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Jatropha curcas is a herbal preparation used in the tropics for the treatment of threatened abortion and related problems associated with pregnancy. The Stem bark of Jatropha curcas is used ethno medicinally in Nigeria especially in the eastern part of the country for the treatment of infertility and spontaneous abortion (miscarriage). The present study was undertaken in order to validate the folkloric claim, using scientific experimental procedures and bioassay guided fractionation. The crude powdered sample was subjected to phytochemical screening testing for the presence of alkaloids, tannins, saponins and carbohydrates. Chromatographic analysis (TLC and VLC) were carried out using various solvent systems. The effect of methanolic extracts on rat uterine contractions was studied in vitro, in 40ml organ baths containing physiological salt solution of De Jalon maintained at 370C, aerated with 95% O2 and 5% CO2 with an isometric transducer connected an UgoBasile recorder under a resting tension of 750mg. The result of the phytochemical screening revealed the presence of glycosides, tannins, saponins and alkaloids. The extract abolished significantly the spontaneous contraction of the uterus and reduced acetylcholine induced uterine contractions at a dose of 50mg/ml. The tocolytic effects indicate the presence of active principle(s) which would explain the ethno medicinal use of the stem bark of Jatropha curcas to treat spontaneous abortion.  相似文献   
Hu FL  B Liu  ZM Liu  YT Fang  CA Busso 《Phyton》2015,84(1):209-221
Grasslands are one of the most widespread landscapes worldwide, covering approximately one-fifth of the world’s land surface, where grazing is a common practice. How carbon storage responds to grazing in steppes remains poorly understood. We quantified the effects of grazing on community composition and species diversity, and carbon storage in two typical grasslands of northeastern China, one in Horqin and the other one in Hulunbeier. In both grasslands, grazing did not influence plant species diversity. However, it substantially decreased aboveground carbon by 31% and 54% in Horqin and Hulunbeier, respectively. Fenced and grazing treatments showed a similar belowground carbon at both locations. The predominant carbon pool in the study grassland ecosystem was found in the upper 100 cm soil depth, from 98.2 to 99.1% of the total carbon storage. There were no significant effects of grazing on soil carbon neither in the whole profile nor in the uppermost 20 cm soil depth in the two study grasslands. Studies on the effects of varying rangeland management, such as region disparity and grazing systems, may have important consequences on species diversity and carbon partitioning, and thus on rangeland stability and ecosystem functioning.  相似文献   
Magnetic separation technology, using magnetic particles, is quick and easy method for sensitive and reliable capture of specific proteins, genetic material and other biomolecules. The technique offers an advantage in terms of subjecting the analyte to very little mechanical stress compared to other methods. Secondly, these methods are non-laborious, cheap and often highly scalable. Moreover, techniques employing magnetism are more amenable to automation and miniaturization. Now that the human genome is sequenced and about 30,000 genes are annotated, the next step is to identify the function of these individual genes, carrying out genotyping studies for allelic variation and SNP analysis, ultimately leading to identification of novel drug targets. In this post-genomic era, technologies based on magnetic separation are becoming an integral part of todays biology laboratory. This article briefly reviews the selected applications of magnetic separation techniques in the field of biotechnology, biomedicine and drug discovery.  相似文献   
We monitored the productivity of the critically endangered Madagascar Fish Eagle Haliaeetus vociferoides inside and outside of the Tsimembo-Manambolomaty Protected Area (T-M PA), western Madagascar from 2010 to 2015. We recorded 14 breeding pairs inside and 13 outside T-M PA. The T-M PA and surrounding habitat hosted respectively 10 and six breeding polyandrous pairs, composed of one adult female and two adult males. During the six-year study period, 101 eggs were laid in nests in T-M PA of which 60 hatched and 58 young fledged. We recorded 62 eggs laid in nests outside the T-M PA of which 39 hatched and 36 young fledged. Productivity was similar at both sites, inside and outside T-M PA, with 0.84 (58/69) and 0.76 (36/47) fledgling per nesting attempt and 0.69 (58/84) and 0.5 (36/72) fledglings per territorial pair, respectively. Polyandrous pairs have higher productivity compared with normal pairs. Threats to Madagascar Fish Eagles and their habitat were low due to the existence of a community-based resource management system called the Local Management Secured System (GELOSE) inside and outside the T-M PA. This system is based on strengthening local traditional customs and rules, and involving local people in managing their natural resources sustainably along with biodiversity conservation.  相似文献   


RNA exhibits a variety of structural configurations. Here we consider a structure to be tantamount to the noncrossing Watson-Crick and G-U-base pairings (secondary structure) and additional cross-serial base pairs. These interactions are called pseudoknots and are observed across the whole spectrum of RNA functionalities. In the context of studying natural RNA structures, searching for new ribozymes and designing artificial RNA, it is of interest to find RNA sequences folding into a specific structure and to analyze their induced neutral networks. Since the established inverse folding algorithms, RNAinverse, RNA-SSD as well as INFO-RNA are limited to RNA secondary structures, we present in this paper the inverse folding algorithm Inv which can deal with 3-noncrossing, canonical pseudoknot structures.  相似文献   
ZM Wang  ML Messi    O Delbono 《Biophysical journal》1999,77(5):2709-2716
Intramembrane charge movement (Q), Ca(2+) conductance (G(m)) through the dihydropyridine-sensitive L-type Ca(2+) channel (DHPR) and intracellular Ca(2+) fluorescence (F) have been recorded simultaneously in flexor digitorum brevis muscle fibers of adult mice, using the whole-cell configuration of the patch-clamp technique. The voltage distribution of Q was fitted to a Boltzmann equation; the Q(max), V(1/2Q), and effective valence (z(Q)) values were 41 +/- 3.1 nC/&mgr;F, -17.6 +/- 0.7 mV, and 2.0 +/- 0.12, respectively. V(1/2G) and z(G) values were -0.3 +/- 0.06 mV and 5.6 +/- 0.34, respectively. Peak Ca(2+) transients did not change significantly after 30 min of recording. F was fit to a Boltzmann equation, and the values for V(F1/2) and z(F) were 6.2 +/- 0.04 mV and 2.4, respectively. F was adequately fit to the fourth power of Q. These results demonstrate that the patch-clamp technique is appropriate for recording Q, G(m), and intracellular [Ca(2+)] simultaneously in mature skeletal muscle fibers and that the voltage distribution of the changes in intracellular Ca(2+) can be predicted by a Hodgkin-Huxley model.  相似文献   
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