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The effect of both male and female age was investigated on certain reproductive attributes, viz. mating incidence, mating duration, fecundity, percent egg viability, ratio of reproductive and non‐reproductive periods and reproductive rate, of an aphidophagous ladybird, Cheilomenes sexmaculata (Fabricius). Females started mating at the age of 8 hours post‐emergence (PE) and males at the age of 2 days PE. Mating in the laboratory was a male‐dominated phenomenon. The mating duration and reproductive rate of 10‐day‐old females when mated with males of varying ages increased up to the male age of 60 days, and thereafter decreased, whereas, fecundity, egg viability and ratio of reproductive and non‐reproductive periods increased up to the male age of 50 days, and thereafter declined. However, when females of varying ages were mated with 10‐day‐old males, fecundity and reproductive rate increased up to 40 days of female age, respectively, then decreased. The ratio of reproductive and non‐reproductive periods increased with increasing age of females. Mating age for optimal reproductive output was 10J50‐day‐old males and NE to 40‐day‐old females. Reproductive cessation in males was recorded after 50 days PE, whereas in females at the age of 40 days PE. Higher mating durations lead to elevated reproductive rates. Delay in the reproductive phase was positively correlated with longevity. The results of this study may aid mass multiplication of this ladybird by identifying and promoting usage of adults of optimal age. Our results also enhance our understanding of the effect of age on reproductive attributes in ladybirds.  相似文献   
OMKAR  Geetanjali MISHRA 《昆虫学报》2014,57(10):1180-1187
【目的】尽管一雌多雄在瓢虫科中常见,但各研究中获得的数据不足以解释雌虫多次交配和一雌多雄的一般适应性意义或适合度后果。本研究以温度为胁迫因子,旨在评价一雌多雄的某些益处(如增加的适合度)是否可传递给后代。【方法】本研究检测了黄斑盘瓢虫Coelophora saucia (Mulsant) 3种交配处理中的适合度:一雌一雄(与同一雄虫交配5次,1次/d),先后一雌多雄(与5头不同的雄虫依次交配5次,即每天与新的雄虫交配1次),以及同时一雌多雄(放进5头雄虫,任由雌虫选择雄虫,交配5次,1次/d)。观察了各交配处理不同温度下(25, 27和 30℃)繁殖力、卵的育性、后代发育和存活。【结果】结果表明,经历一雌多雄然后进行交配选择或竞争的雌性的繁殖能力最强,后代能在更广温度范围内最好地适应发育和存活。但先后一雌多雄交配的雌性与一雌一雄交配的雌性的繁殖能力相似。【结论】结果说明,在无交配选择或雄性竞争的条件下,一雌多雄的益处不明显。这可能是由于在依次射精的雄性间存在精子竞争,或由于雌性的隐性选择。据我们所知,本研究中观察发现的无交配选择时不表现一雌多雄的益处的现象,之前在昆虫中未观察到过。  相似文献   
The developmental parameters, namely developmental periods, larval survival, adult emergence, growth index, developmental rate and sex ratio in terms of female proportion in a population of two aphidophagous ladybirds, namely, Coelophora biplagiata (Swartz) and Micraspis discolor (Fabricius) were investigated, using three aphid species as prey. The immature stages of C. biplagiata were significantly affected by prey quality and developed fastest when fed on Aphis craccivora followed by Aphis gossypii and Rhopalosiphum maidis. The order of prey suitability in terms of developmental rate of immature stages of M. discolor was just reversed. The adult females were heavier than males, while pre-pupae were heavier than pupae in both ladybirds. The sex ratio of adult emergence, though female-biased in both ladybird species, was not significantly affected by prey quality.  相似文献   
Two congeneric aphidophagous ladybirds, Coccinella septempunctata and Coccinella transversalis, were reared on three aphid species, Lipaphis erysimi, Myzus persicae and Aphis nerii, to estimate the effect of prey quality and intra- and interspecific interactions on their survival and development of life stages. Mortality of first instar ladybirds of both species was highest feeding on A. nerii. Preimaginal mortafity was lowest when feeding on L. erysimi (C. septempunctata, 1.6% and C. transversalis, 3.2%), and highest when feeding on A. nerii ( C. septempunctata, 6.2% and C. transversalis, 