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Genetically modified tobacco plants (Nicotiana tabacum‘Samsun’)with antisense cinnamyl alcohol dehydrogenase DNA, produce secondaryxylem of a reduced tensile stiffness. These plants were grownalongside control plants. The stems of the plants were flexedor protected from flexing over a period of several weeks. Thetensile moduli and second moments of areas of the differenttissues inside the stems were measured and used to calculatethe bending stiffness of the plants. In tobacco, the cylinderof xylem was found to be the most important tissue in determiningthe bending stiffness of the plants. The thickness of the xylemtissue cylinder increased when plants were subjected to flexuralstimulation. This increased the bending stiffness of the stems.The response to mechanical stimulation was found to be correlatedwith tissue strain and the genetically modified plants wereable to exactly compensate for the reduced modulus of theirxylem tissue by increasing the thickness of the xylem tissuecylinder more than in control plants.Copyright 1999 Annals ofBotany Company. Tobacco plants, stem bending, xylem tissue, second moment of area, thigmomorphogenesis, mechanical strain.  相似文献   
SUMMARY. Population and production dynamics of Ceraclea ancylus (Vorhies), a leptocerid caddisfly with a univoltine life cycle, five larval instars, and a single cohort population, were examined in Brashears Creek, Kentucky. A systematic sampling approach that included analysis in riffle, pool, and waterwillow bed habitats was used and fourteen sampling transects were taken across Brashears Creek between May 1971 and July 1972. For each of the 70 m2 samples taken along a transect, the depth, habitat, and substrate type were recorded. The number of C. ancylus cases and numbers and dry weights of each larval instar were determined. The majority of the C. ancylus population was in the second larval instar in July, the third larval instar in August, the fourth larval instar in September, and the fifth larval instar from October through May. The spring population was 30% of the early instar maximum estimated the previous August. The spatial distribution of C. ancylus reflects a logarithmic pattern with early instar larvae more highly clumped than the late larval instar and pupal populations. Initial standing stock estimates were less than 1% of the standing stock biomass. A production estimate of 9.9 mg/m2·year (dry weight) was determined using the instantaneous growth method, Allen's Curve method, and the Hynes method of estimating secondary production. Turnover ratios (7.0 annual TR, 5.7 cohort TR) were higher than estimates reported as typical for benthic macroinvertebrates because of the low initial to final mean individual weight of the C. ancylus larvae (0.4%). Production estimates calculated for C. ancylus populations in waterwillow bed (4.4 mg/m2·year) and pool (13.7 mg/m2·year) habitats were less than calculated for the riffle population (19.9 mg/m2·year). The annual turnover ratio (10.2) was higher in the pool population than in other habitats because of spring larval migration into the pool from other habitats. A trend of higher production estimates with larger sized substrate particles and increased numbers of particles may reflect the increase in available food sources or attachment sites. The accuracy of production estimates and their applicability to water resource management may be limited by a failure to consider the spatial distributions of the population being sampled and the tendency for sampling procedures to be confined to single habitats.  相似文献   
Abstract: Palaeophis maghrebianus belongs to the Palaeophiinae (Palaeophiidae). This snake subfamily is relatively poorly known, and it is mainly represented by disarticulated vertebrae and ribs and by a few vertebral segments. Its intracolumnar variability remains also poorly understood. The discovery of new isolated vertebrae and vertebral segments of Palaeophis maghrebianus in the Ypresian (Lower Eocene) Phosphates of Morocco enables us to provide a more detailed diagnosis of this species and to describe its intracolumnar variability. Moreover, the new material reveals that this species could reach gigantic size being, with Palaeophis colossaeus, one of the two longer palaeophiids. The microanatomical and histological analysis of some vertebrae illustrating diverse positions along the vertebral column reveals the presence of osteosclerosis, especially in the anterior and mid‐precloacal regions. The occurrence of this osseous specialization implies a role in buoyancy and body trim control in this taxon, which is considered a shallow marine dweller based on its anatomical features and geological data. Palaeophis maghrebianus also displays a dense vascular network suggesting a growth speed, and thus a metabolic rate, much higher than in the biggest extant snakes.  相似文献   
We investigated the diversity, cophylogenetic relationships, and biogeography of hoplopleurid sucking lice (Phthiraptera: Anoplura) parasitizing rodents (Muridae: Sigmodontinae) in the Manu National Park and Biosphere Reserve. Our morphological and molecular studies reveal that 15 distinct louse species parasitize 19 rodent species. Three of these louse species are new to science, and all but two of the host associations were previously unknown. We find that hoplopleurid lice in South America parasitize multiple host species across a large geographic area, and that Peru represents a new geographic locality for almost all the louse species collected in the present study. Phylogenetic analyses of mitochondrial and nuclear data reveal that the louse family Hoplopleuridae and the genera Hoplopleura and Pterophthirus are not monophyletic, and lice do not appear to group by host tribe, collecting locality, or collection elevation. The lack of monophyly for these apparently natural groups (taxonomic, locality, and elevation) indicates that host switching with or without parasite speciation may be prevalent among hoplopleurid lice. © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2008, 95 , 598–610.  相似文献   
A GROUP B herpesvirus is important in the aetiology of Marek's disease, a highly contagious lymphoproliferative disease of chickens1,2. Chicks inoculated with enveloped Marek's disease herpesvirus (MDHV), extracted from feather follicle epithelium of chickens with the disease, developed tumour-like aggregates of lymphoid cells in the viscera and frequently in the peripheral nerves3,4. Cultures of chicken embryo fibroblast (CEF) cells infected with MDHV develop discrete foci of altered cells5. Our data show that MDHV infection of cultures of CEF cells, previously infected with an avian leucosis virus (RAV-2), results in both a reduction in the number of MDHV foci and an increase in the complement fixing avian leucosis antigen (COFAL)6 titre.  相似文献   

