spring phytoplankton bloom and a concerted access to these resources after the summer bloom. Taxonomic assignments revealed differences in the prokaryotic groups harbouring genes of a given Fe-related category and pronounced seasonal successions were observed. Using MAGs we could decipher the respective Fe- and organic substrate-related genes of individual taxa assigned to abundant groups. The ecological strategies related to Fe-acquisition provide insights on how this element could shape microbial community composition with potential implications on organic matter transformations in the Southern Ocean.  相似文献   
In Drosophila, Dicer-2 requires the double-stranded RNA binding protein R2D2, to mediate the assembly of short interfering RNAs into the RNA-induced silencing complex. New data show that Dicer-1 also requires a double-stranded RNA binding protein called Loquacious for efficient microRNA-mediated gene silencing.  相似文献   
A seven-year oceanographic time series in NW Mediterranean surface waters was combined with pyrosequencing of ribosomal RNA (16S rRNA) and ribosomal RNA gene copies (16S rDNA) to examine the environmental controls on SAR11 ecotype dynamics and potential activity. SAR11 diversity exhibited pronounced seasonal cycles remarkably similar to total bacterial diversity. The timing of diversity maxima was similar across narrow and broad phylogenetic clades and strongly associated with deep winter mixing. Diversity minima were associated with periods of stratification that were low in nutrients and phytoplankton biomass and characterised by intense phosphate limitation (turnover time<5 h). We propose a conceptual framework in which physical mixing of the water column periodically resets SAR11 communities to a high diversity state and the seasonal evolution of phosphate limitation competitively excludes deeper-dwelling ecotypes to promote low diversity states dominated (>80%) by SAR11 Ia. A partial least squares (PLS) regression model was developed that could reliably predict sequence abundances of SAR11 ecotypes (Q2=0.70) from measured environmental variables, of which mixed layer depth was quantitatively the most important. Comparison of clade-level SAR11 rRNA:rDNA signals with leucine incorporation enabled us to partially validate the use of these ratios as an in-situ activity measure. However, temporal trends in the activity of SAR11 ecotypes and their relationship to environmental variables were unclear. The strong and predictable temporal patterns observed in SAR11 sequence abundance was not linked to metabolic activity of different ecotypes at the phylogenetic and temporal resolution of our study.  相似文献   
We investigated the abundance and activity of SAR11 on a monthly time scale between January 2008 and October 2008 in the oligotrophic NW Mediterranean Sea. Applying MICRO-CARD-FISH, we observed that SAR11 had a large contribution to bulk abundance (37 ± 6% of DAPI-stained cells) and to bulk bacterial heterotrophic production (BHP), as estimated from leucine incorporation (55 ± 15% of DAPI-cells assimilating leucine) in surface waters (5 m) throughout the study period. SAR11 contributed also substantially to the assimilation of glucose, ATP, and a combination of amino acids (44 ± 17%, 37 ± 14%, and 43 ± 12% of DAPI cells assimilating these compounds, respectively), organic compounds that provide either single or combined sources of C, P, and N. Temporal changes in the abundance of SAR11 cells that assimilated leucine, glucose, amino acids, and ATP revealed a pattern consistent with that of substrate-active DAPI cells, suggesting that the activity of SAR11 can explain to a large extent the variability in total cells contributing to the utilization of these compounds. Short-term nutrient enrichment experiments performed on each sampling date revealed a strong co-limitation of at least two of the three elements analyzed (C, N, P), in particular, during summer and early autumn. The in situ abundance of SAR11 cells assimilating leucine appeared to increase with P limitation as determined in the nutrient enrichment experiments (r = 0.81, p = 0.015). Our results demonstrate that SAR11 is an important component of the active bacterial community in the NW Mediterranean Sea. Our observations further indicate that the activity of the bulk bacterial community is linked to the activity of SAR11, possibly due to its adaptation to nutrient limitation.  相似文献   
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