8.2%). Comparatively higher weight and larger size of C. septempunctata along with the lower levels of mortality recorded suggested that it is more likely to have acted as an intraguild predator than C. transversalis. High recorded mortality of C. transversalis is attributed to probable intraguild predation on account of its smaller size. The major sources of mortality were probably cannibalism, intraguild predation and other unknown factors. Lower prey quality increased the incidence of cannibalism and intraguild predation, especially in C. transversalis. The investigation suggests an intrinsic competitive advantage for C. septempunctata over C. transversalis in guilds of three aphid species.  相似文献   
Abstract The mating behavior of Propylea dissecta (Mulsant) was investigated in detail. Protandry was evident, as males mature earlier than females. Predicted age of sexual maturation of male and female ladybirds was 7.12 and 9.33 days, respectively. Males performed courtship in six steps, viz. approach, watch, examine, embrace, mount and attempt. Embrace is possibly an appeasement act, while examine serves to recognize mate. Chemical signals initiate male attraction toward females. Visual and tactile cues appear to secondarily help in mate recognition. Mating lasted longest (275.40±12.23 min) when it occurred between unmated individuals. It was much shorter (176.60±5.60 min) when prior mated individuals copulated. There was a significant decrease in mating durations when adults were subjected to five successive matings. Fecundity and percent egg viability increased significantly with increase in the number of matings.  相似文献   
【目的】印度次大陆是世界上最脆弱的地理景观。气候条件的略微变动可能对其季节周期可能产生不良影响,并引起农业生态系统中蚜虫的大暴发。七星瓢虫Coccinella septempunctata L.和狭臀瓢虫C.transversalis Fab.是该次大陆上广泛分布、同域发生的两种食蚜性瓢虫。【方法】设计异地试验,来探究同种和/或异种组合时的这两种瓢虫用共同的猎物资源(豌豆蚜)饲养时,对增加的温度(15,20,25,30和35℃)和光周期(8L∶16D,12L∶12D和16L∶8D)的响应。【结果】结果表明,在这5个不同温度和3个不同光周期条件下,同种或异种组合时这两种瓢虫表现出了拮抗作用。尽管表现出拮抗作用,但是同种或异种组合的两捕食动物在25℃和长光周期(16L∶8D)条件下消耗、转化和利用的猎物生物量最大。然而,它们的猎物消耗率、转化效率和生长速率在异种组合中最高。在5个不同温度下,4龄幼虫均更有效地利用猎物生物量,将其转变成自身生物量,而雌成虫在3个不同光周期条件下也是如此。【结论】因此可以推断,增加的温度和光周期条件可能不会阻止同种和异种组合中的瓢虫发生拮抗作用,但是在25℃和长光周期(16L∶8D)条件下,相互作用的瓢虫的猎物消耗量和利用率为最佳。  相似文献   
在室内研究了不同环境变量(如食物、温度、光周期和不同光波长)下银胶菊杂草Parthenium hysterophorus L.的食叶昆虫和生物防治因子银胶菊叶甲Zygogramma bicolorata Pallister 的生命表。不同发育阶段的该种叶甲取食银胶菊不同部位时,取食花的甲虫死亡率指标Kappa值最低,其次是取食叶片和茎;而取食花时甲虫世代存活率最高。温度显著影响主要发育阶段该种叶甲的死亡率和存活率。27℃下饲养的未成熟期甲虫的Kappa值最低,其次是30, 25, 20 和35℃。世代存活和存活率表现相同的趋势。不同光周期显著影响死亡率,在14L∶10D (长日照)下世代存活最好,其次是 12L∶12D (昼夜相等), 10L∶14D (短日照), 24L∶0D (连续光照) 和0L∶24D (连续黑暗)。甲虫对不同波长光的反应上,在白光(广谱)下Kappa值最低,世代存活率最高,其次是黄光(λ≈570 nm)、蓝光 (λ≈475 nm) 和红光(λ≈650 nm)。卵的死亡率最高。不同发育阶段的甲虫在27℃长日照白光下用银胶菊花饲养最佳。死亡率趋势具有严格和显著的阶段特异性,表现出内在的存活效应,与研究的因素无关。  相似文献   
Development, survival and reproductive performance of coexisting ladybird species, viz. Cheilomenes sexmaculata, Coccinella septempunctata, and Coccinella transversalis, of the tribe Coccinellini were studied and compared to assess their coexistence and ecological relationships. High values of life history parameters, viz. developmental rate,immature survival, fecundity, egg viability, reproductive rate and conversion of efficiency of ingested food were recorded for C. sexmaculata followed by C. transversalis and C.septempunctata suggesting that the former has intrinsic advantages over the latter two species. This could possibly counterbalance its disadvantages, like relatively smaller size and weight, thereby making it competitive. The developmental period increased with increase in body size. Exceptionally high fecundity after single mating has been recorded in C. sexmaculata. The egg viability, however, was lower than in both Coccinella species.  相似文献   
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