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OFIR  M. 《Annals of botany》1975,39(2):213-217
The tillering phase in Hordeum bulbosum L. is terminated whenthe newly-formed axillary buds no longer emerge as tillers,but differentiate into dormant regeneration buds. The patternof development of the axillary buds differs during the tilleringphase and the post-tillering phase. During the former, accumulationof leaf primordia corresponds to the age of the bud, i.e., leafnumber per bud increases basipetally along the shoot. Duringthe post-tillering phase, leaf number per bud decreases basipetallyfrom the base of the future bulb internode. This transitionis brought about by an acceleration in the rate of accumulationof leaf primordia which is more sustained in the buds situatedcloser to the base of the bulb internode. These positional differencesin the morphogenesis of the regeneration buds are reflectedin their physiological responses during the relaxation of dormancyand activation of the buds.  相似文献   
Axillary buds on the most basal portion of the seedling shootof Sorghum halepense differentiate directly into rhizome buds.The initial orientation of these buds is upwards, but this orientationstarts to be reversed almost immediately. The reversal is causedby the combined effect of differential radial expansion of thebasal internodes immediately above and below the bud, and differencesin the extent of mitotic activity on the abaxial and adaxialsides of the bud. Reorientation is a geotropic and is progressivelyless with acropetal nodal position of the bud. Further growthof the rhizomes proceeds in the same orientation as that ofthe bud from which they had developed, until they change theirorientation again by exhibiting diageotropic, or negativelygeotropic responses. The second reorientation coincides moreor less with the onset of flowering and it exhibits a positionalgradient, such that the change is more extensive the higherthe nodal position of the rhizome. Sorghum halepense, rhizome, geotropism, morphogenesis, perennial weeds  相似文献   
The effect of temperature on production and abscission of flowerbuds, flowers and pods was studied in a determinate snap-beancultivar (cv. Tenderette). Under moderate temperature (e.g.27/17°C) the onset of pod development was associated withcessation of flower bud production and with enhanced abscissionof flower buds. Raising night temperature from 17°C to 27°Cstrongly reduced pod production, mature pod size and seeds perpod, while an increase in day temperature from 22°C to 32°Chad smaller and less consistent effects. Pod production underhigh night temperature was not constrained by flower productionsince 27°C at night promoted branching and flower bud appearance.Under 32/27°C day/night temperature the large reductionin pod set was due to enhanced abscission of flower buds, flowersand young pods ( 3 cm). Flowers had the highest relative abscissionfollowed by young pods and flower buds. Therefore, the onsetof anthesis and of pod development were the plant stages mostsensitive to night temperature. Pods larger than 3 cm did notabscise but usually aborted and shrivelled under high nighttemperature. The effects of 32/27°C were not due to transientwater stresses and were observed even under continuous irrigationand mist-spraying. High temperature, flower production, pod set, seed set, abscission, snap bean, Phaseolus vulgaris L, Tenderette  相似文献   
OFIR  M.; KEREM  D. 《Annals of botany》1982,50(2):259-264
Poa bulbosa L. plants became dormant in long days (16 h), whilein short days (8 h) they remained non-dormant for extended periods.Morphologically, the onset of dormancy was expressed by theformation of a true bulb at the base of every tiller, by thecessation of tillering and leaf emergence and, finally, by thedrying-up of the leaves. Low temperature delayed the onset ofdormancy but did not prevent it. This effect of temperaturemay explain the delayed onset of dormancy observed in naturalpopulations under a cool climate at a hilly habitat, comparedto plants growing under a warmer climate, at a lower, coastal-plainhabitat. Dormancy could be induced under short days by pre-exposureof the plants to a limited number of long days. The responsewas proportional to the number of long days given. The adaptivesignificance of the results for plant survival in a Mediterraneanclimate is discussed. Poa bulbosa L., summer dormancy, photoperiod, temperature, leaf emergence, bulbs, tillers  相似文献   
Germination responses of the seeds of Amaranthus retroflexusL. were affected by the photoperiod, temperature, and levelof solar radiation experienced by their parent plants. Seedsfrom parents grown continuously in short days (SD, 8 h) lostpost-harvest dormancy more rapidly and had a higher dark germination,as well as a greater responsiveness (at 30?C) to pretreatmentsat low temperature (5 or 10?C) and to short illuminations, thanseeds from parents grown continuously in long days (LD, 16 h).Dark germination and responsiveness of the seeds to promotivetreatments were both higher when their parents were transferredat flowering from LD to SD than when grown continuously in LD.These responses were lower when their parents were similarlytransferred from SD to LD than when grown continuously in SD.The promotive effects of parental post-flowering SD on darkgermination (at 30?C) were enhanced by reduction of parentaltemperature (from 27/22?C to 22/17?C), but the responsivenessof the seeds to low temperature pretreatment was reduced. Inflorescencesdeveloping in LD produced seed with higher germinability whenfloweringwas not induced (LD throughout) than when it was induced (eitherby SD till flowering, or by three SD cycles when 4–5 leavesappeared). Reduced levels of solar radiation had opposite effectsin the different parental photoperiods: dark germination andthe responsiveness to low temperature pretreatments were reducedin LD, but were increased in SD. Differences in the germination responses resulting from differencesin the parental environment could not be correlated with differencesin seed coat thickness or seed dry weight.  相似文献   
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