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We have previously shown that supernatant from Candida albicans (CA) culture contains a Secretory Interleukin (IL)-12 Inhibitory Factor (CA-SIIF), which inhibits IL-12 production by human monocytes. However, the effect of CA-SIIF on secretion of other cytokines by monocytes is unknown, and detailed characterization of this factor has not been performed.  相似文献   
The expected changes in the frequency of alleles affecting the sex ratio   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
An equation is derived giving the changes per generation in the frequency of alleles affecting the sex ratio. The alleles considered are assumed to be those of an autosomal locus and to act only in one sex. The results indicate that alleles determining the production of more males should always be more common in males than in females.  相似文献   
Fungal spore populations in the outdoor and indoor atmosphere of Ismailia have been studied during the period from March 1992 to May 1993. A total of 23 350 cfu and 73 species were recorded,Cladosporium cladosporioides, Aureobasidium pullulans andAspergillus flavus were the most abundant. The indoor and outdoor mycoflora showed marked quantitative and qualitative differences. In view of count, recorded species could be categorized into three groups as follows: (a) species showing higher counts in out- than indoor, (b) species showing the opposite trend i.e. lower counts in out-door than indoor, (c) species showing approximately equal counts in out- and indoor. Regarding seasonal periodicity, March and either September or October showed the highest count for both normal fungal flora (NFF) and opportunistic fungal flora (OFF). While January and July showed the lowest count of them both, May but not July was the lowest as for outdoor NFF.  相似文献   
Nocturnal flying insects were collected monthly for 13 months using ultra violet light-traps set at various vertical levels in a weakly-seasonal, tropical lowland dipterocarp forest in Sarawak, Malaysia. Abundance, faunal composition, size distribution and guild structure of these samples were analyzed with respect to temperal and vertical distributions. The nocturnal flying insect community in the canopy level was highly dominated by fig wasps (84%) in individual number, and by scarabaeid beetles (28%) in weight. A principal component analysis on monthly catches detected non-random, seasonal trends of insect abundance. The first two principal trends were an alternation of wetter (September to January) and less wet seasons (February to August) and an alternation between the least wet (January to March) and the other seasons. Many insect groups were less abundant in the least wet season than the other seasons, whilst inverse patterns were found in Scarabaeidae and Tenebrionidae. Significantly positive and negative correlations between monthly catch and rainfall were detected only in ovule-feeders and in phloem-feeders, respectively. Delayed, significant negative correlations between monthly catch and 1–3 month preceding rainfall were more frequently detected in phytophages, phloem-feeders, seed-feeders, wood-borers and scavengers. The peak in abundance along vertical levels were found at the canopy level (35 m) for phloem-, ovule-, seed-, root-, fungal-feeders and nectar collectors, at an upper subcanopy level (25 m) for scavengers and aquatic predators, and at a middle subcanopy level (17 m) for ants. Catches at the emergent level (45 m) did not exceed those at the canopy level.  相似文献   
An X-ray structural analysis of bis-2,2′,N,N′-bipyridyl ketone cobalt(III) nitrate dihydrate, CoC22H20N4O4+· NO3·2H2O,Mr=559.38 g/mol, P , a=8.862(2), b=16.195(3), c=8.772(2) Å, α=103.54(2), β=95.74(3), γ=105.07°, V=1164.4(4) Å3, Z=2, Dx=1.595 g/cm3, Mo Kα radiation (λ=0.71073 Å), μ=7.8 cm−1 and R=0.079, revealed a Co(III) cation in a slightly distorted octahedral environment. The structure reveals that the ligand di-2-pyridyl ketone (dpk) has undergone a hydration reaction across the ketone double bond and one of the hydrate oxygen atoms coordinated to the metal forming a tridentate chelate. This new Co(dpk-hydrate)2+ complex displays the least distorted geometry yet reported for either 1:1 or 1:2 (metal:ligand) complexes. A geometry optimization using the INDO model Hamiltonian as implemented in the program ZINDO was performed on the title complex with the Co3+ modeled as a singlet. The result of the computation corroborates the geometry of the title complex as that expected for Co3+.  相似文献   
An in vitro root explant tissue culture technique is described for determining susceptibility of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) breeding lines and cultivars to the root-knot nematode Meloidogyne incognita. Root explants were taken from 2-day-old seedlings cultured for 30 days at 28 C on Gamborg''s B-5 medium with or without nematode inoculum. The remaining portion of the root and stem from the excised root explants was transferred to soil in pots and grown to maturity in the greenhouse. In vitro root explants were evaluated for growth and occurrence of juveniles, adults, and egg masses. The regenerated plants were used to produce more seed, The proposed technique is simple, reliable, and adapted to routine screening of large numbers of F₁ and F₂ samples, and it utilizes less space than tests performed on intact plants in the greenhouse or growth chamber. Evidence is presented also on the breakdown of resistance to M. incognita under high temperature stress using this in vitro root explant technique.  相似文献   
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