Background aims

Previous studies identified a circulating human osteoblastic population that expressed osteocalcin (OCN), increased following fracture and pubertal growth, and formed mineralized colonies in vitro and bone in vivo. A subpopulation expressed CD34, a hematopoietic/endothelial marker. These findings led to our hypothesis that hematopoietic-derived CD34+OCN+ cells exist in the circulation of mice and are modulated after fracture.


Flow cytometry was used to identify CD34+OCN+ cells in male B6.SJL-PtprcaPepcb/BoyJ and Vav-Cre/mTmG (VavR) mice. Non-stabilized tibial fractures were created by three-point bend. Fractures were longitudinally imaged by micro-computed tomography, and immunofluorescent staining was used to evaluate CD34+OCN+ cells within fracture callus. AMD3100 (10 mg/kg) was injected subcutaneously for 3 days and the CD34+OCN+ population was evaluated by flow cytometry.


Circulating CD34+OCN+ cells were identified in mice and confirmed to be of hematopoietic origin (CD45+; Vav1+) using two mouse models. Both circulating and bone marrow-derived CD34+OCN+ cells peaked three weeks post-non-stabilized tibial fracture, suggesting association with cartilage callus transition to bone and early mineralization. Co-expression of CD34 and OCN in the fracture callus at two weeks post-fracture was observed. By three weeks, there was 2.1-fold increase in number of CD34+OCN+ cells, and these were observed throughout the fracture callus. AMD3100 altered CD34+OCN+ cell levels in peripheral blood and bone marrow.


Together, these data demonstrate a murine CD34+OCN+ circulating population that may be directly involved in fracture repair. Future studies will molecularly characterize CD34+OCN+ cells, determine mechanisms regulating their contribution, and examine if their number correlates with improved fracture healing outcomes.  相似文献   
The reproductive phase in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) is affected by salinity, but little is known about the underlying cause. We investigated whether high concentrations of Na+ and Cl in the reproductive structures influence reproductive processes. Chickpea genotypes contrasting in tolerance were subjected to 0, 35 or 50 mm NaCl applied to soil in pots. Flower production and abortion, pod number, percentage of empty pods, seed number and size were evaluated. The concentrations of Na+, K+ and Cl were measured in various plant tissues and, using X‐ray microanalysis, in specific cells of developing reproductive structures. Genotypic variation in reproductive success measured as seed yield in saline conditions was associated with better maintenance of flower production and higher numbers of filled pods (and thus seed number), whereas seed size decreased in all genotypes. Despite the variation in reproductive success, the accumulation of Na+ and Cl in the early reproductive tissues of developing pods did not differ between a tolerant (Genesis836) and a sensitive (Rupali) genotype. Similarly, salinity tolerance was not associated with the accumulation of salt ions in leaves at the time of reproduction or in seeds at maturity.  相似文献   
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